Added class reference to the session docs

Signed-off-by: Michael <>
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/libraries/sessions.rst b/user_guide_src/source/libraries/sessions.rst
index 51bcc80..3dc067a 100644
--- a/user_guide_src/source/libraries/sessions.rst
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/libraries/sessions.rst
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@
 A *session*, as far as CodeIgniter is concerned, is simply an array
 containing the following information:
-*  The user's unique Session ID (this is a statistically random string
+-  The user's unique Session ID (this is a statistically random string
    with very strong entropy, hashed with MD5 for portability, and
    regenerated (by default) every five minutes)
-*  The user's IP Address
-*  The user's User Agent data (the first 120 characters of the browser
+-  The user's IP Address
+-  The user's User Agent data (the first 120 characters of the browser
    data string)
-*  The "last activity" time stamp.
+-  The "last activity" time stamp.
 The above data is stored in a cookie as a serialized array with this
@@ -486,3 +486,188 @@
 your config.php file to an array including your driver name::
 	$config['sess_valid_drivers'] = array('sess_driver');
+Class Reference
+.. class:: CI_Session
+	.. method:: set_userdata($newdata = array(), $newval)
+		:param mixed $newdata: Item name or array of items
+		:param mixed $newval: Item value or empty string (not required if $newdata is array)
+		:returns: void
+		Sets items into session example usages::
+			$this->session->set_userdata('user', '');
+			// adds item user with value to the session
+			$this->session->set_userdata(array('user'=>''));
+			// does the same as the above example - adds item user with value to the session
+	.. method:: userdata($item)
+		:param string $item: name of session item
+		:returns: string
+		Returns a string containing the value of the passed item or NULL if the item is not found. Example::
+			$this->session->userdata('user');
+			//returns considering the set_userdata example.
+	.. method:: unset_userdata($item)
+		:param mixed $item: name of item or array of items
+		:returns: void
+		Unsets previously setted items from the session. Example::
+			$this->session->unset_userdata('user');
+			//unsets 'user' from session data.
+			$this->session->unset_userdata(array('user', 'useremail'));
+			//unsets both 'user' nad 'useremail' from the session data.
+	.. method:: has_userdata($item)
+		:param string $item: name of item
+		:returns: bool
+		Checks if an item exists in the session.
+	.. method:: all_userdata()
+		:returns: array
+		Retruns array of userdata session items
+.. note:: the flashdata items are available only one server request
+	.. method:: set_flashdata($newdata = array(), $newval)
+		:param mixed $newdata: Item name or array of items
+		:param mixed $newval: Item value or empty string (not required if $newdata is array)
+		:returns: void
+		Sets items into session flashdata example usages::
+			$this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'Test message.');
+			// adds item 'message' with value 'Test message.' to the session flashdata
+			$this->session->set_flashdata(array('message'=>'Test message.'));
+			// does the same as the above example - adds item 'message' with value 'Test message.'
+			 to the session flashdata
+	.. method:: flashdata($item)
+		:param string $item: name of session item
+		:returns: string
+		Returns a string containing the value of the passed item or NULL if the item is not found. Example::
+			$this->session->flashdata('message');
+			//returns 'Test message.' considering the set_flashdata example.
+	.. method:: has_flashdata($item)
+		:param string $item: name of item
+		:returns: bool
+		Checks if an item exists in the session flashdata.
+	.. method:: all_flashdata()
+		:returns: array
+		Retruns array of flashdata session items
+	.. method:: keep_flashdata($item)
+		:param mixed $item: name of item or array of flashdata items
+		:returns: void
+		Keeps items into flashdata for one more request
+	.. method:: set_tempdata($newdata = array(), $newval, $expires)
+		:param mixed $newdata: Item name or array of items
+		:param string $newval: Item value or empty string (not required if $newdata is array)
+		:param int $expires: lifetime in seconds (0 for default)
+		:returns: void
+		Sets items into session tempdata example::
+			$this->session->set_tempdata('message', 'Test message.', '60');
+			// adds item 'message' with value 'Test message.' to the session tempdata for 60 seconds
+			$this->session->set_tempdata(array('message'=>'Test message.'));
+			// does the same as the above example - adds item 'message' with value 'Test message.' 
+			to the session tempdata for the default value of
+	.. method:: tempdata($item)
+		:param string $item: name of tempdata item
+		:returns: string
+		Returns a string containing the value of the passed item or NULL if the item is not found. Example::
+			$this->session->tempdata('message');
+			//returns 'Test message.' considering the set_tempdata example.
+	.. method:: unset_tempdata($item)
+		:param mixed $item: name of item or array of items
+		:returns: void
+		Unsets previously setted items from the tempdata. Example::
+			$this->session->unset_tempdata('user');
+			//unsets 'user' from tempdata.
+			$this->session->unset_tempdata(array('user', 'useremail'));
+			//unsets both 'user' nad 'useremail' from the tempdata.
+	.. method:: sess_destroy()
+		Destroys current session
+		.. note:: This function should be the last one called, and even flash variables will no longer be available.
+		 If you only want some items destroyed and not all, use ``unset_userdata()``.
+	.. method:: sess_regenerate($destroy)
+		:param bool $destroy: Destroy session data flag (default: false)
+		:returns: void
+		Regenerate the current session data
+	.. method:: load_driver($driver)
+		:param string $driver: Driver name
+		:returns: object Loaded driver object
+		Loads a session storage driver
+	.. method:: select_driver($driver)
+		:param string $driver: Driver name
+		:returns: void
+		Selects default session storage driver.