blob: a8a272db27ce87be3759817fcf45b975347b0185 [file] [log] [blame]
// Need a way to change dependencies (core libs and laoded libs)
// Need a way to set the CI class
class CodeIgniterTestCase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
public $ci_instance;
public static $test_instance;
public static $global_map = array(
'benchmark' => 'bm',
'config' => 'cfg',
'hooks' => 'ext',
'utf8' => 'uni',
'router' => 'rtr',
'output' => 'out',
'security' => 'sec',
'input' => 'in',
'lang' => 'lang',
// @todo the loader is an edge case
'loader' => 'load'
function __construct()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Change what get_instance returns
function ci_instance($obj)
$this->ci_instance = $obj;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function ci_set_instance_var($name, $obj)
$this->ci_instance->$name =& $obj;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set a class to a mock before it is loaded
function ci_library($name)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Grab a core class
* Loads the correct core class without extensions
* and returns a reference to the class name in the
* globals array with the correct key. This way the
* test can modify the variable it assigns to and
* still maintain the global.
function &ci_core_class($name)
$name = strtolower($name);
if (isset(self::$global_map[$name]))
$class_name = ucfirst($name);
$global_name = self::$global_map[$name];
elseif (in_array($name, self::$global_map))
$class_name = ucfirst(array_search($name, self::$global_map));
$global_name = $name;
throw new Exception('Not a valid core class.');
if ( ! class_exists('CI_'.$class_name))
require_once BASEPATH.'core/'.$class_name.'.php';
$GLOBALS[strtoupper($global_name)] = 'CI_'.$class_name;
return $GLOBALS[strtoupper($global_name)];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// convenience function for global mocks
function ci_set_core_class($name, $obj)
$orig =& $this->ci_core_class($name);
$orig = $obj;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
static function ci_config($item)
return '';
// EOF