diff --git a/system/application/config/routes.php b/system/application/config/routes.php
index 622bf88..5167f75 100644
--- a/system/application/config/routes.php
+++ b/system/application/config/routes.php
@@ -46,4 +46,6 @@
 // Define your own routes below -------------------------------------------
+$route['products\/([a-z]+)\/(\d+)'] = "$1/a$2";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/libraries/Router.php b/system/libraries/Router.php
index abc253e..b61dfb7 100644
--- a/system/libraries/Router.php
+++ b/system/libraries/Router.php
@@ -300,16 +300,27 @@
 		// Loop through the route array looking for wildcards
-		foreach ($this->routes as $key => $val)
+		foreach (array_slice($this->routes, 1) as $key => $val)
 			if (count(explode('/', $key)) != $num)
-			if (preg_match("|".str_replace(':any', '.+', str_replace(':num', '[0-9]+', $key))."$|", $uri))
-			{
+			// Convert wildcards to RegEx
+			$key = str_replace(':any', '.+', str_replace(':num', '[0-9]+', $key));
+			// Does the regex match this URI ?
+			if (preg_match('|^'.$key.'$|', $uri))
+			{			
+				// Do we have a replacemnt?
+				if (strpos($val, '$') !== FALSE AND strpos($key, '(') !== FALSE)
+				{
+					$val = preg_replace('|^'.$key.'$|', $val, $uri);
+				}
 				$this->_compile_segments(explode('/', $val), TRUE);		
 	// END set_method()
diff --git a/user_guide/general/changelog.html b/user_guide/general/changelog.html
index 0bcb165..a03d6b1 100644
--- a/user_guide/general/changelog.html
+++ b/user_guide/general/changelog.html
@@ -69,8 +69,9 @@


 <li>Added <a href="hooks.html">Hooks</a> feature, enabling you to tap into and modify the inner workings of the framework without hacking the core files.</li>

-<li>Added the ability to <a href="base_classes.html">replace core system classes</a> with your own classes.</li>

+<li>Added the ability to <a href="core_classes.html">replace core system classes</a> with your own classes.</li>

 <li>Added support for % character in URL.</li>

+<li>Updated the <a href="routing.html">Routing feature</a> to accept regular expressions within routing rules.</li>

 <li>Moved the MIME type array out of the Upload class and into its own file in the applications/comfig/ folder.</li>

 <li>Removed a strtolower() call that was changing URL segments to lower case.</li>

 <li>Deprecated the hash() function due to a naming conflict with a native PHP function with the same name.  Please use dohash() instead.</li>

diff --git a/user_guide/general/routing.html b/user_guide/general/routing.html
index c6e8bd9..977698b 100644
--- a/user_guide/general/routing.html
+++ b/user_guide/general/routing.html
@@ -85,8 +85,13 @@

 <h2>Setting your own routing rules</h2>


-<p>Routing rules are defined in your <var>application/config/routes.php</var> file.  In it you'll see an array called <dfn>$route</dfn>, that

-you can use to specify your own routing criteria. A typical route might look something like this:</p>

+<p>Routing rules are defined in your <var>application/config/routes.php</var> file.  In it you'll see an array called <dfn>$route</dfn> that

+permits you to specify your own routing criteria. Routes can either be specified using <dfn>wildcards</dfn> or <dfn>Regular Expressions</dnf>





+<p>A typical wildcard route might look something like this:</p>


 <code>$route['product/:num'] = "catalog/product_lookup";</code>


@@ -125,8 +130,21 @@

 <p class="important"><strong>Important:</strong> Do not use leading/trailing slashes.</p>


+<h2>Regular Expressions</h2>


-<h2>Reserved Route</h2>

+<p>If you prefer you can use regular expressions to define your routing rules.  Any valid regular expression is allowed, as are back-references.</p>


+<p class="important"><strong>Note:</strong>&nbsp; If you use back-references you must use the dollar syntax rather then the double backslash syntax.</p>


+<p>A typical RegEx route might look something like this:</p>


+<code>$route['products\/([a-z]+)\/(\d+)'] = "$1/id_$2";</code>


+<p>In the above example, a URI similar to <dfn>products/shirts/123</dfn> would instead call the <dfn>shirts</dfn> controller class and the <dfn>id_123</dfn> function.</p>


+<p>You can also mix and match wildcards with regular expressions.</p>


+<h2>Reserved Routes</h2>


 <p>There are two reserved routes:</p>


@@ -144,6 +162,11 @@









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