Considerably expanded list of mobile user-agents in config/user_agents.php.
diff --git a/system/application/config/user_agents.php b/system/application/config/user_agents.php
index 27a9d0c..61e0471 100644
--- a/system/application/config/user_agents.php
+++ b/system/application/config/user_agents.php
@@ -87,18 +87,77 @@
 					'motorola'			=> 'Motorola'



-// There are hundreds of bots but these are the most common.

-$robots = array(

-					'googlebot'			=> 'Googlebot',

-					'msnbot'			=> 'MSNBot',

-					'slurp'				=> 'Inktomi Slurp',

-					'yahoo'				=> 'Yahoo',

-					'askjeeves'			=> 'AskJeeves',

-					'fastcrawler'		=> 'FastCrawler',

-					'infoseek'			=> 'InfoSeek Robot 1.0',

-					'lycos'				=> 'Lycos'

-				);	


+$mobiles = array(

+					// Phones and Manufacturers

+					'motorola'			=> "Motorola",

+					'nokia'				=> "Nokia",

+					'palm'				=> "Palm",

+					'iphone'			=> "Apple iPhone",

+					'ipod'				=> "Apple iPod Touch",

+					'sony'				=> "Sony Ericsson",

+					'ericsson'			=> "Sony Ericsson",

+					'blackberry'		=> "BlackBerry",

+					'cocoon'			=> "O2 Cocoon",

+					'blazer'			=> "Treo",

+					'lg'				=> "LG",

+					'amoi'				=> "Amoi",

+					'xda'				=> "XDA",

+					'mda'				=> "MDA",

+					'vario'				=> "Vario",

+					'htc'				=> "HTC",

+					'samsung'			=> "Samsung",

+					'sharp'				=> "Sharp",

+					'sie-'				=> "Siemens",

+					'alcatel'			=> "Alcatel",

+					'benq'				=> "BenQ",

+					'ipaq'				=> "HP iPaq",

+					'mot-'				=> "Motorola",

+					'playstation portable' 	=> "PlayStation Portable",

+					'hiptop'			=> "Danger Hiptop",

+					'nec-'				=> "NEC",

+					'panasonic'			=> "Panasonic",

+					'philips'			=> "Philips",

+					'sagem'				=> "Sagem",

+					'sanyo'				=> "Sanyo",

+					'spv'				=> "SPV",

+					'zte'				=> "ZTE",

+					'sendo'				=> "Sendo",


+					// Operating Systems

+					'symbian'				=> "Symbian",

+					'elaine'				=> "Palm",

+					'palm'					=> "Palm",

+					'series60'				=> "Symbian S60",

+					'windows ce'			=> "Windows CE",


+					// Browsers	

+					'obigo'					=> "Obigo",

+					'netfront'				=> "Netfront Browser",

+					'openwave'				=> "Openwave Browser",

+					'mobilexplorer'			=> "Mobile Explorer",

+					'operamini'				=> "Opera Mini",

+					'opera mini'			=> "Opera Mini",


+					// Other

+					'digital paths'			=> "Digital Paths",

+					'avantgo'				=> "AvantGo",

+					'xiino'					=> "Xiino",

+					'novarra'				=> "Novarra Transcoder",

+					'vodafone'				=> "Vodafone",

+					'docomo'				=> "NTT DoCoMo",

+					'o2'					=> "O2",


+					// Fallback

+					'mobile'				=> "Generic Mobile",

+					'wireless' 				=> "Generic Mobile",

+					'j2me'					=> "Generic Mobile",

+					'midp'					=> "Generic Mobile",

+					'cldc'					=> "Generic Mobile",

+					''				=> "Generic Mobile",

+					'up.browser'			=> "Generic Mobile",

+					'smartphone'			=> "Generic Mobile",

+					'cellphone'				=> "Generic Mobile"

+				);



 /* End of file user_agents.php */

diff --git a/user_guide/changelog.html b/user_guide/changelog.html
index 1199149..2188c12 100644
--- a/user_guide/changelog.html
+++ b/user_guide/changelog.html
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@

 			<li>Added ability to <a href="libraries/input.html">use xss_clean() to test images</a> for XSS, useful for upload security.</li>

 			<li>Improved security in xss_clean() for the Opera family of browsers.</li>

+			<li>Considerably expanded list of mobile user-agents in config/user_agents.php.</li>




@@ -84,8 +85,8 @@


 	<li>Amended fixes for bug (#3419) with parsing DSN database connections.</li>

-	<li>Fixed a syntax error in upload_lang.php</li>

-	<li>Fixed a bug (#4542) with a regular expression in the Image library</li>

+	<li>Fixed a syntax error in upload_lang.php.</li>

+	<li>Fixed a bug (#4542) with a regular expression in the Image library.</li>



 <h2>Version 1.6.2</h2>