Merge pull request #2609 from vlakoff/develop-2

Fix $replace parameter handling in get_config()
diff --git a/system/core/CodeIgniter.php b/system/core/CodeIgniter.php
index a026920..c962fda 100644
--- a/system/core/CodeIgniter.php
+++ b/system/core/CodeIgniter.php
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
  * The subclass prefix allows CI to know if a core class is
  * being extended via a library in the local application
  * "libraries" folder. Since CI allows config items to be
- * overriden via data set in the main index. php file,
+ * overriden via data set in the main index.php file,
  * before proceeding we need to know if a subclass_prefix
  * override exists. If so, we will set this value now,
  * before any classes are loaded
diff --git a/system/core/Common.php b/system/core/Common.php
index 21e1df9..cf9cd84 100644
--- a/system/core/Common.php
+++ b/system/core/Common.php
@@ -224,56 +224,51 @@
 	 * @param	array
 	 * @return	array
-	function &get_config($replace = array())
+	function &get_config(array $replace = array())
 		static $_config;
-		if (isset($_config))
+		if (empty($_config))
-			return $_config[0];
-		}
-		$file_path = APPPATH.'config/config.php';
-		$found = FALSE;
-		if (file_exists($file_path))
-		{
-			$found = TRUE;
-			require($file_path);
-		}
-		// Is the config file in the environment folder?
-		if (file_exists($file_path = APPPATH.'config/'.ENVIRONMENT.'/config.php'))
-		{
-			require($file_path);
-		}
-		elseif ( ! $found)
-		{
-			set_status_header(503);
-			echo 'The configuration file does not exist.';
-			exit(EXIT_CONFIG);
-		}
-		// Does the $config array exist in the file?
-		if ( ! isset($config) OR ! is_array($config))
-		{
-			set_status_header(503);
-			echo 'Your config file does not appear to be formatted correctly.';
-			exit(EXIT_CONFIG);
-		}
-		// Are any values being dynamically replaced?
-		if (count($replace) > 0)
-		{
-			foreach ($replace as $key => $val)
+			$file_path = APPPATH.'config/config.php';
+			$found = FALSE;
+			if (file_exists($file_path))
-				if (isset($config[$key]))
-				{
-					$config[$key] = $val;
-				}
+				$found = TRUE;
+				require($file_path);
+			// Is the config file in the environment folder?
+			if (file_exists($file_path = APPPATH.'config/'.ENVIRONMENT.'/config.php'))
+			{
+				require($file_path);
+			}
+			elseif ( ! $found)
+			{
+				set_status_header(503);
+				echo 'The configuration file does not exist.';
+				exit(EXIT_CONFIG);
+			}
+			// Does the $config array exist in the file?
+			if ( ! isset($config) OR ! is_array($config))
+			{
+				set_status_header(503);
+				echo 'Your config file does not appear to be formatted correctly.';
+				exit(EXIT_CONFIG);
+			}
+			// references cannot be directly assigned to static variables, so we use an array
+			$_config[0] =& $config;
-		return $_config[0] =& $config;
+		// Are any values being dynamically added or replaced?
+		foreach ($replace as $key => $val)
+		{
+			$_config[0][$key] = $val;
+		}
+		return $_config[0];
@@ -441,7 +436,7 @@
 		static $_log;
-		if ($_log === NULL)
+		if (empty($_log))
 			// references cannot be directly assigned to static variables, so we use an array
 			$_log[0] =& load_class('Log', 'core');