| <?php |
| |
| // This autoloader provide convinient way to working with mock object |
| // make the test looks natural. This autoloader support cascade file loading as well |
| // within mocks directory. |
| // |
| // Prototype : |
| // |
| // include_once('Mock_Core_Common') // Will load ./mocks/core/common.php |
| // $mock_loader = new Mock_Core_Loader(); // Will load ./mocks/core/loader.php |
| // $mock_table = new Mock_Libraries_Table(); // Will load ./mocks/libraries/table.php |
| // $mock_database_driver = new Mock_Database_Driver(); // Will load ./mocks/database/driver.php |
| // and so on... |
| function autoload($class) |
| { |
| $dir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; |
| |
| $ci_core = array( |
| 'Benchmark', 'Config', 'Controller', |
| 'Exceptions', 'Hooks', 'Input', |
| 'Lang', 'Loader', 'Model', |
| 'Output', 'Router', 'Security', |
| 'URI', 'Utf8', |
| ); |
| |
| $ci_libraries = array( |
| 'Calendar', 'Cart', 'Driver', |
| 'Email', 'Encrypt', 'Form_validation', |
| 'Ftp', 'Image_lib', 'Javascript', |
| 'Log', 'Migration', 'Pagination', |
| 'Parser', 'Profiler', 'Session', |
| 'Table', 'Trackback', 'Typography', |
| 'Unit_test', 'Upload', 'User_agent', |
| 'Xmlrpc', 'Zip', |
| ); |
| |
| if (strpos($class, 'Mock_') === 0) |
| { |
| $class = str_replace(array('Mock_', '_'), array('', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), $class); |
| $class = strtolower($class); |
| } |
| elseif (strpos($class, 'CI_') === 0) |
| { |
| $fragments = explode('_', $class, 2); |
| $subclass = next($fragments); |
| |
| if (in_array($subclass, $ci_core)) |
| { |
| $class = $subclass; |
| } |
| elseif (in_array($subclass, $ci_libraries)) |
| { |
| $dir = BASEPATH.'libraries'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; |
| $class = $subclass; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| $class = strtolower($class); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| $file = $dir.$class.'.php'; |
| |
| if ( ! file_exists($file)) |
| { |
| $trace = debug_backtrace(); |
| |
| // If the autoload call came from `class_exists` or `file_exists`, |
| // we skipped and return FALSE |
| if ($trace[2]['function'] == 'class_exists' OR $trace[2]['function'] == 'file_exists') |
| { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| var_dump($file);die; |
| |
| throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unable to load $class."); |
| } |
| |
| include_once($file); |
| } |