Added Fennec as Firefox Mobile to config/user_agents.php (issue #1063)
diff --git a/application/config/user_agents.php b/application/config/user_agents.php
index 7611461..416ef56 100644
--- a/application/config/user_agents.php
+++ b/application/config/user_agents.php
@@ -29,11 +29,10 @@
 | -------------------------------------------------------------------
 | -------------------------------------------------------------------
-| This file contains four arrays of user agent data.  It is used by the
+| This file contains four arrays of user agent data. It is used by the
 | User Agent Class to help identify browser, platform, robot, and
-| mobile device data.  The array keys are used to identify the device
+| mobile device data. The array keys are used to identify the device
 | and the array values are used to set the actual name of the item.
 $platforms = array(
@@ -179,6 +178,7 @@
 	'operamini'		=> 'Opera Mini',
 	'opera mini'	=> 'Opera Mini',
 	'opera mobi'	=> 'Opera Mobile',
+	'fennec'	=> 'Firefox Mobile',
 	// Other
 	'digital paths'	=> 'Digital Paths',
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst b/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
index f4bba25..74de512 100644
--- a/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
    -  Added an optional backtrace to php-error template.
    -  Added Android to the list of user agents.
    -  Added Windows 7, Android, Blackberry and iOS to the list of user platforms.
+   -  Added Fennec (Firefox for mobile) to the list of mobile user agents.
    -  Ability to log certain error types, not all under a threshold.
    -  Added support for pem, p10, p12, p7a, p7c, p7m, p7r, p7s, crt, crl, der, kdb, rsa, cer, sst, csr Certs to mimes.php.
    -  Added support for pgp and gpg to mimes.php.
@@ -79,8 +80,8 @@
 	 -  Added _optimize_table() support for the :doc:`Database Utility Class <database/utilities>` (rebuilds table indexes).
 	 -  Added boolean data type support in escape().
 	 -  Added update_batch() support.
+	 -  Removed limit() and order_by() support for UPDATE and DELETE queries in as PostgreSQL does not support those features.
    -  Added a constructor to the DB_result class and moved all driver-specific properties and logic out of the base DB_driver class to allow better abstraction.
-   -  Removed limit() and order_by() support for UPDATE and DELETE queries in PostgreSQL driver. Postgres does not support those features.
    -  Removed protect_identifiers() and renamed internal method _protect_identifiers() to it instead - it was just an alias.
    -  MySQL and MySQLi drivers now require at least MySQL version 5.1.
    -  db_set_charset() now only requires one parameter (collation was only needed due to legacy support for MySQL versions prior to 5.1).