fixed bug #3156 in highlight_code() where PHP tags were not being converted properly. Also added protection for asp and inline style script delimiters, and removed an empty span to make outputted code valid
diff --git a/system/helpers/text_helper.php b/system/helpers/text_helper.php
index 9620e03..8b67114 100644
--- a/system/helpers/text_helper.php
+++ b/system/helpers/text_helper.php
@@ -259,8 +259,9 @@
// Replace any existing PHP tags to temporary markers so they don't accidentally
// break the string out of PHP, and thus, thwart the highlighting.
- $str = str_replace(array('<?php', '?>', '\\'), array('phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'backslashtmp'), $str);
+ $str = str_replace(array('<?', '?>', '<%', '%>', '\\', '</script>'),
+ array('phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'asptagopen', 'asptagclose', 'backslashtmp', 'scriptclose'), $str);
// The highlight_string function requires that the text be surrounded
// by PHP tags. Since we don't know if A) the submitted text has PHP tags,
// or B) whether the PHP tags enclose the entire string, we will add our
@@ -279,14 +280,16 @@
$str = preg_replace('#color="(.*?)"#', 'style="color: \\1"', $str);
- // Remove our artificially added PHP
+ // Remove our artificially added PHP and the empty span that results from our temp markers
$str = preg_replace("#\<code\>.+?//tempstart\<br />\</span\>#is", "<code>\n", $str);
$str = preg_replace("#\<code\>.+?//tempstart\<br />#is", "<code>\n", $str);
$str = preg_replace("#//tempend.+#is", "</span>\n</code>", $str);
+ $str = preg_replace("#\<span style=\"color: \#FF8000\"\></span>\n</code>#is", "\n</code>", $str);
// Replace our markers back to PHP tags.
- $str = str_replace(array('phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'backslashtmp'), array('<?php', '?>', '\\'), $str); //<?
+ $str = str_replace(array('phptagopen', 'phptagclose', 'asptagopen', 'asptagclose', 'backslashtmp', 'scriptclose'),
+ array('<?', '?>', '<%', '%>', '\\', '</script>'), $str);
return $str;