declared $_filedata as static so it can work properly with recursion through subdirectories
diff --git a/user_guide/changelog.html b/user_guide/changelog.html
index aa5f3cb..60b90b9 100644
--- a/user_guide/changelog.html
+++ b/user_guide/changelog.html
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@
 	<li>Fixed a bug in the URL helper url_title() function where trailing periods were allowed at the end of a URL.</li>
 	<li>Fixed a bug (#6669) in the Email class when CRLF's are used for the newline character with headers when used with the "mail" protocol.</li>
 	<li>Fixed a bug (#6500) where URI::A_filter_uri() was exit()ing an error instead of using show_error().</li>
+	<li>Fixed a bug (#6592) in the File Helper where get_dir_file_info() where recursion was not occurring properly.</li>
 	<li>Tweaked Typography::auto_typography() for some edge-cases.</li>
@@ -750,7 +751,7 @@
 <li>Fixed a bug that affects some versions of PHP when output buffering is nested.</li>
 <li>Fixed a bug that caused CI to stop working when the PHP magic __get() or __set() functions were used within models or controllers.</li>
 <li>Fixed a pagination bug that was permitting negative values in the URL.</li>
-<li>Fixed an oversight in which the Loader class was not allowed to be exteneded.</li>
+<li>Fixed an oversight in which the Loader class was not allowed to be extended.</li>
 <li>Changed <dfn>_get_config()</dfn> to <dfn>get_config()</dfn> since the function is not a private one.</li>
 <li><strong>Deprecated "init" folder</strong>.  Initialization happens automatically now.  <a href="./general/creating_libraries.html">Please see documentation</a>.</li>
 <li><strong>Deprecated</strong> $this->db->field_names()  USE  $this->db->list_fields()</li>