Remove a PHP_VERSION < 5 check (no longer needed)
diff --git a/system/helpers/text_helper.php b/system/helpers/text_helper.php
index 842a31d..6e9ea57 100644
--- a/system/helpers/text_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/text_helper.php
@@ -300,9 +300,9 @@
// Replace any existing PHP tags to temporary markers so they don't accidentally
// break the string out of PHP, and thus, thwart the highlighting.
$str = str_replace(array('<?', '?>', '<%', '%>', '\\', '</script>'),
- array('phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'asptagopen', 'asptagclose', 'backslashtmp', 'scriptclose'), $str);
+ array('phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'asptagopen', 'asptagclose', 'backslashtmp', 'scriptclose'),
+ $str);
// The highlight_string function requires that the text be surrounded
// by PHP tags, which we will remove later
@@ -311,25 +311,15 @@
// All the magic happens here, baby!
$str = highlight_string($str, TRUE);
- // Prior to PHP 5, the highligh function used icky <font> tags
- // so we'll replace them with <span> tags.
- if (abs(PHP_VERSION) < 5)
- {
- $str = str_replace(array('<font ', '</font>'), array('<span ', '</span>'), $str);
- $str = preg_replace('#color="(.*?)"#', 'style="color: \\1"', $str);
- }
// Remove our artificially added PHP, and the syntax highlighting that came with it
$str = preg_replace('/<span style="color: #([A-Z0-9]+)"><\?php( | )/i', '<span style="color: #$1">', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/(<span style="color: #[A-Z0-9]+">.*?)\?><\/span>\n<\/span>\n<\/code>/is', "$1</span>\n</span>\n</code>", $str);
$str = preg_replace('/<span style="color: #[A-Z0-9]+"\><\/span>/i', '', $str);
// Replace our markers back to PHP tags.
- $str = str_replace(array('phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'asptagopen', 'asptagclose', 'backslashtmp', 'scriptclose'),
- array('<?', '?>', '<%', '%>', '\\', '</script>'), $str);
- return $str;
+ return str_replace(array('phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'asptagopen', 'asptagclose', 'backslashtmp', 'scriptclose'),
+ array('<?', '?>', '<%', '%>', '\\', '</script>'),
+ $str);
@@ -544,4 +534,4 @@
/* End of file text_helper.php */
-/* Location: ./system/helpers/text_helper.php */
\ No newline at end of file
+/* Location: ./system/helpers/text_helper.php */