Simplify callback routes

There's no need for all that Reflection magic, it's only slowing down the whole process
diff --git a/system/core/Router.php b/system/core/Router.php
index 2448d9c..765e323 100644
--- a/system/core/Router.php
+++ b/system/core/Router.php
@@ -399,35 +399,6 @@
 					// Remove the original string from the matches array.
-					// Get the match count.
-					$match_count = count($matches);
-					// Determine how many parameters the callback has.
-					$reflection = new ReflectionFunction($val);
-					$param_count = $reflection->getNumberOfParameters();
-					// Are there more parameters than matches?
-					if ($param_count > $match_count)
-					{
-						// Any params without matches will be set to an empty string.
-						$matches = array_merge($matches, array_fill($match_count, $param_count - $match_count, ''));
-						$match_count = $param_count;
-					}
-					// Get the parameters so we can use their default values.
-					$params = $reflection->getParameters();
-					for ($m = 0; $m < $match_count; $m++)
-					{
-						// Is the match empty and does a default value exist?
-						if (empty($matches[$m]) && $params[$m]->isDefaultValueAvailable())
-						{
-							// Substitute the empty match for the default value.
-							$matches[$m] = $params[$m]->getDefaultValue();
-						}
-					}
 					// Execute the callback using the values in matches as its parameters.
 					$val = call_user_func_array($val, $matches);