| ########## |
| Change Log |
| ########## |
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| Version 3.0 (planned) |
| ======================= |
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| Release Date: Not Released |
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| - License |
| |
| - CodeIgniter has been relicensed with the Open Software License (3.0), eliminating its old proprietary licensing. |
| |
| - All system files are licensed with OSL 3.0. |
| - Config, error, and sample files shipped in the application folder are |
| licensed with the Academic Free License (3.0) to allow you to retain |
| all licensing authority over your own application code. |
| |
| - General Changes |
| |
| - PHP 5.1.6 is no longer supported. CodeIgniter now requires PHP 5.2.4. |
| - ``$_SERVER['CI_ENV']`` can now be set to control the ``ENVIRONMENT`` constant. |
| - Added an optional backtrace to php-error template. |
| - Added Android to the list of user agents. |
| - Added Windows 7, Windows 8, Android, Blackberry, iOS and PlayStation 3 to the list of user platforms. |
| - Added Fennec (Firefox for mobile) to the list of mobile user agents. |
| - Ability to log certain error types, not all under a threshold. |
| - Added support for pem, p10, p12, p7a, p7c, p7m, p7r, p7s, crt, crl, der, kdb, rsa, cer, sst, csr Certs to mimes.php. |
| - Added support for pgp, gpg, zsh and cdr files to mimes.php. |
| - Added support for 3gp, 3g2, mp4, wmv, f4v, vlc Video files to mimes.php. |
| - Added support for m4a, aac, m4u, xspf, au, ac3, flac, ogg, wma Audio files to mimes.php. |
| - Added support for kmz and kml (Google Earth) files to mimes.php. |
| - Added support for ics Calendar files to mimes.php. |
| - Added support for rar, jar and 7zip archives to mimes.php. |
| - Updated support for xml ('application/xml') and xsl ('application/xml', 'text/xsl') files in mimes.php. |
| - Updated support for doc files in mimes.php. |
| - Updated support for docx files in mimes.php. |
| - Updated support for php files in mimes.php. |
| - Updated support for zip files in mimes.php. |
| - Updated support for csv files in mimes.php. |
| - Added some more doctypes. |
| - Added Romanian, Greek, Vietnamese and Cyrilic characters in *application/config/foreign_characters.php*. |
| - Changed logger to only chmod when file is first created. |
| - Removed previously deprecated SHA1 Library. |
| - Removed previously deprecated use of ``$autoload['core']`` in *application/config/autoload.php*. |
| Only entries in ``$autoload['libraries']`` are auto-loaded now. |
| - Removed previously deprecated EXT constant. |
| - Updated all classes to be written in PHP 5 style, with visibility declarations and no ``var`` usage for properties. |
| - Moved error templates to "application/views/errors" |
| - Global config files are loaded first, then environment ones. Environment config keys overwrite base ones, allowing to only set the keys we want changed per environment. |
| - Changed detection of ``$view_folder`` so that if it's not found in the current path, it will now also be searched for under the application folder. |
| - Path constants BASEPATH, APPPATH and VIEWPATH are now (internally) defined as absolute paths. |
| - Updated email validation methods to use ``filter_var()`` instead of PCRE. |
| - Changed environment defaults to report all errors in *development* and only fatal ones in *testing*, *production* but only display them in *development*. |
| - Updated *ip_address* database field lengths from 16 to 45 for supporting IPv6 address on :doc:`Trackback Library <libraries/trackback>` and :doc:`Captcha Helper <helpers/captcha_helper>`. |
| - Removed *cheatsheets* and *quick_reference* PDFs from the documentation. |
| |
| - Helpers |
| |
| - :doc:`Date Helper <helpers/date_helper>` changes include: |
| - ``now()`` now works with all timezone strings supported by PHP. |
| - Added an optional third parameter to ``timespan()`` that constrains the number of time units displayed. |
| - Added an optional parameter to ``timezone_menu()`` that allows more attributes to be added to the generated select tag. |
| - Deprecated ``standard_date()``, which now just uses the native ``date()`` with `DateTime constants <http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.datetime.php#datetime.constants.types>`_. |
| - Added function ``date_range()`` that generates a list of dates between a specified period. |
| - ``create_captcha()`` accepts additional colors parameter, allowing for color customization. |
| - :doc:`URL Helper <helpers/url_helper>` changes include: |
| - ``url_title()`` will now trim extra dashes from beginning and end. |
| - ``anchor_popup()`` will now fill the *href* attribute with the URL and its JS code will return FALSE instead. |
| - Added JS window name support to ``anchor_popup()`` function. |
| - Added support (auto-detection) for HTTP/1.1 response code 303 in ``redirect()``. |
| - "auto" method in ``redirect()`` now chooses the "refresh" method only on IIS servers, instead of all servers on Windows. |
| - Added XHTML Basic 1.1 doctype to :doc:`HTML Helper <helpers/html_helper>`. |
| - Changed ``humanize()`` to include a second param for the separator. |
| - Refactored ``plural()`` and ``singular()`` to avoid double pluralization and support more words. |
| - Added an optional third parameter to ``force_download()`` that enables/disables sending the actual file MIME type in the Content-Type header (disabled by default). |
| - Added a work-around in ``force_download()`` for a bug Android <= 2.1, where the filename extension needs to be in uppercase. |
| - :doc:`Form Helper <helpers/form_helper>` changes include: |
| - ``form_dropdown()`` will now also take an array for unity with other form helpers. |
| - ``form_prep()`` is now **DEPRECATED** and only acts as an alias for :doc:`common function <general/common_functions>` ``html_escape()``. |
| - ``do_hash()`` now uses PHP's native ``hash()`` function (supporting more algorithms) and is deprecated. |
| - Removed previously deprecated helper function ``js_insert_smiley()`` from :doc:`Smiley Helper <helpers/smiley_helper>`. |
| - :doc:`File Helper <helpers/file_helper>` changes include: |
| - ``set_realpath()`` can now also handle file paths as opposed to just directories. |
| - Added an optional paramater to ``delete_files()`` to enable it to skip deleting files such as .htaccess and index.html. |
| - ``read_file()`` is now a deprecated alias of ``file_get_contents()``. |
| - :doc:`Security Helper <helpers/security_helper>` function ``strip_image_tags()`` is now an alias for the same method in the :doc:`Security Library <libraries/security>`. |
| - Deprecated :doc:`String Helper <helpers/string_helper>` function ``repeater()`` - it's just an alias for PHP's native ``str_repeat()``. |
| |
| - Database |
| |
| - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` changes include: |
| - Renamed the Active Record class to Query Builder to remove confusion with the Active Record design pattern. |
| - Added the ability to insert objects with ``insert_batch()``. |
| - Added new methods that return the SQL string of queries without executing them: ``get_compiled_select()``, ``get_compiled_insert()``, ``get_compiled_update()``, ``get_compiled_delete()``. |
| - Added an optional parameter that allows to disable escaping (useful for custom fields) for methods ``join()``, ``order_by()``, ``where_in()``, ``or_where_in()``, ``where_not_in()``, ``or_where_not_in()``. |
| - Added support for ``join()`` with multiple conditions. |
| - Added support for *USING* in ``join()``. |
| - Changed ``limit()`` to ignore NULL values instead of always casting to integer. |
| - Changed ``offset()`` to ignore empty values instead of always casting to integer. |
| - Methods ``insert_batch()`` and ``update_batch()`` now return an integer representing the number of rows affected by them. |
| - Improved support for the MySQLi driver, including: |
| - OOP style of the PHP extension is now used, instead of the procedural aliases. |
| - Server version checking is now done via ``mysqli::$server_info`` instead of running an SQL query. |
| - Added persistent connections support for PHP >= 5.3. |
| - Added support for ``backup()`` in :doc:`Database Utilities <database/utilities>`. |
| - Added **dsn** configuration setting for drivers that support DSN strings (PDO, PostgreSQL, Oracle, ODBC, CUBRID). |
| - Added **schema** configuration setting (defaults to *public*) for drivers that might need it (currently used by PostgreSQL and ODBC). |
| - Improved PDO database support. |
| - Added Interbase/Firebird database support via the *ibase* driver. |
| - Added an optional database name parameter to ``db_select()``. |
| - Replaced the ``_error_message()`` and ``_error_number()`` methods with ``error()``, which returns an array containing the last database error code and message. |
| - Improved ``version()`` implementation so that drivers that have a native function to get the version number don't have to be defined in the core ``DB_driver`` class. |
| - Improved support of the PostgreSQL driver, including: |
| - ``pg_version()`` is now used to get the database version number, when possible. |
| - Added ``db_set_charset()`` support. |
| - Added support for ``optimize_table()`` in :doc:`Database Utilities <database/utilities>` (rebuilds table indexes). |
| - Added boolean data type support in ``escape()``. |
| - Added ``update_batch()`` support. |
| - Removed ``limit()`` and ``order_by()`` support for *UPDATE* and *DELETE* queries as PostgreSQL does not support those features. |
| - Added a work-around for dead persistent connections to be re-created after a database restart. |
| - Added a constructor to the ``DB_result`` class and moved all driver-specific properties and logic out of the base ``DB_driver`` class to allow better abstraction. |
| - Removed ``protect_identifiers()`` and renamed internal method ``_protect_identifiers()`` to it instead - it was just an alias. |
| - Renamed internal method ``_escape_identifiers()`` to ``escape_identifiers()``. |
| - Updated ``escape_identifiers()`` to accept an array of fields as well as strings. |
| - MySQL and MySQLi drivers now require at least MySQL version 5.1. |
| - ``db_set_charset()`` now only requires one parameter (collation was only needed due to legacy support for MySQL versions prior to 5.1). |
| - Added support for SQLite3 database driver. |
| - Improved support of the CUBRID driver, including: |
| - Added DSN string support. |
| - Added persistent connections support. |
| - Improved ``list_databases()`` in :doc:`Database Utility <database/utilities>` (until now only the currently used database was returned). |
| - Improved support of the MSSQL and SQLSRV drivers, including: |
| - Added random ordering support. |
| - Added support for ``optimize_table()`` in :doc:`Database Utility <database/utilities>`. |
| - Added escaping with *QUOTE_IDENTIFIER* setting detection. |
| - Added port handling support for UNIX-based systems (MSSQL driver). |
| - Added *OFFSET* support for SQL Server 2005 and above. |
| - Improved support of the Oracle (OCI8) driver, including: |
| - Added DSN string support (Easy Connect and TNS). |
| - Added support for ``drop_table()`` in :doc:`Database Forge <database/forge>`. |
| - Added support for ``list_databases()`` in :doc:`Database Utilities <database/utilities>`. |
| - Generally improved for speed and cleaned up all of its components. |
| - ``num_rows()`` is now only called explicitly by the developer and no longer re-executes statements. |
| - Improved support of the SQLite driver, including: |
| - Added support for ``replace()`` in :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>`. |
| - Added support for ``drop_table()`` in :doc:`Database Forge <database/forge>`. |
| - Added ODBC support for ``create_database()``, ``drop_database()`` and ``drop_table()`` in :doc:`Database Forge <database/forge>`. |
| - Added PDO support for ``create_database()``, ``drop_database()`` and ``drop_table()`` in :doc:`Database Forge <database/forge>`. |
| - Added ``unbuffered_row()`` method for getting a row without prefetching whole result (consume less memory). |
| - Added PDO support for ``list_fields()`` in :doc:`Database Results <database/results>`. |
| - Added capability for packages to hold *database.php* config files |
| - Added subdrivers support (currently only used by PDO). |
| - Added MySQL client compression support. |
| - Added encrypted connections support (for *mysql*, *sqlsrv* and PDO with *sqlsrv*). |
| - Removed :doc:`Loader Class <libraries/loader>` from Database error tracing to better find the likely culprit. |
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| - Libraries |
| |
| - :doc:`Session Library <libraries/sessions>` changes include: |
| - Library changed to :doc:`Driver <general/drivers>` with classic Cookie driver as default. |
| - Added Native PHP Session driver to work with ``$_SESSION``. |
| - Custom drivers can be added anywhere in package paths and be loaded with the library. |
| - Drivers interchangeable on the fly. |
| - New **tempdata** feature allows setting user data items with an expiration time. |
| - Added default ``$config['sess_driver']`` and ``$config['sess_valid_drivers']`` items to *config.php* file. |
| - Cookie driver now respects php.ini's *session.gc_probability* and *session.gc_divisor* settings. |
| - Cookie driver now uses HMAC authentication instead of the simple md5 checksum. |
| - The Cookie driver now also checks authentication on encrypted session data. |
| - Changed the Cookie driver to select only one row when using database sessions. |
| - Cookie driver now only writes to database at end of request when using database. |
| - Cookie driver now uses PHP functions for faster array manipulation when using database. |
| - Added ``all_flashdata()`` method to session class. Returns an associative array of only flashdata. |
| - Added ``has_userdata()`` method to verify existence of userdata item. |
| - Added ``tempdata()``, ``set_tempdata()``, and ``unset_tempdata()`` methods for manipulating tempdata. |
| - :doc:`File Uploading Library <libraries/file_uploading>` changes include: |
| - Added *max_filename_increment* config setting. |
| - Added an "index" parameter to the ``data()`` method. |
| - :doc:`Cart library <libraries/cart>` changes include: |
| - ``insert()`` now auto-increments quantity for an item when inserted twice instead of resetting it, this is the default behaviour of large e-commerce sites. |
| - *Product Name* strictness can be disabled by switching the ``$product_name_safe`` property to FALSE. |
| - Added method ``remove()`` to remove a cart item, updating with quantity of 0 seemed like a hack but has remained to retain compatibility. |
| - Added method ``get_item()`` to enable retrieving data for a single cart item. |
| - :doc:`Image Manipulation library <libraries/image_lib>` changes include: |
| - The initialize() method now only sets existing class properties. |
| - Added support for 3-length hex color values for *wm_font_color* and *wm_shadow_color* properties, as well as validation for them. |
| - Class properties *wm_font_color*, *wm_shadow_color* and *wm_use_drop_shadow* are now protected, to avoid breaking the ``text_watermark()`` method if they are set manually after initialization. |
| - If property *maintain_ratio* is set to TRUE, ``image_reproportion()`` now doesn't need both width and height to be specified. |
| - Property *maintain_ratio* is now taken into account when resizing images using ImageMagick library. |
| - Added support for maintaining transparency for PNG images in method ``text_watermark()``. |
| - :doc:`Form Validation library <libraries/form_validation>` changes include: |
| - Added method ``error_array()`` to return all error messages as an array. |
| - Added method ``set_data()`` to set an alternative data array to be validated instead of the default ``$_POST``. |
| - Added method ``reset_validation()`` which resets internal validation variables in case of multiple validation routines. |
| - Added support for setting error delimiters in the config file via ``$config['error_prefix']`` and ``$config['error_suffix']``. |
| - ``_execute()`` now considers input data to be invalid if a specified rule is not found. |
| - Removed method ``is_numeric()`` as it exists as a native PHP function and ``_execute()`` will find and use that (the *is_numeric* rule itself is deprecated since 1.6.1). |
| - Native PHP functions used as rules can now accept an additional parameter, other than the data itself. |
| - Updated ``set_rules()`` to accept an array of rules as well as a string. |
| - Fields that have empty rules set no longer run through validation (and therefore are not considered erroneous). |
| - Added rule *differs* to check if the value of a field differs from the value of another field. |
| - Added support for setting :doc:`Table <libraries/table>` class defaults in a config file. |
| - :doc:`Caching Library <libraries/caching>` changes include: |
| - Added Wincache driver. |
| - Added Redis driver. |
| - Added a *key_prefix* option for cache IDs. |
| - :doc:`Email library <libraries/email>` changes include: |
| - Added custom filename to ``Email::attach()`` as ``$this->email->attach($filename, $disposition, $newname)``. |
| - Added possibility to send attachment as buffer string in ``Email::attach()`` as ``$this->email->attach($buffer, $disposition, $newname, $mime)``. |
| - Added dsn (delivery status notification) option. |
| - Renamed method _set_header() to set_header() and made it public to enable adding custom headers in the :doc:`Email Library <libraries/email>`. |
| - Successfully sent emails will automatically clear the parameters. |
| - Added a *return_path* parameter to the ``from()`` method. |
| - Removed the second parameter (character limit) from internal method ``_prep_quoted_printable()`` as it is never used. |
| - Internal method ``_prep_quoted_printable()`` will now utilize the native ``quoted_printable_encode()``, ``imap_8bit()`` functions (if available) when CRLF is set to "\r\n". |
| - Default charset now relies on the global ``$config['charset']`` setting. |
| - Removed unused protected method ``_get_ip()`` (:doc:`Input Library <libraries/input>`'s ``ip_address()`` should be used anyway). |
| - Internal method ``_prep_q_encoding()`` now utilizes PHP's *mbstring* and *iconv* extensions (when available) and no longer has a second (``$from``) argument. |
| - :doc:`Pagination Library <libraries/pagination>` changes include: |
| - Added support for the anchor "rel" attribute. |
| - Added support for setting custom attributes. |
| - Deprecated usage of the "anchor_class" setting (use the new "attributes" setting instead). |
| - Added $config['reuse_query_string'] to allow automatic repopulation of query string arguments, combined with normal URI segments. |
| - Removed the default `` `` from a number of the configuration variables. |
| - Added the ability to use a proxy with the :doc:`XML-RPC Library <libraries/xmlrpc>`. |
| - :doc:`Encryption Library <libraries/encryption>` changes include: |
| - Added support for hashing algorithms other than SHA1 and MD5. |
| - Removed previously deprecated ``sha1()`` method. |
| - Changed :doc:`Language Library <libraries/language>` method ``load()`` to filter the language name with ``ctype_digit()``. |
| |
| - Core |
| |
| - :doc:`URI Library <libraries/uri>` changes include: |
| - Changed private methods to protected so that MY_URI can override them. |
| - Renamed internal method ``_parse_cli_args()`` to ``_parse_argv()``. |
| - Renamed internal method ``_detect_uri()`` to ``_parse_request_uri()``. |
| - Changed ``_parse_request_uri()`` to accept absolute URIs for compatibility with HTTP/1.1 as per `RFC2616 <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt>`. |
| - Added protected method ``_parse_query_string()`` to URI paths in the the **QUERY_STRING** value, like ``_parse_request_uri()`` does. |
| - Changed ``_fetch_uri_string()`` to try the **PATH_INFO** variable first when auto-detecting. |
| - Removed ``CI_CORE`` boolean constant from *CodeIgniter.php* (no longer Reactor and Core versions). |
| - :doc:`Loader Library <libraries/loader>` changes include: |
| - Added method ``get_vars()`` to the Loader to retrieve all variables loaded with ``$this->load->vars()``. |
| - ``_ci_autoloader()`` is now a protected method. |
| - Added autoloading of drivers with ``$autoload['drivers']``. |
| - ``library()`` method will now load drivers as well, for backward compatibility of converted libraries (like :doc:`Session <libraries/sessions>`). |
| - ``$config['rewrite_short_tags']`` now has no effect when using PHP 5.4 as ``<?=`` will always be available. |
| - Changed method ``config()`` to return whatever ``CI_Config::load()`` returns instead of always being void. |
| - :doc:`Input Library <libraries/input>` changes include: |
| - Added ``method()`` to retrieve ``$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']``. |
| - Added support for arrays and network addresses (e.g. for use with the *proxy_ips* setting. |
| - Changed method ``valid_ip()`` to use PHP's native ``filter_var()`` function. |
| - Changed internal method ``_sanitize_globals()`` to skip enforcing reversal of *register_globals* in PHP 5.4+, where this functionality no longer exists. |
| - Changed methods ``get()``, ``post()``, ``get_post()``, ``cookie()``, ``server()``, ``user_agent()`` to return NULL instead of FALSE when no value is found. |
| - :doc:`Common functions <general/common_functions>` changes include: |
| - Added function ``get_mimes()`` to return the *config/mimes.php* array. |
| - Added support for HTTP code 303 ("See Other") in ``set_status_header()``. |
| - Removed redundant conditional to determine HTTP server protocol in ``set_status_header()``. |
| - Changed ``_exception_handler()`` to respect php.ini *display_errors* setting. |
| - Added function ``is_https()`` to check if a secure connection is used. |
| - Added support for HTTP-Only cookies with new config option *cookie_httponly* (default FALSE). |
| - Renamed method ``_call_hook()`` to ``call_hook()`` in the :doc:`Hooks Library <general/hooks>`. |
| - :doc:`Output Library <libraries/output>` changes include: |
| - Added method ``get_content_type()``. |
| - Added a second argument to method ``set_content_type()`` that allows setting the document charset as well. |
| - ``$config['time_reference']`` now supports all timezone strings supported by PHP. |
| - :doc:`Config Library <libraries/config>` changes include: |
| - Changed ``site_url()`` method to accept an array as well. |
| - Removed internal method ``_assign_to_config()`` and moved it's implementation in *CodeIgniter.php* instead. |
| - :doc:`Security Library <libraries/security>` changes include: |
| - Added method ``strip_image_tags()``. |
| - Added ``$config['csrf_regeneration']``, which makes token regeneration optional. |
| - Added ``$config['csrf_exclude_uris']``, which allows you list URIs which will not have the CSRF validation methods run. |
| - Added possibility to route requests using callbacks. |
| |
| Bug fixes for 3.0 |
| ------------------ |
| |
| - Fixed a bug where ``unlink()`` raised an error if cache file did not exist when you try to delete it. |
| - Fixed a bug (#181) where a mis-spelling was in the form validation language file. |
| - Fixed a bug (#159, #163) that mishandled Query Builder nested transactions because _trans_depth was not getting incremented. |
| - Fixed a bug (#737, #75) - :doc:`Pagination <libraries/pagination>` anchor class was not set properly when using initialize method. |
| - Fixed a bug (#419) - auto_link() now recognizes URLs that come after a word boundary. |
| - Fixed a bug (#724) - is_unique in form validation now checks that you are connected to a database. |
| - Fixed a bug (#647) - _get_mod_time() in Zip library no longer generates stat failed errors. |
| - Fixed a bug (#608) - Fixes an issue with the Image_lib class not clearing properties completely. |
| - Fixed a bug (#157, #174) - the Image_lib clear() function now resets all variables to their default values. |
| - Fixed a bug where using $this->dbforge->create_table() with PostgreSQL database could lead to fetching whole table. |
| - Fixed a bug (#795) - Fixed form method and accept-charset when passing an empty array. |
| - Fixed a bug (#797) - timespan() was using incorrect seconds for year and month. |
| - Fixed a bug in CI_Cart::contents() where if called without a TRUE (or equal) parameter, it would fail due to a typo. |
| - Fixed a bug (#696) - make oci_execute() calls inside num_rows() non-committing, since they are only there to reset which row is next in line for oci_fetch calls and thus don't need to be committed. |
| - Fixed a bug (#406) - SQLSRV DB driver not returning resource on ``db_pconnect()``. |
| - Fixed a bug in CI_Image_lib::gd_loaded() where it was possible for the script execution to end or a PHP E_WARNING message to be emitted. |
| - Fixed a bug in the :doc:`Pagination library <libraries/pagination>` where when use_page_numbers=TRUE previous link and page 1 link did not have the same url. |
| - Fixed a bug (#561) - Errors in :doc:`XML-RPC Library <libraries/xmlrpc>` were not properly escaped. |
| - Fixed a bug (#904) - ``CI_Loader::initialize()`` caused a PHP Fatal error to be triggered if error level E_STRICT is used. |
| - Fixed a hosting edge case where an empty $_SERVER['HTTPS'] variable would evaluate to 'on'. |
| - Fixed a bug (#154) - ``CI_Session::sess_update()`` caused the session to be destroyed on pages where multiple AJAX requests were executed at once. |
| - Fixed a possible bug in ``CI_Input::is_ajax_request()`` where some clients might not send the X-Requested-With HTTP header value exactly as 'XmlHttpRequest'. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1039) - MySQL's _backup() method failed due to a table name not being escaped. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1070) - CI_DB_driver::initialize() didn't set a character set if a database is not selected. |
| - Fixed a bug (#177) - CI_Form_validation::set_value() didn't set the default value if POST data is NULL. |
| - Fixed a bug (#68, #414) - Oracle's escape_str() didn't properly escape LIKE wild characters. |
| - Fixed a bug (#81) - ODBC's list_fields() and field_data() methods skipped the first column due to odbc_field_*() functions' index starting at 1 instead of 0. |
| - Fixed a bug (#129) - ODBC's num_rows() returned -1 in some cases, due to not all subdrivers supporting the odbc_num_rows() function. |
| - Fixed a bug (#153) - E_NOTICE being generated by getimagesize() in the :doc:`File Uploading Library <libraries/file_uploading>`. |
| - Fixed a bug (#611) - SQLSRV's error handling methods used to issue warnings when there's no actual error. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1036) - ``is_write_type()`` method in the :doc:`Database Library <database/index>` didn't return TRUE for RENAME queries. |
| - Fixed a bug in PDO's _version() method where it used to return the client version as opposed to the server one. |
| - Fixed a bug in PDO's insert_id() method where it could've failed if it's used with Postgre versions prior to 8.1. |
| - Fixed a bug in CUBRID's affected_rows() method where a connection resource was passed to cubrid_affected_rows() instead of a result. |
| - Fixed a bug (#638) - db_set_charset() ignored its arguments and always used the configured charset instead. |
| - Fixed a bug (#413) - Oracle's error handling methods used to only return connection-related errors. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1101) - MySQL/MySQLi result method field_data() was implemented as if it was handling a DESCRIBE result instead of the actual result set. |
| - Fixed a bug in Oracle's :doc:`Database Forge Class <database/forge>` method _create_table() where it failed with AUTO_INCREMENT as it's not supported. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1080) - When using the SMTP protocol, the :doc:`Email Library <libraries/email>` send() method was returning TRUE even if the connection/authentication against the server failed. |
| - Fixed a bug (#306) - ODBC's insert_id() method was calling non-existent function odbc_insert_id(), which resulted in a fatal error. |
| - Fixed a bug in Oracle's DB_result class where the cursor id passed to it was always NULL. |
| - Fixed a bug (#64) - Regular expression in DB_query_builder.php failed to handle queries containing SQL bracket delimiters in the join condition. |
| - Fixed a bug in the :doc:`Session Library <libraries/sessions>` where a PHP E_NOTICE error was triggered by _unserialize() due to results from databases such as MSSQL and Oracle being space-padded on the right. |
| - Fixed a bug (#501) - set_rules() to check if the request method is not 'POST' before aborting, instead of depending on count($_POST) in the :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>`. |
| - Fixed a bug (#136) - PostgreSQL, MySQL and MySQLi's escape_str() method didn't properly escape LIKE wild characters. |
| - Fixed a bug in the library loader where some PHP versions wouldn't execute the class constructor. |
| - Fixed a bug (#88) - An unexisting property was used for configuration of the Memcache cache driver. |
| - Fixed a bug (#14) - create_database() method in the :doc:`Database Forge Library <database/forge>` didn't utilize the configured database character set. |
| - Fixed a bug (#23, #1238) - delete_all() in the `Database Caching Library <database/caching>` used to delete .htaccess and index.html files, which is a potential security risk. |
| - Fixed a bug in :doc:`Trackback Library <libraries/trackback>` method validate_url() where it didn't actually do anything, due to input not being passed by reference. |
| - Fixed a bug (#11, #183, #863) - CI_Form_validation::_execute() silently continued to the next rule, if a rule method/function is not found. |
| - Fixed a bug (#122) Where routed uri string was being reported incorrectly in sub-directories. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1242) - read_dir() in the :doc:`Zip Library <libraries/zip>` wasn't compatible with Windows. |
| - Fixed a bug (#306) - ODBC driver didn't have an _insert_batch() method, which resulted in fatal error being triggered when insert_batch() is used with it. |
| - Fixed a bug in MSSQL and SQLSrv's _truncate() where the TABLE keyword was missing. |
| - Fixed a bug in PDO's trans_commit() method where it failed due to an erroneous property name. |
| - Fixed a bug (#798) - update() used to ignore LIKE conditions that were set with like(). |
| - Fixed a bug in Oracle's and MSSQL's delete() methods where an erroneous SQL statement was generated when used with limit(). |
| - Fixed a bug in SQLSRV's delete() method where like() and limit() conditions were ignored. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1265) - Database connections were always closed, regardless of the 'pconnect' option value. |
| - Fixed a bug (#128) - :doc:`Language Library <libraries/language>` did not correctly keep track of loaded language files. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1242) - Added Windows path compatibility to function read_dir of ZIP library. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1349) - get_extension() in the :doc:`File Uploading Library <libraries/file_uploading>` returned the original filename when it didn't have an actual extension. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1273) - E_NOTICE being generated by :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>`'s set_update_batch() method. |
| - Fixed a bug (#44, #110) - :doc:`Upload library <libraries/file_uploading>`'s clean_file_name() method didn't clear '!' and '#' characters. |
| - Fixed a bug (#121) - ``CI_DB_result::row()`` returned an array when there's no actual result to be returned. |
| - Fixed a bug (#319) - SQLSRV's affected_rows() method failed due to a scrollable cursor being created for write-type queries. |
| - Fixed a bug (#356) - PostgreSQL driver didn't have an _update_batch() method, which resulted in fatal error being triggered when update_batch() is used with it. |
| - Fixed a bug (#784, #862) - :doc:`Database Forge <database/forge>` method ``create_table()`` failed on SQLSRV/MSSQL when used with 'IF NOT EXISTS'. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1419) - libraries/Driver.php had a static variable that was causing an error. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1411) - the :doc:`Email library <libraries/email>` used its own short list of MIMEs instead the one from config/mimes.php. |
| - Fixed a bug where the magic_quotes_runtime setting wasn't turned off for PHP 5.3 (where it is indeed deprecated, but not non-existent). |
| - Fixed a bug (#666) - :doc:`Output library <libraries/output>`'s set_content_type() method didn't set the document charset. |
| - Fixed a bug (#784, #861) - :doc:`Database Forge <database/forge>` method ``create_table()`` used to accept constraints for MSSQL/SQLSRV integer-type columns. |
| - Fixed a bug (#706) - SQLSRV/MSSSQL didn't escape field names. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1452) - ``protect_identifiers()`` didn't properly detect identifiers with spaces in their names. |
| - Fixed a bug where ``protect_identifiers()`` ignored it's extra arguments when the value passed to it is an array. |
| - Fixed a bug where ``_has_operator()`` didn't detect BETWEEN. |
| - Fixed a bug in :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>`'s ``join()`` method where it failed with identifiers containing dashes. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1264) - :doc:`Database Forge <database/forge>` and :doc:`Database Utilities <database/utilities>` didn't update/reset the databases and tables list cache when a table or a database is created, dropped or renamed. |
| - Fixed a bug (#7) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>`'s ``join()`` method only escaped one set of conditions. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1321) - Core Exceptions class couldn't find the errors/ folder in some cases. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1202) - :doc:`Encryption Library <libraries/encryption>` encode_from_legacy() didn't set back the encrypt mode on failure. |
| - Fixed a bug (#145) - compile_binds() failed when the bind marker was present in a literal string within the query. |
| - Fixed a bug in protect_identifiers() where if passed along with the field names, operators got escaped as well. |
| - Fixed a bug (#10) - :doc:`URI Library <libraries/uri>` internal method _detect_uri() failed with paths containing a colon. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1387) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>`'s from() method didn't escape table aliases. |
| - Fixed a bug (#520) - :doc:`Date Helper <helpers/date_helper>` function nice_date() failed when the optional second parameter is not passed. |
| - Fixed a bug (#167) - ``$config['permitted_uri_chars']`` didn't affect URL-encoded characters. |
| - Fixed a bug (#318) - :doc:`Profiling <general/profiling>` setting *query_toggle_count* was not settable as described in the manual. |
| - Fixed a bug (#938) - :doc:`Config Library <libraries/config>` method ``site_url()`` added a question mark to the URL string when query strings are enabled even if it already existed. |
| - Fixed a bug (#999) - :doc:`Config Library <libraries/config>` method ``site_url()`` always appended ``$config['url_suffix']`` to the end of the URL string, regardless of whether a query string exists in it. |
| - Fixed a bug where :doc:`URL Helper <helpers/url_helper>` function ``anchor_popup()`` ignored the attributes argument if it is not an array. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1328) - :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>` didn't properly check the type of the form fields before processing them. |
| - Fixed a bug (#79) - :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>` didn't properly validate array fields that use associative keys or have custom indexes. |
| - Fixed a bug (#427) - :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>` method ``strip_image_tags()`` was an alias to a non-existent method. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1545) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` method ``limit()`` wasn't executed properly under Oracle. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1551) - :doc:`Date Helper <helpers/date_helper>` function ``standard_date()`` didn't properly format *W3C* and *ATOM* standard dates. |
| - Fixed a bug in :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` method join() where literal values were escaped as if they were fields. |
| - Fixed a bug (#135) - PHP Error logging was impossible without the errors being displayed. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1613) - :doc:`Form Helper <helpers/form_helper>` functions ``form_multiselect()``, ``form_dropdown()`` didn't properly handle empty array option groups. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1605) - :doc:`Pagination Library <libraries/pagination>` produced incorrect *previous* and *next* link values. |
| - Fixed a bug in SQLSRV's ``affected_rows()`` method where an erroneous function name was used. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1000) - Change syntax of ``$view_file`` to ``$_ci_view_file`` to prevent being overwritten by application. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1757) - :doc:`Directory Helper <helpers/directory_helper>` function ``directory_map()`` was skipping files and directories named *0*. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1789) - :doc:`Database Library <database/index>` method ``escape_str()`` escaped quote characters in LIKE conditions twice under MySQL. |
| - Fixed a bug (#395) - :doc:`Unit Testing Library <libraries/unit_testing>` method ``result()`` didn't properly check array result columns when called from ``report()``. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1692) - :doc:`Database Library <database/index>` method ``display_error()`` didn't properly trace the possible error source on Windows systems. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1745) - ``is_write_type()`` method in the :doc:`Database Library <database/index>` didn't return TRUE for LOAD queries. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1765) - :doc:`Database Library <database/index>` didn't properly detect connection errors for MySQLi. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1257) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` used to (unnecessarily) group FROM clause contents, which breaks certain queries and is invalid for some databases. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1709) - :doc:`Email <libraries/email>` headers were broken when using long email subjects and \r\n as CRLF. |
| - Fixed a bug where ``MB_ENABLED`` was only declared if ``UTF8_ENABLED`` was set to TRUE. |
| - Fixed a bug where the :doc:`Session Library <libraries/sessions>` accepted cookies with *last_activity* values being in the future. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1897) - :doc:`Email Library <libraries/email>` triggered PHP E_WARNING errors when *mail* protocol used and ``to()`` is never called. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1409) - :doc:`Email Library <libraries/email>` didn't properly handle multibyte characters when applying Q-encoding to headers. |
| - Fixed a bug where :doc:`Email Library <libraries/email>` didn't honor it's *wordwrap* setting while handling alternative messages. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1476, #1909) - :doc:`Pagination Library <libraries/pagination>` didn't take into account actual routing when determining the current page. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1766) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` didn't always take into account the *dbprefix* setting. |
| - Fixed a bug (#779) - :doc:`URI Class <libraries/uri>` didn't always trim slashes from the *uri_string* as shown in the documentation. |
| - Fixed a bug (#134) - :doc:`Database Caching <database/caching>` method ``delete_cache()`` didn't work in some cases due to *cachedir* not being initialized properly. |
| - Fixed a bug (#191) - :doc:`Loader Library <libraries/loader>` ignored attempts for (re)loading databases to ``get_instance()->db`` even when the old database connection is dead. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1255) - :doc:`User Agent Library <libraries/user_agent>` method ``is_referral()`` only checked if ``$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']`` exists. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1146) - :doc:`Download Helper <helpers/download_helper>` function ``force_download()`` incorrectly sent *Cache-Control* directives *pre-check* and *post-check* to Internet Explorer. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1811) - :doc:`URI Library <libraries/uri>` didn't properly cache segments for ``uri_to_assoc()`` and ``ruri_to_assoc()``. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1506) - :doc:`Form Helpers <helpers/form_helper>` set empty *name* attributes. |
| - Fixed a bug (#59) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` method ``count_all_results()`` ignored the DISTINCT clause. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1624) - :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>` rule **matches** didn't property handle array field names. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1630) - :doc:`Form Helper <helpers/form_helper>` function ``set_value()`` didn't escape HTML entities. |
| - Fixed a bug (#142) - :doc:`Form Helper <helpers/form_helper>` function ``form_dropdown()`` didn't escape HTML entities in option values. |
| - Fixed a bug (#50) - :doc:`Session Library <libraries/sessions>` unnecessarily stripped slashed from serialized data, making it impossible to read objects in a namespace. |
| - Fixed a bug (#658) - :doc:`Routing <general/routing>` wildcard **:any** didn't work as advertised and matched multiple URI segments instead of all characters within a single segment. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1938) - :doc:`Email Library <libraries/email>` removed multiple spaces inside a pre-formatted plain text message. |
| - Fixed a bug (#388, #705) - :doc:`URI Library <libraries/uri>` didn't apply URL-decoding to URI segments that it got from **REQUEST_URI** and/or **QUERY_STRING**. |
| |
| Version 2.1.3 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: October 8, 2012 |
| |
| - Core |
| - :doc:`Common function <general/common_functions>` ``is_loaded()`` now returns a reference. |
| |
| Bug fixes for 2.1.3 |
| ------------------- |
| |
| - Fixed a bug (#1543) - File-based :doc:`Caching <libraries/caching>` method ``get_metadata()`` used a non-existent array key to look for the TTL value. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1314) - :doc:`Session Library <libraries/sessions>` method ``sess_destroy()`` didn't destroy the userdata array. |
| - Fixed a bug (#804) - :doc:`Profiler library <general/profiling>` was trying to handle objects as strings in some cases, resulting in *E_WARNING* messages being issued by ``htmlspecialchars()``. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1699) - :doc:`Migration Library <libraries/migration>` ignored the ``$config['migration_path']`` setting. |
| - Fixed a bug (#227) - :doc:`Input Library <libraries/input>` allowed unconditional spoofing of HTTP clients' IP addresses through the *HTTP_CLIENT_IP* header. |
| - Fixed a bug (#907) - :doc:`Input Library <libraries/input>` ignored *HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP* and *HTTP_X_CLIENT_IP* headers when checking for proxies. |
| - Fixed a bug (#940) - ``csrf_verify()`` used to set the CSRF cookie while processing a POST request with no actual POST data, which resulted in validating a request that should be considered invalid. |
| - Fixed a bug (#499) - :doc:`Security Library <libraries/security>` where a CSRF cookie was created even if ``$config['csrf_protection']`` is set tot FALSE. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1715) - :doc:`Input Library <libraries/input>` triggered ``csrf_verify()`` on CLI requests. |
| |
| Version 2.1.2 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: June 29, 2012 |
| |
| - General Changes |
| - Improved security in ``xss_clean()``. |
| |
| Version 2.1.1 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: June 12, 2012 |
| |
| - General Changes |
| - Fixed support for docx, xlsx files in mimes.php. |
| |
| - Libraries |
| - Further improved MIME type detection in the :doc:`File Uploading Library <libraries/file_uploading>`. |
| - Added support for IPv6 to the :doc:`Input Library <libraries/input>`. |
| - Added support for the IP format parameter to the :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>`. |
| |
| - Helpers |
| - ``url_title()`` performance and output improved. You can now use any string as the word delimiter, but 'dash' and 'underscore' are still supported. |
| |
| Bug fixes for 2.1.1 |
| ------------------- |
| |
| - Fixed a bug (#697) - A wrong array key was used in the :doc:`File Uploading Library <libraries/file_uploading>` to check for mime-types. |
| - Fixed a bug - ``form_open()`` compared $action against ``site_url()`` instead of ``base_url()``. |
| - Fixed a bug - ``CI_Upload::_file_mime_type()`` could've failed if ``mime_content_type()`` is used for the detection and returns FALSE. |
| - Fixed a bug (#538) - Windows paths were ignored when using the :doc:`Image Manipulation Library <libraries/image_lib>` to create a new file. |
| - Fixed a bug - When database caching was enabled, $this->db->query() checked the cache before binding variables which resulted in cached queries never being found. |
| - Fixed a bug - CSRF cookie value was allowed to be any (non-empty) string before being written to the output, making code injection a risk. |
| - Fixed a bug (#726) - PDO put a 'dbname' argument in it's connection string regardless of the database platform in use, which made it impossible to use SQLite. |
| - Fixed a bug - ``CI_DB_pdo_driver::num_rows()`` was not returning properly value with SELECT queries, cause it was relying on ``PDOStatement::rowCount()``. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1059) - ``CI_Image_lib::clear()`` was not correctly clearing all necessary object properties, namely width and height. |
| |
| Version 2.1.0 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: November 14, 2011 |
| |
| - General Changes |
| |
| - Callback validation rules can now accept parameters like any other |
| validation rule. |
| - Added html_escape() to :doc:`Common |
| functions <general/common_functions>` to escape HTML output |
| for preventing XSS. |
| |
| - Helpers |
| |
| - Added increment_string() to :doc:`String |
| Helper <helpers/string_helper>` to turn "foo" into "foo-1" |
| or "foo-1" into "foo-2". |
| - Altered form helper - made action on form_open_multipart helper |
| function call optional. Fixes (#65) |
| - url_title() will now trim extra dashes from beginning and end. |
| - Improved speed of :doc:`String Helper <helpers/string_helper>`'s random_string() method |
| |
| - Database |
| |
| - Added a `CUBRID <http://www.cubrid.org/>`_ driver to the :doc:`Database |
| Driver <database/index>`. Thanks to the CUBRID team for |
| supplying this patch. |
| - Added a PDO driver to the :doc:`Database Driver <database/index>`. |
| - Typecast limit and offset in the :doc:`Database |
| Driver <database/queries>` to integers to avoid possible |
| injection. |
| - Added additional option 'none' for the optional third argument for |
| $this->db->like() in the :doc:`Database |
| Driver <database/query_builder>`. |
| - Added $this->db->insert_batch() support to the OCI8 (Oracle) driver. |
| - Added failover if the main connections in the config should fail |
| |
| - Libraries |
| |
| - Changed $this->cart->insert() in the :doc:`Cart |
| Library <libraries/cart>` to return the Row ID if a single |
| item was inserted successfully. |
| - Added support to set an optional parameter in your callback rules |
| of validation using the :doc:`Form Validation |
| Library <libraries/form_validation>`. |
| - Added a :doc:`Migration library <libraries/migration>` to assist with applying |
| incremental updates to your database schema. |
| - Driver children can be located in any package path. |
| - Added max_filename_increment config setting for Upload library. |
| - Added is_unique to the :doc:`Form Validation |
| library <libraries/form_validation>`. |
| - Added $config['use_page_numbers'] to the :doc:`Pagination library <libraries/pagination>`, which enables real page numbers in the URI. |
| - Added TLS and SSL Encryption for SMTP. |
| |
| - Core |
| |
| - Changed private functions in CI_URI to protected so MY_URI can |
| override them. |
| - Removed CI_CORE boolean constant from CodeIgniter.php (no longer Reactor and Core versions). |
| |
| Bug fixes for 2.1.0 |
| ------------------- |
| |
| - Fixed #378 Robots identified as regular browsers by the User Agent |
| class. |
| - If a config class was loaded first then a library with the same name |
| is loaded, the config would be ignored. |
| - Fixed a bug (Reactor #19) where 1) the 404_override route was being |
| ignored in some cases, and 2) auto-loaded libraries were not |
| available to the 404_override controller when a controller existed |
| but the requested method did not. |
| - Fixed a bug (Reactor #89) where MySQL export would fail if the table |
| had hyphens or other non alphanumeric/underscore characters. |
| - Fixed a bug (#200) where MySQL queries would be malformed after calling $this->db->count_all() then $this->db->get() |
| - Fixed a bug (#105) that stopped query errors from being logged unless database debugging was enabled |
| - Fixed a bug (#160) - Removed unneeded array copy in the file cache |
| driver. |
| - Fixed a bug (#150) - field_data() now correctly returns column |
| length. |
| - Fixed a bug (#8) - load_class() now looks for core classes in |
| APPPATH first, allowing them to be replaced. |
| - Fixed a bug (#24) - ODBC database driver called incorrect parent in __construct(). |
| - Fixed a bug (#85) - OCI8 (Oracle) database escape_str() function did not escape correct. |
| - Fixed a bug (#344) - Using schema found in :doc:`Saving Session Data to a Database <libraries/sessions>`, system would throw error "user_data does not have a default value" when deleting then creating a session. |
| - Fixed a bug (#112) - OCI8 (Oracle) driver didn't pass the configured database character set when connecting. |
| - Fixed a bug (#182) - OCI8 (Oracle) driver used to re-execute the statement whenever num_rows() is called. |
| - Fixed a bug (#82) - WHERE clause field names in the DB update_string() method were not escaped, resulting in failed queries in some cases. |
| - Fixed a bug (#89) - Fix a variable type mismatch in DB display_error() where an array is expected, but a string could be set instead. |
| - Fixed a bug (#467) - Suppress warnings generated from get_magic_quotes_gpc() (deprecated in PHP 5.4) |
| - Fixed a bug (#484) - First time _csrf_set_hash() is called, hash is never set to the cookie (in Security.php). |
| - Fixed a bug (#60) - Added _file_mime_type() method to the :doc:`File Uploading Library <libraries/file_uploading>` in order to fix a possible MIME-type injection. |
| - Fixed a bug (#537) - Support for all wav type in browser. |
| - Fixed a bug (#576) - Using ini_get() function to detect if apc is enabled or not. |
| - Fixed invalid date time format in :doc:`Date helper <helpers/date_helper>` and :doc:`XMLRPC library <libraries/xmlrpc>`. |
| - Fixed a bug (#200) - MySQL queries would be malformed after calling count_all() then db->get(). |
| |
| Version 2.0.3 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: August 20, 2011 |
| |
| - Security |
| |
| - An improvement was made to the MySQL and MySQLi drivers to prevent |
| exposing a potential vector for SQL injection on sites using |
| multi-byte character sets in the database client connection. |
| An incompatibility in PHP versions < 5.2.3 and MySQL < 5.0.7 with |
| *mysql_set_charset()* creates a situation where using multi-byte |
| character sets on these environments may potentially expose a SQL |
| injection attack vector. Latin-1, UTF-8, and other "low ASCII" |
| character sets are unaffected on all environments. |
| |
| If you are running or considering running a multi-byte character |
| set for your database connection, please pay close attention to |
| the server environment you are deploying on to ensure you are not |
| vulnerable. |
| |
| - General Changes |
| |
| - Fixed a bug where there was a misspelling within a code comment in |
| the index.php file. |
| - Added Session Class userdata to the output profiler. Additionally, |
| added a show/hide toggle on HTTP Headers, Session Data and Config |
| Variables. |
| - Removed internal usage of the EXT constant. |
| - Visual updates to the welcome_message view file and default error |
| templates. Thanks to `danijelb <https://bitbucket.org/danijelb>`_ |
| for the pull request. |
| - Added insert_batch() function to the PostgreSQL database driver. |
| Thanks to epallerols for the patch. |
| - Added "application/x-csv" to mimes.php. |
| - Fixed a bug where :doc:`Email library <libraries/email>` |
| attachments with a "." in the name would using invalid MIME-types. |
| |
| - Helpers |
| |
| - Added an optional third parameter to heading() which allows adding |
| html attributes to the rendered heading tag. |
| - form_open() now only adds a hidden (Cross-site Reference Forgery) |
| protection field when the form's action is internal and is set to |
| the post method. (Reactor #165) |
| - Re-worked plural() and singular() functions in the :doc:`Inflector |
| helper <helpers/inflector_helper>` to support considerably |
| more words. |
| |
| - Libraries |
| |
| - Altered Session to use a longer match against the user_agent |
| string. See upgrade notes if using database sessions. |
| - Added $this->db->set_dbprefix() to the :doc:`Database |
| Driver <database/queries>`. |
| - Changed $this->cart->insert() in the :doc:`Cart |
| Library <libraries/cart>` to return the Row ID if a single |
| item was inserted successfully. |
| - Added $this->load->get_var() to the :doc:`Loader |
| library <libraries/loader>` to retrieve global vars set with |
| $this->load->view() and $this->load->vars(). |
| - Changed $this->db->having() to insert quotes using escape() rather |
| than escape_str(). |
| |
| Bug fixes for 2.0.3 |
| ------------------- |
| |
| - Added ENVIRONMENT to reserved constants. (Reactor #196) |
| - Changed server check to ensure SCRIPT_NAME is defined. (Reactor #57) |
| - Removed APPPATH.'third_party' from the packages autoloader to negate |
| needless file stats if no packages exist or if the developer does not |
| load any other packages by default. |
| - Fixed a bug (Reactor #231) where Sessions Library database table |
| example SQL did not contain an index on last_activity. See :doc:`Upgrade |
| Notes <installation/upgrade_203>`. |
| - Fixed a bug (Reactor #229) where the Sessions Library example SQL in |
| the documentation contained incorrect SQL. |
| - Fixed a bug (Core #340) where when passing in the second parameter to |
| $this->db->select(), column names in subsequent queries would not be |
| properly escaped. |
| - Fixed issue #199 - Attributes passed as string does not include a |
| space between it and the opening tag. |
| - Fixed a bug where the method $this->cart->total_items() from :doc:`Cart |
| Library <libraries/cart>` now returns the sum of the quantity |
| of all items in the cart instead of your total count. |
| - Fixed a bug where not setting 'null' when adding fields in db_forge |
| for mysql and mysqli drivers would default to NULL instead of NOT |
| NULL as the docs suggest. |
| - Fixed a bug where using $this->db->select_max(), |
| $this->db->select_min(), etc could throw notices. Thanks to w43l for |
| the patch. |
| - Replace checks for STDIN with php_sapi_name() == 'cli' which on the |
| whole is more reliable. This should get parameters in crontab |
| working. |
| |
| Version 2.0.2 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: April 7, 2011 |
| Hg Tag: v2.0.2 |
| |
| - General changes |
| |
| - The :doc:`Security library <./libraries/security>` was moved to |
| the core and is now loaded automatically. Please remove your |
| loading calls. |
| - The CI_SHA class is now deprecated. All supported versions of PHP |
| provide a sha1() function. |
| - constants.php will now be loaded from the environment folder if |
| available. |
| - Added language key error logging |
| - Made Environment Support optional. Comment out or delete the |
| constant to stop environment checks. |
| - Added Environment Support for Hooks. |
| - Added CI\_ Prefix to the :doc:`Cache driver <libraries/caching>`. |
| - Added :doc:`CLI usage <./general/cli>` documentation. |
| |
| - Helpers |
| |
| - Removed the previously deprecated dohash() from the :doc:`Security |
| helper <./helpers/security_helper>`; use do_hash() instead. |
| - Changed the 'plural' function so that it doesn't ruin the |
| captalization of your string. It also take into consideration |
| acronyms which are all caps. |
| |
| - Database |
| |
| - $this->db->count_all_results() will now return an integer |
| instead of a string. |
| |
| Bug fixes for 2.0.2 |
| ------------------- |
| |
| - Fixed a bug (Reactor #145) where the Output Library had |
| parse_exec_vars set to protected. |
| - Fixed a bug (Reactor #80) where is_really_writable would create an |
| empty file when on Windows or with safe_mode enabled. |
| - Fixed various bugs with User Guide. |
| - Added is_cli_request() method to documentation for :doc:`Input |
| class <libraries/input>`. |
| - Added form_validation_lang entries for decimal, less_than and |
| greater_than. |
| - `Fixed issue |
| #153 <https://bitbucket.org/ellislab/codeigniter-reactor/issue/153/escape-str-bug-in-mssql-driver>`_ |
| Escape Str Bug in MSSQL driver. |
| - `Fixed issue |
| #172 <https://bitbucket.org/ellislab/codeigniter-reactor/issue/172/bug-in-chrome-and-form_open-in-201>`_ |
| Google Chrome 11 posts incorrectly when action is empty. |
| |
| Version 2.0.1 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: March 15, 2011 |
| Hg Tag: v2.0.1 |
| |
| - General changes |
| |
| - Added $config['cookie_secure'] to the config file to allow |
| requiring a secure (HTTPS) in order to set cookies. |
| - Added the constant CI_CORE to help differentiate between Core: |
| TRUE and Reactor: FALSE. |
| - Added an ENVIRONMENT constant in index.php, which affects PHP |
| error reporting settings, and optionally, which configuration |
| files are loaded (see below). Read more on the :doc:`Handling |
| Environments <general/environments>` page. |
| - Added support for |
| :ref:`environment-specific <config-environments>` |
| configuration files. |
| |
| - Libraries |
| |
| - Added decimal, less_than and greater_than rules to the :doc:`Form |
| validation Class <libraries/form_validation>`. |
| - :doc:`Input Class <libraries/input>` methods post() and get() |
| will now return a full array if the first argument is not |
| provided. |
| - Secure cookies can now be made with the set_cookie() helper and |
| :doc:`Input Class <libraries/input>` method. |
| - Added set_content_type() to :doc:`Output |
| Class <libraries/output>` to set the output Content-Type |
| HTTP header based on a MIME Type or a config/mimes.php array key. |
| - :doc:`Output Class <libraries/output>` will now support method |
| chaining. |
| |
| - Helpers |
| |
| - Changed the logic for form_open() in :doc:`Form |
| helper <helpers/form_helper>`. If no value is passed it will |
| submit to the current URL. |
| |
| Bug fixes for 2.0.1 |
| ------------------- |
| |
| - CLI requests can now be run from any folder, not just when CD'ed next |
| to index.php. |
| - Fixed issue #41: Added audio/mp3 mime type to mp3. |
| - Fixed a bug (Core #329) where the file caching driver referenced the |
| incorrect cache directory. |
| - Fixed a bug (Reactor #69) where the SHA1 library was named |
| incorrectly. |
| |
| .. _2.0.0-changelog: |
| |
| Version 2.0.0 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: January 28, 2011 |
| Hg Tag: v2.0.0 |
| |
| - General changes |
| |
| - PHP 4 support is removed. CodeIgniter now requires PHP 5.1.6. |
| - Scaffolding, having been deprecated for a number of versions, has |
| been removed. |
| - Plugins have been removed, in favor of Helpers. The CAPTCHA plugin |
| has been converted to a Helper and |
| :doc:`documented <./helpers/captcha_helper>`. The JavaScript |
| calendar plugin was removed due to the ready availability of great |
| JavaScript calendars, particularly with jQuery. |
| - Added new special Library type: |
| :doc:`Drivers <./general/drivers>`. |
| - Added full query-string support. See the config file for details. |
| - Moved the application folder outside of the system folder. |
| - Moved system/cache and system/logs directories to the application |
| directory. |
| - Added routing overrides to the main index.php file, enabling the |
| normal routing to be overridden on a per "index" file basis. |
| - Added the ability to set config values (or override config values) |
| directly from data set in the main index.php file. This allows a |
| single application to be used with multiple front controllers, |
| each having its own config values. |
| - Added $config['directory_trigger'] to the config file so that a |
| controller sub-directory can be specified when running _GET |
| strings instead of URI segments. |
| - Added ability to set "Package" paths - specific paths where the |
| Loader and Config classes should try to look first for a requested |
| file. This allows distribution of sub-applications with their own |
| libraries, models, config files, etc. in a single "package" |
| directory. See the :doc:`Loader class <libraries/loader>` |
| documentation for more details. |
| - In-development code is now hosted at |
| `BitBucket <http://bitbucket.org/ellislab/codeigniter-reactor/>`_. |
| - Removed the deprecated Validation Class. |
| - Added CI\_ Prefix to all core classes. |
| - Package paths can now be set in application/config/autoload.php. |
| - :doc:`Upload library <libraries/file_uploading>` file_name can |
| now be set without an extension, the extension will be taken from |
| the uploaded file instead of the given name. |
| - In :doc:`Database Forge <database/forge>` the name can be omitted |
| from $this->dbforge->modify_column()'s 2nd param if you aren't |
| changing the name. |
| - $config['base_url'] is now empty by default and will guess what |
| it should be. |
| - Enabled full Command Line Interface compatibility with |
| config['uri_protocol'] = 'CLI';. |
| |
| - Libraries |
| |
| - Added a :doc:`Cache driver <libraries/caching>` with APC, |
| memcached, and file-based support. |
| - Added $prefix, $suffix and $first_url properties to :doc:`Pagination |
| library <./libraries/pagination>`. |
| - Added the ability to suppress first, previous, next, last, and |
| page links by setting their values to FALSE in the :doc:`Pagination |
| library <./libraries/pagination>`. |
| - Added :doc:`Security library <./libraries/security>`, which now |
| contains the xss_clean function, filename_security function and |
| other security related functions. |
| - Added CSRF (Cross-site Reference Forgery) protection to the |
| :doc:`Security library <./libraries/security>`. |
| - Added $parse_exec_vars property to Output library. |
| - Added ability to enable / disable individual sections of the |
| :doc:`Profiler <general/profiling>` |
| - Added a wildcard option $config['allowed_types'] = '\*' to the |
| :doc:`File Uploading Class <./libraries/file_uploading>`. |
| - Added an 'object' config variable to the XML-RPC Server library so |
| that one can specify the object to look for requested methods, |
| instead of assuming it is in the $CI superobject. |
| - Added "is_object" into the list of unit tests capable of being |
| run. |
| - Table library will generate an empty cell with a blank string, or |
| NULL value. |
| - Added ability to set tag attributes for individual cells in the |
| Table library |
| - Added a parse_string() method to the :doc:`Parser |
| Class <libraries/parser>`. |
| - Added HTTP headers and Config information to the |
| :doc:`Profiler <general/profiling>` output. |
| - Added Chrome and Flock to the list of detectable browsers by |
| browser() in the :doc:`User Agent Class <libraries/user_agent>`. |
| - The :doc:`Unit Test Class <libraries/unit_testing>` now has an |
| optional "notes" field available to it, and allows for discrete |
| display of test result items using |
| $this->unit->set_test_items(). |
| - Added a $xss_clean class variable to the XMLRPC library, enabling |
| control over the use of the Security library's xss_clean() |
| method. |
| - Added a download() method to the :doc:`FTP |
| library <libraries/ftp>` |
| - Changed do_xss_clean() to return FALSE if the uploaded file |
| fails XSS checks. |
| - Added stripslashes() and trim()ing of double quotes from $_FILES |
| type value to standardize input in Upload library. |
| - Added a second parameter (boolean) to |
| $this->zip->read_dir('/path/to/directory', FALSE) to remove the |
| preceding trail of empty folders when creating a Zip archive. This |
| example would contain a zip with "directory" and all of its |
| contents. |
| - Added ability in the Image Library to handle PNG transparency for |
| resize operations when using the GD lib. |
| - Modified the Session class to prevent use if no encryption key is |
| set in the config file. |
| - Added a new config item to the Session class |
| sess_expire_on_close to allow sessions to auto-expire when the |
| browser window is closed. |
| - Improved performance of the Encryption library on servers where |
| Mcrypt is available. |
| - Changed the default encryption mode in the Encryption library to |
| CBC. |
| - Added an encode_from_legacy() method to provide a way to |
| transition encrypted data from CodeIgniter 1.x to CodeIgniter 2.x. |
| Please see the :doc:`upgrade |
| instructions <./installation/upgrade_200>` for details. |
| - Altered Form_Validation library to allow for method chaining on |
| set_rules(), set_message() and set_error_delimiters() |
| functions. |
| - Altered Email Library to allow for method chaining. |
| - Added request_headers(), get_request_header() and |
| is_ajax_request() to the input class. |
| - Altered :doc:`User agent library <libraries/user_agent>` so that |
| is_browser(), is_mobile() and is_robot() can optionally check |
| for a specific browser or mobile device. |
| - Altered :doc:`Input library <libraries/input>` so that post() and |
| get() will return all POST and GET items (respectively) if there |
| are no parameters passed in. |
| |
| - Database |
| |
| - :doc:`database configuration <./database/configuration>`. |
| - Added autoinit value to :doc:`database |
| configuration <./database/configuration>`. |
| - Added stricton value to :doc:`database |
| configuration <./database/configuration>`. |
| - Added database_exists() to the :doc:`Database Utilities |
| Class <database/utilities>`. |
| - Semantic change to db->version() function to allow a list of |
| exceptions for databases with functions to return version string |
| instead of specially formed SQL queries. Currently this list only |
| includes Oracle and SQLite. |
| - Fixed a bug where driver specific table identifier protection |
| could lead to malformed queries in the field_data() functions. |
| - Fixed a bug where an undefined class variable was referenced in |
| database drivers. |
| - Modified the database errors to show the filename and line number |
| of the problematic query. |
| - Removed the following deprecated functions: orwhere, orlike, |
| groupby, orhaving, orderby, getwhere. |
| - Removed deprecated _drop_database() and _create_database() |
| functions from the db utility drivers. |
| - Improved dbforge create_table() function for the Postgres driver. |
| |
| - Helpers |
| |
| - Added convert_accented_characters() function to :doc:`text |
| helper <./helpers/text_helper>`. |
| - Added accept-charset to the list of inserted attributes of |
| form_open() in the :doc:`Form Helper <helpers/form_helper>`. |
| - Deprecated the dohash() function in favour of do_hash() for |
| naming consistency. |
| - Non-backwards compatible change made to get_dir_file_info() in |
| the :doc:`File Helper <helpers/file_helper>`. No longer recurses |
| by default so as to encourage responsible use (this function can |
| cause server performance issues when used without caution). |
| - Modified the second parameter of directory_map() in the |
| :doc:`Directory Helper <helpers/directory_helper>` to accept an |
| integer to specify recursion depth. |
| - Modified delete_files() in the :doc:`File |
| Helper <helpers/file_helper>` to return FALSE on failure. |
| - Added an optional second parameter to byte_format() in the |
| :doc:`Number Helper <helpers/number_helper>` to allow for decimal |
| precision. |
| - Added alpha, and sha1 string types to random_string() in the |
| :doc:`String Helper <helpers/string_helper>`. |
| - Modified prep_url() so as to not prepend http:// if the supplied |
| string already has a scheme. |
| - Modified get_file_info in the file helper, changing filectime() |
| to filemtime() for dates. |
| - Modified smiley_js() to add optional third parameter to return |
| only the javascript with no script tags. |
| - The img() function of the :doc:`HTML |
| helper <./helpers/html_helper>` will now generate an empty |
| string as an alt attribute if one is not provided. |
| - If CSRF is enabled in the application config file, form_open() |
| will automatically insert it as a hidden field. |
| - Added sanitize_filename() into the :doc:`Security |
| helper <./helpers/security_helper>`. |
| - Added ellipsize() to the :doc:`Text |
| Helper <./helpers/text_helper>` |
| - Added elements() to the :doc:`Array |
| Helper <./helpers/array_helper>` |
| |
| - Other Changes |
| |
| - Added an optional second parameter to show_404() to disable |
| logging. |
| - Updated loader to automatically apply the sub-class prefix as an |
| option when loading classes. Class names can be prefixed with the |
| standard "CI\_" or the same prefix as the subclass prefix, or no |
| prefix at all. |
| - Increased randomness with is_really_writable() to avoid file |
| collisions when hundreds or thousands of requests occur at once. |
| - Switched some DIR_WRITE_MODE constant uses to FILE_WRITE_MODE |
| where files and not directories are being operated on. |
| - get_mime_by_extension() is now case insensitive. |
| - Added "default" to the list :doc:`Reserved |
| Names <general/reserved_names>`. |
| - Added 'application/x-msdownload' for .exe files and |
| 'application/x-gzip-compressed' for .tgz files to |
| config/mimes.php. |
| - Updated the output library to no longer compress output or send |
| content-length headers if the server runs with |
| zlib.output_compression enabled. |
| - Eliminated a call to is_really_writable() on each request unless |
| it is really needed (Output caching) |
| - Documented append_output() in the :doc:`Output |
| Class <libraries/output>`. |
| - Documented a second argument in the decode() function for the |
| :doc:`Encryption Class <libraries/encryption>`. |
| - Documented db->close(). |
| - Updated the router to support a default route with any number of |
| segments. |
| - Moved _remove_invisible_characters() function from the |
| :doc:`Security Library <libraries/security>` to :doc:`common |
| functions. <general/common_functions>` |
| - Added audio/mpeg3 as a valid mime type for MP3. |
| |
| Bug fixes for 2.0.0 |
| ------------------- |
| |
| - Fixed a bug where you could not change the User-Agent when sending |
| email. |
| - Fixed a bug where the Output class would send incorrect cached output |
| for controllers implementing their own _output() method. |
| - Fixed a bug where a failed query would not have a saved query |
| execution time causing errors in the Profiler |
| - Fixed a bug that was writing log entries when multiple identical |
| helpers and plugins were loaded. |
| - Fixed assorted user guide typos or examples (#10693, #8951, #7825, |
| #8660, #7883, #6771, #10656). |
| - Fixed a language key in the profiler: "profiler_no_memory_usage" |
| to "profiler_no_memory". |
| - Fixed an error in the Zip library that didn't allow downloading on |
| PHP 4 servers. |
| - Fixed a bug in the Form Validation library where fields passed as |
| rule parameters were not being translated (#9132) |
| - Modified inflector helper to properly pluralize words that end in |
| 'ch' or 'sh' |
| - Fixed a bug in xss_clean() that was not allowing hyphens in query |
| strings of submitted URLs. |
| - Fixed bugs in get_dir_file_info() and get_file_info() in the |
| File Helper with recursion, and file paths on Windows. |
| - Fixed a bug where Active Record override parameter would not let you |
| disable Active Record if it was enabled in your database config file. |
| - Fixed a bug in reduce_double_slashes() in the String Helper to |
| properly remove duplicate leading slashes (#7585) |
| - Fixed a bug in values_parsing() of the XML-RPC library which |
| prevented NULL variables typed as 'string' from being handled |
| properly. |
| - Fixed a bug were form_open_multipart() didn't accept string |
| attribute arguments (#10930). |
| - Fixed a bug (#10470) where get_mime_by_extension() was case |
| sensitive. |
| - Fixed a bug where some error messages for the SQLite and Oracle |
| drivers would not display. |
| - Fixed a bug where files created with the Zip Library would result in |
| file creation dates of 1980. |
| - Fixed a bug in the Session library that would result in PHP error |
| when attempting to store values with objects. |
| - Fixed a bug where extending the Controller class would result in a |
| fatal PHP error. |
| - Fixed a PHP Strict Standards Error in the index.php file. |
| - Fixed a bug where getimagesize() was being needlessly checked on |
| non-image files in is_allowed_type(). |
| - Fixed a bug in the Encryption library where an empty key was not |
| triggering an error. |
| - Fixed a bug in the Email library where CC and BCC recipients were not |
| reset when using the clear() method (#109). |
| - Fixed a bug in the URL Helper where prep_url() could cause a PHP |
| error on PHP versions < 5.1.2. |
| - Added a log message in core/output if the cache directory config |
| value was not found. |
| - Fixed a bug where multiple libraries could not be loaded by passing |
| an array to load->library() |
| - Fixed a bug in the html helper where too much white space was |
| rendered between the src and alt tags in the img() function. |
| - Fixed a bug in the profilers _compile_queries() function. |
| - Fixed a bug in the date helper where the DATE_ISO8601 variable was |
| returning an incorrectly formatted date string. |
| |
| Version 1.7.2 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: September 11, 2009 |
| Hg Tag: v1.7.2 |
| |
| - Libraries |
| |
| - Added a new :doc:`Cart Class <libraries/cart>`. |
| - Added the ability to pass $config['file_name'] for the :doc:`File |
| Uploading Class <libraries/file_uploading>` and rename the |
| uploaded file. |
| - Changed order of listed user-agents so Safari would more |
| accurately report itself. (#6844) |
| |
| - Database |
| |
| - Switched from using gettype() in escape() to is\_* methods, since |
| future PHP versions might change its output. |
| - Updated all database drivers to handle arrays in escape_str() |
| - Added escape_like_str() method for escaping strings to be used |
| in LIKE conditions |
| - Updated Active Record to utilize the new LIKE escaping mechanism. |
| - Added reconnect() method to DB drivers to try to keep alive / |
| reestablish a connection after a long idle. |
| - Modified MSSQL driver to use mssql_get_last_message() for error |
| messages. |
| |
| - Helpers |
| |
| - Added form_multiselect() to the :doc:`Form |
| helper <helpers/form_helper>`. |
| - Modified form_hidden() in the :doc:`Form |
| helper <helpers/form_helper>` to accept multi-dimensional |
| arrays. |
| - Modified form_prep() in the :doc:`Form |
| helper <helpers/form_helper>` to keep track of prepped |
| fields to avoid multiple prep/mutation from subsequent calls which |
| can occur when using Form Validation and form helper functions to |
| output form fields. |
| - Modified directory_map() in the :doc:`Directory |
| helper <helpers/directory_helper>` to allow the inclusion of |
| hidden files, and to return FALSE on failure to read directory. |
| - Modified the :doc:`Smiley helper <helpers/smiley_helper>` to work |
| with multiple fields and insert the smiley at the last known |
| cursor position. |
| |
| - General |
| |
| - Compatible with PHP 5.3.0. |
| - Modified :doc:`show_error() <general/errors>` to allow sending |
| of HTTP server response codes. |
| - Modified :doc:`show_404() <general/errors>` to send 404 status |
| code, removing non-CGI compatible header() statement from |
| error_404.php template. |
| - Added set_status_header() to the :doc:`Common |
| functions <general/common_functions>` to allow use when the |
| Output class is unavailable. |
| - Added is_php() to :doc:`Common |
| functions <general/common_functions>` to facilitate PHP |
| version comparisons. |
| - Added 2 CodeIgniter "cheatsheets" (thanks to DesignFellow.com for |
| this contribution). |
| |
| Bug fixes for 1.7.2 |
| ------------------- |
| |
| - Fixed assorted user guide typos or examples (#6743, #7214, #7516, |
| #7287, #7852, #8224, #8324, #8349). |
| - Fixed a bug in the Form Validation library where multiple callbacks |
| weren't working (#6110) |
| - doctype helper default value was missing a "1". |
| - Fixed a bug in the language class when outputting an error for an |
| unfound file. |
| - Fixed a bug in the Calendar library where the shortname was output |
| for "May". |
| - Fixed a bug with ORIG_PATH_INFO that was allowing URIs of just a |
| slash through. |
| - Fixed a fatal error in the Oracle and ODBC drivers (#6752) |
| - Fixed a bug where xml_from_result() was checking for a nonexistent |
| method. |
| - Fixed a bug where Database Forge's add_column and modify_column |
| were not looping through when sent multiple fields. |
| - Fixed a bug where the File Helper was using '/' instead of the |
| - Fixed a bug to prevent PHP errors when attempting to use sendmail on |
| servers that have manually disabled the PHP popen() function. |
| - Fixed a bug that would cause PHP errors in XML-RPC data if the PHP |
| data type did not match the specified XML-RPC type. |
| - Fixed a bug in the XML-RPC class with parsing dateTime.iso8601 data |
| types. |
| - Fixed a case sensitive string replacement in xss_clean() |
| - Fixed a bug in form_textarea() where form data was not prepped |
| correctly. |
| - Fixed a bug in form_prep() causing it to not preserve entities in |
| the user's original input when called back into a form element |
| - Fixed a bug in _protect_identifiers() where the swap prefix |
| ($swap_pre) was not being observed. |
| - Fixed a bug where the 400 status header sent with the 'disallowed URI |
| characters' was not compatible with CGI environments. |
| - Fixed a bug in the typography class where heading tags could have |
| paragraph tags inserted when using auto_typography(). |
| |
| Version 1.7.1 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: February 10, 2009 |
| Hg Tag: 1.7.1 |
| |
| - Libraries |
| |
| - Fixed an arbitrary script execution security flaw (#6068) in the |
| Form Validation library (thanks to hkk) |
| - Changed default current page indicator in the Pagination library |
| to use <strong> instead of <b> |
| - A "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request" header is now sent when disallowed |
| characters are encountered. |
| - Added <big>, <small>, <q>, and <tt> to the Typography parser's |
| inline elements. |
| - Added more accurate error reporting for the Email library when |
| using sendmail. |
| - Removed a strict type check from the rotate() function of the |
| :doc:`Image Manipulation Class <libraries/image_lib>`. |
| - Added enhanced error checking in file saving in the Image library |
| when using the GD lib. |
| - Added an additional newline between multipart email headers and |
| the MIME message text for better compatibility with a variety of |
| MUAs. |
| - Made modest improvements to efficiency and accuracy of |
| explode_name() in the Image lib. |
| |
| - Database |
| |
| - Added where_in to the list of expected arguments received by |
| delete(). |
| |
| - Helpers |
| |
| - Added the ability to have optgroups in form_dropdown() within the |
| :doc:`form helper <helpers/form_helper>`. |
| - Added a doctype() function to the :doc:`HTML |
| helper <helpers/html_helper>`. |
| - Added ability to force lowercase for url_title() in the :doc:`URL |
| helper <helpers/url_helper>`. |
| - Changed the default "type" of form_button() to "button" from |
| "submit" in the :doc:`form helper <helpers/form_helper>`. |
| - Changed redirect() in the URL helper to allow redirections to URLs |
| outside of the CI site. |
| - Updated get_cookie() to try to fetch the cookie using the global |
| cookie prefix if the requested cookie name doesn't exist. |
| |
| - Other Changes |
| |
| - Improved security in xss_clean() to help prevent attacks |
| targeting Internet Explorer. |
| - Added 'application/msexcel' to config/mimes.php for .xls files. |
| - Added 'proxy_ips' config item to whitelist reverse proxy servers |
| from which to trust the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR header to to |
| determine the visitor's IP address. |
| - Improved accuracy of Upload::is_allowed_filetype() for images |
| (#6715) |
| |
| Bug fixes for 1.7.1 |
| ------------------- |
| |
| - Database |
| |
| - Fixed a bug when doing 'random' on order_by() (#5706). |
| - Fixed a bug where adding a primary key through Forge could fail |
| (#5731). |
| - Fixed a bug when using DB cache on multiple databases (#5737). |
| - Fixed a bug where TRUNCATE was not considered a "write" query |
| (#6619). |
| - Fixed a bug where csv_from_result() was checking for a |
| nonexistent method. |
| - Fixed a bug _protect_identifiers() where it was improperly |
| removing all pipe symbols from items |
| |
| - Fixed assorted user guide typos or examples (#5998, #6093, #6259, |
| #6339, #6432, #6521). |
| - Fixed a bug in the MySQLi driver when no port is specified |
| - Fixed a bug (#5702), in which the field label was not being fetched |
| properly, when "matching" one field to another. |
| - Fixed a bug in which identifers were not being escaped properly when |
| reserved characters were used. |
| - Fixed a bug with the regular expression used to protect submitted |
| paragraph tags in auto typography. |
| - Fixed a bug where double dashes within tag attributes were being |
| converted to em dash entities. |
| - Fixed a bug where double spaces within tag attributes were being |
| converted to non-breaking space entities. |
| - Fixed some accuracy issues with curly quotes in |
| Typography::format_characters() |
| - Changed a few docblock comments to reflect actual return values. |
| - Fixed a bug with high ascii characters in subject and from email |
| headers. |
| - Fixed a bug in xss_clean() where whitespace following a validated |
| character entity would not be preserved. |
| - Fixed a bug where HTML comments and <pre> tags were being parsed in |
| Typography::auto_typography(). |
| - Fixed a bug with non-breaking space cleanup in |
| Typography::auto_typography(). |
| - Fixed a bug in database escaping where a compound statement (ie: |
| SUM()) wasn't handled correctly with database prefixes. |
| - Fixed a bug when an opening quote is preceded by a paragraph tag and |
| immediately followed by another tag. |
| - Fixed a bug in the Text Helper affecting some locales where |
| word_censor() would not work on words beginning or ending with an |
| accented character. |
| - Fixed a bug in the Text Helper character limiter where the provided |
| limit intersects the last word of the string. |
| - Fixed a bug (#6342) with plural() in the Inflection helper with words |
| ending in "y". |
| - Fixed bug (#6517) where Routed URI segments returned by |
| URI::rsegment() method were incorrect for the default controller. |
| - Fixed a bug (#6706) in the Security Helper where xss_clean() was |
| using a deprecated second argument. |
| - Fixed a bug in the URL helper url_title() function where trailing |
| periods were allowed at the end of a URL. |
| - Fixed a bug (#6669) in the Email class when CRLF's are used for the |
| newline character with headers when used with the "mail" protocol. |
| - Fixed a bug (#6500) where URI::A_filter_uri() was exit()ing an |
| error instead of using show_error(). |
| - Fixed a bug (#6592) in the File Helper where get_dir_file_info() |
| where recursion was not occurring properly. |
| - Tweaked Typography::auto_typography() for some edge-cases. |
| |
| Version 1.7 |
| =========== |
| |
| Release Date: October 23, 2008 |
| Hg Tag: 1.7.0 |
| |
| - Libraries |
| |
| - Added a new :doc:`Form Validation |
| Class <libraries/form_validation>`. It simplifies setting |
| rules and field names, supports arrays as field names, allows |
| groups of validation rules to be saved in a config file, and adds |
| some helper functions for use in view files. **Please note that |
| the old Validation class is now deprecated**. We will leave it in |
| the library folder for some time so that existing applications |
| that use it will not break, but you are encouraged to migrate to |
| the new version. |
| - Updated the :doc:`Sessions class <libraries/sessions>` so that |
| any custom data being saved gets stored to a database rather than |
| the session cookie (assuming you are using a database to store |
| session data), permitting much more data to be saved. |
| - Added the ability to store libraries in subdirectories within |
| either the main "libraries" or the local application "libraries" |
| folder. Please see the :doc:`Loader class <libraries/loader>` for |
| more info. |
| - Added the ability to assign library objects to your own variable |
| names when you use $this->load->library(). Please see the :doc:`Loader |
| class <libraries/loader>` for more info. |
| - Added controller class/method info to :doc:`Profiler |
| class <general/profiling>` and support for multiple database |
| connections. |
| - Improved the "auto typography" feature and moved it out of the |
| helper into its own :doc:`Typography |
| Class <libraries/typography>`. |
| - Improved performance and accuracy of xss_clean(), including |
| reduction of false positives on image/file tests. |
| - Improved :doc:`Parser class <./libraries/parser>` to allow |
| multiple calls to the parse() function. The output of each is |
| appended in the output. |
| - Added max_filename option to set a file name length limit in the |
| :doc:`File Upload Class <libraries/file_uploading>`. |
| - Added set_status_header() function to :doc:`Output |
| class <libraries/output>`. |
| - Modified :doc:`Pagination <libraries/pagination>` class to only |
| output the "First" link when the link for page one would not be |
| shown. |
| - Added support for mb_strlen in the :doc:`Form |
| Validation <libraries/form_validation>` class so that |
| multi-byte languages will calculate string lengths properly. |
| |
| - Database |
| |
| - Improved Active Record class to allow full path column and table |
| names: hostname.database.table.column. Also improved the alias |
| handling. |
| - Improved how table and column names are escaped and prefixed. It |
| now honors full path names when adding prefixes and escaping. |
| - Added Active Record caching feature to "update" and "delete" |
| functions. |
| - Added removal of non-printing control characters in escape_str() |
| of DB drivers that do not have native PHP escaping mechanisms |
| (mssql, oci8, odbc), to avoid potential SQL errors, and possible |
| sources of SQL injection. |
| - Added port support to MySQL, MySQLi, and MS SQL database drivers. |
| - Added driver name variable in each DB driver, based on bug report |
| #4436. |
| |
| - Helpers |
| |
| - Added several new "setting" functions to the :doc:`Form |
| helper <helpers/form_helper>` that allow POST data to be |
| retrieved and set into forms. These are intended to be used on |
| their own, or with the new :doc:`Form Validation |
| Class <libraries/form_validation>`. |
| - Added current_url() and uri_segments() to :doc:`URL |
| helper <helpers/url_helper>`. |
| - Altered auto_link() in the :doc:`URL |
| helper <helpers/url_helper>` so that email addresses with |
| "+" included will be linked. |
| - Added meta() function to :doc:`HTML |
| helper <helpers/html_helper>`. |
| - Improved accuracy of calculations in :doc:`Number |
| helper <helpers/number_helper>`. |
| - Removed added newlines ("\\n") from most form and html helper |
| functions. |
| - Tightened up validation in the :doc:`Date |
| helper <helpers/date_helper>` function human_to_unix(), |
| and eliminated the POSIX regex. |
| - Updated :doc:`Date helper <helpers/date_helper>` to match the |
| world's current time zones and offsets. |
| - Modified url_title() in the :doc:`URL |
| helper <helpers/url_helper>` to remove characters and digits |
| that are part of character entities, to allow dashes, underscores, |
| and periods regardless of the $separator, and to allow uppercase |
| characters. |
| - Added support for arbitrary attributes in anchor_popup() of the |
| :doc:`URL helper <helpers/url_helper>`. |
| |
| - Other Changes |
| |
| - Added :doc:`PHP Style Guide <./general/styleguide>` to docs. |
| - Added sanitization in xss_clean() for a deprecated HTML tag that |
| could be abused in user input in Internet Explorer. |
| - Added a few openxml document mime types, and an additional mobile |
| agent to mimes.php and user_agents.php respectively. |
| - Added a file lock check during caching, before trying to write to |
| the file. |
| - Modified Cookie key cleaning to unset a few troublesome key names |
| that can be present in certain environments, preventing CI from |
| halting execution. |
| - Changed the output of the profiler to use style attribute rather |
| than clear, and added the id "codeigniter_profiler" to the |
| container div. |
| |
| Bug fixes for 1.7.0 |
| ------------------- |
| |
| - Fixed bug in xss_clean() that could remove some desirable tag |
| attributes. |
| - Fixed assorted user guide typos or examples (#4807, #4812, #4840, |
| #4862, #4864, #4899, #4930, #5006, #5071, #5158, #5229, #5254, |
| #5351). |
| - Fixed an edit from 1.6.3 that made the $robots array in |
| user_agents.php go poof. |
| - Fixed a bug in the :doc:`Email library <libraries/email>` with |
| quoted-printable encoding improperly encoding space and tab |
| characters. |
| - Modified XSS sanitization to no longer add semicolons after &[single |
| letter], such as in M&M's, B&B, etc. |
| - Modified XSS sanitization to no longer strip XHTML image tags of |
| closing slashes. |
| - Fixed a bug in the Session class when database sessions are used |
| where upon session update all userdata would be errantly written to |
| the session cookie. |
| - Fixed a bug (#4536) in backups with the MySQL driver where some |
| legacy code was causing certain characters to be double escaped. |
| - Fixed a routing bug (#4661) that occurred when the default route |
| pointed to a subfolder. |
| - Fixed the spelling of "Dhaka" in the timezone_menu() function of the |
| :doc:`Date helper. <helpers/date_helper>` |
| - Fixed the spelling of "raspberry" in config/smileys.php. |
| - Fixed incorrect parenthesis in form_open() function (#5135). |
| - Fixed a bug that was ignoring case when comparing controller methods |
| (#4560). |
| - Fixed a bug (#4615) that was not setting SMTP authorization settings |
| when using the initialize function. |
| - Fixed a bug in highlight_code() in the :doc:`Text |
| helper <helpers/text_helper>` that would leave a stray </span> |
| in certain cases. |
| - Fixed Oracle bug (#3306) that was preventing multiple queries in one |
| action. |
| - Fixed ODBC bug that was ignoring connection params due to its use of |
| a constructor. |
| - Fixed a DB driver bug with num_rows() that would cause an error with |
| the Oracle driver. |
| - Fixed MS SQL bug (#4915). Added brackets around database name in MS |
| SQL driver when selecting the database, in the event that reserved |
| characters are used in the name. |
| - Fixed a DB caching bug (4718) in which the path was incorrect when no |
| URI segments were present. |
| - Fixed Image_lib class bug #4562. A path was not defined for NetPBM. |
| - Fixed Image_lib class bug #4532. When cropping an image with |
| identical height/width settings on output, a copy is made. |
| - Fixed DB_driver bug (4900), in which a database error was not being |
| logged correctly. |
| - Fixed DB backup bug in which field names were not being escaped. |
| - Fixed a DB Active Record caching bug in which multiple calls to |
| cached data were not being honored. |
| - Fixed a bug in the Session class that was disallowing slashes in the |
| serialized array. |
| - Fixed a Form Validation bug in which the "isset" error message was |
| being trigged by the "required" rule. |
| - Fixed a spelling error in a Loader error message. |
| - Fixed a bug (5050) with IP validation with empty segments. |
| - Fixed a bug in which the parser was being greedy if multiple |
| identical sets of tags were encountered. |
| |
| Version 1.6.3 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: June 26, 2008 |
| Hg Tag: v1.6.3 |
| |
| Version 1.6.3 is a security and maintenance release and is recommended |
| for all users. |
| |
| - Database |
| |
| - Modified MySQL/MySQLi Forge class to give explicit names to keys |
| - Added ability to set multiple column non-primary keys to the |
| :doc:`Forge class <database/forge>` |
| - Added ability to set additional database config values in :doc:`DSN |
| connections <database/connecting>` via the query string. |
| |
| - Libraries |
| |
| - Set the mime type check in the :doc:`Upload |
| class <libraries/file_uploading>` to reference the global |
| mimes variable. |
| - Added support for query strings to the :doc:`Pagination |
| class <libraries/pagination>`, automatically detected or |
| explicitly declared. |
| - Added get_post() to the :doc:`Input class <libraries/input>`. |
| - Documented get() in the :doc:`Input class <libraries/input>`. |
| - Added the ability to automatically output language items as form |
| labels in the :doc:`Language class <libraries/language>`. |
| |
| - Helpers |
| |
| - Added a :doc:`Language helper <helpers/language_helper>`. |
| - Added a :doc:`Number helper <helpers/number_helper>`. |
| - :doc:`Form helper <helpers/form_helper>` refactored to allow |
| form_open() and form_fieldset() to accept arrays or strings as |
| arguments. |
| |
| - Other changes |
| |
| - Improved security in xss_clean(). |
| - Removed an unused Router reference in _display_cache(). |
| - Added ability to :doc:`use xss_clean() to test |
| images <libraries/input>` for XSS, useful for upload |
| security. |
| - Considerably expanded list of mobile user-agents in |
| config/user_agents.php. |
| - Charset information in the userguide has been moved above title |
| for internationalization purposes (#4614). |
| - Added "Using Associative Arrays In a Request Parameter" example to |
| the :doc:`XMLRPC userguide page <libraries/xmlrpc>`. |
| - Removed maxlength and size as automatically added attributes of |
| form_input() in the :doc:`form helper <helpers/form_helper>`. |
| - Documented the language file use of byte_format() in the :doc:`number |
| helper <helpers/number_helper>`. |
| |
| Bug fixes for 1.6.3 |
| ------------------- |
| |
| - Added a language key for valid_emails in validation_lang.php. |
| - Amended fixes for bug (#3419) with parsing DSN database connections. |
| - Moved the _has_operator() function (#4535) into DB_driver from |
| DB_active_rec. |
| - Fixed a syntax error in upload_lang.php. |
| - Fixed a bug (#4542) with a regular expression in the Image library. |
| - Fixed a bug (#4561) where orhaving() wasn't properly passing values. |
| - Removed some unused variables from the code (#4563). |
| - Fixed a bug where having() was not adding an = into the statement |
| (#4568). |
| - Fixed assorted user guide typos or examples (#4574, #4706). |
| - Added quoted-printable headers to Email class when the multi-part |
| override is used. |
| - Fixed a double opening <p> tag in the index pages of each system |
| directory. |
| |
| Version 1.6.2 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: May 13, 2008 |
| Hg Tag: 1.6.2 |
| |
| - Active Record |
| |
| - Added the ability to prevent escaping in having() clauses. |
| - Added rename_table() into :doc:`DBForge <./database/forge>`. |
| - Fixed a bug that wasn't allowing escaping to be turned off if the |
| value of a query was NULL. |
| - DB Forge is now assigned to any models that exist after loading |
| (#3457). |
| |
| - Database |
| |
| - Added :doc:`Strict Mode <./database/transactions>` to database |
| transactions. |
| - Escape behaviour in where() clauses has changed; values in those |
| with the "FALSE" argument are no longer escaped (ie: quoted). |
| |
| - Config |
| |
| - Added 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint' to list of mime types. |
| - Added 'audio/mpg' to list of mime types. |
| - Added new user-modifiable file constants.php containing file mode |
| and fopen constants. |
| - Added the ability to set CRLF settings via config in the |
| :doc:`Email <libraries/email>` class. |
| |
| - Libraries |
| |
| - Added increased security for filename handling in the Upload |
| library. |
| - Added increased security for sessions for client-side data |
| tampering. |
| - The MySQLi forge class is now in sync with MySQL forge. |
| - Added the ability to set CRLF settings via config in the |
| :doc:`Email <libraries/email>` class. |
| - :doc:`Unit Testing <libraries/unit_testing>` results are now |
| colour coded, and a change was made to the default template of |
| results. |
| - Added a valid_emails rule to the Validation class. |
| - The :doc:`Zip class <libraries/zip>` now exits within download(). |
| - The :doc:`Zip class <libraries/zip>` has undergone a substantial |
| re-write for speed and clarity (thanks stanleyxu for the hard work |
| and code contribution in bug report #3425!) |
| |
| - Helpers |
| |
| - Added a Compatibility |
| Helper for using some common |
| PHP 5 functions safely in applications that might run on PHP 4 |
| servers (thanks Seppo for the hard work and code contribution!) |
| - Added form_button() in the :doc:`Form |
| helper <helpers/form_helper>`. |
| - Changed the radio() and checkbox() functions to default to not |
| checked by default. |
| - Added the ability to include an optional HTTP Response Code in the |
| redirect() function of the :doc:`URL |
| Helper <helpers/url_helper>`. |
| - Modified img() in the :doc:`HTML Helper <helpers/html_helper>` to |
| remove an unneeded space (#4208). |
| - Modified anchor() in the :doc:`URL helper <helpers/url_helper>` |
| to no longer add a default title= attribute (#4209). |
| - The :doc:`Download helper <helpers/download_helper>` now exits |
| within force_download(). |
| - Added get_dir_file_info(), get_file_info(), and |
| get_mime_by_extension() to the :doc:`File |
| Helper <helpers/file_helper>`. |
| - Added symbolic_permissions() and octal_permissions() to the |
| :doc:`File helper <helpers/file_helper>`. |
| |
| - Plugins |
| |
| - Modified captcha generation to first look for the function |
| imagecreatetruecolor, and fallback to imagecreate if it isn't |
| available (#4226). |
| |
| - Other Changes |
| |
| - Added ability for :doc:`xss_clean() <libraries/input>` to accept |
| arrays. |
| - Removed closing PHP tags from all PHP files to avoid accidental |
| output and potential 'cannot modify headers' errors. |
| - Removed "scripts" from the auto-load search path. Scripts were |
| deprecated in Version 1.4.1 (September 21, 2006). If you still |
| need to use them for legacy reasons, they must now be manually |
| loaded in each Controller. |
| - Added a :doc:`Reserved Names <general/reserved_names>` page to |
| the userguide, and migrated reserved controller names into it. |
| - Added a :doc:`Common Functions <general/common_functions>` page |
| to the userguide for globally available functions. |
| - Improved security and performance of xss_clean(). |
| |
| Bugfixes for 1.6.2 |
| ------------------ |
| |
| - Fixed a bug where SET queries were not being handled as "write" |
| queries. |
| - Fixed a bug (#3191) with ORIG_PATH_INFO URI parsing. |
| - Fixed a bug in DB Forge, when inserting an id field (#3456). |
| - Fixed a bug in the table library that could cause identically |
| constructed rows to be dropped (#3459). |
| - Fixed DB Driver and MySQLi result driver checking for resources |
| instead of objects (#3461). |
| - Fixed an AR_caching error where it wasn't tracking table aliases |
| (#3463). |
| - Fixed a bug in AR compiling, where select statements with arguments |
| got incorrectly escaped (#3478). |
| - Fixed an incorrect documentation of $this->load->language (#3520). |
| - Fixed bugs (#3523, #4350) in get_filenames() with recursion and |
| problems with Windows when $include_path is used. |
| - Fixed a bug (#4153) in the XML-RPC class preventing dateTime.iso8601 |
| from being used. |
| - Fixed an AR bug with or_where_not_in() (#4171). |
| - Fixed a bug with :doc:`xss_clean() <libraries/input>` that would |
| add semicolons to GET URI variable strings. |
| - Fixed a bug (#4206) in the Directory Helper where the directory |
| resource was not being closed, and minor improvements. |
| - Fixed a bug in the FTP library where delete_dir() was not working |
| recursively (#4215). |
| - Fixed a Validation bug when set_rules() is used with a non-array |
| field name and rule (#4220). |
| - Fixed a bug (#4223) where DB caching would not work for returned DB |
| objects or multiple DB connections. |
| - Fixed a bug in the Upload library that might output the same error |
| twice (#4390). |
| - Fixed an AR bug when joining with a table alias and table prefix |
| (#4400). |
| - Fixed a bug in the DB class testing the $params argument. |
| - Fixed a bug in the Table library where the integer 0 in cell data |
| would be displayed as a blank cell. |
| - Fixed a bug in link_tag() of the :doc:`URL |
| helper <helpers/url_helper>` where a key was passed instead of |
| a value. |
| - Fixed a bug in DB_result::row() that prevented it from returning |
| individual fields with MySQL NULL values. |
| - Fixed a bug where SMTP emails were not having dot transformation |
| performed on lines that begin with a dot. |
| - Fixed a bug in display_error() in the DB driver that was |
| instantiating new Language and Exception objects, and not using the |
| error heading. |
| - Fixed a bug (#4413) where a URI containing slashes only e.g. |
| 'http://example.com/index.php?//' would result in PHP errors |
| - Fixed an array to string conversion error in the Validation library |
| (#4425) |
| - Fixed bug (#4451, #4299, #4339) where failed transactions will not |
| rollback when debug mode is enabled. |
| - Fixed a bug (#4506) with overlay_watermark() in the Image library |
| preventing support for PNG-24s with alpha transparency |
| - Fixed assorted user guide typos (#3453, #4364, #4379, #4399, #4408, |
| #4412, #4448, #4488). |
| |
| Version 1.6.1 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: February 12, 2008 |
| Hg Tag: 1.6.1 |
| |
| - Active Record |
| |
| - Added :ref:`Active Record |
| Caching <ar-caching>`. |
| - Made Active Record fully database-prefix aware. |
| |
| - Database drivers |
| |
| - Added support for setting client character set and collation for |
| MySQLi. |
| |
| - Core Changes |
| |
| - Modified xss_clean() to be more intelligent with its handling of |
| URL encoded strings. |
| - Added $_SERVER, $_FILES, $_ENV, and $_SESSION to sanitization |
| of globals. |
| - Added a :doc:`Path Helper <./helpers/path_helper>`. |
| - Simplified _reindex_segments() in the URI class. |
| - Escaped the '-' in the default 'permitted_uri_chars' config |
| item, to prevent errors if developers just try to add additional |
| characters to the end of the default expression. |
| - Modified method calling to controllers to show a 404 when a |
| private or protected method is accessed via a URL. |
| - Modified framework initiated 404s to log the controller and method |
| for invalid requests. |
| |
| - Helpers |
| |
| - Modified get_filenames() in the File Helper to return FALSE if |
| the $source_dir is not readable. |
| |
| Bugfixes for 1.6.1 |
| ------------------ |
| |
| - Deprecated is_numeric as a validation rule. Use of numeric and |
| integer are preferred. |
| - Fixed bug (#3379) in DBForge with SQLite for table creation. |
| - Made Active Record fully database prefix aware (#3384). |
| - Fixed a bug where DBForge was outputting invalid SQL in Postgres by |
| adding brackets around the tables in FROM. |
| - Changed the behaviour of Active Record's update() to make the WHERE |
| clause optional (#3395). |
| - Fixed a bug (#3396) where certain POST variables would cause a PHP |
| warning. |
| - Fixed a bug in query binding (#3402). |
| - Changed order of SQL keywords in the Profiler $highlight array so OR |
| would not be highlighted before ORDER BY. |
| - Fixed a bug (#3404) where the MySQLi driver was testing if |
| $this->conn_id was a resource instead of an object. |
| - Fixed a bug (#3419) connecting to a database via a DSN string. |
| - Fixed a bug (#3445) where the routed segment array was not re-indexed |
| to begin with 1 when the default controller is used. |
| - Fixed assorted user guide typos. |
| |
| Version 1.6.0 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: January 30, 2008 |
| |
| - DBForge |
| |
| - Added :doc:`DBForge <./database/forge>` to the database tools. |
| - Moved create_database() and drop_database() into |
| :doc:`DBForge <./database/forge>`. |
| - Added add_field(), add_key(), create_table(), drop_table(), |
| add_column(), drop_column(), modify_column() into |
| :doc:`DBForge <./database/forge>`. |
| |
| - Active Record |
| |
| - Added protect_identifiers() in :doc:`Active |
| Record <./database/query_builder>`. |
| - All AR queries are backticked if appropriate to the database. |
| - Added where_in(), or_where_in(), where_not_in(), |
| or_where_not_in(), not_like() and or_not_like() to :doc:`Active |
| Record <./database/query_builder>`. |
| - Added support for limit() into update() and delete() statements in |
| :doc:`Active Record <./database/query_builder>`. |
| - Added empty_table() and truncate_table() to :doc:`Active |
| Record <./database/query_builder>`. |
| - Added the ability to pass an array of tables to the delete() |
| statement in :doc:`Active Record <./database/query_builder>`. |
| - Added count_all_results() function to :doc:`Active |
| Record <./database/query_builder>`. |
| - Added select_max(), select_min(), select_avg() and |
| select_sum() to :doc:`Active Record <./database/query_builder>`. |
| - Added the ability to use aliases with joins in :doc:`Active |
| Record <./database/query_builder>`. |
| - Added a third parameter to Active Record's like() clause to |
| control where the wildcard goes. |
| - Added a third parameter to set() in :doc:`Active |
| Record <./database/query_builder>` that withholds escaping |
| data. |
| - Changed the behaviour of variables submitted to the where() clause |
| with no values to auto set "IS NULL" |
| |
| - Other Database Related |
| |
| - MySQL driver now requires MySQL 4.1+ |
| - Added $this->DB->save_queries variable to DB driver, enabling |
| queries to get saved or not. Previously they were always saved. |
| - Added $this->db->dbprefix() to manually add database prefixes. |
| - Added 'random' as an order_by() option , and removed "rand()" as |
| a listed option as it was MySQL only. |
| - Added a check for NULL fields in the MySQL database backup |
| utility. |
| - Added "constrain_by_prefix" parameter to db->list_table() |
| function. If set to TRUE it will limit the result to only table |
| names with the current prefix. |
| - Deprecated from Active Record; getwhere() for get_where(); |
| groupby() for group_by(); havingor() for having_or(); orderby() |
| for order_by; orwhere() for or_where(); and orlike() for |
| or_like(). |
| - Modified csv_from_result() to output CSV data more in the spirit |
| of basic rules of RFC 4180. |
| - Added 'char_set' and 'dbcollat' database configuration settings, |
| to explicitly set the client communication properly. |
| - Removed 'active_r' configuration setting and replaced with a |
| global $active_record setting, which is more in harmony with the |
| global nature of the behavior (#1834). |
| |
| - Core changes |
| |
| - Added ability to load multiple views, whose content will be |
| appended to the output in the order loaded. |
| - Added the ability to :doc:`auto-load <./general/autoloader>` |
| :doc:`Models <./general/models>`. |
| - Reorganized the URI and Routes classes for better clarity. |
| - Added Compat.php to allow function overrides for older versions of |
| PHP or PHP environments missing certain extensions / libraries |
| - Added memory usage, GET, URI string data, and individual query |
| execution time to Profiler output. |
| - Deprecated Scaffolding. |
| - Added is_really_writable() to Common.php to provide a |
| cross-platform reliable method of testing file/folder writability. |
| |
| - Libraries |
| |
| - Changed the load protocol of Models to allow for extension. |
| - Strengthened the Encryption library to help protect against man in |
| the middle attacks when MCRYPT_MODE_CBC mode is used. |
| - Added Flashdata variables, session_id regeneration and |
| configurable session update times to the :doc:`Session |
| class. <./libraries/sessions>` |
| - Removed 'last_visit' from the Session class. |
| - Added a language entry for valid_ip validation error. |
| - Modified prep_for_form() in the Validation class to accept |
| arrays, adding support for POST array validation (via callbacks |
| only) |
| - Added an "integer" rule into the Validation library. |
| - Added valid_base64() to the Validation library. |
| - Documented clear() in the :doc:`Image |
| Processing <../libraries/image_lib>` library. |
| - Changed the behaviour of custom callbacks so that they no longer |
| trigger the "required" rule. |
| - Modified Upload class $_FILES error messages to be more precise. |
| - Moved the safe mode and auth checks for the Email library into the |
| constructor. |
| - Modified variable names in _ci_load() method of Loader class to |
| avoid conflicts with view variables. |
| - Added a few additional mime type variations for CSV. |
| - Enabled the 'system' methods for the XML-RPC Server library, |
| except for 'system.multicall' which is still disabled. |
| |
| - Helpers & Plugins |
| |
| - Added link_tag() to the :doc:`HTML |
| helper. <./helpers/html_helper>` |
| - Added img() to the :doc:`HTML helper. <./helpers/html_helper>` |
| - Added ability to :doc:`"extend" Helpers <./general/helpers>`. |
| - Added an :doc:`email helper <./helpers/email_helper>` into core |
| helpers. |
| - Added strip_quotes() function to :doc:`string |
| helper <./helpers/string_helper>`. |
| - Added reduce_multiples() function to :doc:`string |
| helper <./helpers/string_helper>`. |
| - Added quotes_to_entities() function to :doc:`string |
| helper <./helpers/string_helper>`. |
| - Added form_fieldset(), form_fieldset_close(), form_label(), |
| and form_reset() function to :doc:`form |
| helper <./helpers/form_helper>`. |
| - Added support for external urls in form_open(). |
| - Removed support for db_backup in MySQLi due to incompatible |
| functions. |
| - Javascript Calendar plugin now uses the months and days from the |
| calendar language file, instead of hard-coded values, |
| internationalizing it. |
| |
| - Documentation Changes |
| |
| - Added Writing Documentation section |
| for the community to use in writing their own documentation. |
| - Added titles to all user manual pages. |
| - Added attributes into <html> of userguide for valid html. |
| - Added `Zip Encoding |
| Class <http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/zip>`_ to |
| the table of contents of the userguide. |
| - Moved part of the userguide menu javascript to an external file. |
| - Documented distinct() in :doc:`Active |
| Record <./database/query_builder>`. |
| - Documented the timezones() function in the :doc:`Date |
| Helper <./helpers/date_helper>`. |
| - Documented unset_userdata in the :doc:`Session |
| class <./libraries/sessions>`. |
| - Documented 2 config options to the :doc:`Database |
| configuration <./database/configuration>` page. |
| |
| Bug fixes for Version 1.6.0 |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| - Fixed a bug (#1813) preventing using $CI->db in the same application |
| with returned database objects. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1842) where the $this->uri->rsegments array would not |
| include the 'index' method if routed to the controller without an |
| implicit method. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1872) where word_limiter() was not retaining |
| whitespace. |
| - Fixed a bug (#1890) in csv_from_result() where content that |
| included the delimiter would break the file. |
| - Fixed a bug (#2542)in the clean_email() method of the Email class to |
| allow for non-numeric / non-sequential array keys. |
| - Fixed a bug (#2545) in _html_entity_decode_callback() when |
| 'global_xss_filtering' is enabled. |
| - Fixed a bug (#2668) in the :doc:`parser class <./libraries/parser>` |
| where numeric data was ignored. |
| - Fixed a bug (#2679) where the "previous" pagination link would get |
| drawn on the first page. |
| - Fixed a bug (#2702) in _object_to_array that broke some types of |
| inserts and updates. |
| - Fixed a bug (#2732) in the SQLite driver for PHP 4. |
| - Fixed a bug (#2754) in Pagination to scan for non-positive |
| num_links. |
| - Fixed a bug (#2762) in the :doc:`Session |
| library <./libraries/sessions>` where user agent matching would |
| fail on user agents ending with a space. |
| - Fixed a bug (#2784) $field_names[] vs $Ffield_names[] in postgres |
| and sqlite drivers. |
| - Fixed a bug (#2810) in the typography helper causing extraneous |
| paragraph tags when string contains tags. |
| - Fixed a bug (#2849) where arguments passed to a subfolder controller |
| method would be incorrectly shifted, dropping the 3rd segment value. |
| - Fixed a bug (#2858) which referenced a wrong variable in the Image |
| class. |
| - Fixed a bug (#2875)when loading plugin files as _plugin. and not |
| _pi. |
| - Fixed a bug (#2912) in get_filenames() in the :doc:`File |
| Helper <helpers/file_helper>` where the array wasn't cleared |
| after each call. |
| - Fixed a bug (#2974) in highlight_phrase() that caused an error with |
| slashes. |
| - Fixed a bug (#3003) in the Encryption Library to support modes other |
| - Fixed a bug (#3015) in the :doc:`User Agent |
| library <./libraries/user_agent>` where more then 2 languages |
| where not reported with languages(). |
| - Fixed a bug (#3017) in the :doc:`Email <./libraries/email>` library |
| where some timezones were calculated incorrectly. |
| - Fixed a bug (#3024) in which master_dim wasn't getting reset by |
| clear() in the Image library. |
| - Fixed a bug (#3156) in Text Helper highlight_code() causing PHP tags |
| to be handled incorrectly. |
| - Fixed a bug (#3166) that prevented num_rows from working in Oracle. |
| - Fixed a bug (#3175) preventing certain libraries from working |
| properly when autoloaded in PHP 4. |
| - Fixed a bug (#3267) in the Typography Helper where unordered list was |
| listed "un. |
| - Fixed a bug (#3268) where the Router could leave '/' as the path. |
| - Fixed a bug (#3279) where the Email class was sending the wrong |
| Content-Transfer-Encoding for some character sets. |
| - Fixed a bug (#3284) where the rsegment array would not be set |
| properly if the requested URI contained more segments than the routed |
| URI. |
| - Removed extraneous load of $CFG in _display_cache() of the Output |
| class (#3285). |
| - Removed an extraneous call to loading models (#3286). |
| - Fixed a bug (#3310) with sanitization of globals in the Input class |
| that could unset CI's global variables. |
| - Fixed a bug (#3314) which would cause the top level path to be |
| deleted in delete_files() of the File helper. |
| - Fixed a bug (#3328) where the smiley helper might return an undefined |
| variable. |
| - Fixed a bug (#3330) in the FTP class where a comparison wasn't |
| getting made. |
| - Removed an unused parameter from Profiler (#3332). |
| - Fixed a bug in database driver where num_rows property wasn't |
| getting updated. |
| - Fixed a bug in the :doc:`upload |
| library <./libraries/file_uploading>` when allowed_files |
| wasn't defined. |
| - Fixed a bug in word_wrap() of the Text Helper that incorrectly |
| referenced an object. |
| - Fixed a bug in Validation where valid_ip() wasn't called properly. |
| - Fixed a bug in Validation where individual error messages for |
| checkboxes wasn't supported. |
| - Fixed a bug in captcha calling an invalid PHP function. |
| - Fixed a bug in the cookie helper "set_cookie" function. It was not |
| honoring the config settings. |
| - Fixed a bug that was making validation callbacks required even when |
| not set as such. |
| - Fixed a bug in the XML-RPC library so if a type is specified, a more |
| intelligent decision is made as to the default type. |
| - Fixed an example of comma-separated emails in the email library |
| documentation. |
| - Fixed an example in the Calendar library for Showing Next/Previous |
| Month Links. |
| - Fixed a typo in the database language file. |
| - Fixed a typo in the image language file "suppor" to "support". |
| - Fixed an example for XML RPC. |
| - Fixed an example of accept_charset() in the :doc:`User Agent |
| Library <./libraries/user_agent>`. |
| - Fixed a typo in the docblock comments that had CodeIgniter spelled |
| CodeIgnitor. |
| - Fixed a typo in the :doc:`String Helper <./helpers/string_helper>` |
| (uniquid changed to uniqid). |
| - Fixed typos in the email Language class |
| (email_attachment_unredable, email_filed_smtp_login), and FTP |
| Class (ftp_unable_to_remame). |
| - Added a stripslashes() into the Upload Library. |
| - Fixed a series of grammatical and spelling errors in the language |
| files. |
| - Fixed assorted user guide typos. |
| |
| Version 1.5.4 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: July 12, 2007 |
| |
| - Added :doc:`custom Language files <./libraries/language>` to the |
| :doc:`autoload <./general/autoloader>` options. |
| - Added stripslashes() to the _clean_input_data() function in the |
| :doc:`Input class <./libraries/input>` when magic quotes is on so |
| that data will always be un-slashed within the framework. |
| - Added array to string into the :doc:`profiler <general/profiling>`. |
| - Added some additional mime types in application/config/mimes.php. |
| - Added filename_security() method to :doc:`Input |
| library <./libraries/input>`. |
| - Added some additional arguments to the :doc:`Inflection |
| helper <./helpers/inflector_helper>` singular() to compensate |
| for words ending in "s". Also added a force parameter to pluralize(). |
| - Added $config['charset'] to the config file. Default value is |
| 'UTF-8', used in some string handling functions. |
| - Fixed MSSQL insert_id(). |
| - Fixed a logic error in the DB trans_status() function. It was |
| incorrectly returning TRUE on failure and FALSE on success. |
| - Fixed a bug that was allowing multiple load attempts on extended |
| classes. |
| - Fixed a bug in the bootstrap file that was incorrectly attempting to |
| discern the full server path even when it was explicity set by the |
| user. |
| - Fixed a bug in the escape_str() function in the MySQL driver. |
| - Fixed a typo in the :doc:`Calendar library <./libraries/calendar>` |
| - Fixed a typo in rpcs.php library |
| - Fixed a bug in the :doc:`Zip library <./libraries/zip>`, providing |
| PC Zip file compatibility with Mac OS X |
| - Fixed a bug in router that was ignoring the scaffolding route for |
| optimization |
| - Fixed an IP validation bug. |
| - Fixed a bug in display of POST keys in the |
| :doc:`Profiler <./general/profiling>` output |
| - Fixed a bug in display of queries with characters that would be |
| interpreted as HTML in the :doc:`Profiler <./general/profiling>` |
| output |
| - Fixed a bug in display of Email class print debugger with characters |
| that would be interpreted as HTML in the debugging output |
| - Fixed a bug in the Content-Transfer-Encoding of HTML emails with the |
| quoted-printable MIME type |
| - Fixed a bug where one could unset certain PHP superglobals by setting |
| them via GET or POST data |
| - Fixed an undefined function error in the insert_id() function of the |
| PostgreSQL driver |
| - Fixed various doc typos. |
| - Documented two functions from the :doc:`String |
| helper <./helpers/string_helper>` that were missing from the |
| user guide: trim_slashes() and reduce_double_slashes(). |
| - Docs now validate to XHTML 1 transitional |
| - Updated the XSS Filtering to take into account the IE expression() |
| ability and improved certain deletions to prevent possible exploits |
| - Modified the Router so that when Query Strings are Enabled, the |
| controller trigger and function trigger values are sanitized for |
| filename include security. |
| - Modified the is_image() method in the Upload library to take into |
| account Windows IE 6/7 eccentricities when dealing with MIMEs |
| - Modified XSS Cleaning routine to be more performance friendly and |
| compatible with PHP 5.2's new PCRE backtrack and recursion limits. |
| - Modified the :doc:`URL Helper <./helpers/url_helper>` to type cast |
| the $title as a string in case a numeric value is supplied |
| - Modified Form Helper form_dropdown() to type cast the keys and |
| values of the options array as strings, allowing numeric values to be |
| properly set as 'selected' |
| - Deprecated the use if is_numeric() in various places since it allows |
| periods. Due to compatibility problems with ctype_digit(), making it |
| unreliable in some installations, the following regular expression |
| was used instead: preg_match("/[^0-9]/", $n) |
| - Deprecated: APPVER has been deprecated and replaced with CI_VERSION |
| for clarity. |
| |
| Version 1.5.3 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: April 15, 2007 |
| |
| - Added array to string into the profiler |
| - Code Igniter references updated to CodeIgniter |
| - pMachine references updated to EllisLab |
| - Fixed a bug in the repeater function of :doc:`string |
| helper <./helpers/string_helper>`. |
| - Fixed a bug in ODBC driver |
| - Fixed a bug in result_array() that was returning an empty array when |
| no result is produced. |
| - Fixed a bug in the redirect function of the :doc:`url |
| helper <./helpers/url_helper>`. |
| - Fixed an undefined variable in Loader |
| - Fixed a version bug in the Postgres driver |
| - Fixed a bug in the textarea function of the form helper for use with |
| strings |
| - Fixed doc typos. |
| |
| Version 1.5.2 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: February 13, 2007 |
| |
| - Added subversion information |
| to the :doc:`downloads <installation/downloads>` page. |
| - Added support for captions in the :doc:`Table |
| Library <./libraries/table>` |
| - Fixed a bug in the |
| :doc:`download_helper <helpers/download_helper>` that was causing |
| Internet Explorer to load rather than download |
| - Fixed a bug in the Active Record Join function that was not taking |
| table prefixes into consideration. |
| - Removed unescaped variables in error messages of Input and Router |
| classes |
| - Fixed a bug in the Loader that was causing errors on Libraries loaded |
| twice. A debug message is now silently made in the log. |
| - Fixed a bug in the :doc:`form helper <helpers/form_helper>` that |
| gave textarea a value attribute |
| - Fixed a bug in the :doc:`Image Library <libraries/image_lib>` that |
| was ignoring resizing the same size image |
| - Fixed some doc typos. |
| |
| Version 1.5.1 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: November 23, 2006 |
| |
| - Added support for submitting arrays of libraries in the |
| $this->load->library function. |
| - Added support for naming custom library files in lower or uppercase. |
| - Fixed a bug related to output buffering. |
| - Fixed a bug in the active record class that was not resetting query |
| data after a completed query. |
| - Fixed a bug that was suppressing errors in controllers. |
| - Fixed a problem that can cause a loop to occur when the config file |
| is missing. |
| - Fixed a bug that occurred when multiple models were loaded with the |
| third parameter set to TRUE. |
| - Fixed an oversight that was not unsetting globals properly in the |
| input sanitize function. |
| - Fixed some bugs in the Oracle DB driver. |
| - Fixed an incorrectly named variable in the MySQLi result driver. |
| - Fixed some doc typos. |
| |
| Version |
| =============== |
| |
| Release Date: October 31, 2006 |
| |
| - Fixed a problem in which duplicate attempts to load helpers and |
| classes were not being stopped. |
| - Fixed a bug in the word_wrap() helper function. |
| - Fixed an invalid color Hex number in the Profiler class. |
| - Fixed a corrupted image in the user guide. |
| |
| Version 1.5.0 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: October 30, 2006 |
| |
| - Added :doc:`DB utility class <./database/utilities>`, permitting DB |
| backups, CVS or XML files from DB results, and various other |
| functions. |
| - Added :doc:`Database Caching Class <./database/caching>`. |
| - Added :doc:`transaction support <./database/transactions>` to the |
| database classes. |
| - Added :doc:`Profiler Class <./general/profiling>` which generates a |
| report of Benchmark execution times, queries, and POST data at the |
| bottom of your pages. |
| - Added :doc:`User Agent Library <./libraries/user_agent>` which |
| allows browsers, robots, and mobile devises to be identified. |
| - Added :doc:`HTML Table Class <./libraries/table>` , enabling tables |
| to be generated from arrays or database results. |
| - Added :doc:`Zip Encoding Library <./libraries/zip>`. |
| - Added :doc:`FTP Library <./libraries/ftp>`. |
| - Added the ability to :doc:`extend |
| libraries <./general/creating_libraries>` and :doc:`extend core |
| classes <./general/core_classes>`, in addition to being able to |
| replace them. |
| - Added support for storing :doc:`models within |
| sub-folders <./general/models>`. |
| - Added :doc:`Download Helper <./helpers/download_helper>`. |
| - Added :doc:`simple_query() <./database/queries>` function to the |
| database classes |
| - Added :doc:`standard_date() <./helpers/date_helper>` function to |
| the Date Helper. |
| - Added :doc:`$query->free_result() <./database/results>` to database |
| class. |
| - Added :doc:`$query->list_fields() <./database/fields>` function to |
| database class |
| - Added :doc:`$this->db->platform() <./database/helpers>` function |
| - Added new :doc:`File Helper <./helpers/file_helper>`: |
| get_filenames() |
| - Added new helper: :doc:`Smiley Helper <./helpers/smiley_helper>` |
| - Added support for <ul> and <ol> lists in the :doc:`HTML |
| Helper <./helpers/html_helper>` |
| - Added the ability to rewrite :doc:`short |
| tags <./general/alternative_php>` on-the-fly, converting them |
| to standard PHP statements, for those servers that do not support |
| short tags. This allows the cleaner syntax to be used regardless of |
| whether it's supported by the server. |
| - Added the ability to :doc:`rename or relocate the "application" |
| folder <./general/managing_apps>`. |
| - Added more thorough initialization in the upload class so that all |
| class variables are reset. |
| - Added "is_numeric" to validation, which uses the native PHP |
| is_numeric function. |
| - Improved the URI handler to make it more reliable when the |
| $config['uri_protocol'] item is set to AUTO. |
| - Moved most of the functions in the Controller class into the Loader |
| class, allowing fewer reserved function names for controllers when |
| running under PHP 5. |
| - Updated the DB Result class to return an empty array when |
| $query->result() doesn't produce a result. |
| - Updated the input->cookie() and input->post() functions in :doc:`Input |
| Class <./libraries/input>` to permit arrays contained cookies |
| that are arrays to be run through the XSS filter. |
| - Documented three functions from the Validation |
| class that were missing from the user |
| guide: set_select(), set_radio(), and set_checkbox(). |
| - Fixed a bug in the Email class related to SMTP Helo data. |
| - Fixed a bug in the word wrapping helper and function in the email |
| class. |
| - Fixed a bug in the validation class. |
| - Fixed a bug in the typography helper that was incorrectly wrapping |
| block level elements in paragraph tags. |
| - Fixed a problem in the form_prep() function that was double encoding |
| entities. |
| - Fixed a bug that affects some versions of PHP when output buffering |
| is nested. |
| - Fixed a bug that caused CI to stop working when the PHP magic |
| __get() or __set() functions were used within models or |
| controllers. |
| - Fixed a pagination bug that was permitting negative values in the |
| URL. |
| - Fixed an oversight in which the Loader class was not allowed to be |
| extended. |
| - Changed _get_config() to get_config() since the function is not a |
| private one. |
| - **Deprecated "init" folder**. Initialization happens automatically |
| now. :doc:`Please see documentation <./general/creating_libraries>`. |
| - **Deprecated** $this->db->field_names() USE |
| $this->db->list_fields() |
| - **Deprecated** the $config['log_errors'] item from the config.php |
| file. Instead, $config['log_threshold'] can be set to "0" to turn it |
| off. |
| |
| Version 1.4.1 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: September 21, 2006 |
| |
| - Added a new feature that passes URI segments directly to your |
| function calls as parameters. See the |
| :doc:`Controllers <general/controllers>` page for more info. |
| - Added support for a function named _output(), which when used in |
| your controllers will received the final rendered output from the |
| output class. More info in the :doc:`Controllers <general/controllers>` |
| page. |
| - Added several new functions in the :doc:`URI |
| Class <./libraries/uri>` to let you retrieve and manipulate URI |
| segments that have been re-routed using the :doc:`URI |
| Routing <general/routing>` feature. Previously, the URI class did not |
| permit you to access any re-routed URI segments, but now it does. |
| - Added :doc:`$this->output->set_header() <./libraries/output>` |
| function, which allows you to set server headers. |
| - Updated plugins, helpers, and language classes to allow your |
| application folder to contain its own plugins, helpers, and language |
| folders. Previously they were always treated as global for your |
| entire installation. If your application folder contains any of these |
| resources they will be used *instead* the global ones. |
| - Added :doc:`Inflector helper <./helpers/inflector_helper>`. |
| - Added element() function in the :doc:`array |
| helper <./helpers/array_helper>`. |
| - Added RAND() to active record orderby() function. |
| - Added delete_cookie() and get_cookie() to :doc:`Cookie |
| helper <./helpers/cookie_helper>`, even though the input class |
| has a cookie fetching function. |
| - Added Oracle database driver (still undergoing testing so it might |
| have some bugs). |
| - Added the ability to combine pseudo-variables and php variables in |
| the template parser class. |
| - Added output compression option to the config file. |
| - Removed the is_numeric test from the db->escape() function. |
| - Fixed a MySQLi bug that was causing error messages not to contain |
| proper error data. |
| - Fixed a bug in the email class which was causing it to ignore |
| explicitly set alternative headers. |
| - Fixed a bug that was causing a PHP error when the Exceptions class |
| was called within the get_config() function since it was causing |
| problems. |
| - Fixed an oversight in the cookie helper in which the config file |
| cookie settings were not being honored. |
| - Fixed an oversight in the upload class. An item mentioned in the 1.4 |
| changelog was missing. |
| - Added some code to allow email attachments to be reset when sending |
| batches of email. |
| - Deprecated the application/scripts folder. It will continue to work |
| for legacy users, but it is recommended that you create your own |
| :doc:`libraries <./general/libraries>` or |
| :doc:`models <./general/models>` instead. It was originally added |
| before CI had user libraries or models, but it's not needed anymore. |
| - Deprecated the $autoload['core'] item from the autoload.php file. |
| Instead, please now use: $autoload['libraries'] |
| - Deprecated the following database functions: |
| $this->db->smart_escape_str() and $this->db->fields(). |
| |
| Version 1.4.0 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: September 17, 2006 |
| |
| - Added :doc:`Hooks <./general/hooks>` feature, enabling you to tap |
| into and modify the inner workings of the framework without hacking |
| the core files. |
| - Added the ability to organize controller files :doc:`into |
| sub-folders <general/controllers>`. Kudos to Marco for |
| `suggesting <http://codeigniter.com/forums/viewthread/627/>`_ this |
| (and the next two) feature. |
| - Added regular expressions support for :doc:`routing |
| rules <./general/routing>`. |
| - Added the ability to :doc:`remap function |
| calls <./general/controllers>` within your controllers. |
| - Added the ability to :doc:`replace core system |
| classes <./general/core_classes>` with your own classes. |
| - Added support for % character in URL. |
| - Added the ability to supply full URLs using the |
| :doc:`anchor() <./helpers/url_helper>` helper function. |
| - Added mode parameter to :doc:`file_write() <./helpers/file_helper>` |
| helper. |
| - Added support for changing the port number in the :doc:`Postgres |
| driver <./database/configuration>`. |
| - Moved the list of "allowed URI characters" out of the Router class |
| and into the config file. |
| - Moved the MIME type array out of the Upload class and into its own |
| file in the applications/config/ folder. |
| - Updated the Upload class to allow the upload field name to be set |
| when calling :doc:`do_upload() <./libraries/file_uploading>`. |
| - Updated the :doc:`Config Library <./libraries/config>` to be able to |
| load config files silently, and to be able to assign config files to |
| their own index (to avoid collisions if you use multiple config |
| files). |
| - Updated the URI Protocol code to allow more options so that URLs will |
| work more reliably in different environments. |
| - Updated the form_open() helper to allow the GET method to be used. |
| - Updated the MySQLi execute() function with some code to help prevent |
| lost connection errors. |
| - Updated the SQLite Driver to check for object support before |
| attempting to return results as objects. If unsupported it returns an |
| array. |
| - Updated the Models loader function to allow multiple loads of the |
| same model. |
| - Updated the MS SQL driver so that single quotes are escaped. |
| - Updated the Postgres and ODBC drivers for better compatibility. |
| - Removed a strtolower() call that was changing URL segments to lower |
| case. |
| - Removed some references that were interfering with PHP 4.4.1 |
| compatibility. |
| - Removed backticks from Postgres class since these are not needed. |
| - Renamed display() to _display() in the Output class to make it clear |
| that it's a private function. |
| - Deprecated the hash() function due to a naming conflict with a native |
| PHP function with the same name. Please use dohash() instead. |
| - Fixed an bug that was preventing the input class from unsetting GET |
| variables. |
| - Fixed a router bug that was making it too greedy when matching end |
| segments. |
| - Fixed a bug that was preventing multiple discrete database calls. |
| - Fixed a bug in which loading a language file was producing a "file |
| contains no data" message. |
| - Fixed a session bug caused by the XSS Filtering feature inadvertently |
| changing the case of certain words. |
| - Fixed some missing prefixes when using the database prefix feature. |
| - Fixed a typo in the Calendar class (cal_november). |
| - Fixed a bug in the form_checkbox() helper. |
| - Fixed a bug that was allowing the second segment of the URI to be |
| identical to the class name. |
| - Fixed an evaluation bug in the database initialization function. |
| - Fixed a minor bug in one of the error messages in the language class. |
| - Fixed a bug in the date helper timespan function. |
| - Fixed an undefined variable in the DB Driver class. |
| - Fixed a bug in which dollar signs used as binding replacement values |
| in the DB class would be treated as RegEx back-references. |
| - Fixed a bug in the set_hash() function which was preventing MD5 from |
| being used. |
| - Fixed a couple bugs in the Unit Testing class. |
| - Fixed an incorrectly named variable in the Validation class. |
| - Fixed an incorrectly named variable in the URI class. |
| - Fixed a bug in the config class that was preventing the base URL from |
| being called properly. |
| - Fixed a bug in the validation class that was not permitting callbacks |
| if the form field was empty. |
| - Fixed a problem that was preventing scaffolding from working properly |
| with MySQLi. |
| - Fixed some MS SQL bugs. |
| - Fixed some doc typos. |
| |
| Version 1.3.3 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: June 1, 2006 |
| |
| - Models do **not** connect automatically to the database as of this |
| version. :doc:`More info here <./general/models>`. |
| - Updated the Sessions class to utilize the active record class when |
| running session related queries. Previously the queries assumed MySQL |
| syntax. |
| - Updated alternator() function to re-initialize when called with no |
| arguments, allowing multiple calls. |
| - Fixed a bug in the active record "having" function. |
| - Fixed a problem in the validation class which was making checkboxes |
| be ignored when required. |
| - Fixed a bug in the word_limiter() helper function. It was cutting |
| off the fist word. |
| - Fixed a bug in the xss_clean function due to a PHP bug that affects |
| some versions of html_entity_decode. |
| - Fixed a validation bug that was preventing rules from being set twice |
| in one controller. |
| - Fixed a calendar bug that was not letting it use dynamically loaded |
| languages. |
| - Fixed a bug in the active record class when using WHERE clauses with |
| LIKE |
| - Fixed a bug in the hash() security helper. |
| - Fixed some typos. |
| |
| Version 1.3.2 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: April 17, 2006 |
| |
| - Changed the behavior of the validation class such that if a |
| "required" rule is NOT explicitly stated for a field then all other |
| tests get ignored. |
| - Fixed a bug in the Controller class that was causing it to look in |
| the local "init" folder instead of the main system one. |
| - Fixed a bug in the init_pagination file. The $config item was not |
| being set correctly. |
| - Fixed a bug in the auto typography helper that was causing |
| inconsistent behavior. |
| - Fixed a couple bugs in the Model class. |
| - Fixed some documentation typos and errata. |
| |
| Version 1.3.1 |
| ============= |
| |
| Release Date: April 11, 2006 |
| |
| - Added a :doc:`Unit Testing Library <./libraries/unit_testing>`. |
| - Added the ability to pass objects to the **insert()** and |
| **update()** database functions. This feature enables you to (among |
| other things) use your :doc:`Model class <./general/models>` |
| variables to run queries with. See the Models page for details. |
| - Added the ability to pass objects to the :doc:`view loading |
| function <./general/views>`: $this->load->view('my_view', |
| $object); |
| - Added getwhere function to :doc:`Active Record |
| class <./database/query_builder>`. |
| - Added count_all function to :doc:`Active Record |
| class <./database/query_builder>`. |
| - Added language file for scaffolding and fixed a scaffolding bug that |
| occurs when there are no rows in the specified table. |
| - Added :doc:`$this->db->last_query() <./database/queries>`, which |
| allows you to view your last query that was run. |
| - Added a new mime type to the upload class for better compatibility. |
| - Changed how cache files are read to prevent PHP errors if the cache |
| file contains an XML tag, which PHP wants to interpret as a short |
| tag. |
| - Fixed a bug in a couple of the active record functions (where and |
| orderby). |
| - Fixed a bug in the image library when realpath() returns false. |
| - Fixed a bug in the Models that was preventing libraries from being |
| used within them. |
| - Fixed a bug in the "exact_length" function of the validation class. |
| - Fixed some typos in the user guide |
| |
| Version 1.3 |
| =========== |
| |
| Release Date: April 3, 2006 |
| |
| - Added support for :doc:`Models <general/models>`. |
| - Redesigned the database libraries to support additional RDBMs |
| (Postgres, MySQLi, etc.). |
| - Redesigned the :doc:`Active Record class <./database/query_builder>` |
| to enable more varied types of queries with simpler syntax, and |
| advanced features like JOINs. |
| - Added a feature to the database class that lets you run :doc:`custom |
| function calls <./database/call_function>`. |
| - Added support for :doc:`private functions <general/controllers>` in your |
| controllers. Any controller function name that starts with an |
| underscore will not be served by a URI request. |
| - Added the ability to pass your own initialization parameters to your |
| :doc:`custom core libraries <general/creating_libraries>` when using |
| $this->load->library() |
| - Added support for running standard :doc:`query string URLs <general/urls>`. |
| These can be optionally enabled in your config file. |
| - Added the ability to :doc:`specify a "suffix" <general/urls>`, which will be |
| appended to your URLs. For example, you could add .html to your URLs, |
| making them appear static. This feature is enabled in your config |
| file. |
| - Added a new error template for use with native PHP errors. |
| - Added "alternator" function in the :doc:`string |
| helpers <./helpers/string_helper>`. |
| - Removed slashing from the input class. After much debate we decided |
| to kill this feature. |
| - Change the commenting style in the scripts to the PEAR standard so |
| that IDEs and tools like phpDocumenter can harvest the comments. |
| - Added better class and function name-spacing to avoid collisions with |
| user developed classes. All CodeIgniter classes are now prefixed with |
| CI\_ and all controller methods are prefixed with _ci to avoid |
| controller collisions. A list of reserved function names can be |
| :doc:`found here <general/controllers>`. |
| - Redesigned how the "CI" super object is referenced, depending on |
| whether PHP 4 or 5 is being run, since PHP 5 allows a more graceful |
| way to manage objects that utilizes a bit less resources. |
| - Deprecated: $this->db->use_table() has been deprecated. Please read |
| the :doc:`Active Record <./database/query_builder>` page for |
| information. |
| - Deprecated: $this->db->smart_escape_str() has been deprecated. |
| Please use this instead: $this->db->escape() |
| - Fixed a bug in the exception handler which was preventing some PHP |
| errors from showing up. |
| - Fixed a typo in the URI class. $this->total_segment() should be |
| plural: $this->total_segments() |
| - Fixed some typos in the default calendar template |
| - Fixed some typos in the user guide |
| |
| Version 1.2 |
| =========== |
| |
| Release Date: March 21, 2006 |
| |
| - Redesigned some internal aspects of the framework to resolve scoping |
| problems that surfaced during the beta tests. The problem was most |
| notable when instantiating classes in your constructors, particularly |
| if those classes in turn did work in their constructors. |
| - Added a global function named |
| :doc:`get_instance() <general/ancillary_classes>` allowing the main |
| CodeIgniter object to be accessible throughout your own classes. |
| - Added new :doc:`File Helper <./helpers/file_helper>`: |
| delete_files() |
| - Added new :doc:`URL Helpers <./helpers/url_helper>`: base_url(), |
| index_page() |
| - Added the ability to create your own :doc:`core |
| libraries <general/creating_libraries>` and store them in your local |
| application directory. |
| - Added an overwrite option to the :doc:`Upload |
| class <./libraries/file_uploading>`, enabling files to be |
| overwritten rather than having the file name appended. |
| - Added Javascript Calendar plugin. |
| - Added search feature to user guide. Note: This is done using Google, |
| which at the time of this writing has not crawled all the pages of |
| the docs. |
| - Updated the parser class so that it allows tag pars within other tag |
| pairs. |
| - Fixed a bug in the DB "where" function. |
| - Fixed a bug that was preventing custom config files to be |
| auto-loaded. |
| - Fixed a bug in the mysql class bind feature that prevented question |
| marks in the replacement data. |
| - Fixed some bugs in the xss_clean function |
| |
| Version Beta 1.1 |
| ================ |
| |
| Release Date: March 10, 2006 |
| |
| - Added a :doc:`Calendaring class <./libraries/calendar>`. |
| - Added support for running :doc:`multiple |
| applications <general/managing_apps>` that share a common CodeIgniter |
| backend. |
| - Moved the "uri protocol" variable from the index.php file into the |
| config.php file |
| - Fixed a problem that was preventing certain function calls from |
| working within constructors. |
| - Fixed a problem that was preventing the $this->load->library function |
| from working in constructors. |
| - Fixed a bug that occurred when the session class was loaded using the |
| auto-load routine. |
| - Fixed a bug that can happen with PHP versions that do not support the |
| E_STRICT constant |
| - Fixed a data type error in the form_radio function (form helper) |
| - Fixed a bug that was preventing the xss_clean function from being |
| called from the validation class. |
| - Fixed the cookie related config names, which were incorrectly |
| specified as $conf rather than $config |
| - Fixed a pagination problem in the scaffolding. |
| - Fixed a bug in the mysql class "where" function. |
| - Fixed a regex problem in some code that trimmed duplicate slashes. |
| - Fixed a bug in the br() function in the HTML helper |
| - Fixed a syntax mistake in the form_dropdown function in the Form |
| Helper. |
| - Removed the "style" attributes form the form helpers. |
| - Updated the documentation. Added "next/previous" links to each page |
| and fixed various typos. |
| |
| Version Beta 1.0 |
| ================ |
| |
| Release Date: February 28, 2006 |
| |
| First publicly released version. |