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diff --git a/user_guide/general/plugins.html b/user_guide/general/plugins.html
index 8471840..d902ad0 100644
--- a/user_guide/general/plugins.html
+++ b/user_guide/general/plugins.html
@@ -1,127 +1,127 @@
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-<p>Plugins work almost identically to <a href="helpers.html">Helpers</a>.  The main difference is that a plugin usually

-provides a single function, whereas a Helper is usually a collection of functions.  Helpers are also considered a part of

-the core system; plugins are intended to be created and shared by our community.</p>


-<p>Plugins should be saved to your <dfn>system/plugins</dfn> directory or you can create a folder called <kbd>plugins</kbd> inside

-your <kbd>application</kbd> folder and store them there.  CodeIgniter will look first in your <dfn>system/application/plugins</dfn>

-directory.  If the directory does not exist or the specified plugin is not located there CI will instead look in your global

-<dfn>system/plugins</dfn> folder.</p>



-<h2>Loading a Plugin</h2>


-<p>Loading a plugin file is quite simple using the following function:</p>




-<p>Where <var>name</var> is the file name of the plugin, without the .php file extension or the "plugin" part.</p>


-<p>For example, to load the <dfn>Captcha</dfn> plugin, which is named <var>captcha_pi.php</var>, you will do this:</p>






-<p>A plugin can be loaded anywhere within your <a href="../general/controllers.html">controller</a> functions (or even within your <a href="../general/views.html">View files</a>, although that's not a good practice),

-as long as you load it before you use it.  You can load your plugins in your controller constructor so that they become available

-automatically in any function, or you can load a plugin in a specific function that needs it.</p>


-<p class="important">Note: The Plugin loading function above does not return a value, so don't try to assign it to a variable.  Just use it as shown.</p>



-<h2>Loading Multiple Plugins</h2>


-<p>If you need to load more than one plugin you can specify them in an array, like this:</p>


-<code>$this->load->plugin( <samp>array(</samp>'<var>plugin1</var>', '<var>plugin2</var>', '<var>plugin3</var>'<samp>)</samp> );</code>


-<h2>Auto-loading Plugins</h2>


-<p>If you find that you need a particular plugin globally throughout your application, you can tell CodeIgniter to auto-load it

-during system initialization. This is done by opening the <var>application/config/autoload.php</var> file and adding the plugin to the autoload array.</p>



-<h2>Using a Plugin</h2>


-<p>Once you've loaded the Plugin, you'll call it the way you would a standard PHP function.</p>






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-<p><a href="">CodeIgniter</a> &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; Copyright &#169; 2006-2008 &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; <a href="">Ellislab, Inc.</a></p>




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+<p>Plugins work almost identically to <a href="helpers.html">Helpers</a>.  The main difference is that a plugin usually
+provides a single function, whereas a Helper is usually a collection of functions.  Helpers are also considered a part of
+the core system; plugins are intended to be created and shared by our community.</p>
+<p>Plugins should be saved to your <dfn>system/plugins</dfn> directory or you can create a folder called <kbd>plugins</kbd> inside
+your <kbd>application</kbd> folder and store them there.  CodeIgniter will look first in your <dfn>system/application/plugins</dfn>
+directory.  If the directory does not exist or the specified plugin is not located there CI will instead look in your global
+<dfn>system/plugins</dfn> folder.</p>
+<h2>Loading a Plugin</h2>
+<p>Loading a plugin file is quite simple using the following function:</p>
+<p>Where <var>name</var> is the file name of the plugin, without the .php file extension or the "plugin" part.</p>
+<p>For example, to load the <dfn>Captcha</dfn> plugin, which is named <var>captcha_pi.php</var>, you will do this:</p>
+<p>A plugin can be loaded anywhere within your <a href="../general/controllers.html">controller</a> functions (or even within your <a href="../general/views.html">View files</a>, although that's not a good practice),
+as long as you load it before you use it.  You can load your plugins in your controller constructor so that they become available
+automatically in any function, or you can load a plugin in a specific function that needs it.</p>
+<p class="important">Note: The Plugin loading function above does not return a value, so don't try to assign it to a variable.  Just use it as shown.</p>
+<h2>Loading Multiple Plugins</h2>
+<p>If you need to load more than one plugin you can specify them in an array, like this:</p>
+<code>$this->load->plugin( <samp>array(</samp>'<var>plugin1</var>', '<var>plugin2</var>', '<var>plugin3</var>'<samp>)</samp> );</code>
+<h2>Auto-loading Plugins</h2>
+<p>If you find that you need a particular plugin globally throughout your application, you can tell CodeIgniter to auto-load it
+during system initialization. This is done by opening the <var>application/config/autoload.php</var> file and adding the plugin to the autoload array.</p>
+<h2>Using a Plugin</h2>
+<p>Once you've loaded the Plugin, you'll call it the way you would a standard PHP function.</p>
+<!-- END CONTENT -->
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+<p><a href="">CodeIgniter</a> &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; Copyright &#169; 2006-2008 &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; <a href="">Ellislab, Inc.</a></p>
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