update pMachine to EllisLab
update copyright year
update Code Igniter to CodeIgniter
diff --git a/system/database/DB_utility.php b/system/database/DB_utility.php
index 9533ec6..d48425d 100644
--- a/system/database/DB_utility.php
+++ b/system/database/DB_utility.php
@@ -1,455 +1,455 @@
-<?php  if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
- * Code Igniter
- *
- * An open source application development framework for PHP 4.3.2 or newer
- *
- * @package		CodeIgniter
- * @author		Rick Ellis
- * @copyright	Copyright (c) 2006, pMachine, Inc.
- * @license		http://www.codeignitor.com/user_guide/license.html
- * @link		http://www.codeigniter.com
- * @since		Version 1.0
- * @filesource
- */
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Database Utility Class
- *
- * @category	Database
- * @author		Rick Ellis
- * @link		http://www.codeigniter.com/user_guide/database/
- */
-class CI_DB_utility {
-	var $db;
-	var $data_cache = array();
-	/**
-	 * Constructor
-	 *
-	 * Grabs the CI super object instance so we can access it.
-	 *
-	 */	
-	function CI_DB_utility()
-	{
-		// Assign the main database object to $this->db
-		$CI =& get_instance();
-		$this->db =& $CI->db;
-		log_message('debug', "Database Utility Class Initialized");
-	}
-	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-	/**
-	 * Create database
-	 *
-	 * @access	public
-	 * @param	string	the database name
-	 * @return	bool
-	 */
-	function create_database($db_name)
-	{
-		$sql = $this->_create_database($db_name);
-		if (is_bool($sql))
-		{
-			return $sql;
-		}
-		return $this->db->query($sql);
-	}
-	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-	/**
-	 * Drop database
-	 *
-	 * @access	public
-	 * @param	string	the database name
-	 * @return	bool
-	 */
-	function drop_database($db_name)
-	{
-		$sql = $this->_drop_database($db_name);
-		if (is_bool($sql))
-		{
-			return $sql;
-		}
-		return $this->db->query($sql);
-	}
-	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-	/**
-	 * List databases
-	 *
-	 * @access	public
-	 * @return	bool
-	 */
-	function list_databases()
-	{	
-		// Is there a cached result?
-		if (isset($this->data_cache['db_names']))
-		{
-			return $this->data_cache['db_names'];
-		}
-		$query = $this->db->query($this->_list_databases());
-		$dbs = array();
-		if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
-		{
-			foreach ($query->result_array() as $row)
-			{
-				$dbs[] = current($row);
-			}
-		}
-		$this->data_cache['db_names'] = $dbs;
-		return $this->data_cache['db_names'];
-	}
-	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-	/**
-	 * Optimize Table
-	 *
-	 * @access	public
-	 * @param	string	the table name
-	 * @return	bool
-	 */
-	function optimize_table($table_name)
-	{
-		$sql = $this->_optimize_table($table_name);
-		if (is_bool($sql))
-		{
-			return $sql;
-		}
-		$query = $this->db->query($sql);
-		$res = $query->result_array();
-		// Note: Due to a bug in current() that affects some versions
-		// of PHP we can not pass function call directly into it
-		return current($res);
-	}
-	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-	/**
-	 * Optimize Database
-	 *
-	 * @access	public
-	 * @return	array
-	 */
-	function optimize_database()
-	{
-		$result = array();
-		foreach ($this->db->list_tables() as $table_name)
-		{
-			$sql = $this->_optimize_table($table_name);
-			if (is_bool($sql))
-			{
-				return $sql;
-			}
-			$query = $this->db->query($sql);
-			// Build the result array...
-			// Note: Due to a bug in current() that affects some versions
-			// of PHP we can not pass function call directly into it
-			$res = $query->result_array();
-			$res = current($res);
-			$key = str_replace($this->db->database.'.', '', current($res));
-			$keys = array_keys($res);
-			unset($res[$keys[0]]);
-			$result[$key] = $res;
-		}
-		return $result;
-	}
-	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-	/**
-	 * Optimize Table
-	 *
-	 * @access	public
-	 * @param	string	the table name
-	 * @return	bool
-	 */
-	function repair_table($table_name)
-	{
-		$sql = $this->_repair_table($table_name);
-		if (is_bool($sql))
-		{
-			return $sql;
-		}
-		$query = $this->db->query($sql);
-		// Note: Due to a bug in current() that affects some versions
-		// of PHP we can not pass function call directly into it
-		$res = $query->result_array();
-		return current($res);
-	}
-	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-	/**
-	 * Drop Table
-	 *
-	 * @access	public
-	 * @param	string	the table name
-	 * @return	bool
-	 */
-	function drop_table($table_name)
-	{
-		$sql = $this->_drop_table($table_name);
-		if (is_bool($sql))
-		{
-			return $sql;
-		}
-		return $this->db->query($sql);
-	}
-	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-	/**
-	 * Generate CSV from a query result object
-	 *
-	 * @access	public
-	 * @param	object	The query result object
-	 * @param	string	The delimiter - tab by default
-	 * @param	string	The newline character - \n by default
-	 * @return	string
-	 */
-	function csv_from_result($query, $delim = "\t", $newline = "\n")
-	{
-		if ( ! is_object($query) OR ! method_exists($query, 'field_names'))
-		{
-			show_error('You must submit a valid result object');
-		}	
-		$out = '';
-		// First generate the headings from the table column names
-		foreach ($query->list_fields() as $name)
-		{
-			$out .= $name.$delim;
-		}
-		$out = rtrim($out);
-		$out .= $newline;
-		// Next blast through the result array and build out the rows
-		foreach ($query->result_array() as $row)
-		{
-			foreach ($row as $item)
-			{
-				$out .= $item.$delim;			
-			}
-			$out = rtrim($out);
-			$out .= $newline;
-		}
-		return $out;
-	}
-	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-	/**
-	 * Generate XML data from a query result object
-	 *
-	 * @access	public
-	 * @param	object	The query result object
-	 * @param	array	Any preferences
-	 * @return	string
-	 */
-	function xml_from_result($query, $params = array())
-	{
-		if ( ! is_object($query) OR ! method_exists($query, 'field_names'))
-		{
-			show_error('You must submit a valid result object');
-		}
-		// Set our default values
-		foreach (array('root' => 'root', 'element' => 'element', 'newline' => "\n", 'tab' => "\t") as $key => $val)
-		{
-			if ( ! isset($params[$key]))
-			{
-				$params[$key] = $val;
-			}
-		}
-		// Create variables for convenience
-		extract($params);
-		// Load the xml helper
-		$CI =& get_instance();
-		$CI->load->helper('xml');
-		// Generate the result
-		$xml = "<{$root}>".$newline;
-		foreach ($query->result_array() as $row)
-		{
-			$xml .= $tab."<{$element}>".$newline;
-			foreach ($row as $key => $val)
-			{
-				$xml .= $tab.$tab."<{$key}>".xml_convert($val)."</{$key}>".$newline;
-			}
-			$xml .= $tab."</{$element}>".$newline;
-		}
-		$xml .= "</$root>".$newline;
-		return $xml;
-	}
-	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-	/**
-	 * Database Backup
-	 *
-	 * @access	public
-	 * @return	void
-	 */
-	function backup($params = array())
-	{
-		// If the parameters have not been submitted as an
-		// array then we know that it is simply the table
-		// name, which is a valid short cut.
-		if (is_string($params))
-		{
-			$params = array('tables' => $params);
-		}
-		// ------------------------------------------------------
-		// Set up our default preferences
-		$prefs = array(
-							'tables'		=> array(),
-							'ignore'		=> array(),
-							'filename'		=> '',
-							'format'		=> 'gzip', // gzip, zip, txt
-							'add_drop'		=> TRUE,
-							'add_insert'	=> TRUE,
-							'newline'		=> "\n"
-						);
-		// Did the user submit any preferences? If so set them....
-		if (count($params) > 0)
-		{
-			foreach ($prefs as $key => $val)
-			{
-				if (isset($params[$key]))
-				{
-					$prefs[$key] = $params[$key];
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// ------------------------------------------------------
-		// Are we backing up a complete database or individual tables?	
-		// If no table names were submitted we'll fetch the entire table list
-		if (count($prefs['tables']) == 0)
-		{
-			$prefs['tables'] = $this->db->list_tables();
-		}
-		// ------------------------------------------------------
-		// Validate the format
-		if ( ! in_array($prefs['format'], array('gzip', 'zip', 'txt'), TRUE))
-		{
-			$prefs['format'] = 'txt';
-		}
-		// ------------------------------------------------------
-		// Is the encoder supported?  If not, we'll either issue an
-		// error or use plain text depending on the debug settings
-		if (($prefs['format'] == 'gzip' AND ! @function_exists('gzencode'))
-		 OR ($prefs['format'] == 'zip'  AND ! @function_exists('gzcompress')))
-		{
-			if ($this->db->db_debug)
-			{
-				return $this->db->display_error('db_unsuported_compression');
-			}
-			$prefs['format'] = 'txt';
-		}
-		// ------------------------------------------------------
-		// Set the filename if not provided - Only needed with Zip files
-		if ($prefs['filename'] == '' AND $prefs['format'] == 'zip')
-		{
-			$prefs['filename'] = (count($prefs['tables']) == 1) ? $prefs['tables'] : $this->db->database;
-			$prefs['filename'] .= '_'.date('Y-m-d_H-i', time());
-		}
-		// ------------------------------------------------------
-		// Was a Gzip file requested?
-		if ($prefs['format'] == 'gzip')
-		{
-			return gzencode($this->_backup($prefs));
-		}
-		// ------------------------------------------------------
-		// Was a text file requested?
-		if ($prefs['format'] == 'txt')
-		{
-			return $this->_backup($prefs);
-		}
-		// ------------------------------------------------------
-		// Was a Zip file requested?		
-		if ($prefs['format'] == 'zip')
-		{
-			// If they included the .zip file extension we'll remove it
-			if (preg_match("|.+?\.zip$|", $prefs['filename']))
-			{
-				$prefs['filename'] = str_replace('.zip', '', $prefs['filename']);
-			}
-			// Tack on the ".sql" file extension if needed
-			if ( ! preg_match("|.+?\.sql$|", $prefs['filename']))
-			{
-				$prefs['filename'] .= '.sql';
-			}
-			// Load the Zip class and output it
-			$CI =& get_instance();
-			$CI->load->library('zip');
-			$CI->zip->add_data($prefs['filename'], $this->_backup($prefs));							
-			return $CI->zip->get_zip();
-		}
-	}
+<?php  if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');


+ * CodeIgniter

+ *

+ * An open source application development framework for PHP 4.3.2 or newer

+ *

+ * @package		CodeIgniter

+ * @author		Rick Ellis

+ * @copyright	Copyright (c) 2006, EllisLab, Inc.

+ * @license		http://www.codeignitor.com/user_guide/license.html

+ * @link		http://www.codeigniter.com

+ * @since		Version 1.0

+ * @filesource

+ */


+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------



+ * Database Utility Class

+ *

+ * @category	Database

+ * @author		Rick Ellis

+ * @link		http://www.codeigniter.com/user_guide/database/

+ */

+class CI_DB_utility {


+	var $db;

+	var $data_cache = array();


+	/**

+	 * Constructor

+	 *

+	 * Grabs the CI super object instance so we can access it.

+	 *

+	 */	

+	function CI_DB_utility()

+	{

+		// Assign the main database object to $this->db

+		$CI =& get_instance();

+		$this->db =& $CI->db;


+		log_message('debug', "Database Utility Class Initialized");

+	}


+	// --------------------------------------------------------------------


+	/**

+	 * Create database

+	 *

+	 * @access	public

+	 * @param	string	the database name

+	 * @return	bool

+	 */

+	function create_database($db_name)

+	{

+		$sql = $this->_create_database($db_name);


+		if (is_bool($sql))

+		{

+			return $sql;

+		}


+		return $this->db->query($sql);

+	}


+	// --------------------------------------------------------------------


+	/**

+	 * Drop database

+	 *

+	 * @access	public

+	 * @param	string	the database name

+	 * @return	bool

+	 */

+	function drop_database($db_name)

+	{

+		$sql = $this->_drop_database($db_name);


+		if (is_bool($sql))

+		{

+			return $sql;

+		}


+		return $this->db->query($sql);

+	}


+	// --------------------------------------------------------------------


+	/**

+	 * List databases

+	 *

+	 * @access	public

+	 * @return	bool

+	 */

+	function list_databases()

+	{	

+		// Is there a cached result?

+		if (isset($this->data_cache['db_names']))

+		{

+			return $this->data_cache['db_names'];

+		}


+		$query = $this->db->query($this->_list_databases());

+		$dbs = array();

+		if ($query->num_rows() > 0)

+		{

+			foreach ($query->result_array() as $row)

+			{

+				$dbs[] = current($row);

+			}

+		}


+		$this->data_cache['db_names'] = $dbs;

+		return $this->data_cache['db_names'];

+	}


+	// --------------------------------------------------------------------


+	/**

+	 * Optimize Table

+	 *

+	 * @access	public

+	 * @param	string	the table name

+	 * @return	bool

+	 */

+	function optimize_table($table_name)

+	{

+		$sql = $this->_optimize_table($table_name);


+		if (is_bool($sql))

+		{

+			return $sql;

+		}


+		$query = $this->db->query($sql);

+		$res = $query->result_array();


+		// Note: Due to a bug in current() that affects some versions

+		// of PHP we can not pass function call directly into it

+		return current($res);

+	}


+	// --------------------------------------------------------------------


+	/**

+	 * Optimize Database

+	 *

+	 * @access	public

+	 * @return	array

+	 */

+	function optimize_database()

+	{

+		$result = array();

+		foreach ($this->db->list_tables() as $table_name)

+		{

+			$sql = $this->_optimize_table($table_name);


+			if (is_bool($sql))

+			{

+				return $sql;

+			}


+			$query = $this->db->query($sql);


+			// Build the result array...

+			// Note: Due to a bug in current() that affects some versions

+			// of PHP we can not pass function call directly into it

+			$res = $query->result_array();

+			$res = current($res);

+			$key = str_replace($this->db->database.'.', '', current($res));

+			$keys = array_keys($res);

+			unset($res[$keys[0]]);


+			$result[$key] = $res;

+		}


+		return $result;

+	}


+	// --------------------------------------------------------------------


+	/**

+	 * Optimize Table

+	 *

+	 * @access	public

+	 * @param	string	the table name

+	 * @return	bool

+	 */


+	function repair_table($table_name)

+	{

+		$sql = $this->_repair_table($table_name);


+		if (is_bool($sql))

+		{

+			return $sql;

+		}


+		$query = $this->db->query($sql);


+		// Note: Due to a bug in current() that affects some versions

+		// of PHP we can not pass function call directly into it

+		$res = $query->result_array();

+		return current($res);

+	}


+	// --------------------------------------------------------------------


+	/**

+	 * Drop Table

+	 *

+	 * @access	public

+	 * @param	string	the table name

+	 * @return	bool

+	 */

+	function drop_table($table_name)

+	{

+		$sql = $this->_drop_table($table_name);


+		if (is_bool($sql))

+		{

+			return $sql;

+		}


+		return $this->db->query($sql);

+	}


+	// --------------------------------------------------------------------


+	/**

+	 * Generate CSV from a query result object

+	 *

+	 * @access	public

+	 * @param	object	The query result object

+	 * @param	string	The delimiter - tab by default

+	 * @param	string	The newline character - \n by default

+	 * @return	string

+	 */

+	function csv_from_result($query, $delim = "\t", $newline = "\n")

+	{

+		if ( ! is_object($query) OR ! method_exists($query, 'field_names'))

+		{

+			show_error('You must submit a valid result object');

+		}	


+		$out = '';


+		// First generate the headings from the table column names

+		foreach ($query->list_fields() as $name)

+		{

+			$out .= $name.$delim;

+		}


+		$out = rtrim($out);

+		$out .= $newline;


+		// Next blast through the result array and build out the rows

+		foreach ($query->result_array() as $row)

+		{

+			foreach ($row as $item)

+			{

+				$out .= $item.$delim;			

+			}

+			$out = rtrim($out);

+			$out .= $newline;

+		}


+		return $out;

+	}


+	// --------------------------------------------------------------------


+	/**

+	 * Generate XML data from a query result object

+	 *

+	 * @access	public

+	 * @param	object	The query result object

+	 * @param	array	Any preferences

+	 * @return	string

+	 */

+	function xml_from_result($query, $params = array())

+	{

+		if ( ! is_object($query) OR ! method_exists($query, 'field_names'))

+		{

+			show_error('You must submit a valid result object');

+		}


+		// Set our default values

+		foreach (array('root' => 'root', 'element' => 'element', 'newline' => "\n", 'tab' => "\t") as $key => $val)

+		{

+			if ( ! isset($params[$key]))

+			{

+				$params[$key] = $val;

+			}

+		}


+		// Create variables for convenience

+		extract($params);


+		// Load the xml helper

+		$CI =& get_instance();

+		$CI->load->helper('xml');


+		// Generate the result

+		$xml = "<{$root}>".$newline;

+		foreach ($query->result_array() as $row)

+		{

+			$xml .= $tab."<{$element}>".$newline;


+			foreach ($row as $key => $val)

+			{

+				$xml .= $tab.$tab."<{$key}>".xml_convert($val)."</{$key}>".$newline;

+			}

+			$xml .= $tab."</{$element}>".$newline;

+		}

+		$xml .= "</$root>".$newline;


+		return $xml;

+	}


+	// --------------------------------------------------------------------


+	/**

+	 * Database Backup

+	 *

+	 * @access	public

+	 * @return	void

+	 */

+	function backup($params = array())

+	{

+		// If the parameters have not been submitted as an

+		// array then we know that it is simply the table

+		// name, which is a valid short cut.

+		if (is_string($params))

+		{

+			$params = array('tables' => $params);

+		}


+		// ------------------------------------------------------


+		// Set up our default preferences

+		$prefs = array(

+							'tables'		=> array(),

+							'ignore'		=> array(),

+							'filename'		=> '',

+							'format'		=> 'gzip', // gzip, zip, txt

+							'add_drop'		=> TRUE,

+							'add_insert'	=> TRUE,

+							'newline'		=> "\n"

+						);


+		// Did the user submit any preferences? If so set them....

+		if (count($params) > 0)

+		{

+			foreach ($prefs as $key => $val)

+			{

+				if (isset($params[$key]))

+				{

+					$prefs[$key] = $params[$key];

+				}

+			}

+		}


+		// ------------------------------------------------------


+		// Are we backing up a complete database or individual tables?	

+		// If no table names were submitted we'll fetch the entire table list

+		if (count($prefs['tables']) == 0)

+		{

+			$prefs['tables'] = $this->db->list_tables();

+		}


+		// ------------------------------------------------------


+		// Validate the format

+		if ( ! in_array($prefs['format'], array('gzip', 'zip', 'txt'), TRUE))

+		{

+			$prefs['format'] = 'txt';

+		}


+		// ------------------------------------------------------


+		// Is the encoder supported?  If not, we'll either issue an

+		// error or use plain text depending on the debug settings

+		if (($prefs['format'] == 'gzip' AND ! @function_exists('gzencode'))

+		 OR ($prefs['format'] == 'zip'  AND ! @function_exists('gzcompress')))

+		{

+			if ($this->db->db_debug)

+			{

+				return $this->db->display_error('db_unsuported_compression');

+			}


+			$prefs['format'] = 'txt';

+		}


+		// ------------------------------------------------------


+		// Set the filename if not provided - Only needed with Zip files

+		if ($prefs['filename'] == '' AND $prefs['format'] == 'zip')

+		{

+			$prefs['filename'] = (count($prefs['tables']) == 1) ? $prefs['tables'] : $this->db->database;

+			$prefs['filename'] .= '_'.date('Y-m-d_H-i', time());

+		}


+		// ------------------------------------------------------


+		// Was a Gzip file requested?

+		if ($prefs['format'] == 'gzip')

+		{

+			return gzencode($this->_backup($prefs));

+		}


+		// ------------------------------------------------------


+		// Was a text file requested?

+		if ($prefs['format'] == 'txt')

+		{

+			return $this->_backup($prefs);

+		}


+		// ------------------------------------------------------


+		// Was a Zip file requested?		

+		if ($prefs['format'] == 'zip')

+		{

+			// If they included the .zip file extension we'll remove it

+			if (preg_match("|.+?\.zip$|", $prefs['filename']))

+			{

+				$prefs['filename'] = str_replace('.zip', '', $prefs['filename']);

+			}


+			// Tack on the ".sql" file extension if needed

+			if ( ! preg_match("|.+?\.sql$|", $prefs['filename']))

+			{

+				$prefs['filename'] .= '.sql';

+			}


+			// Load the Zip class and output it


+			$CI =& get_instance();

+			$CI->load->library('zip');

+			$CI->zip->add_data($prefs['filename'], $this->_backup($prefs));							

+			return $CI->zip->get_zip();

+		}


+	}









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