Merge pull request #3396 from jim-parry/userguide/query_builder

Userguide/query builder
diff --git a/system/core/Security.php b/system/core/Security.php
index 6ed0f8d..8adc356 100755
--- a/system/core/Security.php
+++ b/system/core/Security.php
@@ -977,8 +977,8 @@
 			// We don't necessarily want to regenerate it with
 			// each page load since a page could contain embedded
 			// sub-pages causing this feature to fail
-			if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name]) &&
-				preg_match('#^[0-9a-f]{32}$#iS', $_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name]) === 1)
+			if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name]) && is_string($_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name])
+				&& preg_match('#^[0-9a-f]{32}$#iS', $_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name]) === 1)
 				return $this->_csrf_hash = $_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name];
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/database/results.rst b/user_guide_src/source/database/results.rst
index e069851..044360e 100644
--- a/user_guide_src/source/database/results.rst
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/database/results.rst
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
 There are several ways to generate query results:
+.. contents::
+    :local:
+    :depth: 2
 Result Arrays
@@ -238,4 +242,183 @@
 	$row = $query->unbuffered_row();
 .. note:: Not all database drivers support this feature and will return FALSE.
-	Most notably - you won't be able to use it with PDO.
\ No newline at end of file
+	Most notably - you won't be able to use it with PDO.
+Class Reference
+.. class:: CI_DB_result
+	.. method:: custom_result_object($class_name)
+		:param	string	$class_name: Class name for the results
+		:returns:	Array of objects of type $class_name
+		:rtype:	array of $class_name
+		Return the query results as an array of the specified class.
+	.. method:: custom_row_object($n, $type)
+		:param	int	$n: Index of the results row to return
+		:param	string	$class_name: Class name for the results
+		:returns:	Object of type $type
+		:rtype:	$type
+		Return a specific row from the query results as an object of 
+                the specified class.
+	.. method:: data_seek([$n = 0])
+		:param	int	$n: Index of the results row to be returned next
+		:returns:	TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise
+		:rtype:	bool
+		Moves the internal results row pointer to the desired offset.
+                Usage: see `Result Helper Methods`_.
+	.. method:: field_data()
+		:returns:	Array of objects containing field meta-data.
+		:rtype:	array
+		Generates an array of objects containing field meta-data.
+	.. method:: first_row([$type = 'object'])
+		:param	string	$type: Type of result requested - array, object, or class name
+		:returns:	First row of result set
+		:rtype:	mixed
+		Returns the "first" row, as an array, generic object, or 
+                object of a specific class
+	.. method:: free_result()
+		:rtype:	void
+		Free the result.
+                Usage: see `Result Helper Methods`_.
+	.. method:: last_row([$type = 'object'])
+		:param	string	$type: Type of result requested - array, object, or class name
+		:returns:	Last row of result set
+		:rtype:	mixed
+		Returns the "last" row, as an array, generic object, or 
+                object of a specific class
+	.. method:: list_fields()
+		:returns:	Array of column names
+		:rtype:	array
+		Fetch Field Names
+	.. method:: next_row([$type = 'object'])
+		:param	string	$type: Type of result requested - array, object, or class name
+		:returns:	"Next" row of result set, NULL if there isn't one
+		:rtype:	mixed
+		Returns the "next" row, as an array, generic object, or 
+                object of a specific class
+	.. method:: num_fields()
+		:returns:	Number of fields in the result set
+		:rtype:	integer
+		Number of fields in the result set.
+                Usage: see `Result Helper Methods`_.
+	.. method:: num_rows()
+		:returns:	Number of rows in the result set
+		:rtype:	integer
+		Number of rows in the result set.
+                Usage: see `Result Helper Methods`_.
+	.. method:: previous_row([$type = 'object'])
+		:param	string	$type: Type of result requested - array, object, or class name
+		:returns:	"Previous" row of result set, NULL if there isn't one
+		:rtype:	mixed
+		Returns the "previous" row, as an array, generic object, or 
+                object of a specific class
+	.. method:: result([$type = 'object'])
+		:param	string	$type: Type of result requested - array, object, or class name
+		:returns:	Query results as the specified type
+		:rtype:	mixed
+		Query result. Acts as a wrapper function for the result_array, 
+                result_object and custom_result_object methods.
+                Usage: see `Result Arrays`_.
+	.. method:: result_array()
+		:returns:	Query results as an associative array
+		:rtype:	array
+		Returns the query results as an array of rows, where each
+                row is itself an associative array.
+                Usage: see `Result Arrays`_.
+	.. method:: result_object()
+		:returns:	Query results as an array of objects
+		:rtype:	array
+		Returns the query results as an array of rows, where each
+                row is an object
+	.. method:: row([$n = 0[, $type = 'object']])
+		:param	integer	$n: Index of the query results row to be returned
+                :param	string	$type: Type of result requested - array, object, or class name
+		:returns:	Requested row of result set
+		:rtype:	mixed
+		Wrapper for result_row_array, result_row_object, and 
+                custom_row_object.
+                Usage: see `Result Rows`_.
+	.. method:: row_array([$n = 0])
+		:param	integer	$n: Index of the query results row to be returned
+                :returns:	Requested row of result set
+		:rtype:	array
+		Returns requested result row as an associative array.
+                Usage: see `Result Rows`_.
+	.. method:: row_object([$n = 0])
+		:param	integer	$n: Index of the query results row to be returned
+                :returns:	Requested row of result set
+		:rtype:	object
+		Returns requested result row as an object
+	.. method:: set_row($key[, $value = NULL])
+		:param	mixed	$key: Column index or array of key/value pairs
+                :param	mixed	$value: Result to assign to a column if the key is an index
+		:rtype:	void
+		Assigns an item into a particular column slot
+	.. method:: unbuffered_row([$type = 'object'])
+		:param	string	$type: Type of result requested - array, object, or class name
+		:returns:	Requested row of result set
+		:rtype:	mixed
+		Fetches the next result row and returns it in the requested 
+                form.
+                Usage: see `Result Rows`_.
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