Fix #4449
diff --git a/system/database/DB_query_builder.php b/system/database/DB_query_builder.php
index d6f35e0..6bf039e 100644
--- a/system/database/DB_query_builder.php
+++ b/system/database/DB_query_builder.php
@@ -531,39 +531,47 @@
is_bool($escape) OR $escape = $this->_protect_identifiers;
- // Split multiple conditions
- if ($escape === TRUE && preg_match_all('/\sAND\s|\sOR\s/i', $cond, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE))
- {
- $newcond = '';
- $m[0][] = array('', strlen($cond));
- for ($i = 0, $c = count($m[0]), $s = 0;
- $i < $c;
- $s = $m[0][$i][1] + strlen($m[0][$i][0]), $i++)
- {
- $temp = substr($cond, $s, ($m[0][$i][1] - $s));
- $newcond .= preg_match("/(\(*)?([\[\]\w\.'-]+)(\s*[^\"\[`'\w]+\s*)(.+)/i", $temp, $match)
- ? $match[1].$this->protect_identifiers($match[2]).$match[3].$this->protect_identifiers($match[4])
- : $temp;
- $newcond .= $m[0][$i][0];
- }
- $cond = ' ON '.$newcond;
- }
- // Split apart the condition and protect the identifiers
- elseif ($escape === TRUE && preg_match("/(\(*)?([\[\]\w\.'-]+)(\s*[^\"\[`'\w]+\s*)(.+)/i", $cond, $match))
- {
- $cond = ' ON '.$match[1].$this->protect_identifiers($match[2]).$match[3].$this->protect_identifiers($match[4]);
- }
- elseif ( ! $this->_has_operator($cond))
+ if ( ! $this->_has_operator($cond))
$cond = ' USING ('.($escape ? $this->escape_identifiers($cond) : $cond).')';
- else
+ elseif ($escape === FALSE)
$cond = ' ON '.$cond;
+ else
+ {
+ // Split multiple conditions
+ if (preg_match_all('/\sAND\s|\sOR\s/i', $cond, $joints, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE))
+ {
+ $conditions = array();
+ $joints = $joints[0];
+ array_unshift($joints, array('', 0));
+ for ($i = count($joints) - 1, $pos = strlen($cond); $i >= 0; $i--)
+ {
+ $joints[$i][1] += strlen($joints[$i][0]); // offset
+ $conditions[$i] = substr($cond, $joints[$i][1], $pos - $joints[$i][1]);
+ $pos = $joints[$i][1] - strlen($joints[$i][0]);
+ $joints[$i] = $joints[$i][0];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $conditions = array($cond);
+ $joints = array('');
+ }
+ $cond = ' ON ';
+ for ($i = 0, $c = count($conditions); $i < $c; $i++)
+ {
+ $operator = $this->_get_operator($conditions[$i]);
+ $cond .= $joints[$i];
+ $cond .= preg_match("/(\(*)?([\[\]\w\.'-]+)".preg_quote($operator)."(.*)/i", $conditions[$i], $match)
+ ? $match[1].$this->protect_identifiers($match[2]).$operator.$this->protect_identifiers($match[3])
+ : $conditions[$i];
+ }
+ }
// Do we want to escape the table name?
if ($escape === TRUE)
diff --git a/tests/codeigniter/database/query_builder/join_test.php b/tests/codeigniter/database/query_builder/join_test.php
index 58cb214..54b2a4e 100644
--- a/tests/codeigniter/database/query_builder/join_test.php
+++ b/tests/codeigniter/database/query_builder/join_test.php
@@ -37,6 +37,29 @@
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public function test_join_escape_is_null()
+ {
+ $expected = 'SELECT '.$this->db->escape_identifiers('field')
+ ."\nFROM ".$this->db->escape_identifiers('table1')
+ ."\nJOIN ".$this->db->escape_identifiers('table2').' ON '.$this->db->escape_identifiers('field').' IS NULL';
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $expected,
+ $this->db->select('field')->from('table1')->join('table2', 'field IS NULL')->get_compiled_select()
+ );
+ $expected = 'SELECT '.$this->db->escape_identifiers('field')
+ ."\nFROM ".$this->db->escape_identifiers('table1')
+ ."\nJOIN ".$this->db->escape_identifiers('table2').' ON '.$this->db->escape_identifiers('field').' IS NOT NULL';
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $expected,
+ $this->db->select('field')->from('table1')->join('table2', 'field IS NOT NULL')->get_compiled_select()
+ );
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function test_join_escape_multiple_conditions()
// We just need a valid query produced, not one that makes sense
@@ -65,11 +88,11 @@
$expected = 'SELECT '.implode(', ', $fields)
."\nFROM ".$this->db->escape_identifiers('table1')
."\nRIGHT JOIN ".$this->db->escape_identifiers('table2').' ON '.implode(' = ', $fields)
- .' AND ('.$fields[0]." = 'foo' OR ".$fields[1].' = 0)';
+ .' AND ('.$fields[0]." = 'foo' OR ".$fields[1].' IS NULL)';
$result = $this->db->select('table1.field1, table2.field2')
- ->join('table2', "table1.field1 = table2.field2 AND (table1.field1 = 'foo' OR table2.field2 = 0)", 'RIGHT')
+ ->join('table2', "table1.field1 = table2.field2 AND (table1.field1 = 'foo' OR table2.field2 IS NULL)", 'RIGHT')
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);