Added "Using Associative Arrays In a Request Parameter" example to the XMLRPC userguide page.
diff --git a/user_guide/libraries/xmlrpc.html b/user_guide/libraries/xmlrpc.html
index e426f70..e3d5190 100644
--- a/user_guide/libraries/xmlrpc.html
+++ b/user_guide/libraries/xmlrpc.html
@@ -398,9 +398,36 @@
 <p>The client you created sends a message ("How's is going?") to the server, along with a request for the "Greetings" method.

 The Server receives the request and maps it to the "process" function, where a response is sent back.</p>


+<h2>Using Associative Arrays In a Request Parameter</h2>


+<p>If you wish to use an associative array in your method parameters you will need to use a struct datatype:</p>



+<code>$request = array(<br />

+	                 array(<br />

+	                       // Param 0<br />

+	                       array(<br />

+	                             'name'=&gt;'John'<br />

+	                            	),<br />

+	                             'struct'<br />

+	                       ),<br />

+	                       array(<br />

+	                             // Param 1<br />

+	                             array(<br />

+	                                  	'size'=&gt;'large',<br />

+	                                   'shape'=&gt;'round'<br />

+	                                  	),<br />

+	                             'struct'<br />

+	                       )<br />

+	                 );<br />

+	$this-&gt;xmlrpc-&gt;request($request);</code>


+<p>You can retrieve the associative array when processing the request in the Server.</p>


+<code>$parameters = $request-&gt;output_parameters();<br />

+	$name = $parameters['0']['name'];<br />

+	$size = $parameters['1']['size'];<br />

+	$size = $parameters['1']['shape']; </code>


 <h1>XML-RPC Function Reference</h1>

