Propset eol-style to CRLF

simplified paragraph tag cleanup regex
diff --git a/system/language/english/profiler_lang.php b/system/language/english/profiler_lang.php
index 7c40e3f..4db5511 100644
--- a/system/language/english/profiler_lang.php
+++ b/system/language/english/profiler_lang.php
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-$lang['profiler_database']		  = 'DATABASE';
-$lang['profiler_controller_info'] = 'CLASS/METHOD';
-$lang['profiler_benchmarks']	= 'BENCHMARKS';
-$lang['profiler_queries']		= 'QUERIES';
-$lang['profiler_get_data']		= 'GET DATA';
-$lang['profiler_post_data']		= 'POST DATA';
-$lang['profiler_uri_string']	= 'URI STRING';
-$lang['profiler_memory_usage']	= 'MEMORY USAGE';
-$lang['profiler_no_db']			= 'Database driver is not currently loaded';
-$lang['profiler_no_queries']	= 'No queries were run';
-$lang['profiler_no_post']		= 'No POST data exists';
-$lang['profiler_no_get']		= 'No GET data exists';
-$lang['profiler_no_uri']		= 'No URI data exists';
-$lang['profiler_no_memory']		= 'Memory Usage Unavailable';
-/* End of file profiler_lang.php */


+$lang['profiler_database']		  = 'DATABASE';

+$lang['profiler_controller_info'] = 'CLASS/METHOD';

+$lang['profiler_benchmarks']	= 'BENCHMARKS';

+$lang['profiler_queries']		= 'QUERIES';

+$lang['profiler_get_data']		= 'GET DATA';

+$lang['profiler_post_data']		= 'POST DATA';

+$lang['profiler_uri_string']	= 'URI STRING';

+$lang['profiler_memory_usage']	= 'MEMORY USAGE';

+$lang['profiler_no_db']			= 'Database driver is not currently loaded';

+$lang['profiler_no_queries']	= 'No queries were run';

+$lang['profiler_no_post']		= 'No POST data exists';

+$lang['profiler_no_get']		= 'No GET data exists';

+$lang['profiler_no_uri']		= 'No URI data exists';

+$lang['profiler_no_memory']		= 'Memory Usage Unavailable';


+/* End of file profiler_lang.php */

 /* Location: ./system/language/english/profiler_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file