Initial Import
diff --git a/system/language/english/db_lang.php b/system/language/english/db_lang.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b210b61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/language/english/db_lang.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+$lang['db_invalid_connection_str'] = 'Unable to determine the database settings based on the connection string you submitted.';
+$lang['db_unable_to_connect'] = 'Unable to connect to your database server using the provided settings.';
+$lang['db_unable_to_select'] = 'Unable to select the specified database: %s';
+$lang['db_unable_to_create'] = 'Unable to create the specified database: %s';
+$lang['db_invalid_query'] = 'The query you submitted is not valid.';
+$lang['db_must_set_table'] = 'You must set the database table to be used with your query.';
+$lang['db_must_use_set'] = 'You must set use the "set" method to update an entry.';
+$lang['db_must_use_where'] = 'Updates are not allowed unless they contain a "where" clause.';
+$lang['db_del_must_use_where'] = 'Deletes are not allowed unless they contain a "where" clause.';
+$lang['db_field_param_missing'] = 'To fetch fields requires the name of the table as a parameter.';
+$lang['db_unsupported_function'] = 'This feature is not available for the database you are using.';
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