Add unit tests for form_helper.php

* Does not test form_open() and form_open_multipart()
* Does not test set_value(), set_select(), set_checkbox() and set_radio()
* Above are in progress and will be added once certain issues are resolved
diff --git a/tests/codeigniter/helpers/form_helper_test.php b/tests/codeigniter/helpers/form_helper_test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80bace9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/codeigniter/helpers/form_helper_test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+require BASEPATH . 'core/Common.php';
+require BASEPATH . 'helpers/form_helper.php';
+class Form_helper_test extends CI_TestCase 
+	public function test_form_hidden()
+	{				
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+<input type="hidden" name="username" value="johndoe" />
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_hidden('username', 'johndoe'));
+	}
+	public function test_form_input()
+	{
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+<input type="text" name="username" value="johndoe" id="username" maxlength="100" size="50" style="width:50%"  />
+		$data = array(
+			'name'        => 'username',
+			'id'          => 'username',
+			'value'       => 'johndoe',
+			'maxlength'   => '100',
+			'size'        => '50',
+			'style'       => 'width:50%',
+		);
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_input($data));
+	}
+	public function test_form_password()
+	{				
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+<input type="password" name="password" value=""  />
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_password('password'));
+	}
+	public function test_form_upload()
+	{				
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+<input type="file" name="attachment" value=""  />
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_upload('attachment'));
+	}
+	public function test_form_textarea()
+	{				
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+<textarea name="notes" cols="40" rows="10" >Notes</textarea>
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_textarea('notes', 'Notes'));
+	}
+	public function test_form_dropdown()
+	{
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+<select name="shirts">
+<option value="small">Small Shirt</option>
+<option value="med">Medium Shirt</option>
+<option value="large" selected="selected">Large Shirt</option>
+<option value="xlarge">Extra Large Shirt</option>
+		$options = array(
+			'small'  => 'Small Shirt',
+			'med'    => 'Medium Shirt',
+			'large'   => 'Large Shirt',
+			'xlarge' => 'Extra Large Shirt',
+		);
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_dropdown('shirts', $options, 'large'));
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+<select name="shirts" multiple="multiple">
+<option value="small" selected="selected">Small Shirt</option>
+<option value="med">Medium Shirt</option>
+<option value="large" selected="selected">Large Shirt</option>
+<option value="xlarge">Extra Large Shirt</option>
+		$shirts_on_sale = array('small', 'large');
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_dropdown('shirts', $options, $shirts_on_sale));
+		$options = array(
+			'Swedish Cars' => array(
+				'volvo'  => 'Volvo',
+				'saab'    => 'Saab'
+			),
+			'German Cars' => array(
+				'mercedes'  => 'Mercedes',
+				'audi'    => 'Audi'
+			)
+		);
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+<select name="cars" multiple="multiple">
+<optgroup label="Swedish Cars">
+<option value="volvo" selected="selected">Volvo</option>
+<option value="saab">Saab</option>
+<optgroup label="German Cars">
+<option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>
+<option value="audi" selected="selected">Audi</option>
+		$cars_on_sale = array('volvo', 'audi');
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_dropdown('cars', $options, $cars_on_sale));
+	}
+	public function test_form_multiselect()
+	{
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+<select name="shirts[]"  multiple="multiple">
+<option value="small">Small Shirt</option>
+<option value="med" selected="selected">Medium Shirt</option>
+<option value="large" selected="selected">Large Shirt</option>
+<option value="xlarge">Extra Large Shirt</option>
+		$options = array(
+                  'small'  => 'Small Shirt',
+                  'med'    => 'Medium Shirt',
+                  'large'   => 'Large Shirt',
+                  'xlarge' => 'Extra Large Shirt',
+                );
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_multiselect('shirts[]', $options, array('med', 'large')));
+	}
+	public function test_form_fieldset()
+	{
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+<legend>Address Information</legend>
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_fieldset('Address Information'));
+	}
+	public function test_form_fieldset_close()
+	{
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_fieldset_close('</div></div>'));
+	}
+	public function test_form_checkbox()
+	{
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+<input type="checkbox" name="newsletter" value="accept" checked="checked"  />
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_checkbox('newsletter', 'accept', TRUE));
+	}
+	public function test_form_radio()
+	{
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+<input type="radio" name="newsletter" value="accept" checked="checked"  />
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_radio('newsletter', 'accept', TRUE));
+	}
+	public function test_form_submit()
+	{
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+<input type="submit" name="mysubmit" value="Submit Post!"  />
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_submit('mysubmit', 'Submit Post!'));
+	}
+	public function test_form_label()
+	{
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+<label for="username">What is your Name</label>
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_label('What is your Name', 'username'));
+	}
+	public function test_form_reset()
+	{
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+<input type="reset" name="myreset" value="Reset"  />
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_reset('myreset', 'Reset'));
+	}
+	public function test_form_button()
+	{
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+<button name="name" type="button" >content</button>
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_button('name','content'));
+	}
+	public function test_form_close()
+	{
+		$expected = <<<EOH
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_close('</div></div>'));
+	}
+	public function test_form_prep()
+	{
+		$expected = "Here is a string containing &quot;quoted&quot; text.";
+		$this->assertEquals($expected, form_prep('Here is a string containing "quoted" text.'));
+	}
+/* End of file form_helper_test.php */
\ No newline at end of file