Merge upstream branch
diff --git a/system/database/drivers/oci8/oci8_driver.php b/system/database/drivers/oci8/oci8_driver.php
index d9acaae..6da6dc7 100644
--- a/system/database/drivers/oci8/oci8_driver.php
+++ b/system/database/drivers/oci8/oci8_driver.php
@@ -529,13 +529,11 @@
 	 * The error message string
-	 * @access  protected
-	 * @return  string
+	 * @return	string
 	protected function _error_message()
-		// If the error was during connection, no conn_id should be passed
-		$error = is_resource($this->conn_id) ? oci_error($this->conn_id) : oci_error();
+		$error = $this->_oci8_error_data();
 		return $error['message'];
@@ -544,19 +542,43 @@
 	 * The error message number
-	 * @access  protected
-	 * @return  integer
+	 * @return	string
 	protected function _error_number()
-		// Same as _error_message()
-		$error = is_resource($this->conn_id) ? oci_error($this->conn_id) : oci_error();
+		$error = $this->_oci8_error_data();
 		return $error['code'];
 	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+	 * OCI8-specific method to get errors.
+	 * Used by _error_message() and _error_code().
+	 *
+	 * @return	array
+	 */
+	protected function _oci8_error_data()
+	{
+		if (is_resource($this->curs_id))
+		{
+			return oci_error($this->curs_id);
+		}
+		elseif (is_resource($this->stmt_id))
+		{
+			return oci_error($this->stmt_id);
+		}
+		elseif (is_resource($this->conn_id))
+		{
+			return oci_error($this->conn_id);
+		}
+		return oci_error();
+	}
+	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+	/**
 	 * Escape the SQL Identifiers
 	 * This function escapes column and table names
diff --git a/system/helpers/text_helper.php b/system/helpers/text_helper.php
index 842a31d..6e9ea57 100644
--- a/system/helpers/text_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/text_helper.php
@@ -300,9 +300,9 @@
 		// Replace any existing PHP tags to temporary markers so they don't accidentally
 		// break the string out of PHP, and thus, thwart the highlighting.
 		$str = str_replace(array('<?', '?>', '<%', '%>', '\\', '</script>'),
-							array('phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'asptagopen', 'asptagclose', 'backslashtmp', 'scriptclose'), $str);
+					array('phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'asptagopen', 'asptagclose', 'backslashtmp', 'scriptclose'),
+					$str);
 		// The highlight_string function requires that the text be surrounded
 		// by PHP tags, which we will remove later
@@ -311,25 +311,15 @@
 		// All the magic happens here, baby!
 		$str = highlight_string($str, TRUE);
-		// Prior to PHP 5, the highligh function used icky <font> tags
-		// so we'll replace them with <span> tags.
-		if (abs(PHP_VERSION) < 5)
-		{
-			$str = str_replace(array('<font ', '</font>'), array('<span ', '</span>'), $str);
-			$str = preg_replace('#color="(.*?)"#', 'style="color: \\1"', $str);
-		}
 		// Remove our artificially added PHP, and the syntax highlighting that came with it
 		$str = preg_replace('/<span style="color: #([A-Z0-9]+)">&lt;\?php(&nbsp;| )/i', '<span style="color: #$1">', $str);
 		$str = preg_replace('/(<span style="color: #[A-Z0-9]+">.*?)\?&gt;<\/span>\n<\/span>\n<\/code>/is', "$1</span>\n</span>\n</code>", $str);
 		$str = preg_replace('/<span style="color: #[A-Z0-9]+"\><\/span>/i', '', $str);
 		// Replace our markers back to PHP tags.
-		$str = str_replace(array('phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'asptagopen', 'asptagclose', 'backslashtmp', 'scriptclose'),
-							array('&lt;?', '?&gt;', '&lt;%', '%&gt;', '\\', '&lt;/script&gt;'), $str);
-		return $str;
+		return str_replace(array('phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'asptagopen', 'asptagclose', 'backslashtmp', 'scriptclose'),
+					array('&lt;?', '?&gt;', '&lt;%', '%&gt;', '\\', '&lt;/script&gt;'),
+					$str);
@@ -544,4 +534,4 @@
 /* End of file text_helper.php */
-/* Location: ./system/helpers/text_helper.php */
\ No newline at end of file
+/* Location: ./system/helpers/text_helper.php */
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst b/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
index ab8b812..e4abe37 100644
--- a/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
@@ -92,8 +92,7 @@
 -  Unlink raised an error if cache file did not exist when you try to delete it.
--  Fixed a bug (#181) where a mis-spelling was in the form validation
-   language file.
+-  Fixed a bug (#181) where a mis-spelling was in the form validation language file.
 -  Fixed a bug (#159, #163) that mishandled Active Record nested transactions because _trans_depth was not getting incremented.
 -  Fixed a bug (#737, #75) where pagination anchor class was not set properly when using initialize method.
 -  Fixed a bug (#419) - auto_link() now recognizes URLs that come after a word boundary.
@@ -127,6 +126,7 @@
 -  Fixed a bug in PDO's insert_id() method where it could've failed if it's used with Postgre versions prior to 8.1.
 -  Fixed a bug in CUBRID's affected_rows() method where a connection resource was passed to cubrid_affected_rows() instead of a result.
 -  Fixed a bug (#638) - db_set_charset() ignored its arguments and always used the configured charset and collation instead.
+-  Fixed a bug (#413) - Oracle's _error_message() and _error_number() methods used to only return connection-related errors.
 -  Fixed a bug (#11, #183, #863) - CI_Form_validation::_execute() silently continued to the next rule, if a rule method/function is not found.
 Version 2.1.1