modified credits page to "ExpressionEngine Development Team".
diff --git a/user_guide/general/credits.html b/user_guide/general/credits.html
index f383061..ab560f6 100644
--- a/user_guide/general/credits.html
+++ b/user_guide/general/credits.html
@@ -57,20 +57,16 @@



-<p>CodeIgniter was developed by <a href="">Rick Ellis</a>, who in his other life is CEO of

-<a href="">Ellislab, Inc.</a>  The core framework was written

-specifically for this application, while many of the class libraries, helpers, and sub-systems borrow from the code-base of

-<a href="">ExpressionEngine</a>, a Content Management System written by Rick Ellis and

-<a href="">Paul Burdick</a>.</p>

+<p>CodeIgniter was originally developed by <a href="">Rick Ellis</a> (CEO of

+<a href="">Ellislab, Inc.</a>).  The framework was written for performance in the real 

+Åworld, with many of the class libraries, helpers, and sub-systems borrow from the code-base of 

+<a href="">ExpressionEngine</a>.</p>


+<p>It is currently developed and maintained by the ExpressionEngine Development Team.</p>


 <p>A hat tip goes to Ruby on Rails for inspiring us to create a PHP framework, and for

 bringing frameworks into the general consciousness of the web community.</p>


-<p>The CodeIgniter logo and icons were created by Rick Ellis.</p>


-<p>The pull-down table of contents was created with the use of the <a href="">moo.fx library</a>.</p>




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