Added the ability to include an optional HTTP Response Code in the redirect() function of the URL Helper.
diff --git a/user_guide/helpers/url_helper.html b/user_guide/helpers/url_helper.html
index 3efb7ed..7bda86d 100644
--- a/user_guide/helpers/url_helper.html
+++ b/user_guide/helpers/url_helper.html
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
<meta name='robots' content='all' />
<meta name='author' content='ExpressionEngine Dev Team' />
<meta name='description' content='CodeIgniter User Guide' />
@@ -231,16 +230,20 @@
to redirect to a local URL within your site. You will <strong>not</strong> specify the full site URL, but rather simply the URI segments
to the controller you want to direct to. The function will build the URL based on your config file values.</p>
-<p>The second parameter allows you to choose between the "location"
-method (default) or the "refresh" method. Location is faster, but on Windows servers it can sometimes be a problem. Example:</p>
+<p>The optional second parameter allows you to choose between the "location"
+method (default) or the "refresh" method. Location is faster, but on Windows servers it can sometimes be a problem. The optional third parameter allows you to send a specific HTTP Response Code - this could be used for example to create 301 redirects for search engine purposes. The default Response Code is 302. The third parameter is <em>only</em> available with 'location' redirects, and not 'refresh'. Examples:</p>
<code>if ($logged_in == FALSE)<br />
{<br />
redirect('/login/form/', 'refresh');<br />
+}<br />
+<br />
+// with 301 redirect<br />
+redirect('/article/13', 'location', 301);</code>
<p class="important"><strong>Note:</strong> In order for this function to work it must be used before anything is outputted
-to the browser since it utilizes server headers.</p>
+to the browser since it utilizes server headers.<br />
+<strong>Note:</strong> For very fine grained control over headers, you should use the <a href="../libraries/output.html">Output Library</a>'s set_header() function.</p>