Documented unset_userdata in the Session class.
diff --git a/user_guide/changelog.html b/user_guide/changelog.html
index e11bdc7..e96e18e 100644
--- a/user_guide/changelog.html
+++ b/user_guide/changelog.html
@@ -65,20 +65,21 @@
 <h2>Version 1.5.5</h2>

 <p>Release Date: -- still in development </p>


-	<li>Added Flashdata variables, session_id regeneration and configurable session update   times to the <a href="./libraries/sessions.html">Session class</a> </li>

+	<li>Added Flashdata variables, session_id regeneration and configurable session update   times to the <a href="./libraries/sessions.html">Session class.</a></li>

 	<li>Added $this->DB->save_queries variable to DB driver, enabling queries to get saved or no. Previously they were always saved.</li>

 	<li>Added <dfn>$assign_to_controller</dfn> variable in the main <kbd>index.php</kbd> file.  Anything that this variable contains will be passed automatically to a controller constructor when initialized.</li>

 	<li>Reorganized the URI and Routes classes for better clarity.</li>

-    <li>Javascript Calendar plugin now uses the months and days from the calendar language file, instead of hard-coded values, internationalizing it </li>

+    <li>Javascript Calendar plugin now uses the months and days from the calendar language file, instead of hard-coded values, internationalizing it.</li>

     <li>Removed &quot;rand()&quot; as a listed option from orderby in the <a href="./database/active_record.html">Active Record</a>, as it was MySQL only. </li>

-    <li>Added titles to all user manual pages</li>

-    <li>Documented the timezones() function in the <a href="./helpers/date_helper.html">Date Helper</a></li>

-    <li>Fixed a bug in database driver where num_rows property wasn't getting updated </li>

-    <li>Fixed a bug in captcha calling an invalid PHP function</li>

-	<li>Fixed a bug in _html_entity_decode_callback() when 'global_xss_filtering' is enabled.</li>

+    <li>Added titles to all user manual pages.</li>

+    <li>Documented the timezones() function in the <a href="./helpers/date_helper.html">Date Helper</a>.</li>

+    <li>Documented unset_userdata in the <a href="./libraries/sessions.html">Session class</a>.</li>

+    <li>Fixed a bug in database driver where num_rows property wasn't getting updated.</li>

+    <li>Fixed a bug in captcha calling an invalid PHP function.</li>

+    <li>Fixed a bug in _html_entity_decode_callback() when 'global_xss_filtering' is enabled.</li>

 	<li>Fixed a bug in the cookie helper "set_cookie" function.  It was not honoring the config settings.</li>

-    <li>Fixed an example of comma-separated emails in the email library documentation</li>

-    <li>Fixed a typo in the DocBlock comment for unset_userdata() in Session </li>

+    <li>Fixed an example of comma-separated emails in the email library documentation.</li>

+    <li>Fixed a typo in the DocBlock comment for unset_userdata() in Session.</li>
