diff --git a/system/libraries/Pagination.php b/system/libraries/Pagination.php
index 26fb93e..a004419 100644
--- a/system/libraries/Pagination.php
+++ b/system/libraries/Pagination.php
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
  * @package		CodeIgniter
  * @author		Rick Ellis
  * @copyright	Copyright (c) 2006, pMachine, Inc.
- * @license		http://www.codeignitor.com/user_guide/license.html 
+ * @license		http://www.codeignitor.com/user_guide/license.html
  * @link		http://www.codeigniter.com
  * @since		Version 1.0
  * @filesource
@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@
 	var $base_url			= ''; // The page we are linking to
 	var $total_rows  		= ''; // Total number of items (database results)
-	var $per_page     		= 10; // Max number of items you want shown per page
-	var $num_links    		=  2; // Number of "digit" links to show before/after the currently viewed page
-	var $cur_page     		=  0; // The current page being viewed
+	var $per_page	 		= 10; // Max number of items you want shown per page
+	var $num_links			=  2; // Number of "digit" links to show before/after the currently viewed page
+	var $cur_page	 		=  0; // The current page being viewed
 	var $first_link   		= '‹ First';
 	var $next_link			= '>';
 	var $prev_link			= '<';
-	var $last_link    		= 'Last ›';
+	var $last_link			= 'Last ›';
 	var $uri_segment		= 3;
 	var $full_tag_open		= '';
 	var $full_tag_close		= '';
@@ -57,15 +57,15 @@
 	 * @access	public
 	 * @param	array	initialization parameters
-    function CI_Pagination($params = array())
-    {    
+	function CI_Pagination($params = array())
+	{
 		if (count($params) > 0)
 		log_message('debug', "Pagination Class Initialized");
-    }
+	}
 	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
 	 * @param	array	initialization parameters
 	 * @return	void
-    function initialize($params = array())
-    {    
+	function initialize($params = array())
+	{
 		if (count($params) > 0)
 			foreach ($params as $key => $val)
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
-    }
+	}
 	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -98,34 +98,34 @@
 	 * @access	public
 	 * @return	string
-    function create_links()
-    {  
+	function create_links()
+	{
 		// If our item count or per-page total is zero there is no need to continue.
-        if ($this->total_rows == 0 OR $this->per_page == 0)
-        {
-           return '';
-    	}
+		if ($this->total_rows == 0 OR $this->per_page == 0)
+		{
+		   return '';
+		}
 		// Calculate the total number of pages
-        $num_pages = ceil($this->total_rows / $this->per_page);
+		$num_pages = ceil($this->total_rows / $this->per_page);
-    	/*
+		/*
 			// Calculate the total number of pages
 			$num_pages = intval($this->total_rows / $this->per_page);
 			// Use modulus to see if our division has a remainder. If so, add one to our page number.
-			if ($this->total_rows % $this->per_page) 
+			if ($this->total_rows % $this->per_page)
-		// Is there only one page? Hm... nothing more to do here then. 
-        if ($num_pages == 1)
-        {
-            return '';
-        }
+		// Is there only one page? Hm... nothing more to do here then.
+		if ($num_pages == 1)
+		{
+			return '';
+		}
 		// Determine the current page number.		
 		$CI =& get_instance();	
 		if ($CI->uri->segment($this->uri_segment) != 0)
@@ -140,35 +140,35 @@
 		$uri_page_number = $this->cur_page;
 		$this->cur_page = floor(($this->cur_page/$this->per_page) + 1);
 		// Calculate the start and end numbers. These determine
 		// which number to start and end the digit links with
-        $start = (($this->cur_page - $this->num_links) > 0) ? $this->cur_page - ($this->num_links - 1) : 1;
-        $end   = (($this->cur_page + $this->num_links) < $num_pages) ? $this->cur_page + $this->num_links : $num_pages;
+		$start = (($this->cur_page - $this->num_links) > 0) ? $this->cur_page - ($this->num_links - 1) : 1;
+		$end   = (($this->cur_page + $this->num_links) < $num_pages) ? $this->cur_page + $this->num_links : $num_pages;
 		// Add a trailing slash to the base URL if needed
 		$this->base_url = preg_replace("/(.+?)\/*$/", "\\1/",  $this->base_url);
   		// And here we go...
-        $output = '';
+		$output = '';
 		// Render the "First" link
-        if  ($this->cur_page > $this->num_links)
-        {
-            $output .= $this->first_tag_open.'<a href="'.$this->base_url.'">'.$this->first_link.'</a>'.$this->first_tag_close;
-        }
+		if  ($this->cur_page > $this->num_links)
+		{
+			$output .= $this->first_tag_open.'<a href="'.$this->base_url.'">'.$this->first_link.'</a>'.$this->first_tag_close;
+		}
 		// Render the "previous" link
-        if  (($this->cur_page - $this->num_links) >= 0)
-        {
-        	$i = $uri_page_number - $this->per_page;  
-        	if ($i == 0) $i = '';
-            $output .= $this->prev_tag_open.'<a href="'.$this->base_url.$i.'">'.$this->prev_link.'</a>'.$this->prev_tag_close;
-        }
+		if  (($this->cur_page - $this->num_links) >= 0)
+		{
+			$i = $uri_page_number - $this->per_page;
+			if ($i == 0) $i = '';
+			$output .= $this->prev_tag_open.'<a href="'.$this->base_url.$i.'">'.$this->prev_link.'</a>'.$this->prev_tag_close;
+		}
 		// Write the digit links
-        for ($loop = $start -1; $loop <= $end; $loop++) 
-        {
+		for ($loop = $start -1; $loop <= $end; $loop++)
+		{
 			$i = ($loop * $this->per_page) - $this->per_page;
 			if ($i >= 0)
@@ -183,30 +183,30 @@
 					$output .= $this->num_tag_open.'<a href="'.$this->base_url.$n.'">'.$loop.'</a>'.$this->num_tag_close;
-        } 
+		}
 		// Render the "next" link
-        if ($this->cur_page < $num_pages)
-        {  
-            $output .= $this->next_tag_open.'<a href="'.$this->base_url.($this->cur_page * $this->per_page).'">'.$this->next_link.'</a>'.$this->next_tag_close;        
-        }
+		if ($this->cur_page < $num_pages)
+		{
+			$output .= $this->next_tag_open.'<a href="'.$this->base_url.($this->cur_page * $this->per_page).'">'.$this->next_link.'</a>'.$this->next_tag_close;
+		}
 		// Render the "Last" link
-        if (($this->cur_page + $this->num_links) < $num_pages)
-        {
-            $i = (($num_pages * $this->per_page) - $this->per_page);
-            $output .= $this->last_tag_open.'<a href="'.$this->base_url.$i.'">'.$this->last_link.'</a>'.$this->last_tag_close;
-        }
-		// Kill double slashes.  Note: Sometimes we can end up with a double slash 
+		if (($this->cur_page + $this->num_links) < $num_pages)
+		{
+			$i = (($num_pages * $this->per_page) - $this->per_page);
+			$output .= $this->last_tag_open.'<a href="'.$this->base_url.$i.'">'.$this->last_link.'</a>'.$this->last_tag_close;
+		}
+		// Kill double slashes.  Note: Sometimes we can end up with a double slash
 		// in the penultimate link so we'll kill all double slashes.
-		$output = preg_replace("#([^:])//+#", "\\1/", $output);  
+		$output = preg_replace("#([^:])//+#", "\\1/", $output);
 		// Add the wrapper HTML if exists
 		$output = $this->full_tag_open.$output.$this->full_tag_close;
 		return $output;		
-    }
+	}
 // END Pagination Class
\ No newline at end of file