pelican-subtle-giggi: update release v1
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39a0e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+# For an exhaustive list of available variables and how to use them refer to
+# Reference for signing off posts
+AUTHOR = 'Luigi'
+# Reference to the site name
+# Custom variable, introduced for keeping requests cosistent
+INDEX_LINK_AS = 'blog.html'
+# If set, stop treating index.html as default posts binder
+# URL path to the root
+# URL path to the theme folder
+# Local path to the markdown source folder
+PATH = 'content'
+# Local path to the current theme folder
+THEME = 'theme'
+# Default time zone
+TIMEZONE = 'Europe/London'
+# The default date format you want to use.
+# The extensions to use when looking up template files from template names.
+# Default language
+# Feed generation is usually not desired when developing
+# Social widget
+    ('Linux', ''),
+    ('Mail', ''),
+# List of plugins paths utilised by this site
+    'theme/plugins',
+# List of plugins names
+    'assets',
+    'photos',
+# Derive categories from the folder name
+# Show shortcuts to categories
+# Show shortcuts to static pages (i.e. non articles)
+# Use cached html
+# List of menu items
+    ('Git', 'page/git.html'),
+    ('Mail', 'page/mail.html'),
+    ('Ftp', 'page/ftp.html'),
+    ('About', 'page/about.html'),
+    ('Invite', 'page/invite.html'),
+    ('Login', 'page/login.html'),
+# Enable line numbers
+    'extension_configs': {
+        'markdown.extensions.codehilite': {'css_class': 'highlight', 'linenums' : True},
+        'markdown.extensions.extra': {},
+        'markdown.extensions.meta': {},
+    },
+    'output_format': 'html5',
+# Defines whether Pelican should use document-relative URLs or not. Only set
+# this to True when developing/testing# and only if you fully understand the
+# effect it can have on links/feeds.
+# The URL to refer to an article.
+ARTICLE_URL = 'blog/{slug}.html'
+# The place where we will save an article.
+ARTICLE_SAVE_AS = 'blog/{slug}.html'
+# The URL to refer to an article which doesn’t use the default language.
+ARTICLE_LANG_URL = 'blog/{slug}-{lang}.html'
+# The place where we will save an article which doesn’t use the default
+# language.
+ARTICLE_LANG_SAVE_AS = 'blog/{slug}-{lang}.html'
+# The URL to refer to an article draft.
+DRAFT_URL = 'draft/blog/{slug}.html'
+# The place where we will save an article draft.
+DRAFT_SAVE_AS = 'draft/blog/{slug}.html'
+# The URL to refer to an article draft which doesn’t use the default language.
+DRAFT_LANG_URL = 'draft/blog/{slug}-{lang}.html'
+# The place where we will save an article draft which doesn’t use the default
+# language.
+DRAFT_LANG_SAVE_AS = 'draft/blog/{slug}-{lang}.html'
+# The URL we will use to link to a page.
+PAGE_URL = 'page/{slug}.html'
+# The location we will save the page. This value has to be the same as PAGE_URL
+# or you need to use a rewrite in your server config.
+PAGE_SAVE_AS = 'page/{slug}.html'
+# The URL we will use to link to a page which doesn’t use the default language.
+PAGE_LANG_URL = 'page/{slug}-{lang}.html'
+#The location we will save the page which doesn’t use the default language.
+PAGE_LANG_SAVE_AS = 'page/{slug}-{lang}.html'
+# The URL used to link to a page draft.
+DRAFT_PAGE_URL = 'draft/page/{slug}.html'
+# The actual location a page draft is saved at.
+DRAFT_PAGE_SAVE_AS = 'draft/page/{slug}.html'
+# The URL used to link to a page draft which doesn’t use the default language.
+DRAFT_PAGE_LANG_URL = 'draft/page/{slug}-{lang}.html'
+# The actual location a page draft which doesn’t use the default language is
+# saved at.
+DRAFT_PAGE_LANG_SAVE_AS = 'draft/page/{slug}-{lang}.html'
+# The URL to use for a category.
+CATEGORY_URL = 'category/{slug}.html'
+# The location to save a category.
+CATEGORY_SAVE_AS = 'category/{slug}.html'
+# The URL to use for a tag.
+TAG_URL = 'tag/{slug}.html'
+# The location to save the tag page.
+TAG_SAVE_AS = 'tag/{slug}.html'
+# The URL to use for an author.
+AUTHOR_URL = 'author/{slug}.html'
+# The location to save an author.
+AUTHOR_SAVE_AS = 'author/{slug}.html'
+# The location to save per-year archives of your posts.
+YEAR_ARCHIVE_SAVE_AS = 'blog/{date:%Y}/index.html'
+# The URL to use for per-year archives of your posts. Used only if you have the
+# {url} placeholder in PAGINATION_PATTERNS.
+# The location to save per-month archives of your posts.
+MONTH_ARCHIVE_SAVE_AS = 'blog/{date:%Y}/{date:%b}/index.html'
+# The URL to use for per-month archives of your posts. Used only if you have the
+# {url} placeholder in PAGINATION_PATTERNS.
+# The location to save per-day archives of your posts.
+DAY_ARCHIVE_SAVE_AS = 'blog/{date:%Y}/{date:%b}/{date:%d}/index.html'
+# The URL to use for per-day archives of your posts. Used only if you have the
+# {url} placeholder in PAGINATION_PATTERNS.
+# Gallery plugin
+PHOTO_LIBRARY = '/home/luigi/'
+PHOTO_GALLERY = (2000, 1333, 100)
+PHOTO_ARTICLE = (2000, 1333, 100)
+PHOTO_THUMB = (300, 200, 100)