fixed a bug where a PHP error would result when passing objects as values to the Session class
diff --git a/user_guide/changelog.html b/user_guide/changelog.html
index 3006de7..dff273d 100644
--- a/user_guide/changelog.html
+++ b/user_guide/changelog.html
@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@
 	<li>Fixed a bug (#10470) where <kdb>get_mime_by_extension()</kbd> was case sensitive.</li>
 	<li>Fixed a bug where some error messages for the SQLite and Oracle drivers would not display.</li>
 	<li>Fixed a bug where files created with the Zip Library would result in file creation dates of 1980.</li>
+	<li>Fixed a bug in the Session library that would result in PHP error when attempting to store values with objects.</li>
 	<li>Fixed a bug where extending the Controller class would result in a fatal PHP error.</li>