Update Email library docs
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/libraries/email.rst b/user_guide_src/source/libraries/email.rst
index e7ed9f7..da3bf26 100644
--- a/user_guide_src/source/libraries/email.rst
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/libraries/email.rst
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 **mailtype**        text                   text or html                 Type of mail. If you send HTML email you must send it as a complete web
                                                                         page. Make sure you don't have any relative links or relative image
                                                                         paths otherwise they will not work.
-**charset**         utf-8                                               Character set (utf-8, iso-8859-1, etc.).
+**charset**         ``$config['charset']``                              Character set (utf-8, iso-8859-1, etc.).
 **validate**        FALSE                  TRUE or FALSE (boolean)      Whether to validate the email address.
 **priority**        3                      1, 2, 3, 4, 5                Email Priority. 1 = highest. 5 = lowest. 3 = normal.
 **crlf**            \\n                    "\\r\\n" or "\\n" or "\\r"   Newline character. (Use "\\r\\n" to comply with RFC 822).