further whitespace fixes
diff --git a/user_guide/installation/upgrade_154.html b/user_guide/installation/upgrade_154.html
index 90bc7d3..01389f3 100644
--- a/user_guide/installation/upgrade_154.html
+++ b/user_guide/installation/upgrade_154.html
@@ -80,15 +80,15 @@
 <h2>Step 2: Add charset to your config.php </h2>

 <p>Add the following to system/application/config/config.php</p>

 <code>/*<br />

-    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

-    | Default Character Set<br />

-    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

-    |<br />

-    | This determines which character set is used by default in various methods<br />

-    | that require a character set to be provided.<br />

-    |<br />

-    */<br />

-    $config['charset'] = &quot;UTF-8&quot;;</code>

+	|--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

+	| Default Character Set<br />

+	|--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

+	|<br />

+	| This determines which character set is used by default in various methods<br />

+	| that require a character set to be provided.<br />

+	|<br />

+	*/<br />

+	$config['charset'] = &quot;UTF-8&quot;;</code>


 <h2>Step 3: Autoloading language files </h2>

 <p>If you want to autoload any language files, add this line to system/application/config/autoload.php</p>

diff --git a/user_guide/installation/upgrade_160.html b/user_guide/installation/upgrade_160.html
index f4e703e..b80a688 100644
--- a/user_guide/installation/upgrade_160.html
+++ b/user_guide/installation/upgrade_160.html
@@ -83,16 +83,16 @@
 <h2>Step 3: Add $autoload['model']</h2>

 <p>Add the following to system/application/autoload.php</p>

 <p><code> /*<br />

-    | -------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

-    |  Auto-load Model files<br />

-    | -------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

-    | Prototype:<br />

-    |<br />

-    |    $autoload['model'] = array('my_model');<br />

-    |<br />

-    */<br />

-    <br />

-    $autoload['model'] = array();</code></p>

+	| -------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

+	|  Auto-load Model files<br />

+	| -------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

+	| Prototype:<br />

+	|<br />

+	|    $autoload['model'] = array('my_model');<br />

+	|<br />

+	*/<br />

+	<br />

+	$autoload['model'] = array();</code></p>

 <h2>Step 4: Add  to your database.php </h2>

 <p>Make the following changes to your system/application/config/database.php file:</p>

 <p>Add the following variable above the database configuration options, with <dfn>$active_group</dfn></p>