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<h1>Models</h1> | |
<p>Models are <strong>optionally</strong> available for those who want to use a more traditional MVC approach.</p> | |
<ul> | |
<li><a href="#what">What is a Model?</a></li> | |
<li><a href="#anatomy">Anatomy of a Model</a></li> | |
<li><a href="#loading">Loading a Model</a></li> | |
<li><a href="#auto_load_model">Auto-Loading a Model</a> </li> | |
<li><a href="#conn">Connecting to your Database</a></li> | |
</ul> | |
<h2><a name="what"></a>What is a Model?</h2> | |
<p>Models are PHP classes that are designed to work with information in your database. For example, let's say | |
you use CodeIgniter to manage a blog. You might have a model class that contains functions to insert, update, and | |
retrieve your blog data. Here is an example of what such a model class might look like:</p> | |
<code> | |
class Blogmodel extends Model {<br /> | |
<br /> | |
var $title = '';<br /> | |
var $content = '';<br /> | |
var $date = '';<br /> | |
<br /> | |
function Blogmodel()<br /> | |
{<br /> | |
// Call the Model constructor<br /> | |
parent::Model();<br /> | |
}<br /> | |
<br /> | |
function get_last_ten_entries()<br /> | |
{<br /> | |
$query = $this->db->get('entries', 10);<br /> | |
return $query->result();<br /> | |
}<br /> | |
<br /> | |
function insert_entry()<br /> | |
{<br /> | |
$this->title = $_POST['title']; // please read the below note<br /> | |
$this->content = $_POST['content'];<br /> | |
$this->date = time();<br /> | |
<br /> | |
$this->db->insert('entries', $this);<br /> | |
}<br /> | |
<br /> | |
function update_entry()<br /> | |
{<br /> | |
$this->title = $_POST['title'];<br /> | |
$this->content = $_POST['content'];<br /> | |
$this->date = time();<br /> | |
<br /> | |
$this->db->update('entries', $this, array('id', $_POST['id']));<br /> | |
}<br /> | |
<br /> | |
}</code> | |
<p>Note: The functions in the above example use the <a href="../database/active_record.html">Active Record</a> database functions.</p> | |
<p class="important"><strong>Note:</strong> For the sake of simplicity in this example we're using $_POST directly. This is generally bad practice, and a more common approach would be to use the <a href="http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/input.html">Input Class</a> $this->input->post('title')</p> | |
<h2><a name="anatomy"></a>Anatomy of a Model</h2> | |
<p>Model classes are stored in your <dfn>application/models/</dfn> folder. They can be nested within sub-folders if you | |
want this type of organization.</p> | |
<p>The basic prototype for a model class is this:</p> | |
<code> | |
class <var>Model_name</var> extends Model {<br /> | |
<br /> | |
function <var>Model_name</var>()<br /> | |
{<br /> | |
parent::Model();<br /> | |
}<br /> | |
}</code> | |
<p>Where <var>Model_name</var> is the name of your class. Class names <strong>must</strong> have the first letter capitalized with the rest of the name lowercase. | |
Make sure your class extends the base Model class.</p> | |
<p>The file name will be a lower case version of your class name. For example, if your class is this:</p> | |
<code> | |
class <var>User_model</var> extends Model {<br /> | |
<br /> | |
function <var>User_model</var>()<br /> | |
{<br /> | |
parent::Model();<br /> | |
}<br /> | |
}</code> | |
<p>Your file will be this:</p> | |
<code>application/models/<var>user_model.php</var></code> | |
<h2><a name="loading"></a>Loading a Model</h2> | |
<p>Your models will typically be loaded and called from within your <a href="controllers.html">controller</a> functions. | |
To load a model you will use the following function:</p> | |
<code>$this->load->model('<var>Model_name</var>');</code> | |
<p>If you model is located in a sub-folder, include the relative path from your models folder. For example, if | |
you have a model located at <dfn>application/models/blog/queries.php</dfn> you'll load it using:</p> | |
<code>$this->load->model('blog/queries');</code> | |
<p>Once loaded, you will access your model functions using an object with the same name as your class:</p> | |
<code> | |
$this->load->model('<var>Model_name</var>');<br /> | |
<br /> | |
$this-><var>Model_name</var>->function(); | |
</code> | |
<p>If you would like your model assigned to a different object name you can specify it via the second parameter of the loading | |
function:</p> | |
<code> | |
$this->load->model('<var>Model_name</var>', '<kbd>fubar</kbd>');<br /> | |
<br /> | |
$this-><kbd>fubar</kbd>->function(); | |
</code> | |
<p>Here is an example of a controller, that loads a model, then serves a view:</p> | |
<code> | |
class Blog_controller extends Controller {<br /> | |
<br /> | |
function blog()<br /> | |
{<br /> | |
$this->load->model('Blog');<br /> | |
<br /> | |
$data['query'] = $this->Blog->get_last_ten_entries();<br /><br /> | |
$this->load->view('blog', $data);<br /> | |
}<br /> | |
}</code> | |
<h2><a name="auto_load_model" id="auto_load_model"></a>Auto-loading Models</h2> | |
<p>If you find that you need a particular model globally throughout your application, you can tell CodeIgniter to auto-load it during system initialization. This is done by opening the application/config/autoload.php file and adding the model to the autoload array.</p> | |
<h2><a name="conn"></a>Connecting to your Database</h2> | |
<p>When a model is loaded it does <strong>NOT</strong> connect automatically to your database. The following options for connecting are available to you:</p> | |
<ul> | |
<li>You can connect using the standard database methods <a href="../database/connecting.html">described here</a>, either from within your Controller class or your Model class.</li> | |
<li>You can tell the model loading function to auto-connect by passing <kbd>TRUE</kbd> (boolean) via the third parameter, | |
and connectivity settings, as defined in your database config file will be used: | |
<code>$this->load->model('<var>Model_name</var>', '', <kbd>TRUE</kbd>);</code> | |
</li> | |
<li>You can manually pass database connectivity settings via the third parameter: | |
<code>$config['hostname'] = "localhost";<br /> | |
$config['username'] = "myusername";<br /> | |
$config['password'] = "mypassword";<br /> | |
$config['database'] = "mydatabase";<br /> | |
$config['dbdriver'] = "mysql";<br /> | |
$config['dbprefix'] = "";<br /> | |
$config['pconnect'] = FALSE;<br /> | |
$config['db_debug'] = TRUE;<br /> | |
<br /> | |
$this->load->model('<var>Model_name</var>', '', <kbd>$config</kbd>);</code></li> | |
</ul> | |
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