blob: 0b67e8e3a4aaaa9bc175913ef49cf2cd2282ce7c [file] [log] [blame]
Server Requirements
- `PHP <>`_ version 5.2.4 or newer.
- A Database is required for most web application programming.
Currently supported databases are:
- MySQL (5.1+) via the *mysql* (deprecated), *mysqli* and *pdo* drivers
- Oracle via the *oci8* and *pdo* drivers
- PostgreSQL via the *postgre* and *pdo* drivers
- MS SQL via the *mssql*, *sqlsrv* (version 2005 and above only) and *pdo* drivers
- SQLite via the *sqlite* (version 2), *sqlite3* (version 3) and *pdo* drivers
- CUBRID via the *cubrid* and *pdo* drivers
- Interbase/Firebird via the *ibase* and *pdo* drivers
- ODBC via the *odbc* and *pdo* drivers (you should know that ODBC is actually an abstraction layer)