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+<h1>Email Class</h1>
+<p>Code Igniter's robust Email Class supports the following features:</p>
+<li>Multiple Protocols: Mail, Sendmail, and SMTP</li>
+<li>Multiple recipients</li>
+<li>CC and BCCs</li>
+<li>HTML or Plaintext email</li>
+<li>Word wrapping</li>
+<li>BCC Batch Mode, enabling large email lists to be broken into small BCC batches.</li>
+<li>Email Debugging tools</li>
+<h2>Sending Email</h2>
+<p>Sending email is not only simple, but you can configure it on the fly or set your preferences in a config file.</p>
+<p>Here is a basic example demonstrating how you might send email. Note: This example assumes you are sending the email from one of your
+<a href="../general/controllers.html">controllers</a>.</p>
+<code>$this->load->library('email');<br />
+<br />
+$this->email->from('', 'Your Name');<br />
+$this->email->to(''); <br />
+$this->email->cc(''); <br />
+$this->email->bcc(''); <br />
+<br />
+$this->email->subject('Email Test');<br />
+$this->email->message('Testing the email class.'); <br />
+<br />
+$this->email->send();<br />
+<br />
+echo $this->email->print_debugger();</code>
+<h2>Setting Email Preferences</h2>
+<p>There are 17 different preferences available to tailor how your email messages are sent. You can either set them manually
+as described here, or automatically via preferences stored in your config file, described below:</p>
+<p>Preferences are set by passing an array of preference values to the email <dfn>initialize</dfn> function. Here is an example of how you might set some preferences:</p>
+<code>$config['protocol'] = 'sendmail';<br />
+$config['mailpath'] = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';<br />
+$config['charset'] = 'iso-8859-1';<br />
+$config['wordwrap'] = TRUE;<br />
+<br />
+<p><strong>Note:</strong> Most of the preferences have default values that will be used if you do not set them.</p
+<h3>Setting Email Preferences in your Config File</h3>
+<p>If you prefer not to set preferences using the above method, you can instead put them into a config file.
+Simply create a new file called the <var>email.php</var>, add the <var>$config</var>
+array in that file. Then save the file at <var>config/email.php</var> and it will be used automatically. You
+will NOT need to use the <dfn>$this->email->initialize()</dfn> function if you save your preferences in a config file.</p>
+<h2>Email Preferences</h2>
+<p>The following is a list of all the preferences that can be set when sending email.</p>
+<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0" style="width:100%" class="tableborder">
+<th>Default Value</th>
+<td class="td"><strong>useragent</strong></td><td class="td">Code Igniter</td><td class="td">None</td><td class="td">The "user agent".</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>protocol</strong></td><td class="td">mail</td><td class="td">mail, sendmail, or smtp</td><td class="td">The mail sending protocol.</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>mailpath</strong></td><td class="td">/usr/sbin/sendmail</td><td class="td">None</td><td class="td">The server path to Sendmail.</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>smtp_host</strong></td><td class="td">No Default</td><td class="td">None</td><td class="td">SMTP Server Address.</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>smtp_user</strong></td><td class="td">No Default</td><td class="td">None</td><td class="td">SMTP Username.</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>smtp_pass</strong></td><td class="td">No Default</td><td class="td">None</td><td class="td">SMTP Password.</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>smtp_port</strong></td><td class="td">25</td><td class="td">None</td><td class="td">SMTP Port.</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>smtp_timeout</strong></td><td class="td">5</td><td class="td">None</td><td class="td">SMTP Timeout (in seconds).</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>wordwrap</strong></td><td class="td">TRUE</td><td class="td">TRUE or FALSE (boolean)</td><td class="td">Enable word-wrap.</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>wrapchars</strong></td><td class="td">76</td><td class="td"> </td><td class="td">Character count to wrap at.</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>mailtype</strong></td><td class="td">text</td><td class="td">text or html</td><td class="td">Type of mail. If you send HTML email you must send it as a complete web page. Make sure you don't have any relative links or relative image paths otherwise they will not work.</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>charset</strong></td><td class="td">utf-8</td><td class="td"></td><td class="td">Character set (utf-8, iso-8859-1, etc.).</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>validate</strong></td><td class="td">FALSE</td><td class="td">TRUE or FALSE (boolean)</td><td class="td">Whether to validate the email address.</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>priority</strong></td><td class="td">3</td><td class="td">1, 2, 3, 4, 5</td><td class="td">Email Priority. 1 = highest. 5 = lowest. 3 = normal.</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>newline</strong></td><td class="td">\n</td><td class="td">"\r\n" or "\n"</td><td class="td">Newline character. (Use "\r\n" to comply with RFC 822).</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>bcc_batch_mode</strong></td><td class="td">FALSE</td><td class="td">TRUE or FALSE (boolean)</td><td class="td">Enable BCC Batch Mode.</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>bcc_batch_size</strong></td><td class="td">200</td><td class="td">None</td><td class="td">Number of emails in each BCC batch.</td>
+<h2>Email Function Reference</h2>
+<p>Sets the email address and name of the person sending the email:</p>
+<code>$this->email->from('<var></var>', '<var>Your Name</var>');</code>
+<p>Sets the reply-to address. If the information is not provided the information in the "from" function is used. Example:</p>
+<code>$this->email->reply_to('<var></var>', '<var>Your Name</var>');</code>
+<p>Sets the email address(s) of the recipient(s). Can be a single email, a comma-delimited list or an array:</p>
+<code>$this->email->to('<var></var>, <var></var>, <var></var>');</code>
+<code>$list = array('<var></var>, <var></var>, <var></var>');<br /><br />
+<p>Sets the CC email address(s). Just like the "to", can be a single email, a comma-delimited list or an array.</p>
+<p>Sets the BCC email address(s). Just like the "to", can be a single email, a comma-delimited list or an array.</p>
+<p>Sets the email subject:</p>
+<code>$this->email->subject('<var>This is my subject</var>');</code>
+<p>Sets the email message body:</p>
+<code>$this->email->message('<var>This is my message</var>');</code>
+<p>Sets the alternative email message body:</p>
+<code>$this->email->alt_message('<var>This is the alternative message</var>');</code>
+<p>This is an optional message string which can be used if you send HTML formatted email. It lets you specify an alternative
+message with no HTML formatting which is added to the header string for people who do not accept HTML email.
+If you do not set your own message Code Igniter will extract the message from your HTML email and strip the tags.</p>
+<p>Initializes all the email variables to an empty state. This function is intended for use if you run the email sending function
+in a loop, permitting the data to be reset between cycles.</p>
+<code>foreach ($list as $name => $address)<br />
+{<br />
+ $this->email->clear();<br /><br />
+ $this->email->to($address);<br />
+ $this->email->from('');<br />
+ $this->email->subject('Here is your info '.$name);<br />
+ $this->email->message('Hi '.$name.' Here is the info you requested.');<br />
+ $this->email->send();<br />
+<p>The Email sending function. Returns boolean TRUE or FALSE based on success for failure, enabling it to be used
+<p>Enables you to send an attachment. Put the file path/name in the first parameter. Note: Use a file path, not a URL.
+For multiple attachments use the function multiple times. For example:</p>
+<code>$this->email->attach('/path/to/photo1.jpg');<br />
+$this->email->attach('/path/to/photo2.jpg');<br />
+$this->email->attach('/path/to/photo3.jpg');<br />
+<br />
+<p>Returns a string containing any server messages, the email headers, and the email messsage. Useful for debugging.</p>
+<h2>Overriding Word Wrapping</h2>
+<p>If you have word wrapping enabled (recommended to comply with RFC 822) and you have a very long link in your email it can
+get wrapped too, causing it to become un-clickable by the person receiving it. Code Igniter lets you manually override
+word wrapping within part of your message like this:
+<code>The text of your email that<br />
+gets wrapped normally.<br />
+<br />
+<var>{unwrap}</var><var>{/unwrap}</var><br />
+<br />
+More text that will be<br />
+wrapped normally.</code>
+<p>Place the item you do not want word-wrappd between: <var>{unwrap}</var> <var>{/unwrap}</var>
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