bringing language files up to date
diff --git a/system/language/english/date_lang.php b/system/language/english/date_lang.php
index 628e55b..c0ace16 100644
--- a/system/language/english/date_lang.php
+++ b/system/language/english/date_lang.php
@@ -56,5 +56,6 @@
 $lang['UP13']	= '(UTC +13:00) Phoenix Islands Time, Tonga';
 $lang['UP14']	= '(UTC +14:00) Line Islands';
 /* End of file date_lang.php */
 /* Location: ./system/language/english/date_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/language/english/db_lang.php b/system/language/english/db_lang.php
index dc98afc..79b82c7 100644
--- a/system/language/english/db_lang.php
+++ b/system/language/english/db_lang.php
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
 $lang['db_unable_to_create'] = 'Unable to create the specified database: %s';
 $lang['db_invalid_query'] = 'The query you submitted is not valid.';
 $lang['db_must_set_table'] = 'You must set the database table to be used with your query.';
-$lang['db_must_set_database'] = 'You must set the database name in your database config file.';
 $lang['db_must_use_set'] = 'You must use the "set" method to update an entry.';
+$lang['db_must_use_index'] = 'You must specify an index to match on for batch updates.';
+$lang['db_batch_missing_index'] = 'One or more rows submitted for batch updating is missing the specified index.';
 $lang['db_must_use_where'] = 'Updates are not allowed unless they contain a "where" clause.';
 $lang['db_del_must_use_where'] = 'Deletes are not allowed unless they contain a "where" or "like" clause.';
 $lang['db_field_param_missing'] = 'To fetch fields requires the name of the table as a parameter.';
diff --git a/system/language/english/scaffolding_lang.php b/system/language/english/scaffolding_lang.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c4d54d5..0000000
--- a/system/language/english/scaffolding_lang.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-$lang['scaff_view_records']		= 'View Records';
-$lang['scaff_create_record']	= 'Create New Record';
-$lang['scaff_add']				= 'Add Data';
-$lang['scaff_view']				= 'View Data';
-$lang['scaff_edit']				= 'Edit';
-$lang['scaff_delete']			= 'Delete';
-$lang['scaff_view_all']			= 'View All';
-$lang['scaff_yes']				= 'Yes';
-$lang['scaff_no']				= 'No';
-$lang['scaff_no_data']			= 'No data exists for this table yet.';
-$lang['scaff_del_confirm']		= 'Are you sure you want to delete the following row:';
-/* End of file scaffolding_lang.php */
-/* Location: ./system/language/english/scaffolding_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/language/english/validation_lang.php b/system/language/english/validation_lang.php
index a287892..345341f 100644
--- a/system/language/english/validation_lang.php
+++ b/system/language/english/validation_lang.php
@@ -1,23 +1,20 @@
-$lang['required'] 			= "The %s field is required.";
-$lang['isset']				= "The %s field must have a value.";
-$lang['valid_email']		= "The %s field must contain a valid email address.";
-$lang['valid_emails'] 		= "The %s field must contain all valid email addresses.";
-$lang['valid_url'] 			= "The %s field must contain a valid URL.";
-$lang['valid_ip'] 			= "The %s field must contain a valid IP.";
-$lang['min_length']			= "The %s field must be at least %s characters in length.";
-$lang['max_length']			= "The %s field can not exceed %s characters in length.";
-$lang['exact_length']		= "The %s field must be exactly %s characters in length.";
-$lang['alpha']				= "The %s field may only contain alphabetical characters.";
-$lang['alpha_numeric']		= "The %s field may only contain alpha-numeric characters.";
-$lang['alpha_dash']			= "The %s field may only contain alpha-numeric characters, underscores, and dashes.";
-$lang['numeric']			= "The %s field must contain a number.";
-$lang['is_numeric']			= "The %s field must contain a number.";
-$lang['integer']			= "The %s field must contain an integer.";
-$lang['matches']			= "The %s field does not match the %s field.";
-$lang['is_natural']			= "The %s field must contain a number.";
-$lang['is_natural_no_zero']	= "The %s field must contain a number greater than zero.";
+$lang['required'] 		= "The %s field is required.";
+$lang['isset']			= "The %s field must have a value.";
+$lang['valid_email']	= "The %s field must contain a valid email address.";
+$lang['valid_emails'] 	= "The %s field must contain all valid email addresses.";
+$lang['valid_url'] 		= "The %s field must contain a valid URL.";
+$lang['valid_ip'] 		= "The %s field must contain a valid IP.";
+$lang['min_length']		= "The %s field must be at least %s characters in length.";
+$lang['max_length']		= "The %s field can not exceed %s characters in length.";
+$lang['exact_length']	= "The %s field must be exactly %s characters in length.";
+$lang['alpha']			= "The %s field may only contain alphabetical characters.";
+$lang['alpha_numeric']	= "The %s field may only contain alpha-numeric characters.";
+$lang['alpha_dash']		= "The %s field may only contain alpha-numeric characters, underscores, and dashes.";
+$lang['numeric']		= "The %s field must contain a number.";
+$lang['integer']		= "The %s field must contain an integer.";
+$lang['matches']		= "The %s field does not match the %s field.";
 /* End of file validation_lang.php */