change hardcoded page docs to use generated ones
escape "http://" that was getting linked
formatting some tables
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/general/profiling.rst b/user_guide_src/source/general/profiling.rst
index 28c1dd7..4376352 100644
--- a/user_guide_src/source/general/profiling.rst
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/general/profiling.rst
@@ -65,40 +65,19 @@
Available sections and the array key used to access them are described
in the table below.
-Elapsed time of Benchmark points and total execution time
-CodeIgniter Config variables
-The Controller class and method requested
-Any GET data passed in the request
-The HTTP headers for the current request
-Amount of memory consumed by the current request, in bytes
-Any POST data passed in the request
-Listing of all database queries executed, including execution time
-The URI of the current request
-Data stored in the current session
-The number of queries after which the query block will default to
+======================= =================================================================== ========
+Key Description Default
+======================= =================================================================== ========
+**benchmarks** Elapsed time of Benchmark points and total execution time TRUE
+**config** CodeIgniter Config variables TRUE
+**controller_info** The Controller class and method requested TRUE
+**get** Any GET data passed in the request TRUE
+**http_headers** The HTTP headers for the current request TRUE
+**memory_usage** Amount of memory consumed by the current request, in bytes TRUE
+**post** Any POST data passed in the request TRUE
+**queries** Listing of all database queries executed, including execution time TRUE
+**uri_string** The URI of the current request TRUE
+**session_data** Data stored in the current session TRUE
+**query_toggle_count** The number of queries after which the query block will default to 25
+ hidden.
+======================= =================================================================== ========
\ No newline at end of file