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+<h1>User Agent Class</h1>


+<p>The User Agent Class provides functions that help identify information about the browser, mobile device, or robot visiting your site.

+In addition you can get referrer information as well as language and supported character-set information.</p>


+<h2>Initializing the Class</h2>


+<p>Like most other classes in Code Igniter, the User Agent class is initialized in your controller using the <dfn>$this->load->library</dfn> function:</p>



+<p>Once loaded, the object will be available using: <dfn>$this->agent</dfn></p>

+<p>You can also set your own class variable name.  Please see the <a href="loader.html">Loader Class</a> for more info.</p>


+<h2>User Agent Definitions</h2>


+<p>The user agent name definitions are located in a config file located at: <dfn>application/config/user_agents.php</dfn>.  You may add items to the

+various user agent arrays if needed.</p>




+<p>When the User Agent class is initialized it will attempt to determine whether the user agent browsing your site is

+a web browser, a mobile device, or a robot.  It will also gather the platform information if it is available.




+$this->load->library('user_agent');<br />

+<br />

+if ($this->agent->is_browser())<br />

+{<br />

+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$agent  = $this->agent->browser().' '.$this->agent->version();<br />

+}<br />

+elseif ($this->agent->is_robot())<br />

+{<br />

+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$agent = $this->agent->robot();<br />

+}<br />

+elseif ($this->agent->is_mobile())<br />

+{<br />

+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$agent = $this->agent->mobile();<br />

+}<br />

+else<br />

+{<br />

+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$agent = 'Unidentified User Agent';<br />

+}<br />

+<br />

+echo $agent;<br />

+<br />

+echo $this->agent->platform(); // Platform info (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.)






+<br />

+<h1>Function Reference</h1>




+<p>Returns TRUE/FALSE (boolean) if the user agent is a known web browser.</p>



+<p>Returns TRUE/FALSE (boolean) if the user agent is a known mobile device.</p>



+<p>Returns TRUE/FALSE (boolean) if the user agent is a known robot.</p>


+<p class="important"><strong>Note:</strong>&nbsp; The user agent library only contains the most common robot

+definitions.  It is not a complete list of bots. There are hundreds of them so searching for each one would not be 

+very efficient. If you find that some bots that commonly visit your site are missing from the list you can add them to your

+<dfn>application/config/user_agents.php</dfn> file.</p>



+<p>Returns TRUE/FALSE (boolean) if the user agent was referred from another site.</p>




+<p>Returns a string containing the name of the web browser viewing your site.</p>



+<p>Returns a string containing the version number of the web browser viewing your site.</p>



+<p>Returns a string containing the name of the mobile device viewing your site.</p>



+<p>Returns a string containing the name of the robot viewing your site.</p>



+<p>Returns a string containing the platform viewing your site (Linux, Windows, OS X, etc.).</p>



+<p>The referrer, if the user agent was referred from another site. Typically you'll test for this as follows:</p>


+<code> if ($this->agent->is_referral())<br />

+{<br />

+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo $this->agent->referrer();<br />





+<p>Returns a string containing the full user agent string.  Typically it will be something like this:</p>


+<code>Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060613 Camino/1.0.2</code>




+<p>Lets you determine if the user agent accepts a particular language. Example:</p>


+<code>if ($this->agent->accept_lang('en'))<br />

+{<br />

+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo 'You accept English!';<br />



+<p class="important"><strong>Note:</strong> This function is not typically very reliable

+since some browsers do not provide language info, and even among those that do, it is not always accurate. </p>





+<p>Lets you determine if the user agent accepts a particular language. Example:</p>


+<code>if ($this->agent->accept_charset('utf-8'))<br />

+{<br />

+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo 'You browser supports UTF-8!';<br />



+<p class="important"><strong>Note:</strong> This function is not typically very reliable

+since some browsers do not provide character-set info, and even among those that do, it is not always accurate. </p>





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