Remove PHP 5.1 dependancy check
diff --git a/system/helpers/date_helper.php b/system/helpers/date_helper.php
index a655c1f..cb15f6d 100644
--- a/system/helpers/date_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/date_helper.php
@@ -739,121 +739,89 @@
$range = array();
- if (is_php('5.2'))
+ /* NOTE: Even though the DateTime object has many useful features, it appears that
+ * it doesn't always handle properly timezones, when timestamps are passed
+ * directly to its constructor. Neither of the following gave proper results:
+ *
+ * new DateTime('<timestamp>')
+ * new DateTime('<timestamp>', '<timezone>')
+ *
+ * --- available in PHP 5.3:
+ *
+ * DateTime::createFromFormat('<format>', '<timestamp>')
+ * DateTime::createFromFormat('<format>', '<timestamp>', '<timezone')
+ *
+ * ... so we'll have to set the timestamp after the object is instantiated.
+ * Furthermore, in PHP 5.3 we can use DateTime::setTimestamp() to do that and
+ * given that we have UNIX timestamps - we should use it.
+ */
+ $from = new DateTime();
+ if (is_php('5.3'))
- /* NOTE: Even though the DateTime object has many useful features, it appears that
- * it doesn't always handle properly timezones, when timestamps are passed
- * directly to its constructor. Neither of the following gave proper results:
- *
- * new DateTime('<timestamp>')
- * new DateTime('<timestamp>', '<timezone>')
- *
- * --- available in PHP 5.3:
- *
- * DateTime::createFromFormat('<format>', '<timestamp>')
- * DateTime::createFromFormat('<format>', '<timestamp>', '<timezone')
- *
- * ... so we'll have to set the timestamp after the object is instantiated.
- * Furthermore, in PHP 5.3 we can use DateTime::setTimestamp() to do that and
- * given that we have UNIX timestamps - we should use it.
- */
- $from = new DateTime();
- if (is_php('5.3'))
- {
- $from->setTimestamp($unix_start);
- if ($is_unix)
- {
- $arg = new DateTime();
- $arg->setTimestamp($mixed);
- }
- else
- {
- $arg = (int) $mixed;
- }
- $period = new DatePeriod($from, new DateInterval('P1D'), $arg);
- foreach ($period as $date)
- {
- $range[] = $date->format($format);
- }
- /* If a period end date was passed to the DatePeriod constructor, it might not
- * be in our results. Not sure if this is a bug or it's just possible because
- * the end date might actually be less than 24 hours away from the previously
- * generated DateTime object, but either way - we have to append it manually.
- */
- if ( ! is_int($arg) && $range[count($range) - 1] !== $arg->format($format))
- {
- $range[] = $arg->format($format);
- }
- return $range;
- }
- $from->setDate(date('Y', $unix_start), date('n', $unix_start), date('j', $unix_start));
- $from->setTime(date('G', $unix_start), date('i', $unix_start), date('s', $unix_start));
+ $from->setTimestamp($unix_start);
if ($is_unix)
$arg = new DateTime();
- $arg->setDate(date('Y', $mixed), date('n', $mixed), date('j', $mixed));
- $arg->setTime(date('G', $mixed), date('i', $mixed), date('s', $mixed));
+ $arg->setTimestamp($mixed);
$arg = (int) $mixed;
- $range[] = $from->format($format);
- if (is_int($arg)) // Day intervals
+ $period = new DatePeriod($from, new DateInterval('P1D'), $arg);
+ foreach ($period as $date)
- do
- {
- $from->modify('+1 day');
- $range[] = $from->format($format);
- }
- while (--$arg > 0);
+ $range[] = $date->format($format);
- else // end date UNIX timestamp
- {
- for ($from->modify('+1 day'), $end_check = $arg->format('Ymd'); $from->format('Ymd') < $end_check; $from->modify('+1 day'))
- {
- $range[] = $from->format($format);
- }
- // Our loop only appended dates prior to our end date
+ /* If a period end date was passed to the DatePeriod constructor, it might not
+ * be in our results. Not sure if this is a bug or it's just possible because
+ * the end date might actually be less than 24 hours away from the previously
+ * generated DateTime object, but either way - we have to append it manually.
+ */
+ if ( ! is_int($arg) && $range[count($range) - 1] !== $arg->format($format))
+ {
$range[] = $arg->format($format);
return $range;
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * PHP Version is < 5.2. We have no other option, but to calculate manually ...
- *
- * NOTE: If we do something like this:
- *
- * $unix_timestamp + 86400
- *
- * ... due to DST, there's a possibility of calculation errors and/or incorrect
- * hours generated (if the specified format displays such data).
- */
- $from = $to = array();
- sscanf(date('Y-n-j G:i:s', $unix_start), '%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d', $from['y'], $from['mo'], $from['d'], $from['h'], $from['mi'], $from['s']);
- // If we don't have the end timestamp, let mktime() calculate it
- $unix_end = ($is_unix) ? (int) $mixed : mktime($from['h'], $from['mi'], $from['s'], $from['mo'], $from['d'] + $mixed, $from['y']);
- $end_check = date('Ymd', $unix_end);
- while (date('Ymd', $unix_start = mktime($from['h'], $from['mi'], $from['s'], $from['mo'], $from['d'], $from['y'])) !== $end_check)
+ $from->setDate(date('Y', $unix_start), date('n', $unix_start), date('j', $unix_start));
+ $from->setTime(date('G', $unix_start), date('i', $unix_start), date('s', $unix_start));
+ if ($is_unix)
- $range[] = date($format, $unix_start);
- $from['d']++;
+ $arg = new DateTime();
+ $arg->setDate(date('Y', $mixed), date('n', $mixed), date('j', $mixed));
+ $arg->setTime(date('G', $mixed), date('i', $mixed), date('s', $mixed));
+ else
+ {
+ $arg = (int) $mixed;
+ }
+ $range[] = $from->format($format);
- // Our loop only appended dates prior to our end date
- $range[] = date($format, $unix_end);
+ if (is_int($arg)) // Day intervals
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ $from->modify('+1 day');
+ $range[] = $from->format($format);
+ }
+ while (--$arg > 0);
+ }
+ else // end date UNIX timestamp
+ {
+ for ($from->modify('+1 day'), $end_check = $arg->format('Ymd'); $from->format('Ymd') < $end_check; $from->modify('+1 day'))
+ {
+ $range[] = $from->format($format);
+ }
+ // Our loop only appended dates prior to our end date
+ $range[] = $arg->format($format);
+ }
return $range;