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+<h1>Application Flow Chart</h1>


+<p>The following graphic illustrates how data flows throughout the system:</p>


+<div><img src="../images/appflowchart.gif" border="0" width="697" height="205" border="0" /></div>




+<li>The index.php serves as the front controller, initializing the base resources needed to run Code Igniter.</li>

+<li>The Router examines the HTTP request to determine what should be done with it.</li>

+<li>If a cache file exists, it is sent directly to the browser, bypassing the normal system execution.</li>

+<li>Security.  Before the application controller is loaded, the HTTP request and any user submitted data is filtered for security.</li>

+<li>The Controller loads the model, core libraries, plugins, helpers, and any other resources needed to process the specific request.</li>

+<li>The finalized View is rendered then sent to the web browser to be seen. If caching is enabled, the view is cached first so

+that on subsequent requests it can be served.</li>







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+<h1>Code Igniter at a Glance</h1>



+<h2>Code Igniter is an Application Framework</h2>


+<p>Code Igniter is a toolkit for people who build web application using PHP.  Its goal is to enable you to develop projects must faster than you could if you were writing code 

+from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and

+logical structure to access these libraries. Code Igniter lets you creatively focus on your project by 

+minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task.</p>


+<h2>Code Igniter is Free</h2>

+<p>Code Igniter is licensed under an Apache/BSD-style open source license so you can use it however you please.

+For more information please read the <a href="../license.html">license agreement</a>.</p>



+<h2>Code Igniter Runs on PHP 4</h2>

+<p>Code Igniter is written to be compatible with PHP 4.  Although we would have loved to take advantage of the better object handling 

+in PHP 5 since it would have simplified some things we had to find creative solutions for (looking your way, multiple inheritance), 

+at the time of this writing PHP 5 is not in widespread use, which means we would be alienating most of our 

+potential audience.  Major OS vendors like RedHat have yet to support PHP 5, and they are unlikely to do so until 2007, so

+we felt that it did not serve the best interests of the PHP community to write Code Igniter in PHP 5.</p>


+<p>Note:  Code Igniter will run on PHP 5.  It simply does not take advantage of any native features that are only available in that version.</p>


+<h2>Code Igniter is Light Weight</h2>

+<p>Truly light weight.  The core system requires only a few very small libraries. This is in stark contrast to many frameworks that require significantly more resources.

+Additional libraries are loaded dynamically upon request, based on your needs for a given process, so the base system

+is very lean and quite fast.



+<h2>Code Igniter Uses M-V-C</h2>

+<p>Code Igniter uses the Model-View-Controller approach, which allows great separation between logic and presentation.

+This is particularly good for projects in which designers are working with your template files, as the code these file contain will be minimized. We describe MVC in more detail on its own page.</p>


+<h2>Code Igniter Generates Clean URLs</h2>

+<p>The URLs generated by Code Igniter are clean and search-engine friendly.  Rather than using the standard "query string" 

+approach to URLs that is synonymous with dynamic systems, Code Igniter uses a segment-based approach:</p>




+<p>Note: By default the index.php file is included in the URL but it can be removed using a simple .htaccess file.</p>


+<h2>Code Igniter Packs a Punch</h2>

+<p>Code Igniter comes with a very nice set of libraries that enable the most commonly needed web development tasks, 

+like connecting to a database, sending email, validating form data, maintaining sessions, manipulating images, and more.</p>


+<h2>Code Igniter is Extensible</h2>

+<p>The system can be easily extended through the use of plugins and helper files, or even through class extensions or standard includes.</p>


+<h2>Code Igniter Does Not Require a Template Engine</h2>

+<p>Template engines simply can not match the performance of native PHP, and the syntax that must be learned to use a template 

+engine is usually only marginally easier than learning the basics of PHP.  Consider this block of PHP code:</p>


+<code>&lt;ul><br />

+<br />

+&lt;?php foreach ($addressbook as $name):?><br />

+<br />

+&lt;li>&lt;?=$name?>&lt;/li><br />

+<br />

+&lt;?php endforeach; ?><br />

+<br />



+<p>Contrast this with the pseudo-code used by a template engine:</p>


+<code>&lt;ul><br />

+<br />

+{foreach from=$addressbook item="name"}<br /> 

+<br />

+&lt;li>{$name}&lt;/li><br />

+<br />

+{/foreach}<br />

+<br />



+<p>Yes, the template engine example is a bit cleaner, but it comes at the price of performance, as the pseudo-code must be converted 

+back into PHP to run. Since one of our goals is <em>maximum performance</em>, we opted to not require the use of a template engine.</p>


+<p>That said, Code Igniter <strong>does</strong> come with a simple template engine class which you can optionally use.  Or, if you

+prefer using a full-blown template engine such as Smarty, there's no reason why you can't use it with Code Igniter.

+Just include your template engine script when you write your controllers, and continue working as you normally do.</p>


+<h2>Code Igniter is Thoroughly Documented</h2>

+<p>Programmers love to code and hate to write documentation.  We're no different, of course, but

+since documentation is <strong>as important</strong> as the code itself, 

+we are committed to doing it. Our source code is extremely clean and well commented as well.</p>




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+<h1>Code Igniter Features</h1>


+<p>Features in and of themselves are a very poor way to judge an application since they tell you nothing

+about the user experience, or how intuitively or intelligently it is designed.  Features

+don't reveal anything about the quality of the code, or the performance, or the attention to detail, or security practices.

+The only way to really judge an app is to try it and get to know the code. <a href="../installation/">Installing</a> 

+Code Igniter is child's play so we encourage you to do just that.  In the mean time here's a list of Code Igniter's main features.</p>



+<li>Model-View-Controller Based System</li>

+<li>PHP 4 Compatible</li>

+<li>Extremely Light Weight</li>

+<li>Full Featured database classes with support for several platforms.</li>

+<li>Active Record Database Support</li>

+<li>Form and Data Validation</li>

+<li>Security and XSS Filtering</li>

+<li>Session Management</li>

+<li>Email Sending Class. Supports Attachments, HTML/Text email, multiple protocols (sendmail, SMTP, and Mail) and more.</li>

+<li>Image Manipulation Library (cropping, resizing, rotating, etc.).  Supports GD, ImageMagick, and NetPBM</li>

+<li>File Uploading Class</li>



+<li>Data Encryption</li>


+<li>Full Page Caching</li>

+<li>Error Logging</li>


+<li>Calendaring Class</li>

+<li>Template Engine Class</li>

+<li>Trackback Class</li>

+<li>XML-RPC Library</li>

+<li>Unit Testing Class</li>

+<li>Search-engine Friendly URLs</li>

+<li>Flexible URI Routing</li>

+<li>Library of "helper" functions</li>

+<li>Plugin Support</li>







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+<h2>Design and Architectural Goals</h2>


+<p>Our goal for Code Igniter is <dfn>maximum performance, capability, and flexibility in the smallest, lightest possible package</dfn>.</p>


+<p>To meet this goal we are committed to benchmarking, re-factoring, and simplifying at every step of the development process, 

+rejecting anything that doesn't further the stated objective.</p>


+<p>From an technical and architectural standpoint, Code Igniter was created with the following objectives:</p>



+<li><strong>Dynamic Instantiation.</strong>  In Code Igniter, components are loaded and routines executed only when requested, rather than globally.  No assumptions are made by the system regarding what may be needed beyond the minimal core resources, so the system is very light-weight by default.  The events, as triggered by the HTTP request, and the controllers and views you design will determine what is invoked.</li>

+<li><strong>Loose Coupling.</strong>  Coupling is the degree to which components of a system rely on each other.  The less components depend on each other the more reusable and flexible the system becomes. Our goal was a very loosely coupled system.</li>

+<li><strong>Component Singularity.</strong>  Singularity is the degree to which components have a narrowly focused purpose.  In Code Igniter, each class and its functions are highly autonomous in order to allow maximum usefulness.</li>



+<p>Code Igniter is a dynamically instantiated, loosely coupled system with high component singularity. It strives for simplicity, flexibility, and high performance in a small footprint package.</p>








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+<h1>Code Igniter Overview</h1>


+<p>The following pages describe the broad concepts behind Code Igniter:</p>


+	<ul>

+		<li><a href="at_a_glance.html">Code Igniter at a Glance</a></li>

+		<li><a href="features.html">Supported Features</a></li>

+		<li><a href="appflow.html">Application Flow Chart</a></li>

+		<li><a href="mvc.html">Introduction to the Model-View-Controller</a></li>

+		<li><a href="goals.html">Design and Architectural Goals</a></li>

+		<li><a href="package.html">Package Description</a></li>

+	</ul>






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+<td><h1>Code Igniter User Guide Version 1.4.0</h1></td>

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+<p>Code Igniter is based on the Model-View-Controller development pattern.  


+MVC is a software approach that separates application logic from presentation.  In practice, it permits your web pages to contain minimal scripting since the presentation is separate from the PHP scripting.</p>



+<li>The <strong>Model</strong> represents your data structures. Typically your model classes will contains functions that help you 

+retrieve, insert, and update information in your your database.</li>

+<li>The <strong>View</strong> is the information that is being presented to a user.  A View will normally be a web page, but

+in Code Igniter, a view can also be a page fragment like a header or footer. </li>

+<li>The <strong>Controller</strong> serves as an <em>intermediary</em> between the Model, the View,

+and any other resources needed to process the HTTP request and generate a web page.</li>




+<p>Code Igniter has a fairly loose approach to MVC since Models are not required.  

+If you don't need the added separation, or find that maintaining models requires more complexity than you

+want, you can ignore them and build your application minimally using Controllers and Views. Code Igniter also 

+enables you to incorporate your own existing scripts, or even develop core libraries for the system,

+ enabling you to work in a way that makes the most sense to you.</p>






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+<p><a href="">Code Igniter</a> &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; Copyright &#169; 2006 &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; <a href="">pMachine, Inc.</a></p>




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