added ability to "extend" helpers
* modified Loader to check for prefixed helpers in application/helpers folder
* surrounded provided helper functions with if (! function_exists('foo')) conditionals so the user's helper functions take precedent.
diff --git a/system/helpers/array_helper.php b/system/helpers/array_helper.php
index 85d0379..236e390 100644
--- a/system/helpers/array_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/array_helper.php
@@ -39,14 +39,17 @@
  * @param	mixed

  * @return	mixed	depends on what the array contains


-function element($item, $array, $default = FALSE)

+if (! function_exists('element'))


-	if ( ! isset($array[$item]) OR $array[$item] == "")

+	function element($item, $array, $default = FALSE)


-		return $default;

-	}

+		if ( ! isset($array[$item]) OR $array[$item] == "")

+		{

+			return $default;

+		}


-	return $array[$item];

+		return $array[$item];

+	}	



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -58,14 +61,16 @@
  * @param	array

  * @return	mixed	depends on what the array contains


-function random_element($array)

+if (! function_exists('random_element'))


-	if ( ! is_array($array))

+	function random_element($array)


-		return $array;

-	}

-	return $array[array_rand($array)];

+		if ( ! is_array($array))

+		{

+			return $array;

+		}

+		return $array[array_rand($array)];

+	}	




\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/helpers/cookie_helper.php b/system/helpers/cookie_helper.php
index 2a4a963..102057f 100644
--- a/system/helpers/cookie_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/cookie_helper.php
@@ -42,52 +42,55 @@
  * @param	string	the cookie prefix

  * @return	void


-function set_cookie($name = '', $value = '', $expire = '', $domain = '', $path = '/', $prefix = '')

+if (! function_exists('set_cookie'))


-	if (is_array($name))

-	{		

-		foreach (array('value', 'expire', 'domain', 'path', 'prefix', 'name') as $item)

-		{

-			if (isset($name[$item]))

+	function set_cookie($name = '', $value = '', $expire = '', $domain = '', $path = '/', $prefix = '')

+	{

+		if (is_array($name))

+		{		

+			foreach (array('value', 'expire', 'domain', 'path', 'prefix', 'name') as $item)


-				$$item = $name[$item];

+				if (isset($name[$item]))

+				{

+					$$item = $name[$item];

+				}



-	}


-	// Set the config file options

-	$CI =& get_instance();

+		// Set the config file options

+		$CI =& get_instance();


-	if ($prefix == '' AND $CI->config->item('cookie_prefix') != '')

-	{

-		$prefix = $CI->config->item('cookie_prefix');

-	}

-	if ($domain == '' AND $CI->config->item('cookie_domain') != '')

-	{

-		$domain = $CI->config->item('cookie_domain');

-	}

-	if ($path == '/' AND $CI->config->item('cookie_path') != '/')

-	{

-		$path = $CI->config->item('cookie_path');

-	}


-	if ( ! is_numeric($expire))

-	{

-		$expire = time() - 86500;

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		if ($expire > 0)

+		if ($prefix == '' AND $CI->config->item('cookie_prefix') != '')


-			$expire = time() + $expire;

+			$prefix = $CI->config->item('cookie_prefix');

+		}

+		if ($domain == '' AND $CI->config->item('cookie_domain') != '')

+		{

+			$domain = $CI->config->item('cookie_domain');

+		}

+		if ($path == '/' AND $CI->config->item('cookie_path') != '/')

+		{

+			$path = $CI->config->item('cookie_path');

+		}


+		if ( ! is_numeric($expire))

+		{

+			$expire = time() - 86500;




-			$expire = 0;

+			if ($expire > 0)

+			{

+				$expire = time() + $expire;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				$expire = 0;

+			}


-	}


-	setcookie($prefix.$name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, 0);

+		setcookie($prefix.$name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, 0);

+	}



 // --------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -100,10 +103,13 @@
  * @param	bool

  * @return	mixed


-function get_cookie($index = '', $xss_clean = FALSE)

+if (! function_exists('get_cookie'))


-	$CI =& get_instance();

-	return $CI->input->cookie($index, $xss_clean);

+	function get_cookie($index = '', $xss_clean = FALSE)

+	{

+		$CI =& get_instance();

+		return $CI->input->cookie($index, $xss_clean);

+	}



 // --------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -117,10 +123,12 @@
  * @param	string	the cookie prefix

  * @return	void


-function delete_cookie($name = '', $domain = '', $path = '/', $prefix = '')

+if (! function_exists('delete_cookie'))


-	set_cookie($name, '', '', $domain, $path, $prefix);

+	function delete_cookie($name = '', $domain = '', $path = '/', $prefix = '')

+	{

+		set_cookie($name, '', '', $domain, $path, $prefix);

+	}




\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/helpers/date_helper.php b/system/helpers/date_helper.php
index 9f4c66b..24e0b17 100644
--- a/system/helpers/date_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/date_helper.php
@@ -35,26 +35,29 @@
  * @access	public

  * @return	integer


-function now()

+if (! function_exists('now'))


-	$CI =& get_instance();


-	if (strtolower($CI->config->item('time_reference')) == 'gmt')

+	function now()


-		$now = time();

-		$system_time = mktime(gmdate("H", $now), gmdate("i", $now), gmdate("s", $now), gmdate("m", $now), gmdate("d", $now), gmdate("Y", $now));

+		$CI =& get_instance();


-		if (strlen($system_time) < 10)

+		if (strtolower($CI->config->item('time_reference')) == 'gmt')


-			$system_time = time();

-			log_message('error', 'The Date class could not set a proper GMT timestamp so the local time() value was used.');

-		}

+			$now = time();

+			$system_time = mktime(gmdate("H", $now), gmdate("i", $now), gmdate("s", $now), gmdate("m", $now), gmdate("d", $now), gmdate("Y", $now));


-		return $system_time;

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		return time();

+			if (strlen($system_time) < 10)

+			{

+				$system_time = time();

+				log_message('error', 'The Date class could not set a proper GMT timestamp so the local time() value was used.');

+			}


+			return $system_time;

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			return time();

+		}




@@ -77,16 +80,19 @@
  * @param	integer

  * @return	integer


-function mdate($datestr = '', $time = '')

+if (! function_exists('mdate'))


-	if ($datestr == '')

-		return '';

+	function mdate($datestr = '', $time = '')

+	{

+		if ($datestr == '')

+			return '';


-	if ($time == '')

-		$time = now();

+		if ($time == '')

+			$time = now();


-	$datestr = str_replace('%\\', '', preg_replace("/([a-z]+?){1}/i", "\\\\\\1", $datestr));

-	return date($datestr, $time);

+		$datestr = str_replace('%\\', '', preg_replace("/([a-z]+?){1}/i", "\\\\\\1", $datestr));

+		return date($datestr, $time);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -101,28 +107,30 @@
  * @param	integer	Unix timestamp

  * @return	string


-function standard_date($fmt = 'DATE_RFC822', $time = '')

+if (! function_exists('standard_date'))


-	$formats = array(

-					'DATE_ATOM'		=>	'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s%Q',

-					'DATE_COOKIE'	=>	'%l, %d-%M-%y %H:%i:%s UTC',

-					'DATE_ISO8601'	=>	'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s%O',

-					'DATE_RFC822'	=>	'%D, %d %M %y %H:%i:%s %O',

-					'DATE_RFC850'	=>	'%l, %d-%M-%y %H:%m:%i UTC',

-					'DATE_RFC1036'	=>	'%D, %d %M %y %H:%i:%s %O',

-					'DATE_RFC1123'	=>	'%D, %d %M %Y %H:%i:%s %O',

-					'DATE_RSS'		=>	'%D, %d %M %Y %H:%i:%s %O',

-					'DATE_W3C'		=>	'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s%Q'

-					);


-	if ( ! isset($formats[$fmt]))

+	function standard_date($fmt = 'DATE_RFC822', $time = '')


-		return FALSE;

-	}


-	return mdate($formats[$fmt], $time);


+		$formats = array(

+						'DATE_ATOM'		=>	'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s%Q',

+						'DATE_COOKIE'	=>	'%l, %d-%M-%y %H:%i:%s UTC',

+						'DATE_ISO8601'	=>	'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s%O',

+						'DATE_RFC822'	=>	'%D, %d %M %y %H:%i:%s %O',

+						'DATE_RFC850'	=>	'%l, %d-%M-%y %H:%m:%i UTC',

+						'DATE_RFC1036'	=>	'%D, %d %M %y %H:%i:%s %O',

+						'DATE_RFC1123'	=>	'%D, %d %M %Y %H:%i:%s %O',

+						'DATE_RSS'		=>	'%D, %d %M %Y %H:%i:%s %O',

+						'DATE_W3C'		=>	'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s%Q'

+						);


+		if ( ! isset($formats[$fmt]))

+		{

+			return FALSE;

+		}


+		return mdate($formats[$fmt], $time);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------


@@ -137,105 +145,108 @@
  * @param	integer	Unix timestamp

  * @return	integer


-function timespan($seconds = 1, $time = '')

+if (! function_exists('timespan'))


-	$CI =& get_instance();

-	$CI->lang->load('date');

+	function timespan($seconds = 1, $time = '')

+	{

+		$CI =& get_instance();

+		$CI->lang->load('date');


-	if ( ! is_numeric($seconds))

-	{

-		$seconds = 1;

-	}

+		if ( ! is_numeric($seconds))

+		{

+			$seconds = 1;

+		}


-	if ( ! is_numeric($time))

-	{

-		$time = time();

-	}

+		if ( ! is_numeric($time))

+		{

+			$time = time();

+		}


-	if ($time <= $seconds)

-	{

-		$seconds = 1;

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		$seconds = $time - $seconds;

-	}

+		if ($time <= $seconds)

+		{

+			$seconds = 1;

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			$seconds = $time - $seconds;

+		}


-	$str = '';

-	$years = floor($seconds / 31536000);

+		$str = '';

+		$years = floor($seconds / 31536000);


-	if ($years > 0)

-	{	

-		$str .= $years.' '.$CI->lang->line((($years	> 1) ? 'date_years' : 'date_year')).', ';

-	}	


-	$seconds -= $years * 31536000;

-	$months = floor($seconds / 2628000);


-	if ($years > 0 OR $months > 0)

-	{

-		if ($months > 0)

+		if ($years > 0)


-			$str .= $months.' '.$CI->lang->line((($months	> 1) ? 'date_months' : 'date_month')).', ';

+			$str .= $years.' '.$CI->lang->line((($years	> 1) ? 'date_years' : 'date_year')).', ';



-		$seconds -= $months * 2628000;

-	}


-	$weeks = floor($seconds / 604800);

+		$seconds -= $years * 31536000;

+		$months = floor($seconds / 2628000);


-	if ($years > 0 OR $months > 0 OR $weeks > 0)

-	{

-		if ($weeks > 0)

-		{	

-			$str .= $weeks.' '.$CI->lang->line((($weeks	> 1) ? 'date_weeks' : 'date_week')).', ';

-		}


-		$seconds -= $weeks * 604800;

-	}			


-	$days = floor($seconds / 86400);


-	if ($months > 0 OR $weeks > 0 OR $days > 0)

-	{

-		if ($days > 0)

-		{	

-			$str .= $days.' '.$CI->lang->line((($days	> 1) ? 'date_days' : 'date_day')).', ';

-		}


-		$seconds -= $days * 86400;

-	}


-	$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);


-	if ($days > 0 OR $hours > 0)

-	{

-		if ($hours > 0)

+		if ($years > 0 OR $months > 0)


-			$str .= $hours.' '.$CI->lang->line((($hours	> 1) ? 'date_hours' : 'date_hour')).', ';

+			if ($months > 0)

+			{	

+				$str .= $months.' '.$CI->lang->line((($months	> 1) ? 'date_months' : 'date_month')).', ';

+			}	


+			$seconds -= $months * 2628000;



+		$weeks = floor($seconds / 604800);


+		if ($years > 0 OR $months > 0 OR $weeks > 0)

+		{

+			if ($weeks > 0)

+			{	

+				$str .= $weeks.' '.$CI->lang->line((($weeks	> 1) ? 'date_weeks' : 'date_week')).', ';

+			}


-		$seconds -= $hours * 3600;

-	}

+			$seconds -= $weeks * 604800;

+		}			


+		$days = floor($seconds / 86400);


-	$minutes = floor($seconds / 60);

+		if ($months > 0 OR $weeks > 0 OR $days > 0)

+		{

+			if ($days > 0)

+			{	

+				$str .= $days.' '.$CI->lang->line((($days	> 1) ? 'date_days' : 'date_day')).', ';

+			}


-	if ($days > 0 OR $hours > 0 OR $minutes > 0)

-	{

-		if ($minutes > 0)

-		{	

-			$str .= $minutes.' '.$CI->lang->line((($minutes	> 1) ? 'date_minutes' : 'date_minute')).', ';

+			$seconds -= $days * 86400;



-		$seconds -= $minutes * 60;

-	}


-	if ($str == '')

-	{

-		$str .= $seconds.' '.$CI->lang->line((($seconds	> 1) ? 'date_seconds' : 'date_second')).', ';

-	}

+		$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);


+		if ($days > 0 OR $hours > 0)

+		{

+			if ($hours > 0)

+			{

+				$str .= $hours.' '.$CI->lang->line((($hours	> 1) ? 'date_hours' : 'date_hour')).', ';

+			}


+			$seconds -= $hours * 3600;

+		}


+		$minutes = floor($seconds / 60);


+		if ($days > 0 OR $hours > 0 OR $minutes > 0)

+		{

+			if ($minutes > 0)

+			{	

+				$str .= $minutes.' '.$CI->lang->line((($minutes	> 1) ? 'date_minutes' : 'date_minute')).', ';

+			}


+			$seconds -= $minutes * 60;

+		}


+		if ($str == '')

+		{

+			$str .= $seconds.' '.$CI->lang->line((($seconds	> 1) ? 'date_seconds' : 'date_second')).', ';

+		}


-	return substr(trim($str), 0, -1);

+		return substr(trim($str), 0, -1);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -251,28 +262,31 @@
  * @param	integer	a numeric year

  * @return	integer


-function days_in_month($month = 0, $year = '')

+if (! function_exists('days_in_month'))


-	if ($month < 1 OR $month > 12)

+	function days_in_month($month = 0, $year = '')


-		return 0;

-	}


-	if ( ! is_numeric($year) OR strlen($year) != 4)

-	{

-		$year = date('Y');

-	}


-	if ($month == 2)

-	{

-		if ($year % 400 == 0 OR ($year % 4 == 0 AND $year % 100 != 0))

+		if ($month < 1 OR $month > 12)


-			return 29;

+			return 0;


-	}


+		if ( ! is_numeric($year) OR strlen($year) != 4)

+		{

+			$year = date('Y');

+		}


+		if ($month == 2)

+		{

+			if ($year % 400 == 0 OR ($year % 4 == 0 AND $year % 100 != 0))

+			{

+				return 29;

+			}

+		}


-	$days_in_month	= array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);

-	return $days_in_month[$month - 1];

+		$days_in_month	= array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);

+		return $days_in_month[$month - 1];

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -284,12 +298,15 @@
  * @param	integer Unix timestamp

  * @return	integer


-function local_to_gmt($time = '')

+if (! function_exists('local_to_gmt'))


-	if ($time == '')

-		$time = time();

+	function local_to_gmt($time = '')

+	{

+		if ($time == '')

+			$time = time();


-	return mktime( gmdate("H", $time), gmdate("i", $time), gmdate("s", $time), gmdate("m", $time), gmdate("d", $time), gmdate("Y", $time));

+		return mktime( gmdate("H", $time), gmdate("i", $time), gmdate("s", $time), gmdate("m", $time), gmdate("d", $time), gmdate("Y", $time));

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -307,21 +324,24 @@
  * @param	bool	whether DST is active

  * @return	integer


-function gmt_to_local($time = '', $timezone = 'UTC', $dst = FALSE)


-	if ($time == '')

-	{

-		return now();

-	}

+if (! function_exists('gmt_to_local'))


+	function gmt_to_local($time = '', $timezone = 'UTC', $dst = FALSE)

+	{			

+		if ($time == '')

+		{

+			return now();

+		}


-	$time += timezones($timezone) * 3600;

+		$time += timezones($timezone) * 3600;


-	if ($dst == TRUE)

-	{

-		$time += 3600;

-	}

+		if ($dst == TRUE)

+		{

+			$time += 3600;

+		}


-	return $time;

+		return $time;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -333,25 +353,28 @@
  * @param	integer Unix timestamp

  * @return	integer


-function mysql_to_unix($time = '')

+if (! function_exists('mysql_to_unix'))


-	// We'll remove certain characters for backward compatibility

-	// since the formatting changed with MySQL 4.1


+	function mysql_to_unix($time = '')

+	{

+		// We'll remove certain characters for backward compatibility

+		// since the formatting changed with MySQL 4.1



-	$time = str_replace('-', '', $time);

-	$time = str_replace(':', '', $time);

-	$time = str_replace(' ', '', $time);

+		$time = str_replace('-', '', $time);

+		$time = str_replace(':', '', $time);

+		$time = str_replace(' ', '', $time);



-	return  mktime(

-					substr($time, 8, 2),

-					substr($time, 10, 2),

-					substr($time, 12, 2),

-					substr($time, 4, 2),

-					substr($time, 6, 2),

-					substr($time, 0, 4)

-					);


+		return  mktime(

+						substr($time, 8, 2),

+						substr($time, 10, 2),

+						substr($time, 12, 2),

+						substr($time, 4, 2),

+						substr($time, 6, 2),

+						substr($time, 0, 4)

+						);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -367,30 +390,33 @@
  * @param	string	format: us or euro

  * @return	string


-function unix_to_human($time = '', $seconds = FALSE, $fmt = 'us')

+if (! function_exists('unix_to_human'))


-	$r  = date('Y', $time).'-'.date('m', $time).'-'.date('d', $time).' ';

+	function unix_to_human($time = '', $seconds = FALSE, $fmt = 'us')

+	{

+		$r  = date('Y', $time).'-'.date('m', $time).'-'.date('d', $time).' ';


-	if ($fmt == 'us')

-	{

-		$r .= date('h', $time).':'.date('i', $time);

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		$r .= date('H', $time).':'.date('i', $time);

-	}

+		if ($fmt == 'us')

+		{

+			$r .= date('h', $time).':'.date('i', $time);

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			$r .= date('H', $time).':'.date('i', $time);

+		}


-	if ($seconds)

-	{

-		$r .= ':'.date('s', $time);

-	}

+		if ($seconds)

+		{

+			$r .= ':'.date('s', $time);

+		}


-	if ($fmt == 'us')

-	{

-		$r .= ' '.date('A', $time);

-	}

+		if ($fmt == 'us')

+		{

+			$r .= ' '.date('A', $time);

+		}


-	return $r;

+		return $r;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -404,59 +430,62 @@
  * @param	string	format: us or euro

  * @return	integer


-function human_to_unix($datestr = '')

+if (! function_exists('human_to_unix'))


-	if ($datestr == '')

+	function human_to_unix($datestr = '')


-		return FALSE;

-	}

+		if ($datestr == '')

+		{

+			return FALSE;

+		}


-	$datestr = trim($datestr);

-	$datestr = preg_replace("/\040+/", "\040", $datestr);

+		$datestr = trim($datestr);

+		$datestr = preg_replace("/\040+/", "\040", $datestr);


-	if ( ! ereg("^[0-9]{2,4}\-[0-9]{1,2}\-[0-9]{1,2}\040[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}.*$", $datestr))

-	{

-		return FALSE;

-	}

+		if ( ! ereg("^[0-9]{2,4}\-[0-9]{1,2}\-[0-9]{1,2}\040[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}.*$", $datestr))

+		{

+			return FALSE;

+		}


-	$split = preg_split("/\040/", $datestr);

+		$split = preg_split("/\040/", $datestr);


-	$ex = explode("-", $split['0']);

+		$ex = explode("-", $split['0']);


-	$year  = (strlen($ex['0']) == 2) ? '20'.$ex['0'] : $ex['0'];

-	$month = (strlen($ex['1']) == 1) ? '0'.$ex['1']  : $ex['1'];

-	$day   = (strlen($ex['2']) == 1) ? '0'.$ex['2']  : $ex['2'];

+		$year  = (strlen($ex['0']) == 2) ? '20'.$ex['0'] : $ex['0'];

+		$month = (strlen($ex['1']) == 1) ? '0'.$ex['1']  : $ex['1'];

+		$day   = (strlen($ex['2']) == 1) ? '0'.$ex['2']  : $ex['2'];


-	$ex = explode(":", $split['1']);

+		$ex = explode(":", $split['1']);


-	$hour = (strlen($ex['0']) == 1) ? '0'.$ex['0'] : $ex['0'];

-	$min  = (strlen($ex['1']) == 1) ? '0'.$ex['1'] : $ex['1'];

+		$hour = (strlen($ex['0']) == 1) ? '0'.$ex['0'] : $ex['0'];

+		$min  = (strlen($ex['1']) == 1) ? '0'.$ex['1'] : $ex['1'];


-	if (isset($ex['2']) AND ereg("[0-9]{1,2}", $ex['2']))

-	{

-		$sec  = (strlen($ex['2']) == 1) ? '0'.$ex['2'] : $ex['2'];

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		// Unless specified, seconds get set to zero.

-		$sec = '00';

-	}

+		if (isset($ex['2']) AND ereg("[0-9]{1,2}", $ex['2']))

+		{

+			$sec  = (strlen($ex['2']) == 1) ? '0'.$ex['2'] : $ex['2'];

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			// Unless specified, seconds get set to zero.

+			$sec = '00';

+		}


-	if (isset($split['2']))

-	{

-		$ampm = strtolower($split['2']);

+		if (isset($split['2']))

+		{

+			$ampm = strtolower($split['2']);


-		if (substr($ampm, 0, 1) == 'p' AND $hour < 12)

-			$hour = $hour + 12;

+			if (substr($ampm, 0, 1) == 'p' AND $hour < 12)

+				$hour = $hour + 12;


-		if (substr($ampm, 0, 1) == 'a' AND $hour == 12)

-			$hour =  '00';

+			if (substr($ampm, 0, 1) == 'a' AND $hour == 12)

+				$hour =  '00';


-		if (strlen($hour) == 1)

-			$hour = '0'.$hour;

+			if (strlen($hour) == 1)

+				$hour = '0'.$hour;

+		}


+		return mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year);



-	return mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year);



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -472,32 +501,35 @@
  * @param	string	menu name

  * @return	string


-function timezone_menu($default = 'UTC', $class = "", $name = 'timezones')

+if (! function_exists('timezone_menu'))


-	$CI =& get_instance();

-	$CI->lang->load('date');


-	if ($default == 'GMT')

-		$default = 'UTC';


-	$menu = '<select name="'.$name.'"';


-	if ($class != '')

+	function timezone_menu($default = 'UTC', $class = "", $name = 'timezones')


-		$menu .= ' class="'.$class.'"';

-	}

+		$CI =& get_instance();

+		$CI->lang->load('date');


-	$menu .= ">\n";

+		if ($default == 'GMT')

+			$default = 'UTC';


+		$menu = '<select name="'.$name.'"';


-	foreach (timezones() as $key => $val)

-	{

-		$selected = ($default == $key) ? " selected='selected'" : '';

-		$menu .= "<option value='{$key}'{$selected}>".$CI->lang->line($key)."</option>\n";

+		if ($class != '')

+		{

+			$menu .= ' class="'.$class.'"';

+		}


+		$menu .= ">\n";


+		foreach (timezones() as $key => $val)

+		{

+			$selected = ($default == $key) ? " selected='selected'" : '';

+			$menu .= "<option value='{$key}'{$selected}>".$CI->lang->line($key)."</option>\n";

+		}


+		$menu .= "</select>";


+		return $menu;



-	$menu .= "</select>";


-	return $menu;



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -512,54 +544,56 @@
  * @param	string	timezone

  * @return	string


-function timezones($tz = '')

+if (! function_exists('timezones'))


-	// Note: Don't change the order of these even though

-	// some items appear to be in the wrong order


-	$zones = array(

-					'UM12' => -12,

-					'UM11' => -11,

-					'UM10' => -10,

-					'UM9'  => -9,

-					'UM8'  => -8,

-					'UM7'  => -7,

-					'UM6'  => -6,

-					'UM5'  => -5,

-					'UM4'  => -4,

-					'UM25' => -2.5,

-					'UM3'  => -3,

-					'UM2'  => -2,

-					'UM1'  => -1,

-					'UTC'  => 0,

-					'UP1'  => +1,

-					'UP2'  => +2,

-					'UP3'  => +3,

-					'UP25' => +2.5,

-					'UP4'  => +4,

-					'UP35' => +3.5,

-					'UP5'  => +5,

-					'UP45' => +4.5,

-					'UP6'  => +6,

-					'UP7'  => +7,

-					'UP8'  => +8,

-					'UP9'  => +9,

-					'UP85' => +8.5,

-					'UP10' => +10,

-					'UP11' => +11,

-					'UP12' => +12

-				);


-	if ($tz == '')

+	function timezones($tz = '')


-		return $zones;

+		// Note: Don't change the order of these even though

+		// some items appear to be in the wrong order


+		$zones = array(

+						'UM12' => -12,

+						'UM11' => -11,

+						'UM10' => -10,

+						'UM9'  => -9,

+						'UM8'  => -8,

+						'UM7'  => -7,

+						'UM6'  => -6,

+						'UM5'  => -5,

+						'UM4'  => -4,

+						'UM25' => -2.5,

+						'UM3'  => -3,

+						'UM2'  => -2,

+						'UM1'  => -1,

+						'UTC'  => 0,

+						'UP1'  => +1,

+						'UP2'  => +2,

+						'UP3'  => +3,

+						'UP25' => +2.5,

+						'UP4'  => +4,

+						'UP35' => +3.5,

+						'UP5'  => +5,

+						'UP45' => +4.5,

+						'UP6'  => +6,

+						'UP7'  => +7,

+						'UP8'  => +8,

+						'UP9'  => +9,

+						'UP85' => +8.5,

+						'UP10' => +10,

+						'UP11' => +11,

+						'UP12' => +12

+					);


+		if ($tz == '')

+		{

+			return $zones;

+		}


+		if ($tz == 'GMT')

+			$tz = 'UTC';


+		return ( ! isset($zones[$tz])) ? 0 : $zones[$tz];



-	if ($tz == 'GMT')

-		$tz = 'UTC';


-	return ( ! isset($zones[$tz])) ? 0 : $zones[$tz];




\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/helpers/directory_helper.php b/system/helpers/directory_helper.php
index 4a499de..5a23944 100644
--- a/system/helpers/directory_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/directory_helper.php
@@ -39,29 +39,31 @@
  * @param	bool	whether to limit the result to the top level only

  * @return	array


-function directory_map($source_dir, $top_level_only = FALSE)


-	if ($fp = @opendir($source_dir))

-	{

-		$filedata = array();

-		while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($fp)))

+if (! function_exists('directory_map'))


+	function directory_map($source_dir, $top_level_only = FALSE)

+	{	

+		if ($fp = @opendir($source_dir))


-			if (@is_dir($source_dir.$file) && substr($file, 0, 1) != '.' AND $top_level_only == FALSE)

+			$filedata = array();

+			while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($fp)))


-				$temp_array = array();

+				if (@is_dir($source_dir.$file) && substr($file, 0, 1) != '.' AND $top_level_only == FALSE)

+				{

+					$temp_array = array();


-				$temp_array = directory_map($source_dir.$file."/");

+					$temp_array = directory_map($source_dir.$file."/");


-				$filedata[$file] = $temp_array;

+					$filedata[$file] = $temp_array;

+				}

+				elseif (substr($file, 0, 1) != ".")

+				{

+					$filedata[] = $file;

+				}


-			elseif (substr($file, 0, 1) != ".")

-			{

-				$filedata[] = $file;

-			}

+			return $filedata;


-		return $filedata;





\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/helpers/download_helper.php b/system/helpers/download_helper.php
index e8bc2f7..2d0e737 100644
--- a/system/helpers/download_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/download_helper.php
@@ -37,60 +37,62 @@
  * @param	mixed	the data to be downloaded

  * @return	void


-function force_download($filename = '', $data = '')

+if (! function_exists('force_download'))


-	if ($filename == '' OR $data == '')

+	function force_download($filename = '', $data = '')


-		return FALSE;

-	}

+		if ($filename == '' OR $data == '')

+		{

+			return FALSE;

+		}


-	// Try to determine if the filename includes a file extension.

-	// We need it in order to set the MIME type

-	if (FALSE === strpos($filename, '.'))

-	{

-		return FALSE;

-	}

+		// Try to determine if the filename includes a file extension.

+		// We need it in order to set the MIME type

+		if (FALSE === strpos($filename, '.'))

+		{

+			return FALSE;

+		}


-	// Grab the file extension

-	$x = explode('.', $filename);

-	$extension = end($x);

+		// Grab the file extension

+		$x = explode('.', $filename);

+		$extension = end($x);


-	// Load the mime types

-	@include(APPPATH.'config/mimes'.EXT);

+		// Load the mime types

+		@include(APPPATH.'config/mimes'.EXT);


-	// Set a default mime if we can't find it

-	if ( ! isset($mimes[$extension]))

-	{

-		$mime = 'application/octet-stream';

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		$mime = (is_array($mimes[$extension])) ? $mimes[$extension][0] : $mimes[$extension];

-	}

+		// Set a default mime if we can't find it

+		if ( ! isset($mimes[$extension]))

+		{

+			$mime = 'application/octet-stream';

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			$mime = (is_array($mimes[$extension])) ? $mimes[$extension][0] : $mimes[$extension];

+		}


-	// Generate the server headers

-	if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "MSIE"))

-	{

-		header('Content-Type: "'.$mime.'"');

-		header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"');

-		header('Expires: 0');

-		header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');

-		header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");

-		header('Pragma: public');

-		header("Content-Length: ".strlen($data));

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		header('Content-Type: "'.$mime.'"');

-		header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"');

-		header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");

-		header('Expires: 0');

-		header('Pragma: no-cache');

-		header("Content-Length: ".strlen($data));

-	}

+		// Generate the server headers

+		if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "MSIE"))

+		{

+			header('Content-Type: "'.$mime.'"');

+			header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"');

+			header('Expires: 0');

+			header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');

+			header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");

+			header('Pragma: public');

+			header("Content-Length: ".strlen($data));

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			header('Content-Type: "'.$mime.'"');

+			header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"');

+			header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");

+			header('Expires: 0');

+			header('Pragma: no-cache');

+			header("Content-Length: ".strlen($data));

+		}


-	echo $data;

+		echo $data;

+	}




\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/helpers/email_helper.php b/system/helpers/email_helper.php
index b44fae5..e677afd 100644
--- a/system/helpers/email_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/email_helper.php
@@ -33,9 +33,12 @@
  * @access	public

  * @return	bool


-function valid_email($address)

+if (! function_exists('valid_email'))


-	return ( ! preg_match("/^([a-z0-9\+_\-]+)(\.[a-z0-9\+_\-]+)*@([a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$/ix", $address)) ? FALSE : TRUE;

+	function valid_email($address)

+	{

+		return ( ! preg_match("/^([a-z0-9\+_\-]+)(\.[a-z0-9\+_\-]+)*@([a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$/ix", $address)) ? FALSE : TRUE;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -46,9 +49,12 @@
  * @access	public

  * @return	bool


-function send_email($recipient, $subject = 'Test email', $message = 'Hello World')

+if (! function_exists('send_email'))


-	return mail($recipient, $subject, $message);

+	function send_email($recipient, $subject = 'Test email', $message = 'Hello World')

+	{

+		return mail($recipient, $subject, $message);

+	}



\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/helpers/file_helper.php b/system/helpers/file_helper.php
index 868561b..bbf3409 100644
--- a/system/helpers/file_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/file_helper.php
@@ -36,35 +36,38 @@
  * @param	string	path to file

  * @return	string


-function read_file($file)

+if (! function_exists('read_file'))


-	if ( ! file_exists($file))

+	function read_file($file)


-		return FALSE;

-	}

+		if ( ! file_exists($file))

+		{

+			return FALSE;

+		}


-	if (function_exists('file_get_contents'))

-	{

-		return file_get_contents($file);		

-	}

+		if (function_exists('file_get_contents'))

+		{

+			return file_get_contents($file);		

+		}


-	if ( ! $fp = @fopen($file, 'rb'))

-	{

-		return FALSE;

-	}

+		if ( ! $fp = @fopen($file, 'rb'))

+		{

+			return FALSE;

+		}


-	flock($fp, LOCK_SH);

+		flock($fp, LOCK_SH);


-	$data = '';

-	if (filesize($file) > 0)

-	{

-		$data =& fread($fp, filesize($file));

+		$data = '';

+		if (filesize($file) > 0)

+		{

+			$data =& fread($fp, filesize($file));

+		}


+		flock($fp, LOCK_UN);

+		fclose($fp);


+		return $data;



-	flock($fp, LOCK_UN);

-	fclose($fp);


-	return $data;



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -80,19 +83,22 @@
  * @param	string	file data

  * @return	bool


-function write_file($path, $data, $mode = 'wb')

+if (! function_exists('write_file'))


-	if ( ! $fp = @fopen($path, $mode))

+	function write_file($path, $data, $mode = 'wb')


-		return FALSE;

-	}

+		if ( ! $fp = @fopen($path, $mode))

+		{

+			return FALSE;

+		}


-	flock($fp, LOCK_EX);

-	fwrite($fp, $data);

-	flock($fp, LOCK_UN);

-	fclose($fp);	

+		flock($fp, LOCK_EX);

+		fwrite($fp, $data);

+		flock($fp, LOCK_UN);

+		fclose($fp);	


-	return TRUE;

+		return TRUE;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -110,34 +116,37 @@
  * @param	bool	whether to delete any directories found in the path

  * @return	bool


-function delete_files($path, $del_dir = FALSE, $level = 0)


-	// Trim the trailing slash

-	$path = preg_replace("|^(.+?)/*$|", "\\1", $path);

+if (! function_exists('delete_files'))


+	function delete_files($path, $del_dir = FALSE, $level = 0)

+	{	

+		// Trim the trailing slash

+		$path = preg_replace("|^(.+?)/*$|", "\\1", $path);


-	if ( ! $current_dir = @opendir($path))

-		return;

+		if ( ! $current_dir = @opendir($path))

+			return;


-	while(FALSE !== ($filename = @readdir($current_dir)))

-	{

-		if ($filename != "." and $filename != "..")

+		while(FALSE !== ($filename = @readdir($current_dir)))


-			if (is_dir($path.'/'.$filename))

+			if ($filename != "." and $filename != "..")


-				$level++;

-				delete_files($path.'/'.$filename, $del_dir, $level);

-			}

-			else

-			{

-				unlink($path.'/'.$filename);

+				if (is_dir($path.'/'.$filename))

+				{

+					$level++;

+					delete_files($path.'/'.$filename, $del_dir, $level);

+				}

+				else

+				{

+					unlink($path.'/'.$filename);

+				}



-	}

-	@closedir($current_dir);

+		@closedir($current_dir);


-	if ($del_dir == TRUE AND $level > 0)

-	{

-		@rmdir($path);

+		if ($del_dir == TRUE AND $level > 0)

+		{

+			@rmdir($path);

+		}




@@ -154,25 +163,28 @@
  * @param	bool	whether to include the path as part of the filename

  * @return	array


-function get_filenames($source_dir, $include_path = FALSE)

+if (! function_exists('get_filenames'))


-	$_filedata = array();


-	if ($fp = @opendir($source_dir))

+	function get_filenames($source_dir, $include_path = FALSE)


-		while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($fp)))

+		$_filedata = array();


+		if ($fp = @opendir($source_dir))


-			if (@is_dir($source_dir.$file) && substr($file, 0, 1) != '.')

+			while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($fp)))


-				 get_filenames($source_dir.$file."/", $include_path);

-			}

-			elseif (substr($file, 0, 1) != ".")

-			{

+				if (@is_dir($source_dir.$file) && substr($file, 0, 1) != '.')

+				{

+					 get_filenames($source_dir.$file."/", $include_path);

+				}

+				elseif (substr($file, 0, 1) != ".")

+				{


-				$_filedata[] = ($include_path == TRUE) ? $source_dir.$file : $file;

+					$_filedata[] = ($include_path == TRUE) ? $source_dir.$file : $file;

+				}


+			return $_filedata;


-		return $_filedata;




diff --git a/system/helpers/form_helper.php b/system/helpers/form_helper.php
index a2bc200..7c3b16f 100644
--- a/system/helpers/form_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/form_helper.php
@@ -38,35 +38,38 @@
  * @param	array	a key/value pair hidden data

  * @return	string


-function form_open($action = '', $attributes = array(), $hidden = array())

+if (! function_exists('form_open'))


-	$CI =& get_instance();


-	$action = ( strpos($action, '://') === FALSE) ? $CI->config->site_url($action) : $action;


-	$form = '<form action="'.$action.'"';


-	if ( ! isset($attributes['method']))

+	function form_open($action = '', $attributes = array(), $hidden = array())


-		$form .= ' method="post"';

-	}

+		$CI =& get_instance();


+		$action = ( strpos($action, '://') === FALSE) ? $CI->config->site_url($action) : $action;


+		$form = '<form action="'.$action.'"';


-	if (is_array($attributes) AND count($attributes) > 0)

-	{

-		foreach ($attributes as $key => $val)

+		if ( ! isset($attributes['method']))


-			$form .= ' '.$key.'="'.$val.'"';

+			$form .= ' method="post"';


-	}


-	$form .= '>';

+		if (is_array($attributes) AND count($attributes) > 0)

+		{

+			foreach ($attributes as $key => $val)

+			{

+				$form .= ' '.$key.'="'.$val.'"';

+			}

+		}


+		$form .= '>';


-	if (is_array($hidden) AND count($hidden > 0))

-	{

-		$form .= form_hidden($hidden);

-	}

+		if (is_array($hidden) AND count($hidden > 0))

+		{

+			$form .= form_hidden($hidden);

+		}


-	return $form;

+		return $form;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -82,10 +85,13 @@
  * @param	array	a key/value pair hidden data

  * @return	string


-function form_open_multipart($action, $attributes = array(), $hidden = array())

+if (! function_exists('form_open_multipart'))


-	$attributes['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data';

-	return form_open($action, $attributes, $hidden);

+	function form_open_multipart($action, $attributes = array(), $hidden = array())

+	{

+		$attributes['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data';

+		return form_open($action, $attributes, $hidden);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -101,20 +107,23 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function form_hidden($name, $value = '')

+if (! function_exists('form_hidden'))


-	if ( ! is_array($name))

+	function form_hidden($name, $value = '')


-		return '<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.form_prep($value).'" />';

-	}

+		if ( ! is_array($name))

+		{

+			return '<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.form_prep($value).'" />';

+		}


-	$form = '';

-	foreach ($name as $name => $value)

-	{

-		$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.form_prep($value).'" />';

-	}

+		$form = '';

+		foreach ($name as $name => $value)

+		{

+			$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.form_prep($value).'" />';

+		}


-	return $form;

+		return $form;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -128,11 +137,14 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function form_input($data = '', $value = '', $extra = '')

+if (! function_exists('form_input'))


-	$defaults = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => (( ! is_array($data)) ? $data : ''), 'value' => $value, 'maxlength' => '500', 'size' => '50');

+	function form_input($data = '', $value = '', $extra = '')

+	{

+		$defaults = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => (( ! is_array($data)) ? $data : ''), 'value' => $value, 'maxlength' => '500', 'size' => '50');


-	return "<input ".parse_form_attributes($data, $defaults).$extra." />\n";

+		return "<input ".parse_form_attributes($data, $defaults).$extra." />\n";

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -148,15 +160,18 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function form_password($data = '', $value = '', $extra = '')

+if (! function_exists('form_password'))


-	if ( ! is_array($data))

+	function form_password($data = '', $value = '', $extra = '')


-		$data = array('name' => $data);

-	}

+		if ( ! is_array($data))

+		{

+			$data = array('name' => $data);

+		}


-	$data['type'] = 'password';

-	return form_input($data, $value, $extra);

+		$data['type'] = 'password';

+		return form_input($data, $value, $extra);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -172,15 +187,18 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function form_upload($data = '', $value = '', $extra = '')

+if (! function_exists('form_upload'))


-	if ( ! is_array($data))

+	function form_upload($data = '', $value = '', $extra = '')


-		$data = array('name' => $data);

-	}

+		if ( ! is_array($data))

+		{

+			$data = array('name' => $data);

+		}


-	$data['type'] = 'file';

-	return form_input($data, $value, $extra);

+		$data['type'] = 'file';

+		return form_input($data, $value, $extra);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -194,21 +212,24 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function form_textarea($data = '', $value = '', $extra = '')

+if (! function_exists('form_textarea'))


-	$defaults = array('name' => (( ! is_array($data)) ? $data : ''), 'cols' => '90', 'rows' => '12');

+	function form_textarea($data = '', $value = '', $extra = '')

+	{

+		$defaults = array('name' => (( ! is_array($data)) ? $data : ''), 'cols' => '90', 'rows' => '12');


-    if ( ! is_array($data) OR ! isset($data['value']))

-	{

-		$val = $value;

-	}

-    else

-	{

-		$val = $data['value']; 

-		unset($data['value']); // textareas don't use the value attribute

-	}

+	    if ( ! is_array($data) OR ! isset($data['value']))

+		{

+			$val = $value;

+		}

+	    else

+		{

+			$val = $data['value']; 

+			unset($data['value']); // textareas don't use the value attribute

+		}


-	return "<textarea ".parse_form_attributes($data, $defaults).$extra.">".$val."</textarea>\n";

+		return "<textarea ".parse_form_attributes($data, $defaults).$extra.">".$val."</textarea>\n";

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -223,32 +244,35 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function form_dropdown($name = '', $options = array(), $selected = array(), $extra = '')

+if (! function_exists('form_dropdown'))


-	if ( ! is_array($selected))

+	function form_dropdown($name = '', $options = array(), $selected = array(), $extra = '')


-		$selected = array($selected);

-	}

+		if ( ! is_array($selected))

+		{

+			$selected = array($selected);

+		}


-	if ($extra != '') $extra = ' '.$extra;

+		if ($extra != '') $extra = ' '.$extra;


-	$multiple = (count($selected) > 1 && strpos($extra, 'multiple') === FALSE) ? ' multiple="multiple"' : '';

+		$multiple = (count($selected) > 1 && strpos($extra, 'multiple') === FALSE) ? ' multiple="multiple"' : '';


-	$form = '<select name="'.$name.'"'.$extra.$multiple.">\n";

+		$form = '<select name="'.$name.'"'.$extra.$multiple.">\n";


-	foreach ($options as $key => $val)

-	{

-		$key = (string) $key;

-		$val = (string) $val;

+		foreach ($options as $key => $val)

+		{

+			$key = (string) $key;

+			$val = (string) $val;


-		$sel = (in_array($key, $selected))?' selected="selected"':'';

+			$sel = (in_array($key, $selected))?' selected="selected"':'';


-		$form .= '<option value="'.$key.'"'.$sel.'>'.$val."</option>\n";

-	}

+			$form .= '<option value="'.$key.'"'.$sel.'>'.$val."</option>\n";

+		}


-	$form .= '</select>';

+		$form .= '</select>';


-	return $form;

+		return $form;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -263,30 +287,33 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function form_checkbox($data = '', $value = '', $checked = TRUE, $extra = '')

+if (! function_exists('form_checkbox'))


-	$defaults = array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => (( ! is_array($data)) ? $data : ''), 'value' => $value);


-	if (is_array($data) AND array_key_exists('checked', $data))

+	function form_checkbox($data = '', $value = '', $checked = TRUE, $extra = '')


-		$checked = $data['checked'];


-		if ($checked == FALSE)

-		{

-			unset($data['checked']);

-		}

-		else

-		{

-			$data['checked'] = 'checked';

-		}

-	}

+		$defaults = array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => (( ! is_array($data)) ? $data : ''), 'value' => $value);


-	if ($checked == TRUE)

-		$defaults['checked'] = 'checked';

-	else

-		unset($defaults['checked']);

+		if (is_array($data) AND array_key_exists('checked', $data))

+		{

+			$checked = $data['checked'];


+			if ($checked == FALSE)

+			{

+				unset($data['checked']);

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				$data['checked'] = 'checked';

+			}

+		}


+		if ($checked == TRUE)

+			$defaults['checked'] = 'checked';

+		else

+			unset($defaults['checked']);


-	return "<input ".parse_form_attributes($data, $defaults).$extra." />\n";

+		return "<input ".parse_form_attributes($data, $defaults).$extra." />\n";

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -301,15 +328,18 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function form_radio($data = '', $value = '', $checked = TRUE, $extra = '')

+if (! function_exists('form_radio'))


-	if ( ! is_array($data))

-	{	

-		$data = array('name' => $data);

-	}

+	function form_radio($data = '', $value = '', $checked = TRUE, $extra = '')

+	{

+		if ( ! is_array($data))

+		{	

+			$data = array('name' => $data);

+		}


-	$data['type'] = 'radio';

-	return form_checkbox($data, $value, $checked, $extra);

+		$data['type'] = 'radio';

+		return form_checkbox($data, $value, $checked, $extra);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -322,12 +352,15 @@
  * @param	string

  * @param	string

  * @return	string

- */	

-function form_submit($data = '', $value = '', $extra = '')


-	$defaults = array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => (( ! is_array($data)) ? $data : ''), 'value' => $value);

+ */

+if (! function_exists('form_submit'))


+	function form_submit($data = '', $value = '', $extra = '')

+	{

+		$defaults = array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => (( ! is_array($data)) ? $data : ''), 'value' => $value);


-	return "<input ".parse_form_attributes($data, $defaults).$extra." />\n";

+		return "<input ".parse_form_attributes($data, $defaults).$extra." />\n";

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -341,11 +374,14 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function form_reset($data = '', $value = '', $extra = '')

+if (! function_exists('form_reset'))


-	$defaults = array('type' => 'reset', 'name' => (( ! is_array($data)) ? $data : ''), 'value' => $value);

+	function form_reset($data = '', $value = '', $extra = '')

+	{

+		$defaults = array('type' => 'reset', 'name' => (( ! is_array($data)) ? $data : ''), 'value' => $value);


-	return "<input ".parse_form_attributes($data, $defaults).$extra." />\n";

+		return "<input ".parse_form_attributes($data, $defaults).$extra." />\n";

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -359,27 +395,30 @@
  * @param	string	Additional attributes

  * @return	string


-function form_label($label_text = '', $id = '', $attributes = array())

+if (! function_exists('form_label'))


+	function form_label($label_text = '', $id = '', $attributes = array())

+	{


-	$label = '<label';

+		$label = '<label';


-	if ($id != '')

-	{

-		 $label .= " for=\"$id\"";

-	}


-	if (is_array($attributes) AND count($attributes) > 0)

-	{

-		foreach ($attributes as $key => $val)

+		if ($id != '')


-			$label .= ' '.$key.'="'.$val.'"';

+			 $label .= " for=\"$id\"";



+		if (is_array($attributes) AND count($attributes) > 0)

+		{

+			foreach ($attributes as $key => $val)

+			{

+				$label .= ' '.$key.'="'.$val.'"';

+			}

+		}


+		$label .= ">$label_text</label>";


+		return $label;



-	$label .= ">$label_text</label>";


-	return $label;



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -394,29 +433,32 @@
  * @param	string	Additional attributes

  * @return	string


-function form_fieldset($legend_text = '', $attributes = array())

+if (! function_exists('form_fieldset'))



-	$fieldset = "<fieldset";


-	if (is_array($attributes) AND count($attributes) > 0)

+	function form_fieldset($legend_text = '', $attributes = array())


-		foreach ($attributes as $key => $val)


+		$fieldset = "<fieldset";


+		if (is_array($attributes) AND count($attributes) > 0)


-			$fieldset .= ' '.$key.'="'.$val.'"';

+			foreach ($attributes as $key => $val)

+			{

+				$fieldset .= ' '.$key.'="'.$val.'"';

+			}


-	}


-	$fieldset .= ">\n";

+		$fieldset .= ">\n";


-	if ($legend_text != '')

-	{

-		$fieldset .= "<legend>$legend_text</legend>\n";

-	}

+		if ($legend_text != '')

+		{

+			$fieldset .= "<legend>$legend_text</legend>\n";

+		}




-	return $fieldset;

+		return $fieldset;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -428,9 +470,12 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function form_fieldset_close($extra = '')

+if (! function_exists('form_fieldset_close'))


-	return "</fieldset>\n".$extra;

+	function form_fieldset_close($extra = '')

+	{

+		return "</fieldset>\n".$extra;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -442,9 +487,12 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function form_close($extra = '')

+if (! function_exists('form_close'))


-	return "</form>\n".$extra;

+	function form_close($extra = '')

+	{

+		return "</form>\n".$extra;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -458,30 +506,33 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function form_prep($str = '')

+if (! function_exists('form_prep'))


-	if ($str === '')

+	function form_prep($str = '')


-		return '';

+		if ($str === '')

+		{

+			return '';

+		}


+		$temp = '__TEMP_AMPERSANDS__';


+		// Replace entities to temporary markers so that 

+		// htmlspecialchars won't mess them up

+		$str = preg_replace("/&#(\d+);/", "$temp\\1;", $str);

+		$str = preg_replace("/&(\w+);/",  "$temp\\1;", $str);


+		$str = htmlspecialchars($str);


+		// In case htmlspecialchars misses these.

+		$str = str_replace(array("'", '"'), array("&#39;", "&quot;"), $str);	


+		// Decode the temp markers back to entities

+		$str = preg_replace("/$temp(\d+);/","&#\\1;",$str);

+		$str = preg_replace("/$temp(\w+);/","&\\1;",$str);	


+		return $str;	



-	$temp = '__TEMP_AMPERSANDS__';


-	// Replace entities to temporary markers so that 

-	// htmlspecialchars won't mess them up

-	$str = preg_replace("/&#(\d+);/", "$temp\\1;", $str);

-	$str = preg_replace("/&(\w+);/",  "$temp\\1;", $str);


-	$str = htmlspecialchars($str);


-	// In case htmlspecialchars misses these.

-	$str = str_replace(array("'", '"'), array("&#39;", "&quot;"), $str);	


-	// Decode the temp markers back to entities

-	$str = preg_replace("/$temp(\d+);/","&#\\1;",$str);

-	$str = preg_replace("/$temp(\w+);/","&\\1;",$str);	


-	return $str;	



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -496,37 +547,40 @@
  * @param	array

  * @return	string


-function parse_form_attributes($attributes, $default)

+if (! function_exists('parse_form_attributes'))


-	if (is_array($attributes))

+	function parse_form_attributes($attributes, $default)


-		foreach ($default as $key => $val)

+		if (is_array($attributes))


-			if (isset($attributes[$key]))

+			foreach ($default as $key => $val)


-				$default[$key] = $attributes[$key];

-				unset($attributes[$key]);

+				if (isset($attributes[$key]))

+				{

+					$default[$key] = $attributes[$key];

+					unset($attributes[$key]);

+				}

+			}


+			if (count($attributes) > 0)

+			{	

+				$default = array_merge($default, $attributes);




-		if (count($attributes) > 0)

-		{	

-			$default = array_merge($default, $attributes);

-		}

-	}


-	$att = '';

-	foreach ($default as $key => $val)

-	{

-		if ($key == 'value')

+		$att = '';

+		foreach ($default as $key => $val)


-			$val = form_prep($val);

-		}

+			if ($key == 'value')

+			{

+				$val = form_prep($val);

+			}


-		$att .= $key . '="' . $val . '" ';

-	}

+			$att .= $key . '="' . $val . '" ';

+		}


-	return $att;

+		return $att;

+	}



\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/helpers/html_helper.php b/system/helpers/html_helper.php
index a11d23e..56e2531 100644
--- a/system/helpers/html_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/html_helper.php
@@ -38,9 +38,12 @@
  * @param	integer

  * @return	string


-function heading($data = '', $h = '1')

+if (! function_exists('heading'))


-	return "<h".$h.">".$data."</h".$h.">";

+	function heading($data = '', $h = '1')

+	{

+		return "<h".$h.">".$data."</h".$h.">";

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -55,9 +58,12 @@
  * @param	mixed

  * @return	string


-function ul($list, $attributes = '')

+if (! function_exists('ul'))


-	return _list('ul', $list, $attributes);

+	function ul($list, $attributes = '')

+	{

+		return _list('ul', $list, $attributes);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -72,9 +78,12 @@
  * @param	mixed

  * @return	string


-function ol($list, $attributes = '')

+if (! function_exists('ol'))


-	return _list('ol', $list, $attributes);

+	function ol($list, $attributes = '')

+	{

+		return _list('ol', $list, $attributes);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -91,63 +100,66 @@
  * @param	intiger		

  * @return	string


-function _list($type = 'ul', $list, $attributes = '', $depth = 0)

+if (! function_exists('_list'))


-	// If an array wasn't submitted there's nothing to do...

-	if ( ! is_array($list))

+	function _list($type = 'ul', $list, $attributes = '', $depth = 0)


-		return $list;

-	}


-	// Set the indentation based on the depth

-	$out = str_repeat(" ", $depth);


-	// Were any attributes submitted?  If so generate a string

-	if (is_array($attributes))

-	{

-		$atts = '';

-		foreach ($attributes as $key => $val)

+		// If an array wasn't submitted there's nothing to do...

+		if ( ! is_array($list))


-			$atts .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $val . '"';

+			return $list;


-		$attributes = $atts;

-	}


-	// Write the opening list tag

-	$out .= "<".$type.$attributes.">\n";


-	// Cycle through the list elements.  If an array is 

-	// encountered we will recursively call _list()


-	static $_last_list_item = '';

-	foreach ($list as $key => $val)

-	{	

-		$_last_list_item = $key;


-		$out .= str_repeat(" ", $depth + 2);

-		$out .= "<li>";


-		if ( ! is_array($val))

+		// Set the indentation based on the depth

+		$out = str_repeat(" ", $depth);


+		// Were any attributes submitted?  If so generate a string

+		if (is_array($attributes))


-			$out .= $val;

+			$atts = '';

+			foreach ($attributes as $key => $val)

+			{

+				$atts .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $val . '"';

+			}

+			$attributes = $atts;


-		else

-		{

-			$out .= $_last_list_item."\n";

-			$out .= _list($type, $val, '', $depth + 4);


+		// Write the opening list tag

+		$out .= "<".$type.$attributes.">\n";


+		// Cycle through the list elements.  If an array is 

+		// encountered we will recursively call _list()


+		static $_last_list_item = '';

+		foreach ($list as $key => $val)

+		{	

+			$_last_list_item = $key;


 			$out .= str_repeat(" ", $depth + 2);

+			$out .= "<li>";


+			if ( ! is_array($val))

+			{

+				$out .= $val;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				$out .= $_last_list_item."\n";

+				$out .= _list($type, $val, '', $depth + 4);

+				$out .= str_repeat(" ", $depth + 2);

+			}


+			$out .= "</li>\n";		



-		$out .= "</li>\n";		

-	}


-	// Set the indentation for the closing tag

-	$out .= str_repeat(" ", $depth);

+		// Set the indentation for the closing tag

+		$out .= str_repeat(" ", $depth);


-	// Write the closing list tag

-	$out .= "</".$type.">\n";

+		// Write the closing list tag

+		$out .= "</".$type.">\n";


-	return $out;

+		return $out;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -159,9 +171,12 @@
  * @param	integer

  * @return	string


-function br($num = 1)

+if (! function_exists('br'))


-	return str_repeat("<br />", $num);

+	function br($num = 1)

+	{

+		return str_repeat("<br />", $num);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -173,9 +188,12 @@
  * @param	integer

  * @return	string


-function nbs($num = 1)

+if (! function_exists('nbs'))


-	return str_repeat("&nbsp;", $num);

+	function nbs($num = 1)

+	{

+		return str_repeat("&nbsp;", $num);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -187,18 +205,18 @@
  * @param	array

  * @return	string


-function meta($meta = array(), $newline = "\n")

+if (! function_exists('meta'))


-	$str = '';

-	foreach ($meta as $key => $val)

+	function meta($meta = array(), $newline = "\n")


-		$str .= '<meta http-equiv="'.$key.'" content="'.$val.'" />'.$newline;

+		$str = '';

+		foreach ($meta as $key => $val)

+		{

+			$str .= '<meta http-equiv="'.$key.'" content="'.$val.'" />'.$newline;

+		}


+		return $str;



-	return $str;






\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/helpers/inflector_helper.php b/system/helpers/inflector_helper.php
index b1864cb..bf70a67 100644
--- a/system/helpers/inflector_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/inflector_helper.php
@@ -36,34 +36,36 @@
  * @access	public

  * @param	string

  * @return	str

- */		

-function singular($str)


-    $str = strtolower(trim($str));

-    $end = substr($str, -3);

+ */	

+if (! function_exists('singular'))


+	function singular($str)

+	{

+	    $str = strtolower(trim($str));

+	    $end = substr($str, -3);


-    if ($end == 'ies')

-    {

-        $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str)-3).'y';

-    }

-    elseif ($end == 'ses')

-    {

-        $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str)-2);

-    }

-    else

-    {

-        $end = substr($str, -1);

+	    if ($end == 'ies')

+	    {

+	        $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str)-3).'y';

+	    }

+	    elseif ($end == 'ses')

+	    {

+	        $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str)-2);

+	    }

+	    else

+	    {

+	        $end = substr($str, -1);


-        if ($end == 's')

-        {

-            $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str)-1);

-        }

-    }

+	        if ($end == 's')

+	        {

+	            $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str)-1);

+	        }

+	    }


-    return $str;

+	    return $str;

+	}




 // --------------------------------------------------------------------



@@ -75,32 +77,34 @@
  * @param	string

  * @param	bool

  * @return	str

- */		

-function plural($str, $force = FALSE)


-    $str = strtolower(trim($str));

-    $end = substr($str, -1);

+ */	

+if (! function_exists('plural'))


+	function plural($str, $force = FALSE)

+	{

+	    $str = strtolower(trim($str));

+	    $end = substr($str, -1);


-    if ($end == 'y')

-    {

-        $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str)-1).'ies';

-    }

-    elseif ($end == 's')

-    {

-        if ($force == TRUE)

-        {

-            $str .= 'es';

-        }

-    }

-    else

-    {

-        $str .= 's';

-    }

+	    if ($end == 'y')

+	    {

+	        $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str)-1).'ies';

+	    }

+	    elseif ($end == 's')

+	    {

+	        if ($force == TRUE)

+	        {

+	            $str .= 'es';

+	        }

+	    }

+	    else

+	    {

+	        $str .= 's';

+	    }


-    return $str;

+	    return $str;

+	}




 // --------------------------------------------------------------------



@@ -111,12 +115,15 @@
  * @access	public

  * @param	string

  * @return	str

- */		

-function camelize($str)


-	$str = 'x'.strtolower(trim($str));

-	$str = ucwords(preg_replace('/[\s_]+/', ' ', $str));

-	return substr(str_replace(' ', '', $str), 1);

+ */	

+if (! function_exists('camelize'))


+	function camelize($str)

+	{		

+		$str = 'x'.strtolower(trim($str));

+		$str = ucwords(preg_replace('/[\s_]+/', ' ', $str));

+		return substr(str_replace(' ', '', $str), 1);

+	}



 // --------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -129,10 +136,13 @@
  * @access	public

  * @param	string

  * @return	str

- */		

-function underscore($str)

+ */	

+if (! function_exists('underscore'))


-	return preg_replace('/[\s]+/', '_', strtolower(trim($str)));

+	function underscore($str)

+	{

+		return preg_replace('/[\s]+/', '_', strtolower(trim($str)));

+	}



 // --------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -145,10 +155,13 @@
  * @access	public

  * @param	string

  * @return	str

- */		

-function humanize($str)


-	return ucwords(preg_replace('/[_]+/', ' ', strtolower(trim($str))));

+ */	

+if (! function_exists('humanize'))


+	function humanize($str)

+	{

+		return ucwords(preg_replace('/[_]+/', ' ', strtolower(trim($str))));

+	}



\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/helpers/security_helper.php b/system/helpers/security_helper.php
index 97c9a6b..7552fd8 100644
--- a/system/helpers/security_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/security_helper.php
@@ -35,10 +35,13 @@
  * @param	string	the character set of your data

  * @return	string


-function xss_clean($str, $charset = 'ISO-8859-1')

+if (! function_exists('xss_clean'))


-	$CI =& get_instance();

-	return $CI->input->xss_clean($str, $charset);

+	function xss_clean($str, $charset = 'ISO-8859-1')

+	{

+		$CI =& get_instance();

+		return $CI->input->xss_clean($str, $charset);

+	}



 // --------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -49,32 +52,35 @@
  * @access	public

  * @param	string

  * @return	string

- */		

-function dohash($str, $type = 'sha1')


-	if ($type == 'sha1')

+ */	

+if (! function_exists('dohash'))


+	function dohash($str, $type = 'sha1')


-		if ( ! function_exists('sha1'))

+		if ($type == 'sha1')


-			if ( ! function_exists('mhash'))

-			{	

-				require_once(BASEPATH.'libraries/Sha1'.EXT);

-				$SH = new CI_SHA;

-				return $SH->generate($str);

+			if ( ! function_exists('sha1'))

+			{

+				if ( ! function_exists('mhash'))

+				{	

+					require_once(BASEPATH.'libraries/Sha1'.EXT);

+					$SH = new CI_SHA;

+					return $SH->generate($str);

+				}

+				else

+				{

+					return bin2hex(mhash(MHASH_SHA1, $str));

+				}




-				return bin2hex(mhash(MHASH_SHA1, $str));

-			}

+				return sha1($str);

+			}	




-			return sha1($str);

-		}	

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		return md5($str);

+			return md5($str);

+		}




@@ -87,12 +93,15 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function strip_image_tags($str)

+if (! function_exists('strip_image_tags'))


-	$str = preg_replace("#<img\s+.*?src\s*=\s*[\"'](.+?)[\"'].*?\>#", "\\1", $str);

-	$str = preg_replace("#<img\s+.*?src\s*=\s*(.+?).*?\>#", "\\1", $str);

+	function strip_image_tags($str)

+	{

+		$str = preg_replace("#<img\s+.*?src\s*=\s*[\"'](.+?)[\"'].*?\>#", "\\1", $str);

+		$str = preg_replace("#<img\s+.*?src\s*=\s*(.+?).*?\>#", "\\1", $str);


-	return $str;

+		return $str;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -104,9 +113,12 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function encode_php_tags($str)

+if (! function_exists('encode_php_tags'))


-	return str_replace(array('<?php', '<?PHP', '<?', '?>'),  array('&lt;?php', '&lt;?PHP', '&lt;?', '?&gt;'), $str);

+	function encode_php_tags($str)

+	{

+		return str_replace(array('<?php', '<?PHP', '<?', '?>'),  array('&lt;?php', '&lt;?PHP', '&lt;?', '?&gt;'), $str);

+	}



\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/helpers/smiley_helper.php b/system/helpers/smiley_helper.php
index d61ea78..f414947 100644
--- a/system/helpers/smiley_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/smiley_helper.php
@@ -37,9 +37,11 @@
  * @param	string	field name

  * @return	string


-function js_insert_smiley($form_name = '', $form_field = '')

+if (! function_exists('js_insert_smiley'))


-return <<<EOF

+	function js_insert_smiley($form_name = '', $form_field = '')

+	{

+		return <<<EOF

 <script type="text/javascript">

 	function insert_smiley(smiley)


@@ -47,8 +49,8 @@





+	}	


 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------



@@ -61,37 +63,40 @@
  * @param	string	the URL to the folder containing the smiley images

  * @return	array


-function get_clickable_smileys($image_url = '', $smileys = NULL)

+if (! function_exists('get_clickable_smileys'))


-	if ( ! is_array($smileys))

+	function get_clickable_smileys($image_url = '', $smileys = NULL)


-		if (FALSE === ($smileys = _get_smiley_array()))

+		if ( ! is_array($smileys))


-			return $str;

-		}        

-	}

+			if (FALSE === ($smileys = _get_smiley_array()))

+			{

+				return $str;

+			}        

+		}


-	// Add a trailing slash to the file path if needed

-	$image_url = preg_replace("/(.+?)\/*$/", "\\1/",  $image_url);

+		// Add a trailing slash to the file path if needed

+		$image_url = preg_replace("/(.+?)\/*$/", "\\1/",  $image_url);


-	$used = array();

-	foreach ($smileys as $key => $val)

-	{

-		// Keep duplicates from being used, which can happen if the

-		// mapping array contains multiple identical replacements.  For example:

-		// :-) and :) might be replaced with the same image so both smileys

-		// will be in the array.

-		if (isset($used[$smileys[$key][0]]))

+		$used = array();

+		foreach ($smileys as $key => $val)


-			continue;

+			// Keep duplicates from being used, which can happen if the

+			// mapping array contains multiple identical replacements.  For example:

+			// :-) and :) might be replaced with the same image so both smileys

+			// will be in the array.

+			if (isset($used[$smileys[$key][0]]))

+			{

+				continue;

+			}


+			$link[] = "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"insert_smiley('".$key."')\"><img src=\"".$image_url.$smileys[$key][0]."\" width=\"".$smileys[$key][1]."\" height=\"".$smileys[$key][2]."\" alt=\"".$smileys[$key][3]."\" style=\"border:0;\" /></a>";	


+			$used[$smileys[$key][0]] = TRUE;



-		$link[] = "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"insert_smiley('".$key."')\"><img src=\"".$image_url.$smileys[$key][0]."\" width=\"".$smileys[$key][1]."\" height=\"".$smileys[$key][2]."\" alt=\"".$smileys[$key][3]."\" style=\"border:0;\" /></a>";	


-		$used[$smileys[$key][0]] = TRUE;

+		return $link;



-	return $link;



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -106,30 +111,33 @@
  * @param	string	the URL to the folder containing the smiley images

  * @return	string


-function parse_smileys($str = '', $image_url = '', $smileys = NULL)

+if (! function_exists('parse_smileys'))


-	if ($image_url == '')

+	function parse_smileys($str = '', $image_url = '', $smileys = NULL)


-		return $str;

-	}


-	if ( ! is_array($smileys))

-	{

-		if (FALSE === ($smileys = _get_smiley_array()))

+		if ($image_url == '')


 			return $str;

-		}        

-	}


-	// Add a trailing slash to the file path if needed

-	$image_url = preg_replace("/(.+?)\/*$/", "\\1/",  $image_url);

+		}


-	foreach ($smileys as $key => $val)

-	{        

-		$str = str_replace($key, "<img src=\"".$image_url.$smileys[$key][0]."\" width=\"".$smileys[$key][1]."\" height=\"".$smileys[$key][2]."\" alt=\"".$smileys[$key][3]."\" style=\"border:0;\" />", $str);

-	}

+		if ( ! is_array($smileys))

+		{

+			if (FALSE === ($smileys = _get_smiley_array()))

+			{

+				return $str;

+			}        

+		}


-	return $str;

+		// Add a trailing slash to the file path if needed

+		$image_url = preg_replace("/(.+?)\/*$/", "\\1/",  $image_url);


+		foreach ($smileys as $key => $val)

+		{        

+			$str = str_replace($key, "<img src=\"".$image_url.$smileys[$key][0]."\" width=\"".$smileys[$key][1]."\" height=\"".$smileys[$key][2]."\" alt=\"".$smileys[$key][3]."\" style=\"border:0;\" />", $str);

+		}


+		return $str;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -142,24 +150,24 @@
  * @access	private

  * @return	mixed


-function _get_smiley_array()

+if (! function_exists('_get_smiley_array'))


-	if ( ! file_exists(APPPATH.'config/smileys'.EXT))

+	function _get_smiley_array()


-		return FALSE;

-	}

+		if ( ! file_exists(APPPATH.'config/smileys'.EXT))

+		{

+			return FALSE;

+		}


-	include(APPPATH.'config/smileys'.EXT);

+		include(APPPATH.'config/smileys'.EXT);


-	if ( ! isset($smileys) OR ! is_array($smileys))

-	{

-		return FALSE;

+		if ( ! isset($smileys) OR ! is_array($smileys))

+		{

+			return FALSE;

+		}


+		return $smileys;



-	return $smileys;






\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/helpers/string_helper.php b/system/helpers/string_helper.php
index 42bcd57..f68f44a 100644
--- a/system/helpers/string_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/string_helper.php
@@ -42,10 +42,13 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function trim_slashes($str)

+if (! function_exists('trim_slashes'))


-    return trim($str, '/');


+	function trim_slashes($str)

+	{

+	    return trim($str, '/');

+	} 



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------


@@ -58,21 +61,24 @@
  * @param	mixed	string or array

  * @return	mixed	string or array


- function strip_slashes($str)

- {

-	if (is_array($str))

-	{	

-		foreach ($str as $key => $val)

-		{

-			$str[$key] = strip_slashes($val);

-		}

-	}

-	else

+if (! function_exists('strip_slashes'))


+	function strip_slashes($str)


-		$str = stripslashes($str);

-	}

+		if (is_array($str))

+		{	

+			foreach ($str as $key => $val)

+			{

+				$str[$key] = strip_slashes($val);

+			}

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			$str = stripslashes($str);

+		}


-	return $str;

+		return $str;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -86,9 +92,12 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function strip_quotes($str)

+if (! function_exists('strip_quotes'))


-	return str_replace(array('"', "'"), '', $str);

+	function strip_quotes($str)

+	{

+		return str_replace(array('"', "'"), '', $str);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -102,9 +111,12 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function quotes_to_entities($str)


-	return str_replace(array("\'","\"","'",'"'), array("&#39;","&quot;","&#39;","&quot;"), $str);

+if (! function_exists('quotes_to_entities'))


+	function quotes_to_entities($str)

+	{	

+		return str_replace(array("\'","\"","'",'"'), array("&#39;","&quot;","&#39;","&quot;"), $str);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -124,9 +136,12 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function reduce_double_slashes($str)

+if (! function_exists('reduce_double_slashes'))


-	return preg_replace("#([^:])//+#", "\\1/", $str);

+	function reduce_double_slashes($str)

+	{

+		return preg_replace("#([^:])//+#", "\\1/", $str);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -148,16 +163,19 @@
  * @param	bool	TRUE/FALSE - whether to trim the character from the beginning/end

  * @return	string


-function reduce_multiples($str, $character = ',', $trim = FALSE)

+if (! function_exists('reduce_multiples'))


-	$str = preg_replace('#'.preg_quote($character, '#').'{2,}#', $character, $str);


-	if ($trim === TRUE)

+	function reduce_multiples($str, $character = ',', $trim = FALSE)


-		$str = trim($str, $character);

-	}

+		$str = preg_replace('#'.preg_quote($character, '#').'{2,}#', $character, $str);


+		if ($trim === TRUE)

+		{

+			$str = trim($str, $character);

+		}


-	return $str;

+		return $str;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -171,36 +189,40 @@
  * @param	string 	type of random string.  Options: alunum, numeric, nozero, unique

  * @param	integer	number of characters

  * @return	string

- */	

-function random_string($type = 'alnum', $len = 8)


-	switch($type)

-	{

-		case 'alnum'	:

-		case 'numeric'	:

-		case 'nozero'	:

+ */

+if (! function_exists('random_string'))


+	function random_string($type = 'alnum', $len = 8)

+	{					

+		switch($type)

+		{

+			case 'alnum'	:

+			case 'numeric'	:

+			case 'nozero'	:


-				switch ($type)

-				{

-					case 'alnum'	:	$pool = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';

-						break;

-					case 'numeric'	:	$pool = '0123456789';

-						break;

-					case 'nozero'	:	$pool = '123456789';

-						break;

-				}

+					switch ($type)

+					{

+						case 'alnum'	:	$pool = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';

+							break;

+						case 'numeric'	:	$pool = '0123456789';

+							break;

+						case 'nozero'	:	$pool = '123456789';

+							break;

+					}


-				$str = '';

-				for ($i=0; $i < $len; $i++)

-				{

-					$str .= substr($pool, mt_rand(0, strlen($pool) -1), 1);

-				}

-				return $str;

-		  break;

-		case 'unique' : return md5(uniqid(mt_rand()));

-		  break;

+					$str = '';

+					for ($i=0; $i < $len; $i++)

+					{

+						$str .= substr($pool, mt_rand(0, strlen($pool) -1), 1);

+					}

+					return $str;

+			  break;

+			case 'unique' : return md5(uniqid(mt_rand()));

+			  break;

+		}




 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------



@@ -211,18 +233,21 @@
  * @access	public

  * @param	string (as many parameters as needed)

  * @return	string

- */		

-function alternator()

+ */	

+if (! function_exists('alternator'))


-	static $i;	


-	if (func_num_args() == 0)

+	function alternator()


-		$i = 0;

-		return '';

+		static $i;	


+		if (func_num_args() == 0)

+		{

+			$i = 0;

+			return '';

+		}

+		$args = func_get_args();

+		return $args[($i++ % count($args))];


-	$args = func_get_args();

-	return $args[($i++ % count($args))];



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -235,10 +260,12 @@
  * @param	integer	number of repeats

  * @return	string


-function repeater($data, $num = 1)

+if (! function_exists('repeater'))


-	return (($num > 0) ? str_repeat($data, $num) : '');



+	function repeater($data, $num = 1)

+	{

+		return (($num > 0) ? str_repeat($data, $num) : '');

+	} 



\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/helpers/text_helper.php b/system/helpers/text_helper.php
index 20bf323..30cec31 100644
--- a/system/helpers/text_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/text_helper.php
@@ -38,27 +38,30 @@
  * @param	string	the end character. Usually an ellipsis

  * @return	string


-function word_limiter($str, $n = 100, $end_char = '&#8230;')

+if (! function_exists('word_limiter'))


-	if (strlen($str) < $n)

+	function word_limiter($str, $n = 100, $end_char = '&#8230;')


-		return $str;

-	}

+		if (strlen($str) < $n)

+		{

+			return $str;

+		}


-	$words = explode(' ', preg_replace("/\s+/", ' ', preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/", " ", $str)));

+		$words = explode(' ', preg_replace("/\s+/", ' ', preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/", " ", $str)));


-	if (count($words) <= $n)

-	{

-		return $str;

-	}

+		if (count($words) <= $n)

+		{

+			return $str;

+		}


-	$str = '';

-	for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)

-	{

-		$str .= $words[$i].' ';

-	}

+		$str = '';

+		for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)

+		{

+			$str .= $words[$i].' ';

+		}


-	return trim($str).$end_char;

+		return trim($str).$end_char;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -75,28 +78,31 @@
  * @param	string	the end character. Usually an ellipsis

  * @return	string


-function character_limiter($str, $n = 500, $end_char = '&#8230;')

+if (! function_exists('character_limiter'))


-	if (strlen($str) < $n)

+	function character_limiter($str, $n = 500, $end_char = '&#8230;')


-		return $str;

-	}


-	$str = preg_replace("/\s+/", ' ', preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/", " ", $str));


-	if (strlen($str) <= $n)

-	{

-		return $str;

-	}


-	$out = "";

-	foreach (explode(' ', trim($str)) as $val)

-	{

-		$out .= $val.' ';			

-		if (strlen($out) >= $n)

+		if (strlen($str) < $n)


-			return trim($out).$end_char;

-		}		

+			return $str;

+		}


+		$str = preg_replace("/\s+/", ' ', preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/", " ", $str));


+		if (strlen($str) <= $n)

+		{

+			return $str;

+		}


+		$out = "";

+		foreach (explode(' ', trim($str)) as $val)

+		{

+			$out .= $val.' ';			

+			if (strlen($out) >= $n)

+			{

+				return trim($out).$end_char;

+			}		

+		}




@@ -111,41 +117,44 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function ascii_to_entities($str)

+if (! function_exists('ascii_to_entities'))


-   $count	= 1;

-   $out	= '';

-   $temp	= array();

+	function ascii_to_entities($str)

+	{

+	   $count	= 1;

+	   $out	= '';

+	   $temp	= array();


-   for ($i = 0, $s = strlen($str); $i < $s; $i++)

-   {

-	   $ordinal = ord($str[$i]);

+	   for ($i = 0, $s = strlen($str); $i < $s; $i++)

+	   {

+		   $ordinal = ord($str[$i]);


-	   if ($ordinal < 128)

-	   {

-		   $out .= $str[$i];

-	   }

-	   else

-	   {

-		   if (count($temp) == 0)

+		   if ($ordinal < 128)


-			   $count = ($ordinal < 224) ? 2 : 3;

+			   $out .= $str[$i];



-		   $temp[] = $ordinal;


-		   if (count($temp) == $count)

+		   else


-			   $number = ($count == 3) ? (($temp['0'] % 16) * 4096) + (($temp['1'] % 64) * 64) + ($temp['2'] % 64) : (($temp['0'] % 32) * 64) + ($temp['1'] % 64);

+			   if (count($temp) == 0)

+			   {

+				   $count = ($ordinal < 224) ? 2 : 3;

+			   }


+			   $temp[] = $ordinal;


+			   if (count($temp) == $count)

+			   {

+				   $number = ($count == 3) ? (($temp['0'] % 16) * 4096) + (($temp['1'] % 64) * 64) + ($temp['2'] % 64) : (($temp['0'] % 32) * 64) + ($temp['1'] % 64);


-			   $out .= '&#'.$number.';';

-			   $count = 1;

-			   $temp = array();

+				   $out .= '&#'.$number.';';

+				   $count = 1;

+				   $temp = array();

+			   }



-   }


-   return $out;

+	   return $out;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -160,45 +169,48 @@
  * @param	bool

  * @return	string


-function entities_to_ascii($str, $all = TRUE)

+if (! function_exists('entities_to_ascii'))


-   if (preg_match_all('/\&#(\d+)\;/', $str, $matches))

-   {

-	   for ($i = 0, $s = count($matches['0']); $i < $s; $i++)

-	   {				

-		   $digits = $matches['1'][$i];

+	function entities_to_ascii($str, $all = TRUE)

+	{

+	   if (preg_match_all('/\&#(\d+)\;/', $str, $matches))

+	   {

+		   for ($i = 0, $s = count($matches['0']); $i < $s; $i++)

+		   {				

+			   $digits = $matches['1'][$i];


-		   $out = '';

+			   $out = '';


-		   if ($digits < 128)

-		   {

-			   $out .= chr($digits);

+			   if ($digits < 128)

+			   {

+				   $out .= chr($digits);


-		   }

-		   elseif ($digits < 2048)

-		   {

-			   $out .= chr(192 + (($digits - ($digits % 64)) / 64));

-			   $out .= chr(128 + ($digits % 64));

-		   }

-		   else

-		   {

-			   $out .= chr(224 + (($digits - ($digits % 4096)) / 4096));

-			   $out .= chr(128 + ((($digits % 4096) - ($digits % 64)) / 64));

-			   $out .= chr(128 + ($digits % 64));

-		   }

+			   }

+			   elseif ($digits < 2048)

+			   {

+				   $out .= chr(192 + (($digits - ($digits % 64)) / 64));

+				   $out .= chr(128 + ($digits % 64));

+			   }

+			   else

+			   {

+				   $out .= chr(224 + (($digits - ($digits % 4096)) / 4096));

+				   $out .= chr(128 + ((($digits % 4096) - ($digits % 64)) / 64));

+				   $out .= chr(128 + ($digits % 64));

+			   }


-		   $str = str_replace($matches['0'][$i], $out, $str);				

+			   $str = str_replace($matches['0'][$i], $out, $str);				

+		   }


-   }


-   if ($all)

-   {

-	   $str = str_replace(array("&amp;", "&lt;", "&gt;", "&quot;", "&apos;", "&#45;"),

-						  array("&","<",">","\"", "'", "-"),

-						  $str);

-   }

+	   if ($all)

+	   {

+		   $str = str_replace(array("&amp;", "&lt;", "&gt;", "&quot;", "&apos;", "&#45;"),

+							  array("&","<",">","\"", "'", "-"),

+							  $str);

+	   }


-   return $str;

+	   return $str;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -216,27 +228,30 @@
  * @param	string	the optional replacement value

  * @return	string


-function word_censor($str, $censored, $replacement = '')

+if (! function_exists('word_censor'))


-	if ( ! is_array($censored))

+	function word_censor($str, $censored, $replacement = '')


-		return $str;

-	}

+		if ( ! is_array($censored))

+		{

+			return $str;

+		}


-	$str = ' '.$str.' ';

-	foreach ($censored as $badword)

-	{

-		if ($replacement != '')

+		$str = ' '.$str.' ';

+		foreach ($censored as $badword)


-			$str = preg_replace("/\b(".str_replace('\*', '\w*?', preg_quote($badword)).")\b/i", $replacement, $str);

+			if ($replacement != '')

+			{

+				$str = preg_replace("/\b(".str_replace('\*', '\w*?', preg_quote($badword)).")\b/i", $replacement, $str);

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				$str = preg_replace("/\b(".str_replace('\*', '\w*?', preg_quote($badword)).")\b/ie", "str_repeat('#', strlen('\\1'))", $str);

+			}


-		else

-		{

-			$str = preg_replace("/\b(".str_replace('\*', '\w*?', preg_quote($badword)).")\b/ie", "str_repeat('#', strlen('\\1'))", $str);

-		}

-	}


-	return trim($str);

+		return trim($str);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -250,45 +265,48 @@
  * @param	string	the text string

  * @return	string


-function highlight_code($str)


-	// The highlight string function encodes and highlights

-	// brackets so we need them to start raw

-	$str = str_replace(array('&lt;', '&gt;'), array('<', '>'), $str);

+if (! function_exists('highlight_code'))


+	function highlight_code($str)

+	{		

+		// The highlight string function encodes and highlights

+		// brackets so we need them to start raw

+		$str = str_replace(array('&lt;', '&gt;'), array('<', '>'), $str);


-	// Replace any existing PHP tags to temporary markers so they don't accidentally

-	// break the string out of PHP, and thus, thwart the highlighting.

+		// Replace any existing PHP tags to temporary markers so they don't accidentally

+		// break the string out of PHP, and thus, thwart the highlighting.


-	$str = str_replace(array('<?', '?>', '<%', '%>', '\\', '</script>'), 

-						array('phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'asptagopen', 'asptagclose', 'backslashtmp', 'scriptclose'), $str);

+		$str = str_replace(array('<?', '?>', '<%', '%>', '\\', '</script>'), 

+							array('phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'asptagopen', 'asptagclose', 'backslashtmp', 'scriptclose'), $str);


-	// The highlight_string function requires that the text be surrounded

-	// by PHP tags.  Since we don't know if A) the submitted text has PHP tags,

-	// or B) whether the PHP tags enclose the entire string, we will add our

-	// own PHP tags around the string along with some markers to make replacement easier later

+		// The highlight_string function requires that the text be surrounded

+		// by PHP tags.  Since we don't know if A) the submitted text has PHP tags,

+		// or B) whether the PHP tags enclose the entire string, we will add our

+		// own PHP tags around the string along with some markers to make replacement easier later


-	$str = '<?php tempstart'."\n".$str.'tempend ?>';

+		$str = '<?php tempstart'."\n".$str.'tempend ?>';


-	// All the magic happens here, baby!

-	$str = highlight_string($str, TRUE);

+		// All the magic happens here, baby!

+		$str = highlight_string($str, TRUE);


-	// Prior to PHP 5, the highlight function used icky font tags

-	// so we'll replace them with span tags.	

-	if (abs(phpversion()) < 5)

-	{

-		$str = str_replace(array('<font ', '</font>'), array('<span ', '</span>'), $str);

-		$str = preg_replace('#color="(.*?)"#', 'style="color: \\1"', $str);

-	}

+		// Prior to PHP 5, the highlight function used icky font tags

+		// so we'll replace them with span tags.	

+		if (abs(phpversion()) < 5)

+		{

+			$str = str_replace(array('<font ', '</font>'), array('<span ', '</span>'), $str);

+			$str = preg_replace('#color="(.*?)"#', 'style="color: \\1"', $str);

+		}


-	// Remove our artificially added PHP

-	$str = preg_replace("#\<code\>.+?tempstart\<br />(?:\</span\>)?#is", "<code>\n", $str);

-	$str = preg_replace("#tempend.+#is", "</span>\n</code>", $str);	

+		// Remove our artificially added PHP

+		$str = preg_replace("#\<code\>.+?tempstart\<br />(?:\</span\>)?#is", "<code>\n", $str);

+		$str = preg_replace("#tempend.+#is", "</span>\n</code>", $str);	


-	// Replace our markers back to PHP tags.

-	$str = str_replace(array('phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'asptagopen', 'asptagclose', 'backslashtmp', 'scriptclose'),

-						array('&lt;?', '?&gt;', '&lt;%', '%&gt;', '\\', '&lt;/script&gt;'), $str);

+		// Replace our markers back to PHP tags.

+		$str = str_replace(array('phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'asptagopen', 'asptagclose', 'backslashtmp', 'scriptclose'),

+							array('&lt;?', '?&gt;', '&lt;%', '%&gt;', '\\', '&lt;/script&gt;'), $str);


-	return $str;

+		return $str;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -305,19 +323,22 @@
  * @param	string	the closing tag to end the phrase with

  * @return	string


-function highlight_phrase($str, $phrase, $tag_open = '<strong>', $tag_close = '</strong>')

+if (! function_exists('highlight_phrase'))


-	if ($str == '')

+	function highlight_phrase($str, $phrase, $tag_open = '<strong>', $tag_close = '</strong>')


-		return '';

-	}

+		if ($str == '')

+		{

+			return '';

+		}


-	if ($phrase != '')

-	{

-		return preg_replace('/('.preg_quote($phrase, '/').')/i', $tag_open."\\1".$tag_close, $str);

-	}

+		if ($phrase != '')

+		{

+			return preg_replace('/('.preg_quote($phrase, '/').')/i', $tag_open."\\1".$tag_close, $str);

+		}


-	return $str;

+		return $str;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -334,89 +355,91 @@
  * @param	integer	the number of characters to wrap at

  * @return	string


-function word_wrap($str, $charlim = '76')

+if (! function_exists('word_wrap'))


-	// Se the character limit

-	if ( ! is_numeric($charlim))

-		$charlim = 76;


-	// Reduce multiple spaces

-	$str = preg_replace("| +|", " ", $str);


-	// Standardize newlines

-	$str = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", "\n", $str);


-	// If the current word is surrounded by {unwrap} tags we'll 

-	// strip the entire chunk and replace it with a marker.

-	$unwrap = array();

-	if (preg_match_all("|(\{unwrap\}.+?\{/unwrap\})|s", $str, $matches))

+	function word_wrap($str, $charlim = '76')


-		for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches['0']); $i++)

-		{

-			$unwrap[] = $matches['1'][$i];				

-			$str = str_replace($matches['1'][$i], "{{unwrapped".$i."}}", $str);

-		}

-	}

+		// Se the character limit

+		if ( ! is_numeric($charlim))

+			$charlim = 76;


-	// Use PHP's native function to do the initial wordwrap.  

-	// We set the cut flag to FALSE so that any individual words that are 

-	// too long get left alone.  In the next step we'll deal with them.

-	$str = wordwrap($str, $charlim, "\n", FALSE);

+		// Reduce multiple spaces

+		$str = preg_replace("| +|", " ", $str);


-	// Split the string into individual lines of text and cycle through them

-	$output = "";

-	foreach (explode("\n", $str) as $line) 

-	{

-		// Is the line within the allowed character count?

-		// If so we'll join it to the output and continue

-		if (strlen($line) <= $charlim)

+		// Standardize newlines

+		$str = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", "\n", $str);


+		// If the current word is surrounded by {unwrap} tags we'll 

+		// strip the entire chunk and replace it with a marker.

+		$unwrap = array();

+		if (preg_match_all("|(\{unwrap\}.+?\{/unwrap\})|s", $str, $matches))


-			$output .= $line."\n";			

-			continue;

-		}


-		$temp = '';

-		while((strlen($line)) > $charlim) 

-		{

-			// If the over-length word is a URL we won't wrap it

-			if (preg_match("!\[url.+\]|://|wwww.!", $line))

+			for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches['0']); $i++)


-				break;

+				$unwrap[] = $matches['1'][$i];				

+				$str = str_replace($matches['1'][$i], "{{unwrapped".$i."}}", $str);

+			}

+		}


+		// Use PHP's native function to do the initial wordwrap.  

+		// We set the cut flag to FALSE so that any individual words that are 

+		// too long get left alone.  In the next step we'll deal with them.

+		$str = wordwrap($str, $charlim, "\n", FALSE);


+		// Split the string into individual lines of text and cycle through them

+		$output = "";

+		foreach (explode("\n", $str) as $line) 

+		{

+			// Is the line within the allowed character count?

+			// If so we'll join it to the output and continue

+			if (strlen($line) <= $charlim)

+			{

+				$output .= $line."\n";			

+				continue;

+			}


+			$temp = '';

+			while((strlen($line)) > $charlim) 

+			{

+				// If the over-length word is a URL we won't wrap it

+				if (preg_match("!\[url.+\]|://|wwww.!", $line))

+				{

+					break;

+				}


+				// Trim the word down

+				$temp .= substr($line, 0, $charlim-1);

+				$line = substr($line, $charlim-1);

+			}


+			// If $temp contains data it means we had to split up an over-length 

+			// word into smaller chunks so we'll add it back to our current line

+			if ($temp != '')

+			{

+				$output .= $temp . "\n" . $line; 

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				$output .= $line;



-			// Trim the word down

-			$temp .= substr($line, 0, $charlim-1);

-			$line = substr($line, $charlim-1);

-		}


-		// If $temp contains data it means we had to split up an over-length 

-		// word into smaller chunks so we'll add it back to our current line

-		if ($temp != '')

-		{

-			$output .= $temp . "\n" . $line; 

-		}

-		else

-		{

-			$output .= $line;

+			$output .= "\n";



-		$output .= "\n";

+		// Put our markers back

+		if (count($unwrap) > 0)

+		{	

+			foreach ($unwrap as $key => $val)

+			{

+				$output = str_replace("{{unwrapped".$key."}}", $val, $output);

+			}

+		}


+		// Remove the unwrap tags

+		$output = str_replace(array('{unwrap}', '{/unwrap}'), '', $output);


+		return $output;	



-	// Put our markers back

-	if (count($unwrap) > 0)

-	{	

-		foreach ($unwrap as $key => $val)

-		{

-			$output = str_replace("{{unwrapped".$key."}}", $val, $output);

-		}

-	}


-	// Remove the unwrap tags

-	$output = str_replace(array('{unwrap}', '{/unwrap}'), '', $output);


-	return $output;	




\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/helpers/typography_helper.php b/system/helpers/typography_helper.php
index 4a746c6..4d9a1bb 100644
--- a/system/helpers/typography_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/typography_helper.php
@@ -34,28 +34,31 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function nl2br_except_pre($str)

+if (! function_exists('nl2br_except_pre'))


-	$ex = explode("pre>",$str);

-	$ct = count($ex);


-	$newstr = "";

-	for ($i = 0; $i < $ct; $i++)

+	function nl2br_except_pre($str)


-		if (($i % 2) == 0)

-		{

-			$newstr .= nl2br($ex[$i]);

-		}

-		else

-		{

-			$newstr .= $ex[$i];

-		}


-		if ($ct - 1 != $i)

-			$newstr .= "pre>";

-	}

+		$ex = explode("pre>",$str);

+		$ct = count($ex);


-	return $newstr;

+		$newstr = "";

+		for ($i = 0; $i < $ct; $i++)

+		{

+			if (($i % 2) == 0)

+			{

+				$newstr .= nl2br($ex[$i]);

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				$newstr .= $ex[$i];

+			}


+			if ($ct - 1 != $i)

+				$newstr .= "pre>";

+		}


+		return $newstr;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -68,10 +71,13 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function auto_typography($str)

+if (! function_exists('auto_typography'))


-	$TYPE = new Auto_typography();

-	return $TYPE->convert($str);

+	function auto_typography($str)

+	{

+		$TYPE = new Auto_typography();

+		return $TYPE->convert($str);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

diff --git a/system/helpers/url_helper.php b/system/helpers/url_helper.php
index 9969af0..ad71caa 100644
--- a/system/helpers/url_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/url_helper.php
@@ -37,10 +37,13 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function site_url($uri = '')

+if (! function_exists('site_url'))


-	$CI =& get_instance();

-	return $CI->config->site_url($uri);

+	function site_url($uri = '')

+	{

+		$CI =& get_instance();

+		return $CI->config->site_url($uri);

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -53,10 +56,13 @@
  * @access	public

  * @return	string


-function base_url()

+if (! function_exists('base_url'))


-	$CI =& get_instance();

-	return $CI->config->slash_item('base_url');

+	function base_url()

+	{

+		$CI =& get_instance();

+		return $CI->config->slash_item('base_url');

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -69,10 +75,13 @@
  * @access	public

  * @return	string


-function index_page()

+if (! function_exists('index_page'))


-	$CI =& get_instance();

-	return $CI->config->item('index_page');

+	function index_page()

+	{

+		$CI =& get_instance();

+		return $CI->config->item('index_page');

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -88,34 +97,37 @@
  * @param	mixed	any attributes

  * @return	string


-function anchor($uri = '', $title = '', $attributes = '')

+if (! function_exists('anchor'))


-	$title = (string) $title;

+	function anchor($uri = '', $title = '', $attributes = '')

+	{

+		$title = (string) $title;


-	if ( ! is_array($uri))

-	{

-		$site_url = ( ! preg_match('!^\w+://!i', $uri)) ? site_url($uri) : $uri;

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		$site_url = site_url($uri);

-	}

+		if ( ! is_array($uri))

+		{

+			$site_url = ( ! preg_match('!^\w+://!i', $uri)) ? site_url($uri) : $uri;

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			$site_url = site_url($uri);

+		}


-	if ($title == '')

-	{

-		$title = $site_url;

-	}

+		if ($title == '')

+		{

+			$title = $site_url;

+		}


-	if ($attributes == '')

-	{

-		$attributes = ' title="'.$title.'"';

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		$attributes = _parse_attributes($attributes);

-	}

+		if ($attributes == '')

+		{

+			$attributes = ' title="'.$title.'"';

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			$attributes = _parse_attributes($attributes);

+		}


-	return '<a href="'.$site_url.'"'.$attributes.'>'.$title.'</a>';

+		return '<a href="'.$site_url.'"'.$attributes.'>'.$title.'</a>';

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -132,33 +144,36 @@
  * @param	mixed	any attributes

  * @return	string


-function anchor_popup($uri = '', $title = '', $attributes = FALSE)


-	$title = (string) $title;

+if (! function_exists('anchor_popup'))


+	function anchor_popup($uri = '', $title = '', $attributes = FALSE)

+	{	

+		$title = (string) $title;


-	$site_url = ( ! preg_match('!^\w+://!i', $uri)) ? site_url($uri) : $uri;

+		$site_url = ( ! preg_match('!^\w+://!i', $uri)) ? site_url($uri) : $uri;


-	if ($title == '')

-	{

-		$title = $site_url;

-	}

+		if ($title == '')

+		{

+			$title = $site_url;

+		}


-	if ($attributes === FALSE)

-	{

-		return "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick=\"'".$site_url."', '_blank');\">".$title."</a>";

-	}

+		if ($attributes === FALSE)

+		{

+			return "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick=\"'".$site_url."', '_blank');\">".$title."</a>";

+		}


-	if ( ! is_array($attributes))

-	{

-		$attributes = array();

-	}

+		if ( ! is_array($attributes))

+		{

+			$attributes = array();

+		}


-	foreach (array('width' => '800', 'height' => '600', 'scrollbars' => 'yes', 'status' => 'yes', 'resizable' => 'yes', 'screenx' => '0', 'screeny' => '0', ) as $key => $val)

-	{

-		$atts[$key] = ( ! isset($attributes[$key])) ? $val : $attributes[$key];

-	}

+		foreach (array('width' => '800', 'height' => '600', 'scrollbars' => 'yes', 'status' => 'yes', 'resizable' => 'yes', 'screenx' => '0', 'screeny' => '0', ) as $key => $val)

+		{

+			$atts[$key] = ( ! isset($attributes[$key])) ? $val : $attributes[$key];

+		}


-	return "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick=\"'".$site_url."', '_blank', '"._parse_attributes($atts, TRUE)."');\">".$title."</a>";

+		return "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick=\"'".$site_url."', '_blank', '"._parse_attributes($atts, TRUE)."');\">".$title."</a>";

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -172,18 +187,21 @@
  * @param	mixed 	any attributes

  * @return	string


-function mailto($email, $title = '', $attributes = '')

+if (! function_exists('mailto'))


-	$title = (string) $title;


-	if ($title == "")

+	function mailto($email, $title = '', $attributes = '')


-		$title = $email;

+		$title = (string) $title;


+		if ($title == "")

+		{

+			$title = $email;

+		}


+		$attributes = _parse_attributes($attributes);


+		return '<a href="mailto:'.$email.'"'.$attributes.'>'.$title.'</a>';



-	$attributes = _parse_attributes($attributes);


-	return '<a href="mailto:'.$email.'"'.$attributes.'>'.$title.'</a>';



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -199,100 +217,103 @@
  * @param	mixed 	any attributes

  * @return	string


-function safe_mailto($email, $title = '', $attributes = '')

+if (! function_exists('safe_mailto'))


-	$title = (string) $title;


-	if ($title == "")

+	function safe_mailto($email, $title = '', $attributes = '')


-		$title = $email;

-	}

+		$title = (string) $title;


+		if ($title == "")

+		{

+			$title = $email;

+		}


-	for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++)

-	{

-		$x[] = substr('<a href="mailto:', $i, 1);

-	}


-	for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($email); $i++)

-	{

-		$x[] = "|".ord(substr($email, $i, 1));

-	}


-	$x[] = '"';


-	if ($attributes != '')

-	{

-		if (is_array($attributes))

+		for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++)


-			foreach ($attributes as $key => $val)

+			$x[] = substr('<a href="mailto:', $i, 1);

+		}


+		for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($email); $i++)

+		{

+			$x[] = "|".ord(substr($email, $i, 1));

+		}


+		$x[] = '"';


+		if ($attributes != '')

+		{

+			if (is_array($attributes))


-				$x[] =  ' '.$key.'="';

-				for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($val); $i++)

+				foreach ($attributes as $key => $val)


-					$x[] = "|".ord(substr($val, $i, 1));

+					$x[] =  ' '.$key.'="';

+					for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($val); $i++)

+					{

+						$x[] = "|".ord(substr($val, $i, 1));

+					}

+					$x[] = '"';


-				$x[] = '"';


-		}

-		else

-		{	

-			for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($attributes); $i++)

-			{

-				$x[] = substr($attributes, $i, 1);

+			else

+			{	

+				for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($attributes); $i++)

+				{

+					$x[] = substr($attributes, $i, 1);

+				}


-		}

-	}	

+		}	


-	$x[] = '>';

+		$x[] = '>';


-	$temp = array();

-	for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($title); $i++)

-	{

-		$ordinal = ord($title[$i]);


-		if ($ordinal < 128)

+		$temp = array();

+		for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($title); $i++)


-			$x[] = "|".$ordinal;

-		}

-		else

-		{

-			if (count($temp) == 0)

+			$ordinal = ord($title[$i]);


+			if ($ordinal < 128)


-				$count = ($ordinal < 224) ? 2 : 3;

+				$x[] = "|".$ordinal;


+			else

+			{

+				if (count($temp) == 0)

+				{

+					$count = ($ordinal < 224) ? 2 : 3;

+				}


-			$temp[] = $ordinal;

-			if (count($temp) == $count)

-			{

-				$number = ($count == 3) ? (($temp['0'] % 16) * 4096) + (($temp['1'] % 64) * 64) + ($temp['2'] % 64) : (($temp['0'] % 32) * 64) + ($temp['1'] % 64);

-				$x[] = "|".$number;

-				$count = 1;

-				$temp = array();

+				$temp[] = $ordinal;

+				if (count($temp) == $count)

+				{

+					$number = ($count == 3) ? (($temp['0'] % 16) * 4096) + (($temp['1'] % 64) * 64) + ($temp['2'] % 64) : (($temp['0'] % 32) * 64) + ($temp['1'] % 64);

+					$x[] = "|".$number;

+					$count = 1;

+					$temp = array();

+				}




+		$x[] = '<'; $x[] = '/'; $x[] = 'a'; $x[] = '>';


+		$x = array_reverse($x);

+		ob_start();


+	?><script type="text/javascript">

+	//<![CDATA[

+	var l=new Array();

+	<?php

+	$i = 0;

+	foreach ($x as $val){ ?>l[<?php echo $i++; ?>]='<?php echo $val; ?>';<?php } ?>


+	for (var i = l.length-1; i >= 0; i=i-1){

+	if (l[i].substring(0, 1) == '|') document.write("&#"+unescape(l[i].substring(1))+";");

+	else document.write(unescape(l[i]));}

+	//]]>

+	</script><?php


+		$buffer = ob_get_contents();

+		ob_end_clean();

+		return $buffer;



-	$x[] = '<'; $x[] = '/'; $x[] = 'a'; $x[] = '>';


-	$x = array_reverse($x);

-	ob_start();


-?><script type="text/javascript">


-var l=new Array();


-$i = 0;

-foreach ($x as $val){ ?>l[<?php echo $i++; ?>]='<?php echo $val; ?>';<?php } ?>


-for (var i = l.length-1; i >= 0; i=i-1){

-if (l[i].substring(0, 1) == '|') document.write("&#"+unescape(l[i].substring(1))+";");

-else document.write(unescape(l[i]));}




-	$buffer = ob_get_contents();

-	ob_end_clean();

-	return $buffer;



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -311,55 +332,58 @@
  * @param	bool 	whether to create pop-up links

  * @return	string


-function auto_link($str, $type = 'both', $popup = FALSE)

+if (! function_exists('auto_link'))


-	if ($type != 'email')

-	{		

-		if (preg_match_all("#(^|\s|\()((http(s?)://)|(www\.))(\w+[^\s\)\<]+)#i", $str, $matches))

-		{

-			$pop = ($popup == TRUE) ? " target=\"_blank\" " : "";


-			for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($matches['0']); $i++)

+	function auto_link($str, $type = 'both', $popup = FALSE)

+	{

+		if ($type != 'email')

+		{		

+			if (preg_match_all("#(^|\s|\()((http(s?)://)|(www\.))(\w+[^\s\)\<]+)#i", $str, $matches))


-				$period = '';

-				if (preg_match("|\.$|", $matches['6'][$i]))

+				$pop = ($popup == TRUE) ? " target=\"_blank\" " : "";


+				for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($matches['0']); $i++)


-					$period = '.';

-					$matches['6'][$i] = substr($matches['6'][$i], 0, -1);

-				}

+					$period = '';

+					if (preg_match("|\.$|", $matches['6'][$i]))

+					{

+						$period = '.';

+						$matches['6'][$i] = substr($matches['6'][$i], 0, -1);

+					}


-				$str = str_replace($matches['0'][$i],

-									$matches['1'][$i].'<a href="http'.

-									$matches['4'][$i].'://'.

-									$matches['5'][$i].

-									$matches['6'][$i].'"'.$pop.'>http'.

-									$matches['4'][$i].'://'.

-									$matches['5'][$i].

-									$matches['6'][$i].'</a>'.

-									$period, $str);

+					$str = str_replace($matches['0'][$i],

+										$matches['1'][$i].'<a href="http'.

+										$matches['4'][$i].'://'.

+										$matches['5'][$i].

+										$matches['6'][$i].'"'.$pop.'>http'.

+										$matches['4'][$i].'://'.

+										$matches['5'][$i].

+										$matches['6'][$i].'</a>'.

+										$period, $str);

+				}



-	}


-	if ($type != 'url')

-	{	

-		if (preg_match_all("/([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]*)/i", $str, $matches))

-		{

-			for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($matches['0']); $i++)

+		if ($type != 'url')

+		{	

+			if (preg_match_all("/([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]*)/i", $str, $matches))


-				$period = '';

-				if (preg_match("|\.$|", $matches['3'][$i]))

+				for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($matches['0']); $i++)


-					$period = '.';

-					$matches['3'][$i] = substr($matches['3'][$i], 0, -1);

-				}

+					$period = '';

+					if (preg_match("|\.$|", $matches['3'][$i]))

+					{

+						$period = '.';

+						$matches['3'][$i] = substr($matches['3'][$i], 0, -1);

+					}


-				$str = str_replace($matches['0'][$i], safe_mailto($matches['1'][$i].'@'.$matches['2'][$i].'.'.$matches['3'][$i]).$period, $str);

-			}

+					$str = str_replace($matches['0'][$i], safe_mailto($matches['1'][$i].'@'.$matches['2'][$i].'.'.$matches['3'][$i]).$period, $str);

+				}


+			}


+		return $str;


-	return $str;



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -373,19 +397,22 @@
  * @param	string	the URL

  * @return	string


-function prep_url($str = '')

+if (! function_exists('prep_url'))


-	if ($str == 'http://' OR $str == '')

+	function prep_url($str = '')


-		return '';

-	}

+		if ($str == 'http://' OR $str == '')

+		{

+			return '';

+		}


-	if (substr($str, 0, 7) != 'http://' && substr($str, 0, 8) != 'https://')

-	{

-		$str = 'http://'.$str;

-	}

+		if (substr($str, 0, 7) != 'http://' && substr($str, 0, 8) != 'https://')

+		{

+			$str = 'http://'.$str;

+		}


-	return $str;

+		return $str;

+	}



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -402,36 +429,39 @@
  * @param	string	the separator: dash, or underscore

  * @return	string


-function url_title($str, $separator = 'dash')

+if (! function_exists('url_title'))


-	if ($separator == 'dash')

+	function url_title($str, $separator = 'dash')


-		$search		= '_';

-		$replace	= '-';

-	}

-	else

-	{

-		$search		= '-';

-		$replace	= '_';

-	}

+		if ($separator == 'dash')

+		{

+			$search		= '_';

+			$replace	= '-';

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			$search		= '-';

+			$replace	= '_';

+		}


-	$trans = array(

-					$search								=> $replace,

-					"\s+"								=> $replace,

-					"[^a-z0-9".$replace."]"				=> '',

-					$replace."+"						=> $replace,

-					$replace."$"						=> '',

-					"^".$replace						=> ''

-				   );

+		$trans = array(

+						$search								=> $replace,

+						"\s+"								=> $replace,

+						"[^a-z0-9".$replace."]"				=> '',

+						$replace."+"						=> $replace,

+						$replace."$"						=> '',

+						"^".$replace						=> ''

+					   );


-	$str = strip_tags(strtolower($str));

+		$str = strip_tags(strtolower($str));


-	foreach ($trans as $key => $val)

-	{

-		$str = preg_replace("#".$key."#", $val, $str);

+		foreach ($trans as $key => $val)

+		{

+			$str = preg_replace("#".$key."#", $val, $str);

+		}


+		return trim(stripslashes($str));



-	return trim(stripslashes($str));



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -446,16 +476,19 @@
  * @param	string	the method: location or redirect

  * @return	string


-function redirect($uri = '', $method = 'location')

+if (! function_exists('redirect'))


-	switch($method)

+	function redirect($uri = '', $method = 'location')


-		case 'refresh'	: header("Refresh:0;url=".site_url($uri));

-			break;

-		default			: header("Location: ".site_url($uri));

-			break;

+		switch($method)

+		{

+			case 'refresh'	: header("Refresh:0;url=".site_url($uri));

+				break;

+			default			: header("Location: ".site_url($uri));

+				break;

+		}

+		exit;


-	exit;



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -470,32 +503,35 @@
  * @param	bool

  * @return	string


-function _parse_attributes($attributes, $javascript = FALSE)

+if (! function_exists('_parse_attributes'))


-	if (is_string($attributes))

+	function _parse_attributes($attributes, $javascript = FALSE)


-		return ($attributes != '') ? ' '.$attributes : '';

-	}

+		if (is_string($attributes))

+		{

+			return ($attributes != '') ? ' '.$attributes : '';

+		}


-	$att = '';

-	foreach ($attributes as $key => $val)

-	{

-		if ($javascript == TRUE)

+		$att = '';

+		foreach ($attributes as $key => $val)


-			$att .= $key . '=' . $val . ',';

+			if ($javascript == TRUE)

+			{

+				$att .= $key . '=' . $val . ',';

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				$att .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $val . '"';

+			}


-		else


+		if ($javascript == TRUE AND $att != '')


-			$att .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $val . '"';

+			$att = substr($att, 0, -1);


-	}


-	if ($javascript == TRUE AND $att != '')

-	{

-		$att = substr($att, 0, -1);

+		return $att;



-	return $att;



\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/helpers/xml_helper.php b/system/helpers/xml_helper.php
index 1a2c737..5aa6de9 100644
--- a/system/helpers/xml_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/xml_helper.php
@@ -34,25 +34,27 @@
  * @param	string

  * @return	string


-function xml_convert($str)

+if (! function_exists('xml_convert'))


-	$temp = '__TEMP_AMPERSANDS__';

+	function xml_convert($str)

+	{

+		$temp = '__TEMP_AMPERSANDS__';


-	// Replace entities to temporary markers so that 

-	// ampersands won't get messed up

-	$str = preg_replace("/&#(\d+);/", "$temp\\1;", $str);

-	$str = preg_replace("/&(\w+);/",  "$temp\\1;", $str);

+		// Replace entities to temporary markers so that 

+		// ampersands won't get messed up

+		$str = preg_replace("/&#(\d+);/", "$temp\\1;", $str);

+		$str = preg_replace("/&(\w+);/",  "$temp\\1;", $str);


-	$str = str_replace(array("&","<",">","\"", "'", "-"),

-					   array("&amp;", "&lt;", "&gt;", "&quot;", "&#39;", "&#45;"),

-					   $str);

+		$str = str_replace(array("&","<",">","\"", "'", "-"),

+						   array("&amp;", "&lt;", "&gt;", "&quot;", "&#39;", "&#45;"),

+						   $str);


-	// Decode the temp markers back to entities		

-	$str = preg_replace("/$temp(\d+);/","&#\\1;",$str);

-	$str = preg_replace("/$temp(\w+);/","&\\1;", $str);

+		// Decode the temp markers back to entities		

+		$str = preg_replace("/$temp(\d+);/","&#\\1;",$str);

+		$str = preg_replace("/$temp(\w+);/","&\\1;", $str);


-	return $str;

+		return $str;

+	}




\ No newline at end of file