Clean up
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst b/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
index 8d3f370..94f7f9e 100644
--- a/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
@@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
 	 -  Added Redis driver.
 	 -  Added a *key_prefix* option for cache IDs.
    -  :doc:`Email library <libraries/email>` changes include:
+	 -  Added SMTP keepalive option to avoid opening the connection for each ``Email::send()``. Accessible as ``$smtp_keepalive``.
+	 -  Empty string passed into useragent will be set to the first valid value in ``$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']`` or ``PHP/<version>``.
 	 -  Added custom filename to ``Email::attach()`` as ``$this->email->attach($filename, $disposition, $newname)``.
 	 -  Added possibility to send attachment as buffer string in ``Email::attach()`` as ``$this->email->attach($buffer, $disposition, $newname, $mime)``.
 	 -  Added dsn (delivery status notification) option.
@@ -337,6 +339,7 @@
 Bug fixes for 3.0
+-  Fixed a bug (#2255, #2256) where ``smtp_timeout`` was not being applied to read and writes for the socket.
 -  Fixed a bug where ``unlink()`` raised an error if cache file did not exist when you try to delete it.
 -  Fixed a bug (#181) where a mis-spelling was in the form validation language file.
 -  Fixed a bug (#159, #163) that mishandled Query Builder nested transactions because _trans_depth was not getting incremented.
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/libraries/email.rst b/user_guide_src/source/libraries/email.rst
index 7d46825..a55f189 100644
--- a/user_guide_src/source/libraries/email.rst
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/libraries/email.rst
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
 **smtp_pass**       No Default             None                         SMTP Password.
 **smtp_port**       25                     None                         SMTP Port.
 **smtp_timeout**    5                      None                         SMTP Timeout (in seconds).
+**smtp_keepalive**  FALSE                  TRUE or FALSE (boolean)      Enable persistent SMTP connections.
 **smtp_crypto**     No Default             tls or ssl                   SMTP Encryption
 **wordwrap**        TRUE                   TRUE or FALSE (boolean)      Enable word-wrap.
 **wrapchars**       76                                                  Character count to wrap at.