Fixed typos in the email Language class (email_attachment_unredable, email_filed_smtp_login).
diff --git a/system/language/english/email_lang.php b/system/language/english/email_lang.php
index 430ae4a..040e0ea 100644
--- a/system/language/english/email_lang.php
+++ b/system/language/english/email_lang.php
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-$lang['email_must_be_array'] = "The email validation method must be passed an array.";
-$lang['email_invalid_address'] = "Invalid email address: %s";
-$lang['email_attachment_missing'] = "Unable to locate the following email attachment: %s";
-$lang['email_attachment_unredable'] = "Unable to open this attachment: %s";
-$lang['email_no_recipients'] = "You must include recipients: To, Cc, or Bcc";
-$lang['email_send_failure_phpmail'] = "Unable to send email using PHP mail(). Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method.";
-$lang['email_send_failure_sendmail'] = "Unable to send email using PHP Sendmail. Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method.";
-$lang['email_send_failure_smtp'] = "Unable to send email using PHP SMTP. Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method.";
-$lang['email_sent'] = "Your message has been successfully sent using the following protocol: %s";
-$lang['email_no_socket'] = "Unable to open a socket to Sendmail. Please check settings.";
-$lang['email_no_hostname'] = "You did not specify a SMTP hostname";
-$lang['email_smtp_error'] = "The following SMTP error was encountered: %s";
-$lang['email_no_smtp_unpw'] = "Error: You must assign a SMTP username and password.";
-$lang['email_filed_smtp_login'] = "Failed to send AUTH LOGIN command. Error: %s";
-$lang['email_smtp_auth_un'] = "Failed to authenticate username. Error: %s";
-$lang['email_smtp_auth_pw'] = "Failed to authenticate password. Error: %s";
-$lang['email_smtp_data_failure'] = "Unable to send data: %s";
+$lang['email_must_be_array'] = "The email validation method must be passed an array.";
+$lang['email_invalid_address'] = "Invalid email address: %s";
+$lang['email_attachment_missing'] = "Unable to locate the following email attachment: %s";
+$lang['email_attachment_unreadable'] = "Unable to open this attachment: %s";
+$lang['email_no_recipients'] = "You must include recipients: To, Cc, or Bcc";
+$lang['email_send_failure_phpmail'] = "Unable to send email using PHP mail(). Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method.";
+$lang['email_send_failure_sendmail'] = "Unable to send email using PHP Sendmail. Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method.";
+$lang['email_send_failure_smtp'] = "Unable to send email using PHP SMTP. Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method.";
+$lang['email_sent'] = "Your message has been successfully sent using the following protocol: %s";
+$lang['email_no_socket'] = "Unable to open a socket to Sendmail. Please check settings.";
+$lang['email_no_hostname'] = "You did not specify a SMTP hostname";
+$lang['email_smtp_error'] = "The following SMTP error was encountered: %s";
+$lang['email_no_smtp_unpw'] = "Error: You must assign a SMTP username and password.";
+$lang['email_failed_smtp_login'] = "Failed to send AUTH LOGIN command. Error: %s";
+$lang['email_smtp_auth_un'] = "Failed to authenticate username. Error: %s";
+$lang['email_smtp_auth_pw'] = "Failed to authenticate password. Error: %s";
+$lang['email_smtp_data_failure'] = "Unable to send data: %s";
\ No newline at end of file