| ####################### |
| Compatibility Functions |
| ####################### |
| |
| CodeIgniter provides a set of compatibility functions that enable |
| you to use functions what are otherwise natively available in PHP, |
| but only in higher versions or depending on a certain extension. |
| |
| Being custom implementations, these functions will also have some |
| set of dependancies on their own, but are still useful if your |
| PHP setup doesn't offer them natively. |
| |
| .. note:: Much like the `common functions <common_functions>`, the |
| compatibility functions are always available, as long as |
| their dependancies are met. |
| |
| .. contents:: |
| :local: |
| |
| .. raw:: html |
| |
| <div class="custom-index container"></div> |
| |
| **************** |
| Password Hashing |
| **************** |
| |
| This set of compatibility functions offers a "backport" of PHP's |
| standard `Password Hashing extension <http://php.net/password>`_ |
| that is otherwise available only since PHP 5.5. |
| |
| Dependancies |
| ============ |
| |
| - PHP 5.3.7 |
| - ``CRYPT_BLOWFISH`` support for ``crypt()`` |
| |
| Constants |
| ========= |
| |
| |
| Function reference |
| ================== |
| |
| .. function:: password_get_info($hash) |
| |
| :param string $hash: Password hash |
| :returns: Information about the hashed password |
| :rtype: array |
| |
| For more information, please refer to the `PHP manual for |
| password_get_info() <http://php.net/password_get_info>`_. |
| |
| .. function:: password_hash($password, $algo[, $options = array()]) |
| |
| :param string $password: Plain-text password |
| :param int $algo: Hashing algorithm |
| :param array $options: Hashing options |
| :returns: Hashed password or FALSE on failure |
| :rtype: string |
| |
| For more information, please refer to the `PHP manual for |
| password_hash() <http://php.net/password_hash>`_. |
| |
| .. note:: Unless you provide your own (and valid) salt, this function |
| has a further dependancy on an available CSPRNG source. Each |
| of the following would satisfy that: |
| - ``mcrypt_create_iv()`` with ``MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM`` |
| - ``openssl_random_pseudo_bytes()`` |
| - /dev/arandom |
| - /dev/urandom |
| |
| .. function:: password_needs_rehash() |
| |
| :param string $hash: Password hash |
| :param int $algo: Hashing algorithm |
| :param array $options: Hashing options |
| :returns: TRUE if the hash should be rehashed to match the given algorithm and options, FALSE otherwise |
| :rtype: bool |
| |
| For more information, please refer to the `PHP manual for |
| password_needs_rehash() <http://php.net/password_needs_rehash>`_. |
| |
| .. function:: password_verify($password, $hash) |
| |
| :param string $password: Plain-text password |
| :param string $hash: Password hash |
| :returns: TRUE if the password matches the hash, FALSE if not |
| :rtype: bool |
| |
| For more information, please refer to the `PHP manual for |
| password_verify() <http://php.net/password_verify>`_. |
| |
| **************** |
| Multibyte String |
| **************** |
| |
| This set of compatibility functions offers limited support for PHP's |
| `Multibyte String extension <http://php.net/mbstring>`_. Because of |
| the limited alternative solutions, only a few functions are available. |
| |
| .. note:: When a character set parameter is ommited, |
| ``$config['charset']`` will be used. |
| |
| Dependancies |
| ============ |
| |
| - `iconv <http://php.net/iconv>`_ extension |
| |
| .. important:: This dependancy is optional and these functions will |
| always be declared. If iconv is not available, they WILL |
| fall-back to their non-mbstring versions. |
| |
| .. important:: Where a character set is supplied, it must be |
| supported by iconv and in a format that it recognizes. |
| |
| .. note:: For you own dependancy check on the actual mbstring |
| extension, use the ``MB_ENABLED`` constant. |
| |
| Function reference |
| ================== |
| |
| .. function:: mb_strlen($str[, $encoding = NULL]) |
| |
| :param string $str: Input string |
| :param string $encoding: Character set |
| :returns: Number of characters in the input string or FALSE on failure |
| :rtype: string |
| |
| For more information, please refer to the `PHP manual for |
| mb_strlen() <http://php.net/mb_strlen>`_. |
| |
| .. function:: mb_strpos($haystack, $needle[, $offset = 0[, $encoding = NULL]]) |
| |
| :param string $haystack: String to search in |
| :param string $needle: Part of string to search for |
| :param int $offset: Search offset |
| :param string $encoding: Character set |
| :returns: Numeric character position of where $needle was found or FALSE if not found |
| :rtype: mixed |
| |
| For more information, please refer to the `PHP manual for |
| mb_strpos() <http://php.net/mb_strpos>`_. |
| |
| .. function:: mb_substr($str, $start[, $length = NULL[, $encoding = NULL]]) |
| |
| :param string $str: Input string |
| :param int $start: Position of first character |
| :param int $length: Maximum number of characters |
| :param string $encoding: Character set |
| :returns: Portion of $str specified by $start and $length or FALSE on failure |
| :rtype: string |
| |
| For more information, please refer to the `PHP manual for |
| mb_substr() <http://php.net/mb_substr>`_. |