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Calendaring Class
The Calendar class enables you to dynamically create calendars. Your
calendars can be formatted through the use of a calendar template,
allowing 100% control over every aspect of its design. In addition, you
can pass data to your calendar cells.
Initializing the Class
Like most other classes in CodeIgniter, the Calendar class is
initialized in your controller using the $this->load->library function::
Once loaded, the Calendar object will be available using::
Displaying a Calendar
Here is a very simple example showing how you can display a calendar::
echo $this->calendar->generate();
The above code will generate a calendar for the current month/year based
on your server time. To show a calendar for a specific month and year
you will pass this information to the calendar generating function::
echo $this->calendar->generate(2006, 6);
The above code will generate a calendar showing the month of June in
2006. The first parameter specifies the year, the second parameter
specifies the month.
Passing Data to your Calendar Cells
To add data to your calendar cells involves creating an associative
array in which the keys correspond to the days you wish to populate and
the array value contains the data. The array is passed to the third
parameter of the calendar generating function. Consider this example::
$data = array(
3 => '',
7 => '',
13 => '',
26 => ''
echo $this->calendar->generate(2006, 6, $data);
Using the above example, day numbers 3, 7, 13, and 26 will become links
pointing to the URLs you've provided.
.. note:: By default it is assumed that your array will contain links.
In the section that explains the calendar template below you'll see how
you can customize how data passed to your cells is handled so you can
pass different types of information.
Setting Display Preferences
There are seven preferences you can set to control various aspects of
the calendar. Preferences are set by passing an array of preferences in
the second parameter of the loading function. Here is an example::
$prefs = array (
'start_day' => 'saturday',
'month_type' => 'long',
'day_type' => 'short'
$this->load->library('calendar', $prefs);
echo $this->calendar->generate();
The above code would start the calendar on saturday, use the "long"
month heading, and the "short" day names. More information regarding
preferences below.
====================== ================= =============================================== ===================================================================
Preference Default Options Description
====================== ================= =============================================== ===================================================================
**template** None None A string containing your calendar template.
See the template section below.
**local_time** time() None A Unix timestamp corresponding to the current time.
**start_day** sunday Any week day (sunday, monday, tuesday, etc.) Sets the day of the week the calendar should start on.
**month_type** long long, short Determines what version of the month name to use in the header.
long = January, short = Jan.
**day_type** abr long, short, abr Determines what version of the weekday names to use in
the column headers. long = Sunday, short = Sun, abr = Su.
**show_next_prev** FALSE TRUE/FALSE (boolean) Determines whether to display links allowing you to toggle
to next/previous months. See information on this feature below.
**next_prev_url** controller/method A URL Sets the basepath used in the next/previous calendar links.
**show_other_days** FALSE TRUE/FALSE (boolean) Determines whether to display days of other months that share the
first or last week of the calendar month.
====================== ================= =============================================== ===================================================================
Showing Next/Previous Month Links
To allow your calendar to dynamically increment/decrement via the
next/previous links requires that you set up your calendar code similar
to this example::
$prefs = array (
'show_next_prev' => TRUE,
'next_prev_url' => ''
$this->load->library('calendar', $prefs);
echo $this->calendar->generate($this->uri->segment(3), $this->uri->segment(4));
You'll notice a few things about the above example:
- You must set the "show_next_prev" to TRUE.
- You must supply the URL to the controller containing your calendar in
the "next_prev_url" preference. If you don't, it will be set to the current
- You must supply the "year" and "month" to the calendar generating
function via the URI segments where they appear (Note: The calendar
class automatically adds the year/month to the base URL you
Creating a Calendar Template
By creating a calendar template you have 100% control over the design of
your calendar. Each component of your calendar will be placed within a
pair of pseudo-variables as shown here::
$prefs['template'] = '
{table_open}<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">{/table_open}
{heading_previous_cell}<th><a href="{previous_url}">&lt;&lt;</a></th>{/heading_previous_cell}
{heading_title_cell}<th colspan="{colspan}">{heading}</th>{/heading_title_cell}
{heading_next_cell}<th><a href="{next_url}">&gt;&gt;</a></th>{/heading_next_cell}
{cal_cell_start_other}<td class="other-month">{/cal_cell_start_other}
{cal_cell_content}<a href="{content}">{day}</a>{/cal_cell_content}
{cal_cell_content_today}<div class="highlight"><a href="{content}">{day}</a></div>{/cal_cell_content_today}
{cal_cell_no_content_today}<div class="highlight">{day}</div>{/cal_cell_no_content_today}
$this->load->library('calendar', $prefs);
echo $this->calendar->generate();