Merge pull request #1181 from matteomattei/develop

Add support for buffer string email attachment.
diff --git a/system/libraries/Email.php b/system/libraries/Email.php
index 8f383c9..48c3bf3 100644
--- a/system/libraries/Email.php
+++ b/system/libraries/Email.php
@@ -407,11 +407,11 @@
 	 * @param	string
 	 * @return	object
-	public function attach($filename, $disposition = '', $newname = NULL)
+	public function attach($filename, $disposition = '', $newname = NULL, $mime = '')
 		$this->_attach_name[] = array($filename, $newname);
-		$this->_attach_type[] = $this->_mime_types(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
 		$this->_attach_disp[] = empty($disposition) ? 'attachment' : $disposition; // Can also be 'inline'  Not sure if it matters
+		$this->_attach_type[] = $mime;
 		return $this;
@@ -1049,29 +1049,39 @@
 			$filename = $this->_attach_name[$i][0];
 			$basename = (is_null($this->_attach_name[$i][1])) ? basename($filename) : $this->_attach_name[$i][1];
 			$ctype = $this->_attach_type[$i];
+			$file_content = '';
-			if ( ! file_exists($filename))
+			if ($this->_attach_type[$i] == '')
-				$this->_set_error_message('lang:email_attachment_missing', $filename);
-				return FALSE;
-			}
+				if ( ! file_exists($filename))
+				{
+					$this->_set_error_message('lang:email_attachment_missing', $filename);
+					return FALSE;
+				}
+				$file = filesize($filename) +1;
+				if ( ! $fp = fopen($filename, FOPEN_READ))
+				{
+					$this->_set_error_message('lang:email_attachment_unreadable', $filename);
+					return FALSE;
+				}
+				$ctype = $this->_mime_types(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
+				$file_content = fread($fp, $file);
+				fclose($fp);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				$file_content =& $this->_attach_content[$i];
+			}
 			$attachment[$z++] = "--".$this->_atc_boundary.$this->newline
 				. "Content-type: ".$ctype."; "
 				. "name=\"".$basename."\"".$this->newline
 				. "Content-Disposition: ".$this->_attach_disp[$i].";".$this->newline
 				. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64".$this->newline;
-			$file = filesize($filename) +1;
-			if ( ! $fp = fopen($filename, FOPEN_READ))
-			{
-				$this->_set_error_message('lang:email_attachment_unreadable', $filename);
-				return FALSE;
-			}
-			$attachment[$z++] = chunk_split(base64_encode(fread($fp, $file)));
-			fclose($fp);
+			$attachment[$z++] = chunk_split(base64_encode($file_content));
 		$body .= implode($this->newline, $attachment).$this->newline."--".$this->_atc_boundary."--";
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst b/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
index 22235ee..52cd516 100644
--- a/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@
    -  Added max_filename_increment config setting for Upload library.
    -  CI_Loader::_ci_autoloader() is now a protected method.
-   -  Added custom filename to Email::attach() as $this->email->attach($filename, $disposition, $newname)
+   -  Added custom filename to Email::attach() as $this->email->attach($filename, $disposition, $newname).
+   -  Added possibility to send attachment as buffer string in Email::attach() as $this->email->attach($buffer, $disposition, $newname, $mime).
    -  Cart library changes include:
 	 -  It now auto-increments quantity's instead of just resetting it, this is the default behaviour of large e-commerce sites.
 	 -  Product Name strictness can be disabled via the Cart Library by switching "$product_name_safe"
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/libraries/email.rst b/user_guide_src/source/libraries/email.rst
index d7e40f5..daf0009 100644
--- a/user_guide_src/source/libraries/email.rst
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/libraries/email.rst
@@ -229,11 +229,20 @@
-If you'd like to change the disposition or add a custom file name, you can use the second and third paramaters. To use the default disposition (attachment), leave the second parameter blank. Here's an example::
-	$this->email->attach('/path/to/photo1.jpg', 'inline');
-	$this->email->attach('/path/to/photo1.jpg', '', 'birthday.jpg');
+To use the default disposition (attachment), leave the second parameter blank,
+otherwise use a custom disposition::
+	$this->email->attach('image.jpg', 'inline');
+If you'd like to use a custom file name, you can use the third paramater::
+	$this->email->attach('filename.pdf', 'attachment', 'report.pdf');
+If you need to use a buffer string instead of a real - physical - file you can
+use the first parameter as buffer, the third parameter as file name and the fourth
+parameter as mime-type::
+	$this->email->attach($buffer, 'attachment', 'report.pdf', 'application/pdf');