Adding autoloader and mocks directory
diff --git a/tests/mocks/core/loader.php b/tests/mocks/core/loader.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..115ccc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/mocks/core/loader.php
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+require_once 'vfsStream/vfsStream.php';
+require_once BASEPATH.'/core/Loader.php';
+class Mock_Core_Loader extends CI_Loader {
+	/**
+	 * Since we use paths to load up models, views, etc, we need the ability to
+	 * mock up the file system so when core tests are run, we aren't mucking
+	 * in the application directory.  this will give finer grained control over
+	 * these tests.  So yeah, while this looks odd, I need to overwrite protected
+	 * class vars in the loader.  So here we go...
+	 *
+	 * @covers CI_Loader::__construct()
+	 */
+	public function __construct()
+	{
+		vfsStreamWrapper::register();
+		vfsStreamWrapper::setRoot(new vfsStreamDirectory('application'));
+		$this->models_dir 	= vfsStream::newDirectory('models')->at(vfsStreamWrapper::getRoot());
+		$this->libs_dir 	= vfsStream::newDirectory('libraries')->at(vfsStreamWrapper::getRoot());
+		$this->helpers_dir 	= vfsStream::newDirectory('helpers')->at(vfsStreamWrapper::getRoot());
+		$this->views_dir 	= vfsStream::newDirectory('views')->at(vfsStreamWrapper::getRoot());
+		$this->_ci_ob_level  		= ob_get_level();
+		$this->_ci_library_paths	= array(vfsStream::url('application').'/', BASEPATH);
+		$this->_ci_helper_paths 	= array(vfsStream::url('application').'/', BASEPATH);
+		$this->_ci_model_paths 		= array(vfsStream::url('application').'/');
+		$this->_ci_view_paths 		= array(vfsStream::url('application').'/views/' => TRUE);
+	}
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