change hardcoded page docs to use generated ones
escape "http://" that was getting linked
formatting some tables
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/database/utilities.rst b/user_guide_src/source/database/utilities.rst
index 7dcf1df..ab7d6a1 100644
--- a/user_guide_src/source/database/utilities.rst
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/database/utilities.rst
@@ -153,37 +153,16 @@
 Description of Backup Preferences
-Default Value
-empty array
-An array of tables you want backed up. If left blank all tables will be
-empty array
-An array of tables you want the backup routine to ignore.
-gzip, zip, txt
-The file format of the export file.
-the current date/time
-The name of the backed-up file. The name is needed only if you are using
-zip compression.
-Whether to include DROP TABLE statements in your SQL export file.
-Whether to include INSERT statements in your SQL export file.
-"\\n", "\\r", "\\r\\n"
-Type of newline to use in your SQL export file.
+=============== ======================= ======================= ========================================================================
+Preference      Default Value           Options                 Description
+=============== ======================= ======================= ========================================================================
+**tables**      empty array             None                    An array of tables you want backed up. If left blank all tables will be
+                                                                exported.
+**ignore**      empty array             None                    An array of tables you want the backup routine to ignore.
+**format**      gzip                    gzip, zip, txt          The file format of the export file.
+**filename**    the current date/time   None                    The name of the backed-up file. The name is needed only if you are using
+                                                                zip compression.
+**add_drop**    TRUE                    TRUE/FALSE              Whether to include DROP TABLE statements in your SQL export file.
+**add_insert**  TRUE                    TRUE/FALSE              Whether to include INSERT statements in your SQL export file.
+**newline**     "\\n"                   "\\n", "\\r", "\\r\\n"  Type of newline to use in your SQL export file.
+=============== ======================= ======================= ========================================================================
\ No newline at end of file