| <?php |
| |
| class Upload_test extends CI_TestCase { |
| |
| function set_up() |
| { |
| $ci = $this->ci_instance(); |
| $ci->upload = new Mock_Libraries_Upload(); |
| $ci->security = new Mock_Core_Security(); |
| $ci->lang = new Mock_Core_Lang(); |
| $this->upload = $ci->upload; |
| } |
| |
| function test_do_upload() |
| { |
| $this->markTestIncomplete('We can\'t really test this at the moment because of the call to `is_uploaded_file` in do_upload which isn\'t supported by vfsStream'); |
| } |
| |
| function test_data() |
| { |
| $data = array( |
| 'file_name' => 'hello.txt', |
| 'file_type' => 'text/plain', |
| 'file_path' => '/tmp/', |
| 'full_path' => '/tmp/hello.txt', |
| 'raw_name' => 'hello', |
| 'orig_name' => 'hello.txt', |
| 'client_name' => '', |
| 'file_ext' => '.txt', |
| 'file_size' => 100, |
| 'is_image' => FALSE, |
| 'image_width' => '', |
| 'image_height' => '', |
| 'image_type' => '', |
| 'image_size_str' => '' |
| ); |
| |
| $this->upload->set_upload_path('/tmp/'); |
| |
| foreach ($data as $k => $v) |
| { |
| $this->upload->{$k} = $v; |
| } |
| |
| $this->assertEquals('hello.txt', $this->upload->data('file_name')); |
| $this->assertEquals($data, $this->upload->data()); |
| } |
| |
| function test_set_upload_path() |
| { |
| $this->upload->set_upload_path('/tmp/'); |
| $this->assertEquals('/tmp/', $this->upload->upload_path); |
| |
| $this->upload->set_upload_path('/tmp'); |
| $this->assertEquals('/tmp/', $this->upload->upload_path); |
| } |
| |
| function test_set_filename() |
| { |
| $dir = 'uploads'; |
| $isnew = 'helloworld.txt'; |
| $exists = 'hello-world.txt'; |
| $this->ci_vfs_create($exists, 'Hello world.', $this->ci_app_root, $dir); |
| $path = $this->ci_vfs_path($dir.'/', APPPATH); |
| $this->upload->file_ext = '.txt'; |
| |
| $this->assertEquals($isnew, $this->upload->set_filename($path, $isnew)); |
| $this->assertEquals('hello-world1.txt', $this->upload->set_filename($path, $exists)); |
| } |
| |
| function test_set_max_filesize() |
| { |
| $this->upload->set_max_filesize(100); |
| $this->assertEquals(100, $this->upload->max_size); |
| } |
| |
| function test_set_max_filename() |
| { |
| $this->upload->set_max_filename(100); |
| $this->assertEquals(100, $this->upload->max_filename); |
| } |
| |
| function test_set_max_width() |
| { |
| $this->upload->set_max_width(100); |
| $this->assertEquals(100, $this->upload->max_width); |
| } |
| |
| function test_set_max_height() |
| { |
| $this->upload->set_max_height(100); |
| $this->assertEquals(100, $this->upload->max_height); |
| } |
| |
| function test_set_allowed_types() |
| { |
| $this->upload->set_allowed_types('*'); |
| $this->assertEquals('*', $this->upload->allowed_types); |
| |
| $this->upload->set_allowed_types('foo|bar'); |
| $this->assertEquals(array('foo', 'bar'), $this->upload->allowed_types); |
| } |
| |
| function test_set_image_properties() |
| { |
| $this->upload->file_type = 'image/gif'; |
| $this->upload->file_temp = realpath(PROJECT_BASE.'tests/mocks/uploads/ci_logo.gif'); |
| |
| $props = array( |
| 'image_width' => 170, |
| 'image_height' => 73, |
| 'image_type' => 'gif', |
| 'image_size_str' => 'width="170" height="73"' |
| ); |
| |
| $this->upload->set_image_properties($this->upload->file_temp); |
| |
| $this->assertEquals($props['image_width'], $this->upload->image_width); |
| $this->assertEquals($props['image_height'], $this->upload->image_height); |
| $this->assertEquals($props['image_type'], $this->upload->image_type); |
| $this->assertEquals($props['image_size_str'], $this->upload->image_size_str); |
| } |
| |
| function test_set_xss_clean() |
| { |
| $this->upload->set_xss_clean(TRUE); |
| $this->assertTrue($this->upload->xss_clean); |
| |
| $this->upload->set_xss_clean(FALSE); |
| $this->assertFalse($this->upload->xss_clean); |
| } |
| |
| function test_is_image() |
| { |
| $this->upload->file_type = 'image/x-png'; |
| $this->assertTrue($this->upload->is_image()); |
| |
| $this->upload->file_type = 'text/plain'; |
| $this->assertFalse($this->upload->is_image()); |
| } |
| |
| function test_is_allowed_filetype() |
| { |
| $this->upload->allowed_types = array('html', 'gif'); |
| |
| $this->upload->file_ext = '.txt'; |
| $this->upload->file_type = 'text/plain'; |
| $this->assertFalse($this->upload->is_allowed_filetype(FALSE)); |
| $this->assertFalse($this->upload->is_allowed_filetype(TRUE)); |
| |
| $this->upload->file_ext = '.html'; |
| $this->upload->file_type = 'text/html'; |
| $this->assertTrue($this->upload->is_allowed_filetype(FALSE)); |
| $this->assertTrue($this->upload->is_allowed_filetype(TRUE)); |
| |
| $this->upload->file_temp = realpath(PROJECT_BASE.'tests/mocks/uploads/ci_logo.gif'); |
| $this->upload->file_ext = '.gif'; |
| $this->upload->file_type = 'image/gif'; |
| $this->assertTrue($this->upload->is_allowed_filetype()); |
| } |
| |
| function test_is_allowed_filesize() |
| { |
| $this->upload->max_size = 100; |
| $this->upload->file_size = 99; |
| |
| $this->assertTrue($this->upload->is_allowed_filesize()); |
| |
| $this->upload->file_size = 101; |
| $this->assertFalse($this->upload->is_allowed_filesize()); |
| } |
| |
| function test_is_allowed_dimensions() |
| { |
| $this->upload->file_type = 'text/plain'; |
| $this->assertTrue($this->upload->is_allowed_dimensions()); |
| |
| $this->upload->file_type = 'image/gif'; |
| $this->upload->file_temp = realpath(PROJECT_BASE.'tests/mocks/uploads/ci_logo.gif'); |
| |
| $this->upload->max_width = 10; |
| $this->assertFalse($this->upload->is_allowed_dimensions()); |
| |
| $this->upload->max_width = 170; |
| $this->upload->max_height = 10; |
| $this->assertFalse($this->upload->is_allowed_dimensions()); |
| |
| $this->upload->max_height = 73; |
| $this->assertTrue($this->upload->is_allowed_dimensions()); |
| } |
| |
| function test_validate_upload_path() |
| { |
| $this->upload->upload_path = ''; |
| $this->assertFalse($this->upload->validate_upload_path()); |
| |
| $dir = 'uploads'; |
| $this->ci_vfs_mkdir($dir); |
| $this->upload->upload_path = $this->ci_vfs_path($dir); |
| $this->assertTrue($this->upload->validate_upload_path()); |
| } |
| |
| function test_get_extension() |
| { |
| $this->assertEquals('.txt', $this->upload->get_extension('hello.txt')); |
| $this->assertEquals('.htaccess', $this->upload->get_extension('.htaccess')); |
| $this->assertEquals('', $this->upload->get_extension('hello')); |
| } |
| |
| function test_clean_file_name() |
| { |
| $this->assertEquals('hello.txt', $this->upload->clean_file_name('hello.txt')); |
| $this->assertEquals('hello.txt', $this->upload->clean_file_name('%253chell>o.txt')); |
| } |
| |
| function test_limit_filename_length() |
| { |
| $this->assertEquals('hello.txt', $this->upload->limit_filename_length('hello.txt', 10)); |
| $this->assertEquals('hello.txt', $this->upload->limit_filename_length('hello-world.txt', 9)); |
| } |
| |
| function test_do_xss_clean() |
| { |
| $dir = 'uploads'; |
| $file1 = 'file1.txt'; |
| $file2 = 'file2.txt'; |
| $file3 = 'file3.txt'; |
| $this->ci_vfs_create($file1, 'The billy goat was waiting for them.', $this->ci_vfs_root, $dir); |
| $this->ci_vfs_create($file2, '', $this->ci_vfs_root, $dir); |
| $this->ci_vfs_create($file3, '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Boo! said the billy goat")</script>', $this->ci_vfs_root, $dir); |
| |
| $this->upload->file_temp = $this->ci_vfs_path($file1, $dir); |
| $this->assertTrue($this->upload->do_xss_clean()); |
| |
| $this->upload->file_temp = $this->ci_vfs_path($file2, $dir); |
| $this->assertFalse($this->upload->do_xss_clean()); |
| |
| $this->upload->file_temp = $this->ci_vfs_path($file3, $dir); |
| $this->assertFalse($this->upload->do_xss_clean()); |
| |
| $this->upload->file_temp = realpath(PROJECT_BASE.'tests/mocks/uploads/ci_logo.gif'); |
| $this->assertTrue($this->upload->do_xss_clean()); |
| } |
| |
| function test_set_error() |
| { |
| $errors = array( |
| 'An error!' |
| ); |
| |
| $another = 'Another error!'; |
| |
| $this->upload->set_error($errors); |
| $this->assertEquals($errors, $this->upload->error_msg); |
| |
| $errors[] = $another; |
| $this->upload->set_error($another); |
| $this->assertEquals($errors, $this->upload->error_msg); |
| } |
| |
| function test_display_errors() |
| { |
| $this->upload->error_msg[] = 'Error test'; |
| $this->assertEquals('<p>Error test</p>', $this->upload->display_errors()); |
| } |
| |
| function test_mimes_types() |
| { |
| $this->assertEquals('text/plain', $this->upload->mimes_types('txt')); |
| $this->assertFalse($this->upload->mimes_types('foobar')); |
| } |
| |
| } |