Ability to move the view folder out of the Application directory

* index.php -- added the $view_folder var and VIEWPATH constant *
Loader.php -- changed the private _ci_view_paths var so that it's not
hardcoded to the view dir, but looks for the VIEWPATH constant instead
diff --git a/system/core/Loader.php b/system/core/Loader.php
index e7fa3d3..452dc0b 100755
--- a/system/core/Loader.php
+++ b/system/core/Loader.php
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 		$this->_ci_library_paths = array(APPPATH, BASEPATH);
 		$this->_ci_helper_paths = array(APPPATH, BASEPATH);
 		$this->_ci_model_paths = array(APPPATH);
-		$this->_ci_view_paths = array(APPPATH.'views/'	=> TRUE);
+		$this->_ci_view_paths = array(VIEWPATH	=> TRUE);
 		log_message('debug', "Loader Class Initialized");