format email preferences table
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/libraries/email.rst b/user_guide_src/source/libraries/email.rst
index 6dd5463..7598992 100644
--- a/user_guide_src/source/libraries/email.rst
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/libraries/email.rst
@@ -80,86 +80,32 @@
 The following is a list of all the preferences that can be set when
 sending email.
-Default Value
-The "user agent".
-mail, sendmail, or smtp
-The mail sending protocol.
-The server path to Sendmail.
-No Default
-SMTP Server Address.
-No Default
-SMTP Username.
-No Default
-SMTP Password.
-SMTP Port.
-SMTP Timeout (in seconds).
-No Default
-tls or ssl
-SMTP Encryption
-TRUE or FALSE (boolean)
-Enable word-wrap.
-Character count to wrap at.
-text or html
-Type of mail. If you send HTML email you must send it as a complete web
-page. Make sure you don't have any relative links or relative image
-paths otherwise they will not work.
-Character set (utf-8, iso-8859-1, etc.).
-TRUE or FALSE (boolean)
-Whether to validate the email address.
-1, 2, 3, 4, 5
-Email Priority. 1 = highest. 5 = lowest. 3 = normal.
-"\\r\\n" or "\\n" or "\\r"
-Newline character. (Use "\\r\\n" to comply with RFC 822).
-"\\r\\n" or "\\n" or "\\r"
-Newline character. (Use "\\r\\n" to comply with RFC 822).
-TRUE or FALSE (boolean)
-Enable BCC Batch Mode.
-Number of emails in each BCC batch.
+=================== ====================== ============================ =======================================================================
+Preference          Default Value          Options                      Description
+=================== ====================== ============================ =======================================================================
+**useragent**       CodeIgniter            None                         The "user agent".
+**protocol**        mail                   mail, sendmail, or smtp      The mail sending protocol.
+**mailpath**        /usr/sbin/sendmail     None                         The server path to Sendmail. 
+**smtp_host**       No Default             None                         SMTP Server Address.
+**smtp_user**       No Default             None                         SMTP Username.
+**smtp_pass**       No Default             None                         SMTP Password.
+**smtp_port**       25                     None                         SMTP Port.
+**smtp_timeout**    5                      None                         SMTP Timeout (in seconds).
+**smtp_crypto**     No Default             tls or ssl                   SMTP Encryption
+**wordwrap**        TRUE                   TRUE or FALSE (boolean)      Enable word-wrap.
+**wrapchars**       76                                                  Character count to wrap at.
+**mailtype**        text                   text or html                 Type of mail. If you send HTML email you must send it as a complete web
+                                                                        page. Make sure you don't have any relative links or relative image
+                                                                        paths otherwise they will not work.
+**charset**         utf-8                                               Character set (utf-8, iso-8859-1, etc.).
+**validate**        FALSE                  TRUE or FALSE (boolean)      Whether to validate the email address.
+**priority**        3                      1, 2, 3, 4, 5                Email Priority. 1 = highest. 5 = lowest. 3 = normal.
+**crlf**            \\n                    "\\r\\n" or "\\n" or "\\r"   Newline character. (Use "\\r\\n" to comply with RFC 822).
+**newline**         \\n                    "\\r\\n" or "\\n" or "\\r"   Newline character. (Use "\\r\\n" to comply with RFC 822).
+**bcc_batch_mode**  FALSE                  TRUE or FALSE (boolean)      Enable BCC Batch Mode.
+**bcc_batch_size**  200                    None                         Number of emails in each BCC batch.
+=================== ====================== ============================ =======================================================================
 Email Function Reference