Added changelog item for Issue #406
diff --git a/user_guide/changelog.html b/user_guide/changelog.html
index e3f1277..6fe501e 100644
--- a/user_guide/changelog.html
+++ b/user_guide/changelog.html
@@ -113,14 +113,15 @@
 	<li class="reactor">If a config class was loaded first then a library with the same name is loaded, the config would be ignored.</li>
 	<li class="reactor">Fixed a bug (Reactor #19) where 1) the 404_override route was being ignored in some cases, and 2) auto-loaded libraries were not available to the 404_override controller when a controller existed but the requested method did not.</li>
 	<li class="rector">Fixed a bug (Reactor #89) where MySQL export would fail if the table had hyphens or other non alphanumeric/underscore characters.</li>
-    <li class="reactor">Fixed a bug (#200) where MySQL queries would be malformed after calling <samp>count_all()</samp> then <samp>db->get()</samp></li>
-    <li class="reactor">Fixed bug #105 that stopped query errors from being logged unless database debugging was enabled</li>
-    <li>Fixed a bug (#181) where a mis-spelling was in the form validation language file.</li>
+    	<li class="reactor">Fixed a bug (#200) where MySQL queries would be malformed after calling <samp>count_all()</samp> then <samp>db->get()</samp></li>
+    	<li class="reactor">Fixed bug #105 that stopped query errors from being logged unless database debugging was enabled</li>
+    	<li>Fixed a bug (#181) where a mis-spelling was in the form validation language file.</li>
 	<li>Fixed a bug (#160) - Removed unneeded array copy in the file cache driver.</li>
 	<li>Fixed a bug (#150) - <samp>field_data()</samp> now correctly returns column length.</li>
 	<li>Fixed a bug (#8) - <samp>load_class()</samp> now looks for core classes in <samp>APPPATH</samp> first, allowing them to be replaced.</li>
 	<li>Fixed a bug (#24) - ODBC database driver called incorrect parent in __construct().</li>
 	<li>Fixed a bug (#85) - OCI8 (Oracle) database escape_str() function did not escape correct.</li>
+	<li class="reactor">Fixed a bug (#406) - sqlsrv DB driver not reuturning resource on <samp>db_pconnect()</samp>.</li>
 <h2>Version 2.0.3</h2>