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index c789c85..ebd5b49 100644
--- a/user_guide/libraries/zip.html
+++ b/user_guide/libraries/zip.html
@@ -1,278 +1,278 @@
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-<h1>Zip Encoding Class</h1>

-<p>CodeIgniter's Zip Encoding Class classes permit you to create Zip archives. Archives can be downloaded to your

-desktop or saved to a directory.</p>



-<h2>Initializing the Class</h2>

-<p>Like most other classes in CodeIgniter, the Zip class is initialized in your controller using the <dfn>$this->load->library</dfn> function:</p>



-<p>Once loaded, the Zip library object will be available using: <dfn>$this->zip</dfn></p>



-<h2>Usage Example</h2>


-<p>This example demonstrates how to compress a file, save it to a folder on your server, and download it to your desktop.</p>



-$name = 'mydata1.txt';<br />

-$data = 'A Data String!';<br />

-<br />

-$this->zip->add_data($name, $data);<br />

-<br />

-// Write the zip file to a folder on your server. Name it ""<br />


-<br /><br />

- // Download the file to your desktop.  Name it ""<br />




-<h1>Function Reference</h1>




-<p>Permits you to add data to the Zip archive. The first parameter must contain the name you would like

-given to the file, the second parameter must contain the file data as a string:</p>



-$name = 'my_bio.txt';<br />

-$data = 'I was born in an elevator...';<br />

-<br />

-$this->zip->add_data($name, $data);



-<p>You are allowed multiple calls to this function in order to

-add several files to your archive.  Example:</p>



-$name = 'mydata1.txt';<br />

-$data = 'A Data String!';<br />

-$this->zip->add_data($name, $data);<br />

-<br />

-$name = 'mydata2.txt';<br />

-$data = 'Another Data String!';<br />

-$this->zip->add_data($name, $data);<br />



-<p>Or you can pass multiple files using an array:</p>



-$data = array(<br />

-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'mydata1.txt' => 'A Data String!',<br />

-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'mydata2.txt' => 'Another Data String!'<br />

-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;);<br />

-<br />

-$this->zip->add_data($data);<br />

-<br />




-<p>If you would like your compressed data organized into sub-folders, include the path as part of the filename:</p>



-$name = '<kbd>personal/</kbd>my_bio.txt';<br />

-$data = 'I was born in an elevator...';<br />

-<br />

-$this->zip->add_data($name, $data);



-<p>The above example will place <dfn>my_bio.txt</dfn> inside a folder called <kbd>personal</kbd>.</p>





-<p>Permits you to add a directory.  Usually this function is unnecessary since you can place your data into folders when

-using <dfn>$this->zip->add_data()</dfn>, but if you would like to create an empty folder you can do so.  Example:</p>


-<code>$this->zip->add_dir('myfolder'); // Creates a folder called "myfolder"</code>






-<p>Permits you to compress a file that already exists somewhere on your server.  Supply a file path and the zip class will

-read it and add it to the archive:</p>



-$path = '/path/to/photo.jpg';<br /><br />


-<br /><br />

- // Download the file to your desktop.  Name it ""<br />




-<p>If you would like the Zip archive to maintain the directory structure of the file in it, pass <kbd>TRUE</kbd> (boolean) in the

-second parameter.  Example:</p>




-$path = '/path/to/photo.jpg';<br /><br />

-$this->zip->read_file($path, <kbd>TRUE</kbd>);

-<br /><br />

- // Download the file to your desktop.  Name it ""<br />




-<p>In the above example, <dfn>photo.jpg</dfn> will be placed inside two folders:  <kbd>path/to/</kbd></p>






-<p>Permits you to compress a folder (and its contents) that already exists somewhere on your server.  Supply a file path to the 

-directory and the zip class will recursively read it and recreate it as a Zip archive.  All files contained within the

-supplied path will be encoded, as will any sub-folders contained within it.  Example:</p>



-$path = '/path/to/your/directory/';<br /><br />


-<br /><br />

- // Download the file to your desktop.  Name it ""<br />









-<p>Writes the Zip-encoded file to a directory on your server.  Submit a valid server path ending in the file name.  Make sure the

-directory is writable (666 or 777 is usually OK). Example:</p>


-<code>$this->zip->archive('/path/to/folder/'); // Creates a file named</code>





-<p>Causes the Zip file to be downloaded from your server. The function must be passed the name you would like the zip file called.



-<code>$this->zip->download(''); // File will be named ""</code>


-<p class="important"><strong>Note:</strong>&nbsp; Do not display any data in the controller in which you call this function since it sends various server headers

-that cause the download to happen and the file to be treated as binary.</p>





-<p>Returns the Zip-compressed file data.  Generally you will not need this function unless you want to do something unique with the data.




-$name = 'my_bio.txt';<br />

-$data = 'I was born in an elevator...';<br />

-<br />

-$this->zip->add_data($name, $data);<br /><br />


-$zip_file = $this->zip->get_zip();






-<p>The Zip class caches your zip data so that it doesn't need to recompile the Zip archive for each function you use above.

-If, however, you need to create multiple Zips, each with different data, you can clear the cache between calls. Example:</p>



-$name = 'my_bio.txt';<br />

-$data = 'I was born in an elevator...';<br />

-<br />

-$this->zip->add_data($name, $data);<br />

-$zip_file = $this->zip->get_zip();<br />

-<br />


-<br /><br />


-$name = 'photo.jpg';<br />

-$this->zip->read_file("/path/to/photo.jpg"); // Read the file's contents<br />

-<br /><br />

















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+<h1>Zip Encoding Class</h1>
+<p>CodeIgniter's Zip Encoding Class classes permit you to create Zip archives. Archives can be downloaded to your
+desktop or saved to a directory.</p>
+<h2>Initializing the Class</h2>
+<p>Like most other classes in CodeIgniter, the Zip class is initialized in your controller using the <dfn>$this->load->library</dfn> function:</p>
+<p>Once loaded, the Zip library object will be available using: <dfn>$this->zip</dfn></p>
+<h2>Usage Example</h2>
+<p>This example demonstrates how to compress a file, save it to a folder on your server, and download it to your desktop.</p>
+$name = 'mydata1.txt';<br />
+$data = 'A Data String!';<br />
+<br />
+$this->zip->add_data($name, $data);<br />
+<br />
+// Write the zip file to a folder on your server. Name it ""<br />
+<br /><br />
+ // Download the file to your desktop.  Name it ""<br />
+<h1>Function Reference</h1>
+<p>Permits you to add data to the Zip archive. The first parameter must contain the name you would like
+given to the file, the second parameter must contain the file data as a string:</p>
+$name = 'my_bio.txt';<br />
+$data = 'I was born in an elevator...';<br />
+<br />
+$this->zip->add_data($name, $data);
+<p>You are allowed multiple calls to this function in order to
+add several files to your archive.  Example:</p>
+$name = 'mydata1.txt';<br />
+$data = 'A Data String!';<br />
+$this->zip->add_data($name, $data);<br />
+<br />
+$name = 'mydata2.txt';<br />
+$data = 'Another Data String!';<br />
+$this->zip->add_data($name, $data);<br />
+<p>Or you can pass multiple files using an array:</p>
+$data = array(<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'mydata1.txt' => 'A Data String!',<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'mydata2.txt' => 'Another Data String!'<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;);<br />
+<br />
+$this->zip->add_data($data);<br />
+<br />
+<p>If you would like your compressed data organized into sub-folders, include the path as part of the filename:</p>
+$name = '<kbd>personal/</kbd>my_bio.txt';<br />
+$data = 'I was born in an elevator...';<br />
+<br />
+$this->zip->add_data($name, $data);
+<p>The above example will place <dfn>my_bio.txt</dfn> inside a folder called <kbd>personal</kbd>.</p>
+<p>Permits you to add a directory.  Usually this function is unnecessary since you can place your data into folders when
+using <dfn>$this->zip->add_data()</dfn>, but if you would like to create an empty folder you can do so.  Example:</p>
+<code>$this->zip->add_dir('myfolder'); // Creates a folder called "myfolder"</code>
+<p>Permits you to compress a file that already exists somewhere on your server.  Supply a file path and the zip class will
+read it and add it to the archive:</p>
+$path = '/path/to/photo.jpg';<br /><br />
+<br /><br />
+ // Download the file to your desktop.  Name it ""<br />
+<p>If you would like the Zip archive to maintain the directory structure of the file in it, pass <kbd>TRUE</kbd> (boolean) in the
+second parameter.  Example:</p>
+$path = '/path/to/photo.jpg';<br /><br />
+$this->zip->read_file($path, <kbd>TRUE</kbd>);
+<br /><br />
+ // Download the file to your desktop.  Name it ""<br />
+<p>In the above example, <dfn>photo.jpg</dfn> will be placed inside two folders:  <kbd>path/to/</kbd></p>
+<p>Permits you to compress a folder (and its contents) that already exists somewhere on your server.  Supply a file path to the 
+directory and the zip class will recursively read it and recreate it as a Zip archive.  All files contained within the
+supplied path will be encoded, as will any sub-folders contained within it.  Example:</p>
+$path = '/path/to/your/directory/';<br /><br />
+<br /><br />
+ // Download the file to your desktop.  Name it ""<br />
+<p>Writes the Zip-encoded file to a directory on your server.  Submit a valid server path ending in the file name.  Make sure the
+directory is writable (666 or 777 is usually OK). Example:</p>
+<code>$this->zip->archive('/path/to/folder/'); // Creates a file named</code>
+<p>Causes the Zip file to be downloaded from your server. The function must be passed the name you would like the zip file called.
+<code>$this->zip->download(''); // File will be named ""</code>
+<p class="important"><strong>Note:</strong>&nbsp; Do not display any data in the controller in which you call this function since it sends various server headers
+that cause the download to happen and the file to be treated as binary.</p>
+<p>Returns the Zip-compressed file data.  Generally you will not need this function unless you want to do something unique with the data.
+$name = 'my_bio.txt';<br />
+$data = 'I was born in an elevator...';<br />
+<br />
+$this->zip->add_data($name, $data);<br /><br />
+$zip_file = $this->zip->get_zip();
+<p>The Zip class caches your zip data so that it doesn't need to recompile the Zip archive for each function you use above.
+If, however, you need to create multiple Zips, each with different data, you can clear the cache between calls. Example:</p>
+$name = 'my_bio.txt';<br />
+$data = 'I was born in an elevator...';<br />
+<br />
+$this->zip->add_data($name, $data);<br />
+$zip_file = $this->zip->get_zip();<br />
+<br />
+<br /><br />
+$name = 'photo.jpg';<br />
+$this->zip->read_file("/path/to/photo.jpg"); // Read the file's contents<br />
+<br /><br />
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